Reply to: Donald Trump Numerous Cut to Environmental legislation
It is now clear that President Donald Trump’s thoughts and leadership do not seek to uphold the long-lasting solution efforts initiated globally in conserving the environment to avoid future climate change. The UNFCCC umbrella converged all nations globally to develop mechanisms to mitigate aspects of climate damages (Bomberg, 2017). The main agenda advocated by the initiative is to maintain the current global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius as well as providing necessary help to developing countries to achieve a common goal worldwide. However, President Trump dangers the future climate conditions following various lessening of legislation established to protect and conserve the environment. Statistics show that since history currently greenhouse effect is at its highest with 3.4% increase a situation that not only affects American but the entire world as well (Samet, 2017). The U.S is among the most developed countries in the world; therefore, its contribution to efforts of conserving the environment as well as aspect of damaging the climate puts the nation at the forefront. President Trump wants to withdraw America from Paris Climate Change agreement, and yet at the same time in his period as the President, America experience the highest level of toxin emissions to the environment and also the world (Pfiffner, 2017).
I disagree with President Trump’s strategy of lessening environmental regulation as well as withdrawing from Paris Climate Change agreement. Necessary institutions and organizations should join hands all over the world and fight leadership exhibited by Trump. Not only those under his leadership will face the consequences in the future, but the effects will get experienced globally. Paris Climate Change agreement shapes the future and protects the interest of the next generation; therefore, environmental regulations should maintain, and all nations should adhere to the rules, and America should not withdraw from the initiative as well.
Bomberg, E. (2017). Environmental politics in the Trump era: an early assessment. Environmental Politics, 26(5), 956-963.
Pfiffner, J. P. (2017). The Unusual Presidency of Donald Trump. . Political Insight, 8(2), 9-11.
Samet, J. M. (2017). The Trump administration and the environment. heed the science.