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codes of ethics in Human service

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codes of ethics in Human service

Human service is a field of study whose aim is to meet the different social needs through the use of applied science. Through this applied knowledge, human service can rectify as well as offer preventive measures. Human service also commits to better the quality of life of the service populations by improving their service delivery and accountability. Social technologies are also studied in this process to clearly understand the culture, theories, and models of a particular group. The primary mission for the human service department is to build up a culture that allows all levels to work at the same time. Through this, accountability and accessibility is attained by the service population as their services are more efficient hence turn out to be very useful. This paper aims to discuss the codes of ethics and focus on where they are mainly aligned and how my passion has increased through this profession.

Being responsible to the clients is one primary ethical code that one should have. Professionals in the human service department have to identify and focus on the strengths that both the client and the community have. At the early stages of building the relationship between the client and the professional, the human service professional is obtaining quality information to provide the client. Clients should also have the knowledge that they can withdraw the consent anytime, but only if the court agrees. Some clients are unable to give consent; hence, they should have someone who understands the process.

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Responsibility to clients also entails protecting their right to privacy; however, if confidentiality can cause some problems, the particular agency provides a solution. Before the human service professionals offer to help a client, they must inform the client about the rules and regulations. Also, if the service professional suspects any danger from the client’s behavior, he/she acts according to prevent the harm which might be caused. Often, this involves consultation with the agency on the action to be taken, and the professional might decide to break the relationship.

Human service professionals are always responsible to the public as well as society. Respect and responsibility to the community and the public reflect a lot about someone’s character on whether it’s questionable or not. Human service professionals are very knowledgeable when it comes to society’s culture since that’s their place of growth. The traditions and beliefs are highly respected, and the presence of cultural diversity and its impact is recognized. Through this, peace is highly encouraged and promoted among the different people in public.

Responsibility to the public requires the human service department to understand the different laws and regulations put in place. Understanding the requirements as a professional is very important since the professionals take part in advocating for changes in the federal rules. Some laws are against the public, and the service professionals come in handy and consider the conflict of value, which means that the service department Whicconsiders whether the statutes are serving the public or taking from them. Since they have to grasp every current information, which helps them be at per with the issues affecting society. This act clearly shows the responsibility the human service professionals have towards the public as well as the community.

Also, responsibility to the employers is a primary ethic code that every human service professional has to equip himself/herself. Our employers are our source of income or rather destiny connector; hence, giving them respect will not harm. Thus, human service professionals should always adhere to the various commitments made to their employers. Professionals still indulge themselves in efforts that make them preserve and improve the working conditions to provide quality services to the clients. The professionals also engage in the evaluation of the effective measures that the agency can put in place to provide a more conducive environment for working.

Consequently, being responsible for the profession is key in the human service department. To attain professionalism in this department, service professionals always seek training to develop an experience. The training is mainly done through workshops and attending seminars; thus, the expertise is increased, and they can offer better services. Also, these training always increase the professional’s competence, and they are even able to compete with other agencies. Through this, they are also able to seek the right consultation and supervision, which significantly helps in decision-making.


Reviews on the various ethic codes

Having understood at the codes of ethics, my expectations are in alignment with two systems that I feel comfortable with. Being responsible for the public and society is one of my best ethics since the nation is everything and defines most of us. Through the culture, most of us develop character, and the community even equips us with the right virtues. Despite the society having some negative influence such as moral decadence among the youth, it still has more to offer. Through being responsible to the community and the public, one can keep up the trends and give back to society. Hence this moral code won’t be hard to follow.

Being responsible for my profession is also another ethic code that I can put up with. I chose this profession out of passion. Hence I have everything it takes to put up with it. Through this, I will be able to equip myself with more knowledge and increase my portfolio. Responsibility to the profession will also ensure that I work towards providing quality services since I love what I do.

Ethic codes that I will have difficulty.

Responsibility to the employers is one ethic code that I will personally have a problem with. The reason being some employers tend to be too hard on their employees, which causes an unfavorable work environment hence bad results. Also, some employers don’t offer a place of growth to their employees since they want to avoid competition. Competition is the worst notion that any employer will ever have since everybody needs a place of growth, a place that offers even training. These are the primary reasons that will give me difficulty in dealing with my employers.

