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The Effect of Conscious Thoughts on Water

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The Effect of Conscious Thoughts on Water

Chapter 1

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research is to search out the effect of human conscious thoughts on the water. This research study will also explore various reasons for the effect of human consciousness on the water. This research study will also explore multiple ways to create a marketable, treated water solution for water consumers. This research study will also explore various benefits for consumers of using marketable treated water solution.

Problem Statement

The human conscious thoughts and the creation of marketable treated water product.

Research question

What is the relationship between human conscious thoughts and water crystals?

What is the relationship between human conscious thoughts and improvement in the water quality?

What is the relationship between human conscious thoughts and water types?

How to create a marketable water product through treating it human conscious thoughts?

What benefits can treated water can bring for the consumers?

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Significance of the study

This research study is very significant and essential due to various reasons. This study will help us create a marketable solution of consciously treated water. Since it has been proved from previous studies that water treated through positive, conscious thoughts improves the ph and overall health of blood cells in the body, which translates many benefits to be reaped from drinking this water. Due to the cumulative effect, positive, conscious thought has on substances different potencies of positively charged water can be marketed. Wine that has been aging for decades is considered a delicacy in society. Therefore, water that has been given treatments of positive, conscious thought for decades has the potential to become a delicacy among society. Therefore, we have decided to create a marketable solution for consciously treated water for consumers and the overall community.

Limitations of the study

There are lots of limitations in the research study due to various reasons. The scope of this research study is minimal due to the uniqueness of this topic. There are not many research studies available for this topic, and not many people are interested in studying this topic. Since people think that it is a mythical topic that has no relation with reality. Therefore, our team faced lots of difficulties while interacting with senior managers of companies due to their busy schedules and their lack of willingness for our study.


The Effect of Conscious Thoughts on Water

Conscious thoughts are extremely powerful and rule human lives. Many scientific experiments incorporate the use of a placebo test. Placebos can generate similar effects to what is actually being tested, proving that conscious thoughts have an impact on the overall wellbeing of a human. (Pinch, 2016) There is plenty of controversy surrounding the topic of the effect of conscious thoughts on water. Many experiments and studies have been completed to arrive at an understanding of the effect conscious thought has on water. Water is the essence of all life. In the search for life outside of planet earth, finding water is a tale-tell sign that life might exist there. “Water is a necessity for every form of life known, with the possible exception of some plants or fungi that may get by on water vapor.” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, n.d., para. 3) It has been proven that conscious thought can impact human cells. (Radin & Yount, 2004) Conscious thought can be transmitted from one person to another, such as the experience of the psychic staring effect, where one can feel when they are being looked at by another person. (Sheldrake, 2005) The evidence about the effect of conscious thought in relation to human cells raises the question, “What is the effect of conscious thought on water, the essence of life?”

The Science of Conscious Thoughts in Human Applications

The power of conscious thoughts has been extensively researched in the scientific community. This specific topic of research is particularly challenging to obtain objective scientific data due to the metaphysical nature of human thoughts and the mind. Despite the challenge of acquiring concrete scientific data on the nature of the mind and rational thought, the use of technology such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalograms (EEG) has played an important role. There is scientific evidence that proves human thoughts with intentions from one person can cause brain activation of another person. (Standish, Kozak, Johnson, & Richards, 2004) “In some pairs of human subjects, a signal may be detected in the brain of a distant member of the pair when the brain of the other member is visually stimulated. This data supports the findings of similar studies performed in seven laboratories reported in the peer-reviewed literature”(Standish et al., 2004, p. 307)It is evident that humans can communicate with one another through thought alone. Most people have had the experience of feeling as though someone is looking at them without knowing prior that someone was. “In Britain, Sweden, and the United States, more women (81%) than men (74%) said they had felt they were being stared at. This experience occurred most commonly with strangers in public places, such as streets and bars. Also, significantly more women (88%) than men (71%) said they had found they could stare at others and make them turn around” (Sheldrake, 2005, p. 10) This phenomenon is referred to as somaesthesia or the psychic staring effect. (Sheldrake, 2005) Sheldrake states that proven through research and experiments, the feeling of being looked at can still be noticed even when looked at through a mirror. This emphasizes that it is the conscious thought that transmits the feeling of somaesthesia. Dean Radin and Garret Yount conducted a blind experiment where, over three days, random flasks of cultured human brain cells were exposed to positive, conscious thought through intentional healing and meditations inside of an electromagnetically and acoustically shielded chamber. (Radin & Yount, 2004, p. 103) It was concluded in the experiment that each day, the cultured cells were exposed to positive, conscious thought the growth of the cells exponentially exceeded that of the control group. (Radin & Yount, 2004) The benefit of conscious thought has a cumulative effect that builds upon its self; therefore, substances that have been given conscious thought consecutively will have a higher positive charge or impact from the conscious thought projected upon it.

