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SAMPLE ONE: Is Buddhism better than Christianity?

Buddhism is one of the religious practices which mainly focus on the life and the teaching of Gautama Buddha. On the other hand, Christianity is also a spiritual practice that focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (King, 2016). Buddhism does not believe in a supreme creator such as God, unlike Christianity which is monotheistic and involves the belief that the Creator of the world is God or Jesus Christ the Son of God (Harding, 2018). From this viewpoint, the primary objective of this is to indicate whether Buddhism is better than Christianity doctrines. From my viewpoint, I will support that Buddhism is better than Christianity.

According to Buddhism, God is not the Creator of the Universe. However, Christianity indicates that God is the Creator of all creatures in the Universe (Harding, 2018). Buddhism supports activities associated with meditation, while Christians believe that prayer is essential in connecting with God. Mindfulness and meditation practices are highly valued in Buddhism (King, 2016). Buddha is the centre of attention in Buddhism, while Jesus Christ is the centre of attention in Christianity (Harding, 2018). Buddha was a human being while Jesus Christ was a divine and true son of God. It should also be noted that there are more Christians than Buddhists around the world (Mahadev et al., 2018). According to Christians, all people have sinned, while Buddhists believe that sin comes from desire.

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In Buddhism, personal effort is to recognize as the main factor for success and good life. Buddhism believers also support the view that the end of life will come during reincarnation. The Buddhists have a different emphasis and believe that an individual has to work hard to achieve his salvation and liberation in the world (Harding, 2018). This is why many Buddhists are disciplined, and the majority of them have a stable mindset. Evidently, this is a clear indication that Buddhism is better than Christianity.

On the other hand, Christians believe that there is life after death, and people should gain salvation to enjoy life after death (Harding, 2018). Christianity indicates that grace from God is important in achieving a good life (King, 2016). Salvation and liberation come through accepting Jesus Christ as the saviour, according to Christianity (King, 2016). Christians also believe that they will gain eternal life in heaven.

Despite the many differences between Buddhism and Christianity. It should be noted that there are some similarities. For example, both Buddhism and Christianity are founded in spiritual power and are taught through the use of simple parables and proverbs (King, 2016). Additionally, both Jesus Christ and Buddha sought to reform the existing of religious practices into the spiritual way of worshipping. In both cases, the love of money is regarded as the primary source of evil.

Moreover, both Christianity and Buddhism are based on egalitarian principles, and they have some shared values (Harding, 2018). For example, they both hate issues associated with the killing of others, lying, stealing and sexual immorality. Both are religious practices that focus on the importance of ethical living, love for others, and showing compassion to other creatures (Mahadev et al., 2018). In both practices, people are encouraged to take various steps to improve their well-being. Both also encourage people to help the poor in society (King, 2016). They also support divine consciousness and spiritual perfection as the process of achieving peace. However, I believe that Buddhism is better than Christianity in various aspects, such as meditation and mindfulness.

In conclusion, it is evident that there are various differences and similarities between Buddhism and Christianity. For example, Buddhism does not view God as the Creator of the Universe, while Christianity believes that Jesus Christ and God is the Creator of all things in the Universe. In terms of similarities, both Buddhism and Christianity support spiritual perfection, helping the poor and showing love to others in society. Both practices also support egalitarian principles and are taught through the use of simple parables. They both support moral and ethical living in the world. However, I wholeheartedly believe that Buddhism is better than Christianity in most aspects.


Does alcohol impact the bodies of women and men differently?

The use of alcohol is associated with several physical problems. For example, alcohol is linked to various health issues such as liver disease, diabetes, breast cancer, depression, as well as anxiety and stroke (Dawson & Grant, 1993). Taking small amounts of alcohol causes problems such as memory loss, blurred vision, restlessness and lowered inhibitions (Greenfield, 2002). Taking large amounts of alcohol can separate people from their intentions. People who take alcohol above 0.13% experience challenges of poor coordination and low judgment due to impaired vision (Lynch, Kable & Coles, 2017). From the above background, the primary objective of this paper is to indicate whether alcohol impacts the bodies of women and men differently. I will support the view that alcohol affects the bodies of women and men differently.

Alcoholism is one of the serious problems in various countries around the world. Its usage impacts almost all aspects of one’s life. People who use alcohol have reported multiple problems (Greenfield, 2002). This includes relationship problems, legal challenges, as well as financial destruction and a wide variety of physical issues (Lynch, Kable & Coles, 2017). The physical issues from alcoholism are dangerous. For example, alcohol causes lifestyle diseases such as mouth cancer and heart diseases. Alcohol abuse also causes ovarian cancer, anaemia and epilepsy (Greenfield, 2002). These diseases are dangerous and may lead to death if not controlled.

