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Reproductive System in Vitro-Fertilization

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Reproductive System in Vitro-Fertilization


Vitro fertilization is one of modern research projects around the whole which has gain momentum due to an increase rate of infertility. Most people across the world are familiar with the idea of fertilization. Fertilization concept is the idea of sperm joining the egg to produce zygote which eventually develops into foetus. Although in normal circumstances people may be unaware of the difference between normal fertilization and vitro fertilization. Each of these fertilization processes produces a healthy individual although they differ in the form. The continuous application of scientific knowledge has created an environment in which different scientists and researchers gather to evaluate the implication of dynamic world to humanity. The implication of these research items has led to improvement of human life, including productivity solutions as well as general human challenges. Modern technology is one key considerations in achieving modernization goals in human production. Fertilization has been a key concern in human health in the current world. Usually, fertilization normally occurs when a sperm fusses the egg within the fallopian tube. This is how fertilization on normal circumstances occurs, but normally people with difficulties in conceiving may choose to explore alternative means of fertilization. In this case most of them opts for vitro fertilization. Vitro-fertilization is a scientific method in which conception is done through modern reproductive technologies (Elder & Dale, 2019). This technique is a gift to the human society especially to individual who are facing problems in reproduction due to either male of female defectiveness. Although this modern concept of reproduction is assumed to generate riskier environment for the children born through vitro fertilization. This research paper tries to analysis the concept of the Vitro fertilization in regard to the modern technology as well as peer-reviewed research. The risk of Vitro fertilization to the children is also reviewed in an aim to create a substantive idea in regard to this concept.

The concept of Vitro Fertilization.

Vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most complex and expensive process which has resulted to the birth of many babies across the world. Previously, it was coined ad test tube babies. It involved fertilization of eggs by sperm outside the body in medical laboratories, the embryo formed is then place in human uterus for normal growth. This is one of the most complex discoveries which has resulted to mitigating the riskiness of infertility. Mostly, infertile couples consider this alternative productive method as the most viable remedy to there daily challenges. Vitro fertilization has been proven as an alternative solution to the production challenges.

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Infertility affects many people across the world. This has resulted from genetic disorders or influenced by environmental or the kind of food people consume. It has led to depression and physiological stress among the affected people. To overcome this challenging situation IVF was introduced to the world as surprise. Infertility concepts is based on two main categories; female infertility and male infertility. Female infertility usually results from damage in the uterus or fallopian tube such that no fertilization or conception which can take place. Male infertility results from very low sperm count. For a normal fertilization to take place a male person must be able to produce enough sperm. Moreover, female counterpart should have a healthy fallopian tube in which fertilization of egg occurs.

IVF occurs under the culture in which the egg which is fertilized is kept in a tube preference to the prevailing environmental conditions, in which it stays in within a defined period of 2-6 days and then transferred to human uterus through implantation. This usually happens depending on the genetic as well as environmental factors. In most cases the word test-tube babies is widely used to refer to the children born through IVF.

There are usually several factor to consider while conducting IVF.These factor forms the key considerations towards achieving successful operations. Age, the success rate of IVF usually decreases according to the age of the woman. Women age factor especially those who are below 35 years of age are more likely to success with this technique. The ideal consideration is the ability of woman uterus to accept implantation. In many cases, implantation fails due to insufficient tissues support and in this case age factor is considered. The other factor to consider is the number of births a woman had before going for IVF.In most cases this technique allows single births with rare cases of the twins and triplets. According to the research study on the IVF success rate it was found that about 64 % of all total births under investigation were done resulting to single babies, while twin babies resulted to almost 32 percent while the rest where triplets. The other factor is the woman needs for surgery. Surgery is one of the critical factors during implantation, nature of woman body may predict whether to conduct IVF or assume its benefits.