Responsibility to colleagues is also a problematic ethic to cope with since some colleagues are not also showing responsibility to you. Just as respect is two-way traffic, so is responsibility. Sometimes you find that you show your workmates responsibility, but all they do is hate. This becomes very difficult, especially with me, since I find it hard to respect someone who doesn’t respect me. Therefore, this particular ethic will be a significant difficulty to adhere.

How passion has increased for my profession.

First and foremost, human resource service is a profession that most people don’t consider since they think it’s strenuous. Thus this particular panel session helped me in realizing the value in the human resource profession. The discussion on the cost for this profession got me thinking of even increasing my education level to impact more people. The value of one’s business is something every student should be taught about as it increases once morale. I also learnt that I should value the profession I chose, and through this, I will be more experienced.

Additionally, we were taught on “service to humanity is service to God”. This really caught up my attention since I always thought that the service offered to humans is in vain. The above quote has increased my passion for this particular profession since everyone loves to please their creator. Through this, nowadays am more passionate about the services that my society receives and am prompted to offer voluntary services in agencies.

Having a clear vision was also discussed in one of the panel sessions. Having a clear vision it means that one should know what he/she wants to accomplish within a given time. One should always make it his/her business to know everything possible since no human is limited. Articulation of one’s visions and goals is also very important, especially during an interview. This session helped me understand the importance of having a goal in which I wrote the goals down. Through visualizing and setting down goals, I have been able to develop and increase my passion since I can see that everything is achievable. Thus everyone should have clear goals and work towards them and watch your love grow.

Similarly, there was a topic on strategic thinking, which significantly increased my passion. Any great strategic thinker works with big companies, and that’s what every student accomplish. Through this session, I developed even more interest in being a profession in the human service department since it’s marketable. I even started tuning my mind towards being strategic since I have one primary goal of achieving big. I should also be able to understand the human service philosophies and their culture to develop a strategic mindset.

Conclusively, having learned the different ethic codes and understanding the ones I align myself with while I also know the laws which I have difficulty in attaining. Having all this knowledge has helped in the identification of what plan to put in place as I go on improving my career. Registering for more courses which talk and teach more about human service is something worth considering. Through taking this particular course I will be more knowledgeable as well as increase my expertise in this specific profession.

Various job ideas have popped in my head, and I have also seen job advertisements on blog pages and business pages. Having seen all these ideas, I have as well revisited my career and fully decided it’s the one I want to go with. However, a major concern that arose as I reviewed the session’s notes was the salary that some professionals are paid. The salaries are too low, which left me wondering how particular professionals get satisfaction, especially for human wants. Also, a significant concern was the state in which some residents are living in a while. There are offices dealing with social service in their areas. That was too devastating since we all expect this particular department to be explicit.

Lastly, my significant anxiety is seeing where the human service, in general, will be in the next ten years globally. This is because I believe in this movement, and it has a lot to offer, and if it’s well embraced, it will do wonders on various continents.

wHuman service is a field of study whose aim is to meet the different human needs through the use of applied science. Through this applied knowledge, social assistance can rectify as well as offer preventive measures. Human service also commits to better the quality of life of the service populations by improving their service delivery and accountability. Social technologies are also studied in this process to clearly understand the culture, theories, and models of a particular group. The primary mission for the human service department is to build up a culture that allows all levels to work at the same time. Through this, accountability and accessibility is attained by the service population as their services are more efficient hence turn out to be very useful. This paper aims to discuss the codes of ethics and focus on where they are mainly aligned and how my passion has increased through this profession.

Being responsible to the clients is one major ethical code that one should have. Professionals in the human service department have to identify and focus on the strengths that both the client and the community have. At the early stages of building the relationship between the client and the professional, the human service professional is obtained quality information to provide the client. Clients should also have the knowledge that they can withdraw the consent anytime, but only if the court agrees. Some clients are unable to give consent; hence, they should have someone who understands the process.

Responsibility to clients also entails protecting their right to privacy; however, if confidentiality can cause some problems, the particular agency provides a solution. Before the human service professionals offer to help a client, they must inform the client about the rules and regulations. Also, if the service professional suspects any danger from the client’s behavior, he/she acts according to prevent the harm which might be caused. Often, this involves consultation with the agency on the action to be taken, and the professional might decide to break the relationship.