Alcohol abuse is also associated with injuries, accidents and increased risk of engaging in unprotected sexual activity. This increases the risks of sexually transmitted infections (Greenfield, 2002). Damaging relationships and arrests from irresponsible behaviours are also common after alcohol usage (Lynch, Kable & Coles, 2017). Surprisingly, severe dehydration, alcohol poisoning and blackouts are also among the primary physical effects of alcohol. Alcohol abuse results in the development of long term effects (Greenfield, 2002). For example, it causes an increased risk of dementia, throat cancer and digestion. People who abuse alcohol also have high chances of developing mental illness (Minnick, 2013). The habit of drinking consistently causes sufferings from malnutrition, low immune system and the only way one can avoid the physical effects of alcohol is to stop drinking.

Despite this, it should be noted that alcohol impacts the bodies of women and men differently. For example, when a man and a woman drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman’s blood-alcohol level will be higher than the man’s (Minnick, 2013). This is because women tend to be smaller than men and alcohol is held in the body in the body water and not in the body fat (Greenfield, 2002). Women have higher proportions of body fat than men, while men have higher body water than women. Thus, the alcohol in the body water in women is more concentrated (Minnick, 2013).

Additionally, if women drink a lot of alcohol, some percentage is broken down in the stomach walls before it reaches the bloodstream and this affects their blood flow in the body (Dawson & Grant, 1993). Alcohol consumption is also associated with breast cancer in women. According to recent studies by World Health Organization (WHO), more than 25% of alcohol-related deaths are due to cancer problem and breast cancer is common among women than men (Lynch, Kable & Coles, 2017). Alcohol also affects women during pregnancy and can cause harm to their baby. Biologically, women also have a low number of enzymes that break down alcohol in the liver.

In conclusion, the paper indicates that there are various physical effects of alcohol. This includes challenges such as falls, injuries and accidents. Alcohol also causes altered behaviour and diseases. People who abuse alcohol cannot avoid conflicts with others, and they may also experience long term cognitive challenges. The paper also indicates that alcohol affects men and women different. This is because women appear smaller in size and have more fats than body water that control alcohol concentration in the body.


Is it true that what makes a Good Teacher is their Dedication and Passion to Teach?

The question of what makes a good teacher has puzzled many scholars and educators at different levels of education. Although many scholars have argued that cognitive and affective aspects of teaching define a good teacher, there is no clear definition of these aspects (Mageehon, 2016). Past studies by Jenkins (2016) failed to clarify some of the qualities that define a good teacher. Based on the above background, the primary objective and aim of this essay is to support the view that what makes a good teacher is their dedication and passion for teaching students. I will explain the quality of a good teacher using an example of my favourite teacher, Mr.Jones, who was dedicated to teach us without complaints.

Many research-based studies and reports on different education models have revealed that cognitive and affective aspects define a good teacher (Grayling, 2015). The affective aspects of a good teacher include the teacher’s emotional intelligence, values, teaching competence and personality traits. According to Jenkins (2016), a good teacher has the ability to stimulate a positive emotional response in the teaching and learning process. The teacher also depicts the ability to impart positive educational ideals among students. Specifically, a good teacher has high teaching competence and relates well with his/her students. The teacher act as a role model to students and students can learn from their social interaction with the teacher. My favourite teacher Mr Jones had a caring and loving attitude. All the students in our class liked him and the majority of students wanted to be teachers in the future since they were inspired by his love for students.

The cognitive aspects of a teacher include the teacher’s ability to arouse student’s interest, ability to communicate ideas in a clear and organized manner as well as the ability to impress and motivate the students (Jenkins, 2016). Additionally, a good teacher has the ability to help students develop critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and problem-solving skills. These are some of the practical skills that students can apply in real-life situations. I can attest that Mr Jones, my favourite teacher, had these skills. He could communicate mathematics information in a simple and clear manner. He would listen to all students’ viewpoints without discrimination.

Moreover, it should be noted that teacher’s teaching ability, research skills, and interpersonal communication skills also matter in defining a good teacher. A good teacher has the ability to teach students different skills using different approaches (Grayling, 2015). The teacher researches his area of specialization and communicates his newfound ideas in a clear and straightforward manner to the students. Grayling (2015) noted that the teacher interacts freely with the students and gives them the opportunity to share their viewpoints and opinions. The teacher also considers that students have different abilities and teach them based on their intelligence levels. This was clearly evident in Mr Jones personality and teaching style. He flexibly taught us mathematics, and he was a caring teacher.