The Science of Conscious Thought on Water

Because some humans can communicate through thought, is it possible for a human to send thoughts to water outside of the body, and how does the water respond to this?. Water crystals are shown to have more geometrical and aesthetic appearance after having good intentions and prayer focused on the water. (Radin, Lund, Emoto, & Kizu, 2008)Photographs of water that had been exposed to mobile phones, microwaves, and someone saying “you disgust me” all showed weak geometrical patterns that had no symmetry. Water that was exposed to someone saying thank you and excuse me showed clear geometrical symmetry. Human blood cells that are treated with water that have been exposed to negative talk through drinking the water lose their electrical charge creating rouleaux formations. Rouleaux are aggregations of red blood cells, indicating disease. Rouleaux restrict blood flow to the capillaries due to the lack of single, free-flowing blood cells available. Symplasts that are associated with critical health conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, and arthritis are present in the blood treated with the negative conscious thought water. This emphasizes the impact that negative conscious thought has on health effects obtained through drinking water. The same blood was treated 12 minutes later by having the experimentee drink the water that had been given positive, conscious thought. Their blood showed blood cells that had a strong electrical charge allowing the cells to carry oxygen, which in turn changes the ph of the blood, creating an aerobic environment that is prone to healing the body. (Emoto, 2006)This data shows there is a direct correlation to the effect that water treated with conscious thought has on the human immune system. There have been experiments conducted where containers of water and rice are exposed to words of negative and positive emotions. There was also a control container where nothing was said to the rice and water. This experiment showed that positive emotion induces fermentation to the rice water mix, whereas negative emotions induced rotting. (Pitkanen, 2019) The preserving elements of fermentation kept the rice from spoiling, allowing for longer shelf life. This valuable information can potentially increase the shelf life of products without using additional preservatives. If the shelf life of rice increases, this raises the question of what other benefits are the water and rice receiving? The results of the water with positive, conscious thought applied to human blood showed that it supports the overall wellbeing of human health. The rice experiment has been conducted by many scientists after Emoto to find the same results. However, some did not find these results replicable. It is essential to consider that at the present moment, there is no technology available that’s able to gauge and validate the quality of conscious thought. Due to this gray area of testing, it is possible that without full belief in the conscious thought being projected on the water, the effects of the conscious thought may not be effective.

Definition of terms

Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto was a famous Japanese scientist and author who believed in the relationship between human consciousness and its effect on water bodies around it.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a very useful medical imaging technique utilized in radiology to create pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. MRI scanners utilize powerful magnetic field gradients, audio waves, and magnetic fields to create various images of various organs of the body.



Conscious thoughts 

Conscious thought is a kind of awareness which helps us to engage with things around us. In addition, it also helps us in making choices about various decisions related to our lives.


Biomolecule, also called biological molecule, any of numerous substances that are produced by cells and living organisms. Biomolecules have a wide range of sizes and structures and perform a vast array of functions.

Water crystals

According to the doctor, Emoto water forms various kinds of crystals when it is frozen. The formation of water crystals takes place with several types of positive or negative thoughts.

Chapter 2

Literature review

We should keep in mind that passionate researcher Emoto must had a very close relationship with water. Therefore, he always claimed that a specific water volume could be raised through his body movements, which we call our body. He also claimed that whenever he raises his hand, the water level also raises with him. In addition to that, he thinks that his emotions act like a body or biomolecules. Emoto also claims that most fanatic PS can’t prove to him that he is doing some tricks to deceive people. Therefore, these fanatic people must take their materialistic logic to an end (Emoto, 2012).