Human service professionals are always responsible to the public as well as society. Respect and responsibility to the community and the public reflects a lot about someone’s character on whether it’s questionable or not. Human service professionals are very knowledgeable when it comes to society’s culture since that’s their place of growth. The traditions and beliefs are highly respected, and the presence of cultural diversity and its impact is recognized. Through this, peace is highly encouraged and promoted among the different people in public.

Responsibility to the public requires the human service department to understand the different laws and regulations put in place. Understanding the rules as a professional is very important since the professionals take part in advocating for changes in federal laws. Some laws are against the public, and the service professionals come in handy and consider the conflict of value. This means that the service department considers whether the laws are serving the public or taking from them. Since it’s their duty to grasp every current information which helps them be at per with the issues affecting the public, this act clearly shows the responsibility the human service professionals have towards the public as well as the community.

Also, the responsibility to the employers is a primary ethic code that every human service professional has to equip himself/herself with. Our employers are our source of income or rather destiny connector; hence, giving them respect will not harm. Thus, human service professionals should always adhere to the various commitments made to their employers. Professionals still indulge themselves in efforts that make them preserve and improve the working conditions to provide quality services to the clients. The professionals also engage in the evaluation of the effective measures that the agency can put in place to provide a more conducive environment for working.

Consequently, being responsible for the profession is key in the human service department. To attain professionalism in this department the service professionals always seek training to develop an experience. The training is mainly done through workshops and attending seminars; thus, the expertise is increased, and they can offer better services. Also, these training always increase the professional’s competence, and they are even able to compete with other agencies. Through this, they are also able to seek the right consultation and supervision, which significantly helps in decision-making.


Reviews on the various ethic codes

Looking at these codes of ethics, my expectations are in alignment with two systems that I feel comfortable with. Being responsible towards the public and the society is one of my best ethics since society is everything and defines most of us. Through the community, most of us develop character, and the society even equips us with the right virtues. Despite the society having some negative influence such as moral decadence among the youth, it still has more to offer. Through being responsible to the community and the public one can keep up the trends and give back to society. Hence this moral code won’t be hard to follow.

Being responsible for my profession is also another ethic code that I can put up with. Personally, I chose this profession out of passion hence I have everything it takes to put up with it. Through this I will be able to equip myself with more knowledge and increase my portfolio. Responsibility to the profession will also ensure that I work towards providing quality services since I love what I do.

Ethic codes that I will have a difficulty.

Responsibility to the employers is one ethic code that I will personally have a problem with. Reason being some employers tend to be too hard on their employees which causes an unfavorable work environment hence bad results. Also, some employers don’t offer a place of growth to their employees since they want to avoid competition. This is the worst notion that any employer will ever have since everybody needs a place of growth a place that offers even training. These are my major reasons that will give me a difficulty in dealing with my employers.

Responsibility to colleagues is also a difficult ethic to cope with since some colleagues are not also showing responsibility to you. Just as respect is two-way traffic so is responsibility. Sometimes you find that you show you workmates responsibility but all they do is hate. This becomes very difficult especially with me since I find it hard to respect someone who doesn’t respect me. Therefore, this particular ethic will be a major difficulty to adhere to.

How passion has increased for my profession.

First and foremost, human resource service is a profession which most people don’t consider since they think it’s strenuous. Thus this particular panel session really helped me in realizing the value in the human resource profession. The discussion on the value for this profession got me thinking of even increasing my education level so as to impact more people. The value of one’s profession is something every student should be taught about as it increases once morale. I also learnt that I should value the profession I chose and through this I will be more experienced.

Additionally, we were taught on “service to humanity is service to God”. This really caught up my attention since I always thought that service offered to human is in vain. The above quote has really increased my passion for this particular profession since everyone loves to please their creator. Through this nowadays am more passionate about the services that my society receives and am prompted to offer voluntary services in agencies.

Having a clear vision was also discussed in one of the panel sessions. By having a clear vision it means that one should know what he/she wants to accomplish within a given period of time. One should always make it his/her business to know everything that is possible since no human is limited. Articulation of one’s visions and goals is also very important especially during an interview. This session helped me understand the importance of having a goal which I wrote the goals down. Through visualizing and setting down goals I have been able to develop and increase my passion since I can see that everything is achievable. Thus everyone should have clear goals and work towards them and watch your passion grow.

