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Maturity is not merely biological; it is also intellectual, emotional, and relational. Thus, restrictions to free speech and free thought on college and university campuses stunt growth in the latter three areas at a time in young peoples’ lives when these areas are most in need of developing effectively.   

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Maturity is not merely biological; it is also intellectual, emotional, and relational. Thus, restrictions to free speech and free thought on college and university campuses stunt growth in the latter three areas at a time in young peoples’ lives when these areas are most in need of developing effectively.   


College and university campuses are diverse places where all types of people meet for academic purposes. However, apart from academic credits, one can learn a lot of things in higher learning institutions. Most colleges and universities admit students that have different social backgrounds, different sexual orientations, different races, genders, and even religions. All this diversity is a learning ground where one can learn of different cultures and how they run their affairs.  As such this contributes to the relational, intellectual and emotional growth of the students as they learn how to interact with different people. Furthermore, this is the most suitable age for students to grow intellectually in readiness for the career world which demands a lot of intellectual, emotional and relational maturity. However, that outside-classroom learning experience would be hindered if there were restrictions to free speech and free thought. This essay will talk about how restriction to free speech and free thought on college and university campuses hinders intellectual, emotional and relational maturity.



To begin with, concerning student issues, students should be able to raise their grievances. in my trust this encourages students to speak up in-case of injustice or a failed system of administration without fear. When students learn to air their grievances, it keeps the administration of the college or university in check. The reason is that they know their student body will not hesitate to point out any form of corruption such as mismanagement of institution funds or unfair grading of exams. For instance, in the FIRE database, there is a case where the Binghamton University campus police surveil students and threaten prosecution over anti-racism flyers (Fountation For Individual Rights in Education). However, FIRE calls upon the university to drop these allegations because they violate the student’s freedom of speech.

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In the Missouri State University-West Plains, they value diversity, intellectual dialogue and free speech. In their website, they have a code of student rights and responsibilities that states that “The University encourages the expression of informative and differing viewpoints on issues and will support the presence on the campus of responsible persons representing various views.” (Missouri State-West Plains 3). as such this implies that the University appreciates the different views from students because they help keep the institution in check and also give suggestions on how to better their services. However, it is important to note that this freedom of speech is through a specified channel and order. The same website states that “Simply stated, a student with an academic concern should express that concern to the faculty member…  If the issue remains unresolved, the student may take the concern to the chancellor. A student may always contact the Affirmative Action Liaison for assistance.” (Missouri State-West Plains 3). Therefore, the University supports freedom of speech but only through the proper channel and if the student is not satisfied with the final decision, they can appeal to the next level of power in the administration. In this case, the university has put a control measure against the chaos that may arise when the students use unauthorized means of airing their grievances. As a result, students not only learn the importance of speaking up in case of injustice but also doing so in the right manner. On the other hand, if a university hinders the freedom of speech, students will not learn the virtue of speaking up and as a result practice self-censorship. In the real career world, people who do not have the confidence to point out mistakes or give suggestions are frequently oppressed and surpassed by the ones who have the confidence to do so. For this reason, universities that encourage freedom of speech produce mature students who are not afraid to air their views of grievances.

Further, when college and university students are given freedom of speech, they gain and develop emotional awareness. When a university suppresses freedom of speech, students develop self-censorship whereby one controls what they say and do to avoid criticism. In a situation where students develop self-criticism for a long time, it becomes their character and personality; they learn to suppress their emotions and become afraid of criticism. A person who is afraid of criticism cannot grow because when one takes criticism positively, it becomes a chance to check on one’s mistakes and devise methods of improving. Similarly, when one is afraid of criticism, they miss the chance to learn of their flaws through the eyes of others and therefore miss the opportunity for self-improvement. When the students suppress their emotions, they cannot fight what they believe. In the FIRE database, there is the case of students who wore black wristbands to protest against the Vietnamese war. The article states that “They were not disruptive, and did not impinge upon the rights of others. In these circumstances, their conduct was within the protection of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment…” (FIRE, 6). these students had been suspended, but when their case was investigated further, they were found innocent since they were expressing their freedom of speech, in this case, protesting against war. One of the students, Mary Beth Tinker, stated that their protest was fueled by what they believed in since their parents always accouraged them to speak their conscience. The article states that “When the Mary Beth, her brother, and their friend Christopher Eckhardt saw the violent scenes of the Vietnam War on the news, they felt compelled to take a stand against the war. They decided to wear black armbands to school to mourn the dead on both sides of the war” (HCC Learning web 4). In regards to this case, when students are given the freedom of speech, they are given a chance to fight for what they believe in express their emotions. as such this is essential because people who are in touch with their emotions make better decisions than people who suppress their emotions.