Some people also claim that Emoto controls the body of water through some spiritual practices by fusing with the MB of water. However, this type of spiritual practice is not so popular within the community, and these kinds of things are complicated to perform. Moreover, Emoto also experienced and experimented with emotional imprinting. The basic concept of emotional imprinting states that living beings are a quantum critical system that makes them extremely sensitive to various kinds of perturbations. This converts the biological system into a sensing and motoring tool. This concept also proves that human intentions can easily affect any water body at the quantum level. The water quantum criticality changes with various values of Planck constant such as f /h = N. It should be kept in mind that dark matter has the most important role is playing a component in TGD inspired model of living organisms. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that the dark portion of water would be converted into a maximum position at the physiological temperature.

The conscious thoughts and intentions play an essential role in affecting the behavior of water crystals. Emoto is a most renowned scientist expert in treating water through Conscious thoughts. He has carried out an experiment to test the effects of conscious thoughts on water. The research carried out by Emoto found out that there is a modest difference of (p ¼ 0.03) in blind ratings of the subjective aesthetic beauty of crystals created through exposing water samples to distant intentions vs. proximal and distant control samples (Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water, 2011).

The comparison done during this experiment proved that the treated water crystals were declared as prettier than the neighboring controls (p ¼ 0.05, one-tailed). A similar analysis using objective ratings of image contrast was not significant when comparing across the three conditions. In addition to that, comparison among the proximal and treated controls again depicted a modest difference in favor of the intentional hypothesis (p ¼ 0.03). It must be noted that the faraway controls were as being slightly more beautiful than the treated samples when including all kinds of trails and things. However, there was a difference between the comparison of treated vs. proximal controls.  This difference was related to alignment with the previously reported pilot test. The current experiment improved the previous test designed by including 5 latest features to solve many different explanations.

(a) Utilizing a proximal control condition to remove environmental differences among controlled and treated samples

(b)Moreover, it is also very important to place petri dishes in different positions in the deep freezer to remove out any systematic temperature differences in the refrigerator.  (c) Moreover, he experimented through employing a triple-blind design to control for expectation biases on the part of the photographer, judges, and data analyst

(d) Emoto also included image processing for objectively characterizing images.

(e) Furthermore, he analyzed images than just judging the photographer through seeing crystals.

The design study used by the design elements excludes clear conventional subjective biases and environmental differences as plausible explanations for the given observed results. Moreover, it should be noted that consolidated results of the 2 studies seem to exclude chance as an explanation of observed behavior at  Z¼3.34 and p¼0.0004. Emoto initially felt that distant intention affected the water crystallization properties according to the hypothesis. However, it should be noted that the intention of active participants and nominal participants can’t be isolated from each other. Therefore, it is tough to interpret the actual results of this experiment involving intentions and conscious thoughts of many people.

Moreover, there were lots of degrees of freedom involved in the current experiment about intentions and water crystals. The unintended intentional effects badly affect human decisions. The selection of 6 bottles was also challenging as there was a huge available population of bottles, and researchers had to randomly assign those bottles to 3 factors of conditions, preparing and selecting the water drops by placing the water drop samples within the refrigerator. It also involves photographing and searching for ice crystals at the frozen water drops at various magnification levels through selecting one of a huge possible set of image processing algorithms to offer an objective measure related to image contrast. The most critical challenge is to carry out these kinds of tests by decreasing these degrees of freedom without implementing such restrictive constraints on the research design.

Jane Simmons Tests Water of Good Intention on Growing Wheat

James Simmons is one of the greatest proponents of treating water through good intentions for growing wheat. Therefore, she submitted a Ph.D. dissertation to the Faculty of Holos University graduate seminary. Jane carried out a thorough investigation of the effect of treated on wheat growth. She conducted a detailed experiment on her test subjects who were 8 Heart-Generated Coherence (HGC) practitioners utilizing the HeartMath technique. Heart math technique is an advantageous technique developed by the Institute of HeartMath after 20 years of detailed research on human physiology. According to this research, it has been proved that emotions significantly affect human physiology (Macisaac, 2014). This technique is also known as  Quick Coherence(R), as it enables us to recharge our body in as little as three to five minutes. This technique is beneficial as it helps user to bring more winner clarity as compared to before. Coherence word is used to define this technique as it helps user to create a state of the human body when the cardiovascular, nervous system, cardiovascular, immune, and hormonal systems are operating together harmoniously in an efficient manner. Research has also proved that the patterns of our heart rhythm depict various states of our nervous system dynamics and emotions. For instance, when a person is feeling irritable, inpatients, and tense, then his/her heartbeats moves into an incoherent and disordered pattern.