Due to intensification of research there are different techniques used in order to increase the success rate during implantation. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection is a technique whereby the sperm is directly injected to the ovum of the woman to increase the success rate. This technique was founded in 1992, after contusive research on better health management systems. Ideally, many women prefer this injection in an aim to prevent any possibility of tissue implantation rejection. Previous studies on animal production abnormalities revealed that the delay in sperm maturation delimits the technique goals. Endometrial Receptivity array; is a technique which determines the appropriate time for implantation. They key ideas in this technique is to create an enabling environment for healthy development of fetus. The hormonal balances are usually considered in an attempt to understand the critical concerns which relates implantation complications. In most cases implantation fails thus creating a doubting reasoning concerning IVF.The techniques helps to reduce the implantation failures. This techniques determines the appropriate time for administration of progesterone hormone.Furthemore it enables the administrator to clearly monitor women sensitive days such as menstrual cycle.Scientifically,this technique is proven to enable successful IVF since it incorporates the women physiological analysis-implantation genetic diagnosis this technique was introduced in early 1990s.Mainly,it is used to evaluate the parents who have genetic disorders  which can cause implantation failure. This discovery was considered as a greater milestone towards achieving accurate implantation mechanism. Although there is no define system in which these techniques can be condensed to acquire universal means of creating implantation security. The critical concerns are related with the embryo development.

The other techniques developed with an aim of technology-based development is embryoscope. This technique has been associated with development of embryo using technology. Usually, many parents may lack healthy uterus for baby development, therefore the only available option is to ensure child development is not affected by the environment (McLaughlin et al.,2017) Ultimately the preferred mechanism   is the use of incubators. Incubator technology are usually time-lapse. In most case child conceived in a normal way may experience developmental problems which might lead immature birth. In such circumstance’s incubator technology is used to maintain normal development condition only for a specified period of time. The embryo development can be examined using this technique whereby embryos are not separated from the incubator. This technique is further aimed at reducing stress due to variations in temperature, light or an exposure to excess oxygen as well as changes in the PH levels. This technique is used basically to improve the success rate especially to the parents with an implantation failure. Individual with surgical disorders are also subjected to this kind of technique mainly to create resolve such conditions.

The initial step in vitro fertilization is usually involved in a manner which women are subjected to taking hormone supplement ideally to stimulate ovaries to release eggs. Since ovulation takes place periodically, these supplements are biologically constrained with medical component basically for hastening ovulation hormones to release multiple eggs. When stimulation is successful, eggs are harvested with a lot of care in order to avoid early harvesting or late harvesting which might further lead to immature development. During the process of harvesting medical practitioners use hollow needle aimed at collecting many eggs from ovaries. The critical part in Vitro fertilization is harvesting both sperms and eggs from the parents. The sperm is used to fertilize egg in the laboratory under specified environmental condition. Failure to regulated surrounding environment may lead to immature growth or either disability.

How Vitro Fertilization Occurs

Vitro fertilization usually mimics the natural sexual reproduction design. The assumed responsibilities of male and female parents are constrained in a manner the ultimate goal of having a child is achieved. In a natural reproduction it begins at brain whereby the anterior pituitary gland stimulates the release of the follicle hormone which is responsible for ovulation. The critical consideration is the availability of male counterpart in releasing sperms through sexual activity to fertilize the released egg. The testorone hormone triggers the release of sperms. Just like a normal reproduction procedure vitro fertilization begins with an individual decision in regard to their abnormal conditions in their reproductive organs. Although it occurs mainly on physical perspective in which application of technologies is condensed into a criterion of coming up with viable outcome.

In an effort to create a viable technology which support test-tube development, closer consideration of the parent health is the key to successive reproduction. The criteria used by doctors and medical researcher suggests that before conducting vitro-fertilization is crucially important to consider parent age. Previous pregnancy should also be considered in an effort to determine the correct means of handling parent situation. Furthermore, type of fertility problem should be analyzed in relationship to the individual health.

Vitro fertilization should be exclusively be done after closer examination by doctor. Otherwise if done for the prestigious it may end up causing disability of infertility to the parents. In most cases people donate eggs as well as sperms in an effort to help infertile couples. The donated eggs are always subject to the receipt acceptance. Although in some cases the donated eggs may fail to combat with the woman uterus. Thus, hindering vitro fertilization. The other common which help and also can hinder vitro fertilization is the living habit of an individual.