In conclusion, it is evident from this essay that several factors define a good teacher. For example, cognitive and affective aspects of teaching make a good teacher. A good teacher is dedicated to teaching, has strong emotional intelligence skills, depict high teaching competence and stable personality. All teachers with the ability to impart positive values in their students have high demand in society. Notably, a good teacher has the ability to communicate ideas to students in an organized manner and also flexibly teach them. This motivates and inspires the students. My favourite teacher Mr Jones had these qualities, and he was able to impart practical skills in our life. I learned how to solve social problems, good social values and ability to think critically from him. Although Mr. Jones taught me ten years ago, I am still able to apply some of the practical skills he taught me today.


Is a Person Using Credit Card Better Off than a Person Refraining from Any Loans?

According to Konczal (2018), credit card refers to a card that allows the cardholder to borrow funds and pay goods and services provided he or she will pay back the original amount plus the interest. The credit cardholder also gets the opportunity to borrow money based on his or her credit rating. A credit card provides a convenient payment method and improves customer loyalty programs in terms of insurance protection, point rewards and other benefit packages rewarded to cardholders. Currently, many service providers and stores support the use of credit cards for consumers to take loans and make payments later. However, Christensen (2017) noted that credit cards are associated with higher interest rates than other forms of loans. Based on this premise, the primary objective of this paper is to critically evaluate and support the view that a person refraining from any loans is better off than a person using credit cards.

Maxted (2011) expounds that a credit card allows cardholders to pay for purchases in the form of debts. The cardholders are allowed to purchase items on credit, and payments are made later. This is a form of borrowing, and it attracts high interest that must be paid later by the cardholder. Notably, a recent study by Gorbachev and Luengo-Prado (2016) indicated that numerous Banks in the United States of America earned significant profits in their credit card portfolios with over 1.8% of the profits coming from the credit card interest payments and other credit card-related fee. Despite high-interest rates imposed on the cardholders, they are also expected to pay additional credit card fees. For example, Maxted (2011) noted that the United States of America credit card suppliers collected more than $30.3 billion in penalty charges in late 2010 alone. This is a clear indication that credit cardholders incur several expenses due to higher interest rates and increased debts and a person refraining from any loans is better off than them in the long run.

Christensen (2017) explicates that paying by credit cards encourage people to spend money that they do not have at hand. This is because the majority of credit cards do not require cardholders to pay off their balance each month, and one will not hesitate to buy while having a credit card. Credit cardholders also tend to make purchasing decisions faster than non-card holders, especially when purchasing slightly expensive items. This results in overspending and short-term consumption habits, rather long-term consumption planning. This means that refraining from personal loans is better than having a credit card.

Despite this, it should be noted that the use of credit cards is also associated with some benefits. For example, it is easier to buy things without carrying large amounts of cash (convenience), offers protection of purchases from damages or accidents and also helps one to build a good credit history (Gorbachev & Luengo-Prado, 2016). The credit card providers also engage their credit card users in customer loyalty and reward programs. Additionally, the use of credit cards is beneficial in cases of emergencies and can save one from unexpected problems that require immediate purchase (Maxted, 2011).

In conclusion, it is evident that credit card is associated with several disadvantages and some few advantages. Credit cardholders pay higher interest rates, experience increased debts and engage in overspending habits. From this argument, I believe that a person refraining from any loans is better off than a person taking credit cards for payments. This is because a person refraining from any loans will avoid any debts, overspending habits and will try to adopt long-term planning in his or her spending activities.


Is Racism a Global Problem?

According to Yellin (2013), racism refers to a belief in the superiority of one race over another and mostly leads to other social problems such as discrimination and prejudice. In support of the above findings, Joseph et al. (2016) noted that human beings have different social behaviours and values, and these behaviours can be ranked as either inferior or superior. From a historical lens, racism can be traced back to past slavery and segregation policies in the United States of America. Some argue that the apartheid regime in South Africa was an excellent example of racism. Based on the above background, the primary objective and aim of this essay is to argue whether racism is a global problem. I will support the view that there are various causes of racism, and it is a worldwide problem.

From their recent ethnicity and education studies, Forrest, Lean and Dunn (2016) noted that difference in cultures and ethnicity are the leading cause of racism in the society. They noted that people learn from their cultures and failure to recognize and appreciate other cultural values and beliefs is the leading cause of racism. Some people believe that their culture is superior to others and tend to discriminate others, leading to racism (Yellin, 2013). Thus, it can be argued that ethnicity and cultural biases is the leading cause of racism, and since all regions have different cultures, then racism is a global problem.