James Simmons carried out her experimentation by placing some of the water samples by keeping them close to the practitioners while they practiced them without being aware of it. Moreover, one more batch of water was directly given to the practitioners. She instructed them to focus positive thoughts on these second water samples. Additionally, she kept the control batch of water away from the practitioners and tried best to keep it away from any influence of any person nearby. Then she used the water on wheat seeds to observe the behavior of seeds as she was expecting them to grow differently depending on which kind of batch of water was utilized by them. After carrying out detailed experimentation, she found out a significant difference within the 16-week growth period of the experiment. However, she found out that the plants in the control group were comparatively behind the two groups of plants that were near the practitioners.

Moreover, she also suggested to carry out more experiments on this research topic as she thought people could take benefit of positive thoughts to treat water. Jane Simmons admitted that her study failed to prove that human intentions affect the water. However, she suggested other researchers carry out future experiments on human intentions and their effect on water. After her analysis, she concluded that the following factors affected her results:

The plants grew in the controlled environment got less sunlight as compared to plants in an uncontrolled environment. Since the first category of plants was kept in a greenhouse.

Jane Simmons also concluded that present concentrations and mental state of the practitioners might also affect the results. Moreover, some practitioners during the experiment expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness and its impact on the water. In addition, some practitioners also told us that their present overall life situations involved mid- to high-level stress.

Stanford University Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller is another very popular and renowned proponent of the power of conscious thoughts and its effects on the water. He has conducted many experiments to change the acid/alkaline balance (pH) within a vessel of water either up or down, without the addition of chemicals to that body of water just by creating an intention to do so. He has proved through his consistent experimentation that she can replicate these water pH results at multiple locations around the world.

Professor William Tiller- The impact of consciousness on the material world

Professor William Tiller also wrote a unique article on the conclusion drawn from his all previous studies done on this topic. He has been exploring the impact of consciousness on the material world for the last 30 years or so. He has shown through his numerous experiments that conscious intent can be easily imprinted on materials that can be transported to a faraway laboratory where they can bring various intentional effects imprinted on them. He has provided numerous notes as a summary of this well-researched article (Manek, 2019). William tiller has changed our ways of explaining our universe and its properties. Tiller successfully created an Intention Imprinted Electrical Device (IIED), which can alter the actions of enzymes, the acidity of water, and it also can facilitate physiological processes and increase the growth rate of fruit fly larvae. William tiller has proved that there is a strong effect of the positive, conscious thoughts on the four materials, as mentioned above. He has proved through comparing the separate influence of two physically identical devices through meditative processes.  An unexpected finding was that the laboratories in which these experiments were conducted became “conditioned” to enhance these effects, even after the devices have been removed from the laboratory for several months. Tiller thinks this was due to the spiritual “field of consciousness” that appears to fill a room where people have gathered regularly to meditate or pray together.

Tiller gathered ample proof regarding validation for this intuitive feeling showing that space utilized by wife and husband healer left the same conditioned effects as the laboratories at the storage place of IEED. Additional experiments created more surprising results as  IEED was placed in a beaker full of pure water inside the Faraday cage. This cage also shielded it from electromagnetic radiation. In addition to that, various types of thermometers were placed in the same line to IEED, and these thermometers showed a specific pattern of temperature gradient that was constant in spite of strong fans near the thermometers. This was very surprising as it was expected that fans would dissipate any heat differences among the thermometers. However, these fans failed to do so. Tiller claims that this is a unique finding which is unexplained according to conventional physics. Furthermore, more anomalous effects were noted when the IEED was displaced from the room.

The recent theoretical physics research has shown that there is no inert space between molecules and atoms. Therefore, tiller thinks that this is the place where conscious intent is imprinted. Tiller also believes that humans are just like spirits dressed in “bio bodysuits,” which consist of 4 layers concentrated on the vacuum and physical dimensions. Tiller also believes that consciousness is just like a bio bodysuit representing spirit as it exists in the matter, and these layers are directly connected with theories of physics.

Chapter 3


The survey was distributed randomly to people that buy water for themselves or others. The survey was distributed randomly to people that buy water for themselves or others. The main aim of the survey is to find the relationship between human conscious thoughts and improvement in the water quality. Moreover, it will also try to find a connection between human conscious thoughts and water crystals.

