″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture
″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture: In your newly educated opinion, which is more important; and why? Writing in your own ″voice″, explain and support your stance on this debate. Use at least two-three relevant examples from the course content discussed, and integrate your newly developed architectural vocabulary to help support your responses. In other words, develop and present your ideas utilizing your new understanding of architecture you′ve gained from this course. (Warning: Only Use info you′ve learned directly from our course, such as the Powerpoint, videos or textbook -NOT info you randomly found online!)[unique_solution]
″Form″ VS. ″Function″ in Architecture: In your newly educated opinion, which is more important; and why? Writing in your own ″voice″, explain and support your stance on this debate. Use at least two-three relevant examples from the course content discussed, and integrate your newly developed architectural vocabulary to help support your responses. In other words, develop and present your ideas utilizing your new understanding of architecture you′ve gained from this course. (Warning: Only Use info you′ve learned directly from our course, such as the Powerpoint, videos or textbook -NOT info you randomly found online!)