Accordingly, there are also social and political causes of racism. A good example is multicultural settings in the USA where political leaders depict white people to be superior to black people in society (Forrest, Lean & Dunn, 2016). This had led to social discrimination against blacks in society. There are also social causes of racism, especially in TV shows and movies where black people or non-whites are given subordinates roles to depict white superiority over blacks. Almost all regions have political differences, and this is a clear indication that racism is a global challenge.

It is also worth noting that government officials sponsor some racism problems. Some of the examples of state-sponsored racism causes include the Nazi German racism problem. This was ethnocentric thinking which fueled high level of racism in the society (Yellin, 2013). In ethnocentric settings, people discriminate against others based on their skin colour. Notably, racism challenges have been associated with lower intelligence levels and lack of cultural sensitivity.

From a psychological point of view, racism is ingrained in the people DNA, and this has been witnessed in several multicultural school settings in society. People attitudes towards others are based on their biological settings according to recent studies by Joseph et al. (2016). To control racism, top leaders should adopt movements and policies that promote the egalitarian society. This includes the formation of civil rights movements and hates crimes laws that will reduce and control racist speeches among people in society (Forrest, Lean & Dunn, 2016).

From the above argument, it can be concluded that racism is a big social problem in the current global society. The main cause of racism is the belief that some cultures are superior to others in society. From that perspective, it can be argued that racism is mainly caused by ethnicity and cultural differences, and it is a global problem. To control racism, top leaders should embrace diversity and avoid ethnocentric mindset. Moreover, governments must adopt anti-racism policies and programs to reduce discrimination and prejudice that fuel racism in society. This will lead to high levels of cultural sensitivity and awareness among people towards the dangers associated with racism.


Christensen, L. (2017). Play Your Cards: How to use a corporate credit card wisely. Utah Business, 31(6), 40.

Dawson, D. A., & Grant, B. F. (1993). Gender effects in diagnosing alcohol abuse and dependence. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49(2), 298–307.

Forrest, J., Lean, G., & Dunn, K. (2016). Challenging racism through schools: teacher attitudes to cultural diversity and multicultural education in Sydney, Australia. Race, Ethnicity & Education, 19(3), 618-638.

Gorbachev, O., & Luengo-Prado, M. J. (2016). The Credit Card Debt Puzzle: The Role of Preferences, Credit Risk, and Financial Literacy. Working Paper Series (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston), 16(6), 1-83.

Grayling, A. C. (2015, December 11). What Makes a Good Teacher? Chronicle of Higher Education. pp. B4-B5.

Greenfield, S. F. (2002). Women and alcohol use disorders. Harvard Review of Psychiatry (Taylor & Francis Ltd), 10(2), 76.

Harding, C. (2018). Buddhism, Christianity, and psychotherapy: A three-way conversation in the mid-twentieth century. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counseling, 20(1), 62–75.

Jenkins, R. (2016, June 24). What Makes a Good Teacher? Chronicle of Higher Education. p. A25

Joseph, N. M., Viesca, K. M., & Bianco, M. (2016). Black Female Adolescents and Racism in Schools: Experiences in a Colorblind Society. High School Journal, 100(1), 4-25.

King Jr., J. B. (2016). A Three-Way Method for the Buddhism-Christianity-Science Trialogue. Buddhist-Christian Studies, (36), 185–202.

Konczal, M. (2018). Holding All the Cards. Nation, 306(10), 8.

Lynch, M. E., Kable, J. A., & Coles, C. D. (2017). Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure in a prospective sample of young adults: Mental health, substance use, and difficulties with the legal system. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 64, 50–62.

Mageehon, A. (2016). What Makes a “Good” Teacher “Good” Women in Transition From Prison to Community Reflect? Journal of Correctional Education, 57(2), 145-157.

Mahadev, N., Chua, L., Deegalle, M., Whitaker, M., Wickramasinghe, N., & Winslow, D. (2018). Economies of conversion and ontologism of religious difference: Buddhism, Christianity, and adversarial political perception in Sri Lanka. Current Anthropology, 59(6), 665–690.

Maxted, L. (2011). Know Your Consumer Rights (and Responsibilities)/Understanding Credit Basics: Know the Score! /Using Credit Cards Wisely: Take Charge. Library Journal, 136(10), 72.

Minnick, F. (2013). Whiskey women : The untold story of how women saved Bourbon, Scotch, and Irish Whiskey. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: University of Nebraska Press.

Yellin, E. S. (2013). Racism in the Nation’s Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson’s America. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.


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