This methodology provides a guide of the research study consisting of vital elements for the creation of the research process. The main aim of this guide is to offer a reliable way to help with the work of the researchers who are doing the complex research process. This guide will also provide a concrete and solid tool to carry out the research study.

Our research study will utilize the research onion model for carrying a study on the marketable solution of the consciously treated water. Saunders created the research onion model in the last decade. The Research Onion model is a unique type of research model that diagram the three philosophies of Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology. These three philosophies have been kept out of the onion while carrying out the research. The research onion model consists of six layers of creating research methodology. The six layers used in our research study have been discussed below as follows:

First layer

This research study will use positivism as its leading research philosophy. Since this research philosophy will use Quantitative methods of research study to carry out research studies in social science research. Moreover, it will effectively carry out the analysis of creating a marketable solution of consciously treated water. (Bryman, 2013).

Second layer

This research study will use an Inductive approach to dig out a connection between motivational factors and improvement in employee efficiency. (Bryman, 2013). The inductive approach uses different methods to create theories and patterns about the researched topic. Third Layer

Our research team will carry out this study by conducting a survey. This survey will be conducted by distributing questionnaires between selected samples of 32 people working in any company.

Fourth Layer

Quantitative research is a very effective research method utilized in the social sciences and economics discipline. It uses Quantitative research techniques rather than qualitative techniques. The primary objective of using qualitative research tools is to gather in-depth knowledge of human behavior.

Fifth layer

This research study will utilize a cross-sectional technique to analyze the survey results of the candidates.  Cross-sectional study approach is a very effective study approach used by researchers working in the social sciences field. In this type of study, approach data is mainly gathered by a population at a specific point in time, and that data is also called a cross-sectional data set (Bryman, 2013).

Sixth Layer

Our research study will use a sampling technique to gather data (Saunders, 2011). Sampling is a very useful process that is utilized to collect the data from a small section of the overall selected population (Saunders et al., 2011).  This research study will use simple random sampling for gathering data. For this study, the researcher will collect the data from 32 individuals who are currently working for any public company. Sample of 32 individuals will be selected randomly. (Saunders et al., 2011).



Analysis tools 

The data would be analyzed with the aid of various Quantitative techniques in order to show a clear picture of the results. This provides a chance to analyze each question separately and draw out a conclusion depending on the responses of every question within the questionnaire.

Ethical Considerations

Researchers will take care of the ethical considerations before carrying out this research study. It is very vital for researchers to consider ethical issues while carrying out a research study. Therefore, it is essential to focus the aim of the study towards maximizing benefits for society and individuals as this will help researchers to reduce harm.In addition to that, it is also very essential to take care of the rights and dignity of groups and individuals included in the research study.

Moreover, it is also crucial to get the initial permission of all the major participants of the research study.This will save all the major stakeholders from any ambiguity and confusion. In addition to that, it is also very important for the people to respect the privacy of the major participants of the research study. The above mentioned ethical rules are vital components of normative ethics in social research.

Chapter 4


The survey was conducted by distributing questions to 31 people. The survey has proved that there is a relationship between human intentions and water development.

Therefore, more research studies should be conducted so that we can know the exact effect of positive thoughts on the water. Moreover, it will also help us to create a more feasible solution for the water industry. Additionally, it will also improve the health of consumers, and the positive energy will be created in them.