The history of Vitro fertilization can be tracked back in 1978, when Louise brown became the first baby to born through vitro-fertilization. Her birth re-shaped the field of medical research as many medical practitioners gathered more information regarding her birth. After this innovative research many children have been born through IVF and this field has been growing since then. The critical concern in is the fertilization which is usually conducted in petri dish. The embryo can be further screened to ensure no disability associated with it.

Vitro fertilization is very costly in terms of financial is one of the modern developing technology in which does not only apply to human being but also to animals. The critical considerations in this technology is the ability and willingness of the participating parties. Currently many people usually prefer this kind of fertilization when they are afraid of sexual exposure. Modern technology and the series of evolving technologies have lightened up the field of medical research such that what seems impossible is made possible with science.

Reasons Why People Prefer Vitro-Fertilization

Ideally, people have different reasons for preferring vitro -fertilization. The dynamic world has placed everybody in an environment whereby they are free to choose what to do irrespective of myths and culture. One of the major reasons as to many people prefer vitro -fertilization is female infertility. This situation is common in today’s world. Female infertility can be caused by ovarian disease and chromosomal abnormalities. The x and y chromosomes in human body can be affected by different body internal factors which can trigger abnormalities within and individual reproductive system. Furthermore, male infertility is can influence vitro fertilization. In circumstances where male is unable to produce active sperms, insufficient sperm count as well as hormonal imbalances vitro fertilization is usually the remedy.

Complication of Vitro Fertilization

Complications of vitro fertilizations are the defective factors which hinder successful fertilization. In some cases, parent may experience multiple births in a certain period of time. Multiple births may increase the riskiness of pregnancy loss. This has remained to be a critical challenge to the individual who opt to have many children through this method. Basically, it’s it restrive in terms of embracing vitro-fertilization culture if individuals refer this method as the only mechanism to get more children. Strict limits should be embraced in effort to restrict number of births to be conducted in vitro fertilization. Some of countries such as Britain and German have enacted limitations on number of embryos that may be transferred.

Sex ration distortions. In most cases certain kinds of IVF can lead to sex distortions in which there could be more males or females in certain period of time. These distortions can further lead to the more deaths in one particular sex than others. usually, the biological considerations are done to evaluate the genetic component of the embryo. This is usually aimed at avoiding general disorder which may arise due to climatic and genetic interferences. The epigenetic modifications caused by the extended culture may further increase the possibility of deaths amongst the young children born through vitro-fertilization.

Spread of Infectious Disease

During vitro fertilization there is usually an option of sperm washing, which increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. Usually chronic diseases in a male can infect the female eggs thus creating a room for the development of deformed or risky child. In most cases male sperms can have hepatitis B, the American society of Reproductive medicine advises that sperm washing is not critical in vitro fertilization. Although if female partner has not been infected, sperm washing may not be necessary.

There is current debate in regard to the possibility of vitro fertilization spreading HIV/AIDS. Different states have prohibited vitro fertilization to the couple infected with HIV. This chronic disease is usually prevalent in sexual fluids and it can be easily transmitted through IVF.The rate of chronic disease among the old young generations has increased tremendously and therefore close examination of the both sperm donor and receiver will be essential in an effort to fight chronic infections. A risk of ovarian stimulation is usually can induce oocyte maturation. This results to the swollen and painful ovaries. In most cases women experience such pain especially during menstrual periods.

A prevalent review on the impacts of the IVF on child development indicated that there are high chances of the children born via IVF to develop birth defectives. In comparison with the natural conceived infants, Vitro reproductive infants have a higher risk of contracting several defects. However, the research found that the increased rate of the birth defects was exclusively related to the parental health concerns. Its only parent or genes donors who can’t determine outcome its terms of the health issues of a child. Authors have found that the history of infertility is closely related to the genes diseases .There is also higher chances of women being subjected to breast cancer as result of IVF (Van  et al,2016). It further elevates itself in absence of early treatment. Usually there is close relationship between the infertility and individual health concerns. Infertile people are most prevalent to chronic diseases.