Similarly, there was a topic on strategic thinking which greatly increased my passion. Any great strategic thinker woks with big companies and that’s what every student work. Through this session I developed even more interest on being a profession in the human service department since it’s marketable. I even started tuning my mind towards being strategic since I have one major goal of achieving big. I should also be able to understand the human service philosophies and their culture so as to develop a strategic mindset.

Conclusively, having learnt the different ethic codes and understanding the ones I align myself with while I also know the codes which I have a difficulty in attaining. Having all this knowledge has really helped in the identification of what plan to put in place as I go on improving my career. Registering for more course which talk and teach more about human service is something worth considering. Through taking these particular course I will be more knowledgeable as well as increase my expertise in this particular profession.

Various job ideas have popped in my head and I have also seen job advertisements on blog pages and business pages. Having seen all these ideas I have as well revisited my career and fully decided it’s the one I want to go with. However, a major concern that arose as I reviewed the session’s notes was the salary that some professionals are paid. The salaries are too low which left me wondering how the particular professionals get satisfaction especially for human wants. Also a major concern was the state in which some residents are living in while there are offices dealing with human service in their areas. That was too devastating since we all expect this particular department to be explicit.

Lastly, my major anxiety is seeing where the human service in general will be in the next ten years globally. This is because I believe in this movement and it has a lot to offer and if it’s well embraced it will do wonders in various continents.

wHuman service is basically a field of study whose aim is to meet the different human needs through the use of applied science. Through this applied knowledge, human service is able to rectify as well as offer preventive measures. Human service also commits to better the quality of life of the service populations by improving their service delivery and accountability. Social technologies are also studied in this process so as to clearly understand the culture, theories and models of a particular group. The main mission for the human service department is to build up a culture that allows all levels to work at the same time. Through this accountability and accessibility is attained by the service population as their services are more efficient hence turn out to be very effective. The aim of this paper is to discuss the codes of ethics and focus on where they are mainly aligned and how my passion has increase through this profession.

Being responsible to the clients is one major ethical code that one should have. Professionals in the human service department have to identify and focus on the strengths that both the client and the community have. At the early stages of building the relationship between the client and the professional the human service professional is obtains quality information to provide the client. Clients should also have the knowledge that they can withdraw the consent anytime but only if the court agrees. Some clients are unable to give the consent hence they should have someone who understands the process.

Responsibility to clients also entails protecting their right to privacy however, if the privacy can cause some problems the particular agency provides a solution. Before the human service professionals offer to help a client, they must inform the client about the rules and regulations. Also, if the service professional suspects any danger from the client’s behavior he/she acts according to prevent the harm which might be caused. Often, this involves consultation with the agency on the action to be taken and the professional might decide to break the relationship.

Human service professionals are always responsible to the public as well as the society. Respect and responsibility to the society and the public reflects a lot about someone’s character on whether it’s questionable or not. Human service professionals are very knowledgeable when it comes to the society’s culture since that’s their place of growth. The traditions and beliefs are highly respected and the presence of culture diversity and its impact is recognized. Through this peace is highly encouraged and promoted among the different people in the public.

Responsibility to the public requires the human service department to understand the different laws and regulations put in place. Understanding the laws as a professional is very important since the professionals take part in the advocating for changes in the federal laws. Some laws are against the public and the service professionals come in handy and consider the conflict of value. This means that the service department considers whether the laws are serving the public or taking from them. Since it’s their duty to grasp every current information which helps them be at per with the issues affecting the public. This act clearly shows the responsibility the human service professionals have towards the public as well as the community.

Also, responsibility to the employers is a major ethic code that every human service professional has to equip himself/herself with. Our employers are our source of income or rather destiny connector hence giving them respect will do no harm. Thus, the human service professionals should always adhere to the various commitments made to their employers. Professionals always indulge themselves in efforts which make them preserve and improve the working conditions to provide quality services to the clients. The professionals also engage in the evaluation of the effective measures that the agency can put in place to provide a more conducive environment for working.