Chapter 5


Marketing Value of Water Treated with Positive Conscious Thought

The shelf life of water that has been given treatments of positive, conscious thought is extended. This translates to having a product that lasts longer, which is ultimately a significant selling point. Besides the longer shelf life of water-based products, there is a shift in society towards a healthier, more sustainable diet and lifestyle. Water and water in food products that are blessed with good intentional, conscious thought have the potential to be marketed as a new, better alternative to many food products while having a competitive advantage. The science behind water that has been given treatments of positive, conscious thought, improving the ph and overall health of blood cells in the body, translates many benefits to be reaped from drinking this water. Due to the cumulative effect, positive, conscious thought has on substances different potencies of positively charged water can be marketed. Wine that has been aging for decades is considered a delicacy in society. Therefore, water that has been given treatments of positive, conscious thought for decades has the potential to become a delicacy among the community. Based on the current shift of culture leaning towards a healthier lifestyle, the healing benefits of the water far outweigh the health effects of wine. Medicines that contain water could have their healing properties potentially maximized through conscious thought. The expense is minimal to conduct conscious thought, and the increased shelf life of products will provide the ROI alone. A recent study was conducted where conscious thought was successfully conducted over miles of land. Groups of people in different countries over 5,700 miles away conducted 5 minutes of positive, conscious thought prayer. They were shown where the water was being stored through a series of images on Google maps, and they were then shown the exact bottles that were receiving their positive, conscious thoughts. (Radin et al., 2008) If conscious thought treatment can be outsourced around the world, it can become readily available to a plethora of different organizations. Due to the fact that water is in an immense amount of products consumed every day, the overall health benefits of treating the water in these products with positive, conscious thought could have a highly impactful effect on the overall health of humans on the planet. The impact of medicines could be made stronger, and the shelf life of food items could last longer without the use of preservatives that could be potentially harmful for human consumption. The understanding of the effects of our thoughts should be taken into consideration on a widespread scale for the way society interacts with each other. With better understanding, not only could the overall health of humans on the planet be improved, but there is also the potential for a world with less hate towards one another.

It has been proved from experimentation that positive molecular changes take place when water is treated with positive thoughts. The molecular changes can be seen by taking photographs of the frozen crystals.

These things about water crystals can also be observed while using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room with high-speed photography. By using this technique, we can also photograph newly created crystals of frozen water samples. However, it should be kept in mind that it is not possible to crystallize all water samples used in experimentation. It has been seen that polluted water has the most destructed water crystals.

It can be easily observed that crystals created in the frozen water show changes when various kinds of specific, concentrated thoughts are focused on them. We can also notice that water from clear springs also shows complex, colorful, and brilliant patterns whenever it is exposed to romantic words. However, when they are exposed to negative words, then they create asymmetrical and incomplete patterns with strange colors.

Therefore, it can be concluded that our research has created new awareness about our conscious thoughts and its usage in creating marketable water solutions for our consumers. In addition to that, it also creates positive energy for us, which is very beneficial for our physical health. The experimentation on water crystals shows that our company can create healthy water products by treating it with conscious thoughts. However, it should be kept in mind that we have to conduct more research on this subject and field as it is the initial stages of production. Moreover, this product can also help us to create a healthy and renewable environment for our future generations. This product can positively affect the earth and our personal health.

When employees of our company taped the words “thank you” on a bottle of distilled water, the water crystals formed a beautiful shape representing gratefulness for the man who created these words on the bottle. Therefore, it can also be seen that these water crystals can be transformed into a liquid it providing good energy and healing.However, no crystals were formed when these water molecules were exposed to negative words such as Adolf Hitler or heavy metal music. Moreover, the molecular structure became very chaotic and disturbed. Additionally, when floral oil was added in the water, they transformed water crystals into the shape of a flower.

Moreover, this kind of water is perfect for drinking as it created positive energy for the consumer. It was observed that water crystals of water molecules near pollution were very chaotic and deformed. This kind of environment can easily create a huge amount of destruction for the water crystals. However, water molecules found near naturally beautiful environments are fresh, and they create healthy and unadulterated water for its consumers.


Bryman, A. (2013). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press.

Emoto, M. (2006). The Masaru Emoto Water Experiment [Video file]. Retrieved from

Emoto, M. (2011). The Hidden Messages in Water. Simon and Schuster.

Emoto, M. (2012). Water Crystal Healing: Music and Images to Restore Your Well-Being. Simon and Schuster.

Macisaac, t. (2014, 6 12). Can Human Thoughts Physically Change Water? A Look at 4 Experiments. Retrieved 12 4, 2019, from theepochtimes:

Manek, N. J. (2019). Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine. Conscious Creation LLC.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). Water: Life’s Elixir in the Solar System. Retrieved from

Pinch, B. (2016). More Than Just a Sugar Pill: Why the placebo effect is real. Retrieved from

Saunders, M. N. (2011). Research Methods For Business Students. Pearson Education India.

Pitkanen, M. (2019, June 20). The experiments of Masaru Emoto with emotional imprinting of water. , 1-10. Retrieved from

Radin, D., & Yount, G. (2004). Effects of Healing Intention on Cultured Cells and Truly Random Events. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10, 103-112.




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