Research Results

Research items have been published worldwide in regard to the vitro fertilization. For instance, Britain and German have enacted restrictive measures regarding the use of IVF.only specific people with health disabilities are allowed to use vitro fertilization for a specific period of time. In most case this technique has been challenged by authors in   manner that it creates vulnerability of health-related disease (Itsuto et al.,2017). Children born through this mechanism are most vulnerable to the health issues. In an effort to control population Britain manifest itself in a manner of encouraging only natural births.

Vitro fertilization does not counter any risks associated with child development. Children born through IVF are likely to experience abnormal cognitive developments such as school performance, social functioning and general child behavior. These behaviors are usually attributed to the child development environment which predicts the outcomes. In some cases, a child can be very bright or dull as a result of artificial fertilizations (Kushnir, et al.,2017). A limited long-term follow up information indicates that vitro fertilization has been associated with incidences of blood pressure, increase in body fat composition as well as early clinical depression in young adults. Increase in birth embryo manipulation can result to the deviant fetal growth, which generally affects the normal baby growth. Moreover, implantation can be very risky in term of body tissue compatibility. Research has found that several chronic diseases such as cancer usually develop during such conditions. This is usually prevalent to parent with infertility problem. In some cases, laboratory mix ups can occur leading to complex paternal units. These mix ups may result to complexities such as implanting wrong embryo to different women. Therefore, double witnessing especially during indication of the specimens is very essential.

The artificial stimulation of the woman ovaries can result to hormonal imbalances which can eventually result to abnormal body functioning. Although caesarean delivery has been further associated with the challenges of conducting vitro fertilization. Vitro fertilization has been demanding closer attention in terms of preventing emotional health and other related fertility complications (Rubio et al.,2017). Men are usually associated as passive contributors since they have less contribution in vitro fertilization. Although man’s fertility has been associated with the outcomes of IVF.Finally, the cost associated with IVF is the most challenging factor in terms of medical assessment as well as reproductivity nature of the vitro fertilization results.


All vitro fertilization programs in medical clinics should have a defined plan to protect the human tissues with an effort to create most prevalent outcome in terms of human development. If science and technology has been proven to create hope in less privileges in terms of infertility concepts, therefore the outcomes should be much better than natural mechanisms. Besides, there should be a development of emergency plan aimed at assessing appropriate needs in terms of embryo development.




Vitro fertilization is the most preferred method in treatment of infertility amongst men and women. Furthermore, can be adopted by women aged 40 and above years as long they not within the menopause brackets. In order to improve vitro fertilization further studies should be done in relation to modern technology and vitro fertilization. Technology has eased many activities and therefore it should be used to solve the most prevent challenges in the modern society. Although, there are resolutions in finding the outcomes related to chronic infection, vitro fertilization should be used exclusively to people with fertility challenges. Restrictive measures need to be adopted in order to curb the menace of vitro fertilization to anybody. Governments especially health department have a responsibility of enacting laws which restricts on the people who are supposed to use vitro fertilization.



















Elder, K., & Dale, B. (2019). In-vitro fertilization. Cambridge University Press.

Itsuto Hamano, Shingo Hatakeyama, Chikara Ohyama. (2017) Fertility preservation of patients with testicular cancer. Reproductive Medicine and Biology 16:3, 240-251.

  1. E. McLaughlin, J. F. Knudtson, R. S. Schenken, N. S. Ketchum, J. A. Gelfond, T. A. Chang, R. D. Robinson. (2019) Business models and provider satisfaction in in vitro fertilization centers in the USA. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics36:2, 283-289.

Kushnir, V. A., Darmon, S. K., Shapiro, A. J., Albertini, D. F., Barad, D. H., & Gleicher, N. (2017). Utilization of third-party in vitro fertilization in the United States. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology216(3), 266-e1.

Rubio, C., Bellver, J., Rodrigo, L., Castillón, G., Guillén, A., Vidal, C., … & Pellicer, A. (2017). In vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidies in advanced maternal age: a randomized, controlled study. Fertility and sterility107(5), 1122-1129.

van den Belt-Dusebout, A. W., Spaan, M., Lambalk, C. B., Kortman, M., Laven, J. S., van Santbrink, E. J., … & Land, J. A. (2016). Ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization and long-term risk of breast cancer. Jama316(3), 300

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