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female orgasm and its relation to masturbation

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female orgasm and its relation to masturbation

The question of female orgasm and its relation to masturbation has been prevalent over the years. Many sex experts and psychologists have had varying opinions on the topic and this has led to the formation of two major categories of individuals. One of the factions believes that masturbation is not useful in achieving orgasm in women and view the act as a selfish quest to derive self-satisfaction in the absence of a male partner. The other group of people believe in the contemporary view that masturbation is one of the ultimate channels of achieving orgasm in females. While both might be true, there remains scant information regarding the credibility of the independent claims on the topic. This has largely been due to the common societal belief that sexual education with emphasis on issue such as masturbation and female orgasm are immoral and thus taboo for discussion and research. However, various researchers have over the years conducted extensive research on the topic and some of the findings are exciting and astonishing at the same time.

A study conducted in on a study population in Helsinki, Finland showed that there existed no significant influence of masturbation on achievement of orgasm in women. The study was to establish whether engaging in masturbation and perfecting the act had any impact of improving orgasms. Instead, the study revealed that women have a tendency of foregoing their own orgasms at the expense of that of their partners. This study report finding can be supported by another study that was conducted in Australia. The study revealed that about 70% of women never experienced orgasms during sex with their male partners. On the other hand, almost all males experienced orgasms during coital sex (Khytam Dawood,1 Katherine M. Kirk,2 J. Michael Bailey,3). The findings elaborate on why there is a need for more indulgence into finding the best way to achieve orgasms in females. The alternative to vaginal-penile intercourse is masturbation using sex toys and other sex stimulation objects. In the past decade, the use of sex toys has increased rapidly and this means that there is a probability that their use has a notable impact on realization of orgasm in females.

The ultimate intention of any sexual encounter is to experience an orgasm. This means that irrespective of the means that is used in achieving orgasm, it is one of the desires in a sexual relation. Masturbation involves the act of simulating the physical coital intercourse between a male and a female. On that regard, masturbation in females removes the essence of having a male partner in deriving sexual pleasure. Most of the commonest means of masturbation in females is through the use of sex toys. Other means of sex that do not employ the natural for of vaginal-penile penetration such as anal and oral sex can also be considered as forms of masturbation. While the ways of masturbating are different, they are all designed to deliver the excitement and relief that comes with engaging in sexual relations with a male. Therefore there is a direct relationship between masturbation and orgasms in that the act of individual sexual stimulation is expected to bridge the gap that exists in the absence of a male sex partner. Without masturbation, achievement of orgasm would be impossible where there is no coital intercourse and this makes the former act a significant means of filling on the shortfalls of the latter.

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Decision making primarily involves the analysis of the risks and rewards and coming to a central consensus about the matter in question. In females, masturbation has apparent rewards in enabling them achieve orgasmic relief and joy. It is therefore an undertaking that many of them would take without fear, especially if coital intercourse is not sufficient in delivering sexual satisfaction. The method of masturbation used also depends on the desired output. Some techniques are not sufficient enough to derive numerous bouts of ecstasy and may therefore be less popular among females. However, this varies from one individual to the other as study has found out that achievement of orgasm is dependent on various parameters. One of the most apparent factor is the genetics of the individuals. Studies have revealed that different individuals have different receptions to sexual stimulators and this is largely influenced by their genetical backgrounds. Therefore, in regard to achieving orgasmic pleasure, different females will choose various masturbation techniques. This has nothing to do with a general trend but rather on the individual preferences and genetic makeup.

While it is apparent that masturbation is an act that has been present for long, there still exists fears when it comes to speaking about this topic. About 94% of males in partnered relationships masturbate while the number is relatively lower for females at 58%. The relatively lower number of females who masturbate for the achievement of orgasms is an indicator of their reluctance to seek pleasure despite statistics showing that half of them do not climax during coital intercourse. This is unlike in males where almost 90% achieve orgasm during vaginal-penile intercourse and still engage in masturbation. Females still remain silent and fearful about the topic of masturbation and this is largely due to the taboos that are associated with the act. This is in spite of the growing awareness in many parts of the world on sexual education and masturbation in females.

Also, a significant number of females are least concerned about achieving orgasm and often maximize their efforts in enabling males to achieve it. It explains why there is an apparent reluctance among females to speak about the topic. This may due to the trend of men acting as the alpha beings during coital intercourse and therefore controlling when to experience and bot experience an orgasm. However, despite the apparent apathy towards the topic, the number of females engaging in masturbation as a means of supplementing coital intercourse is on the rise. This implies that this topic is immense and it needs more attention than ever. For men, there has been an apparent indifference in regard to female masturbation. The general consensus among males is that females should derive maximum satisfaction from coital intercourse and any other action is wrong. For that reason, many men are reluctant to discuss female masturbation. This is especially common in backgrounds where men are more fixed to the conventional view that engaging in female masturbation is an alternative way of achieving orgasm in their absence.