Besides, freedom of speech promotes relational growth and maturity. In this case, the students can relate well to each other regardless of the diversity in their backgrounds. When people sare given the freedom to speak their minds, they express what they feel and hence find other people who stand for the same beliefs. That is the reason why people from clubs and associations in college and university because they are different people who believe in the same idea and they feel the need to come together and discuss how to improve their situation. For instance, people who share a passion for animals can come together to fight against animal mistreatment. When a college or a university suppresses freedom of speech, people cannot find other people who have similar interests. For instance, the FIRE foundation has written to the president of Liberty University to protest against censorship of the students’ magazine. The letter states that “FIRE scuis concerned by recent media reports about the involvement of Liberty University’s leadership in the editorial decisions of Liberty Champion, a newspaper described by Liberty University as a “student-run” news outlet.” (FIRE 1). as such This is an organization that comprises of people who share similar beliefs concerning freedom of speech in the university. The letter further states that, “While Liberty’s written policies emphasize other university values over students’ freedom of expression, the university’s treatment of its student press is sharply at odds with your October 2016 statement that Liberty “promotes the free expression of ideas unlike many major universities where political correctness prevents conservative students from speaking out.” The FIRE organization has come together to fight for the rights of their colleagues who are being suppressed by their administration.” (FIRE 1). Such instances prove how freedom of speech can contribute to relational maturity because students can overlook their backgrounds and fight for what they believe in together.

Similarly, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education joined with two prominent civil liberties organizations to call on the University of Kansas to reject censorship and restore an art display that the university removed (FIRE 2). As such this is a suppression of the freedom of speech for the students. The article further states that, “The law is clear: The government can’t censor artistic expression just because powerful people don’t like it. Artistic freedom is especially important at our public colleges and universities, and we’re proud to stand with the ACLU of Kansas and the National Coalition Against Censorship in its defense.” (FIRE 2). As such, the university cannot censor students just because they feel like it.

Moreover, when students are given the freedom of speech, they increase their knowledge of what is wrong or right in the community. Placing the students in a protective cocoon is disadvantageous since they miss the opportunity to learn and assess situations. Without freedom of speech, students will never learn when they are in the wrong because they never experience the consequences of abusing the right to free speech. In his article, freedom of speech, permissible tailoring and transcending strict scrutiny freedom of speech, permissible tailoring, Eugene Volokh (3) states that “The government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” When students have the freedom of speech, they learn such clauses, and they can apply them when applying their freedom of speech. Also, the students familiarize with laws that come with freedom of speech, and this helps them make informed decisions when releasing information in the future. For instance, “The “disclosure” tort, which bars the public dissemination of “non-newsworthy” personal information that most people would find highly private, and more specific state laws that forbid some such communications, for instance, criminal laws forbidding the publication of the names of rape victims” (Volokh 5). As such this informs students of the value of private and personal information, and they can avoid breaking that law.


In summary, freedom of speech is an essential factor that enhances intellectual, emotional and relational maturity in university and college students. In my trust this is the age where future leaders are bred, and it is essential to mold leaders who have high intellectual, emotional and relational capacities.Works Cited

Dousmanis, Evangelos. “Binghamton University campus police surveil students and threaten        prosecution over anti-racism flyers.” FIRE (2018): 1.

FIRE. “FIRE Letter to Liberty University, August 24, 2018.” Foubndation for individual rights    in education (2018): 1.

HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE . HCC Learning Web. 2016. friday novemeber 2018.

Missouri State. “Freedom of Expression.” Student Life (2018): 1.

Prakas, Nicholas. “Civil liberties coalition calls on University of Kansas to restore flag art display.” FIRE (2018): 1.



(Missouri State)




TINKER et al. v. DES MOINES INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT et al..” First Amendment Library. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), n.d. Nov 25, 2018

Volokh, Eugene. “Freedom of speech and information privacy: The troubling implications of a right to stop people from speaking about you.” Stan. L. Rev. 52 (1999): 1049.

Volokh, Eugene. “Freedom of Speech, Permissible Tailoring and Transcending Strict Scrutiny.” U. Pa. L. Rev. 144 (1995): 2417.


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