Consequently, being responsible towards the profession is key in the human service department. So as to attain professionalism in this department the service professionals always seek training so as to develop an experience. The training is mainly done through workshops and attending seminars thus the expertise is increased and they are able to offer better services. Also, these training always increase the professional’s competence and they are even able to compete with other agencies. Through this they are also able to seek the right consultation and supervision which greatly helps in decision-making.


Reviews on the various ethic codes

Looking at these codes of ethic, my expectations are in alignment with two codes which I feel comfortable with. Being responsible towards the public and the society is one of my best ethics since the society is everything and defines most of us. Through the society most of us develop character and the society even equips us with the right virtues. Despite of the society having some negative influence such as moral decadence among the youth it still has more to offer. Through being responsible to the society and the public one is able to keep up the trends and moreover give back to the society. Hence this moral code won’t be hard to follow.

Being responsible to my profession is also another ethic code that I can put up with. Personally, I chose this profession out of passion hence I have everything it takes to put up with it. Through this I will be able to equip myself with more knowledge and increase my portfolio. Responsibility to the profession will also ensure that I work towards providing quality services since I love what I do.

Ethic codes that I will have a difficulty.

Responsibility to the employers is one ethic code that I will personally have a problem with. Reason being some employers tend to be too hard on their employees which causes an unfavorable work environment hence bad results. Also, some employers don’t offer a place of growth to their employees since they want to avoid competition. This is the worst notion that any employer will ever have since everybody needs a place of growth a place that offers even training. These are my major reasons that will give me a difficulty in dealing with my employers.

Responsibility to colleagues is also a difficult ethic to cope with since some colleagues are not also showing responsibility to you. Just as respect is two-way traffic so is responsibility. Sometimes you find that you show you workmates responsibility but all they do is hate. This becomes very difficult especially with me since I find it hard to respect someone who doesn’t respect me. Therefore, this particular ethic will be a major difficulty to adhere to.

How passion has increased for my profession.

First and foremost, human resource service is a profession which most people don’t consider since they think it’s strenuous. Thus this particular panel session really helped me in realizing the value in the human resource profession. The discussion on the value for this profession got me thinking of even increasing my education level so as to impact more people. The value of one’s profession is something every student should be taught about as it increases once morale. I also learnt that I should value the profession I chose and through this I will be more experienced.

Additionally, we were taught on “service to humanity is service to God”. This really caught up my attention since I always thought that service offered to human is in vain. The above quote has really increased my passion for this particular profession since everyone loves to please their creator. Through this nowadays am more passionate about the services that my society receives and am prompted to offer voluntary services in agencies.

Having a clear vision was also discussed in one of the panel sessions. By having a clear vision it means that one should know what he/she wants to accomplish within a given period of time. One should always make it his/her business to know everything that is possible since no human is limited. Articulation of one’s visions and goals is also very important especially during an interview. This session helped me understand the importance of having a goal which I wrote the goals down. Through visualizing and setting down goals I have been able to develop and increase my passion since I can see that everything is achievable. Thus everyone should have clear goals and work towards them and watch your passion grow.

Similarly, there was a topic on strategic thinking which greatly increased my passion. Any great strategic thinker woks with big companies and that’s what every student work. Through this session I developed even more interest on being a profession in the human service department since it’s marketable. I even started tuning my mind towards being strategic since I have one major goal of achieving big. I should also be able to understand the human service philosophies and their culture so as to develop a strategic mindset.

Conclusively, having learnt the different ethic codes and understanding the ones I align myself with while I also know the codes which I have a difficulty in attaining. Having all this knowledge has really helped in the identification of what plan to put in place as I go on improving my career. Registering for more course which talk and teach more about human service is something worth considering. Through taking these particular course I will be more knowledgeable as well as increase my expertise in this particular profession.

Various job ideas have popped in my head and I have also seen job advertisements on blog pages and business pages. Having seen all these ideas I have as well revisited my career and fully decided it’s the one I want to go with. However, a major concern that arose as I reviewed the session’s notes was the salary that some professionals are paid. The salaries are too low which left me wondering how the particular professionals get satisfaction especially for human wants. Also a major concern was the state in which some residents are living in while there are offices dealing with human service in their areas. That was too devastating since we all expect this particular department to be explicit.

Lastly, my major anxiety is seeing where the human service in general will be in the next te

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