Masturbation and orgasm in different races, ethnics, and religions

The topic of masturbation has always elicited mixed reaction among various races and this has been primarily due to the various beliefs that each community stands for. A study conducted in finding the prevalence of masturbation among individual females of different races revealed that whites are highly likely to engage in the self-satisfying act more than other races. Blacks were least interested in engaging in masturbation. This study reveals that female masturbation and orgasm among various races is one of the differentiating factors of the communities. Most of the black communities are highly conservative. They view masturbation as a taboo and engaging in it is limited to the individuals who have had interaction with other races. For female Whites, masturbation is a norm that is practiced by a large number to achieve orgasm. This is however limited to individuals who are less conservative and no adherent to the conventional beliefs about the demerits that come with engaging in the act.

Black females are often subjects of body shaming and other forms of abuses especially in a racial environment. In such a case, they are more conservative than their white counterparts in regard to exploring things such as masturbation( They are taught that sexual intercourse in reserved for a man and woman and anything outside the union is a taboo. This further expands to other sexual acts such as oral and anal sex. Blacks are less likely to engage in oral sex than white females and this is grounded on conservatism. Breaking the barriers proves to me a herculean task for the black women as they risk suffering from condemnation and hate from their counterparts. To avoid the stigma, most of them engage in vaginal-penile intercourse as the only known means of achieving orgasm.

Female masturbation is more highly castigated on religious fronts than on any other standing. Most religions view female masturbation as a form of breach of God’s law of the family union that dictates that the body should be kept pure from all forms of violation. Sexual intercourse is a means of procreation and mutual pleasure between a man and a woman according to the Catholic Church doctrine ( On that note, the church regards any deliberate activity on any individual, whether man or woman, to induce sexual pleasure outside the vaginal-penile intercourse to be sinful and therefore punishable. However, the church is cautious in that when the act of masturbation is done in preparation for the actual coital intercourse it is permissible and thus holy. According to the church’s doctrine any individual who knowingly engages in masturbation of any form is sinful and thus should desist from the act to avoid the repercussions that come with sinning. This is also the case in other religions such as Islam that regard female masturbation as disrespect to one self’s body and the male partner if the individual is married.

Masturbation begins much earlier for males at the age of around six months than females who discover about their vulva as they approach one year of age. Masturbation in young females to the point of orgasm is also prevalent as 25% of girls achieve fully climaxing through the act by the age of 15 years ( Often this is not done as a means of deriving pleasure or association with adult play unless the individual girls are exposed to sex from an early age. Instead, this is usually done to derive individual comfort and it is often evidenced by babies playing with their genitals during bathing. Additionally, female masturbation for toddlers and small kids is often done at any place since they do not associate it with any form of sexual pleasure. It is therefore a common occurrence to find young kids engaging in masturbation publicly. Following the discovery of sexual pleasure, the frequency and type of masturbation changes especially if there is expose to sexual content. Female masturbation in adults is also prevalent with about 50% having engaged in the act at least once in their lifetime. .

Attitudes and perceptions about masturbation

The biggest critic of masturbation is religious institutions, most of which consider masturbation as a sin. According to the bible, there is no mention of masturbation as an evil act. However, the story of a bible character called Onan is often referenced as a caution against engaging in masturbation. Many critics refute this as an evidence of masturbation on the grounds that Onan primarily engages in the act of vaginal-penile intercourse before withdrawing to ejaculate out the woman’s body ( This in itself is not an act of masturbation and can be instead be viewed as coitus interruptus. Some Christian religions such as Lutheranism consider masturbation to be a more vile sin than rape. According to the religion, engaging in masturbation involves engaging in the unnatural way of achieving an orgasm and this is more evil than rape which involves coitus. However, other Christian churches such as the Anglicans are neutral on the case of whether masturbation is right or evil. In Islam, there is a general consensus that masturbation is not good and every Muslim should desist from engaging from the act . However, a small faction in the religion believe that it is an appropriate alternative to fornication.

Lately, there has been increased acceptance between men and women on female masturbation. Hitherto, it was considered to be unusual for a married woman to engage in masturbation. Women who engaged in female masturbation to achieve orgasm were viewed as perverted individuals who only wanted to derive sexual pleasure for themselves. However, with the increased sexual satisfaction awareness and the availability of sex toys at available costs, female masturbation has increased significantly. Unlike in the past, it is not viewed as a self-gratifying act but as a way of exploring the diverse means of achieving an orgasm. However, there still remain a considerable number of conservatisms who maligned the issue and believe that the act is indecent and to some extent evil. Also, the long held myths about masturbation being a sign of depression are being ignored with there being numerous credible sources on the internet providing clarity on the affair.

There also exists different myths about the negative impact of engaging in masturbation. One of the most prevalent ones is that masturbation leads to poor sexual activity while with a male partner. While it might be true to some extent, there exists minimal evidence to support the claim. Another common myth is that masturbation leads to depression. However, this has not been proven although individuals struggling with depression have been found to engage in masturbation more often than their healthy counterparts in a bid to relief tension and find relief. The long held myths and misconceptions about female masturbation are vast and often act as key influencers in the individual’s decision to engage in the activity. However, in the recent past, these myths have been shunned and people are embracing the use of sex toys as valid alternatives to the vaginal-penile way of achieving orgasms.

Feasibility of using rats instead of rabbits to study female masturbation and orgasms

In conducting the experiment to test on whether masturbation brings about higher chances of orgasm than the normal vaginal-penile intercourse, it is feasible to replace rabbits with rats. The reasons behind this are numerous and it would increase the chances of getting more accurate results. One of the reasons is that it is easier to induce sexual behavior in rats than in rabbits. Rats are easier to tame and react to changes in meal rations immensely in comparison to rabbits. The best sample is obtaining rats that have been previously exposed to the natural environment. Such a population is easier to respond to preferential treatment that would increase their sexual activity during the period. Additionally, rats are viewed by many as pests and would therefore pose no ethical issue if the die during the experiment which is probable. Additionally, establishing the natural breeding environment for rats is easy as they are used to surviving on little food and still manage to procreate easily.

The natural way of inducing increased sexual urge in animals is through improving their living conditions and providing them with increased food supplies. Most of the times, rabbits are caged and are therefore used to the elevated living conditions. Therefore, using them as samples for the experiment may prove to be futile as their response may not be as expected. It is also easier to breed a large number of rats for the experiment than rabbits as they procreate swiftly. Additionally, sourcing rats from different environments is imperative in coming up with complete experimental results. This means that rats can obtained from various living conditions and their behaviors in response to masturbation, natural sex and orgasms is observed and compared. The ethical issue of ensuring that the experimental samples are not killed is also paramount in this experiment. In the event that a sexual inducing drug is injected into the animals to increase sexual activity, there is the probability of death occurring. In this case, using rabbits would be detrimental as their death would prove to be an issue with animal rights activists. On the other hand, using rats would be less severe as they are largely considered to be pests and there threats to the humans living environment.

During the experiment, rats from different environments will be collected and placed under conditions that simulate their natural habits. They will be allowed to stay in this environment for some period to ensure that they all acclimatize and familiarize to the surrounding. The rats will be placed in pairs comprising of a male and a female and the two will be allowed to stay together for some time. It is imperative to allow pairs drawn from the same environment to mate as this will enable comparison of the relationship between the genetical make up of individuals in relation to achievement of orgasms. The rats will be fed on highly nutritious food during the period of study to allow for stimulation of intercourse. If this is not enough to induce an increased sexual urge, the rats will be provided with an oral or intravenal treatment of a sex stimulant to boost their activity. They will be allowed to mate naturally and their performance monitored to determine the achievement of an orgasm. After natural coital intercourse, the female rats will be subjected to masturbation using the eggplant after some rest. The period taken to achieve an orgasm will also be monitored and recorded.


In this research, it is imperative to come up with different hypothesis as the basis of the study. There are numerous expectations from the experiment that would be proved to be right or wrong. They include the following:

  1. Male rats will generally experience more orgasms than female rats
  2. Female rats will experience more intense orgasms during vaginal-penile intercourse than during masturbation.
  3. Female rats will experience increased orgasms during masturbation than during coital intercourse.
  4. All female rats will show varying orgasmic responses to masturbation and coital intercourse depending on their backgrounds.
  5. Female rats hailing from the same background and genetical relation will experience similar orgasmic reactions

These expectations form the backbone of the experiment and they are imperative in drawing out a complete report on the impact of masturbation to the achievement of an orgasm. They will also form a foundation for comparing the relationship that exists between female masturbation and orgasm. this will be imperative in answering the question of the suitability of females performing masturbation as an alternative to the natural coital intercourse in achieving a climax.


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