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Analyse the titles Son of God and Son of Man. Did Jesus see himself as either or both?

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Analyse the titles Son of God and Son of Man. Did Jesus see himself as either or both?



“…one in being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” The Nicene Creed (325 AD).


This is a declaration of our faith that we pronounced every time we attend Mass. The creed is a personal statement of what we believe. We believe that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. A wide cross section of people, including theologians believe that Jesus was only a human person who had special gifts given to Him by God; they did not believe that He was truly God. They believe that He was a special prophet. However, the Council of Nicaea (325) believe that Jesus was not created, but existed from all eternity with God the Father. They further stated that there was never a time when Jesus, the Son of God, did not exist. Consequently, we proclaim that He was begotten, not made. However, it is indubitably that Jesus knew exactly who He is – the Son of man and the Son of God equally.


Son of God (Background)

Pope John Paul 11 in his Catechesis, states that according to the old covenant tradition, the Messiah is king and this messianic king is also called the Son of God.

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Historically, the phrase Son of God refers to those with special relationships with God.  In the Bible, the title is bequeathed on different persons for a range of reasons. To begin, the initial reference can be found in Genesis 6:1-4. The Sons of God saw the daughters of man and got married to them. It further states that there were giants and the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children.


It is also used for angels as seen in Job 2:1 where it states that the Sons of God presented themselves to God.  Secondly, the nation of Israel is also described as the Son of God.  In Exodus 2:22, God told Pharaoh that Israel is His son and His firstborn. In my opinion, God had a special love for Israel; therefore, they were the chosen nation. In addition, the phrase is used as a title for kings Religious leaders, pharaohs, philosophers and emperors were occasionally called Sons of God


Son of God uses in the New Testament

In the New Testament, Jesus is referred as the Son of God in numerous ways. In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus was baptised by John, God spoke to John saying, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). This title was also used when the angel declare the birth of Jesus.  “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy child shall be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). When Peter confessed, he recognised Jesus as the Son of God, “But what about you?” he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:17). Demons recognised Jesus as the Son of God, and suddenly they cried out, saying, ‘What have we to do with you, Jesus, you Son of God?’ (Matthew 8:29).  Finally, Jesus recognised himself as the Son of God, Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live (John 5:25).


Son of Man (Background)


The phrase Son of Man appears a few times in the Old Testament. It is used as a poetical substitute for man. (Isaiah 56:2; Psalms 8:4; Psalms 146:3).  Ezekiel the prophet was called son of man by God ninety times. For example, ‘Son of Man’ stand up on your feet and I will speak to you’ (Ezekiel 2:1).  In Daniel 7:13, the phrase ‘Son of Man is used in one of his dreams in which he saw ‘one like the son of man’ come on the clouds of heaven to appear before the throne of God. He was given dominion over all people and an everlasting kingdom. Throughout the vision, “son of man” or “Son of Man” is used to refer to a Messianic saviour figure and this messianic character is filled by Jesus.


The book of Psalms states, ‘Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand: and upon the son of man whom you have confirmed for yourself’ (Psalms 80:17). This term son of man is used as a poetical synonym for a man.


Son of Man uses in the New Testament

According to Hurtado (2003), the Son of man sayings form part of Jesus’ dialect, His exclusive way of evaluating and construing his ministry and life. By using the phrase Son of man, Jesus expresses the yearning to identify Himself as a prophet like Ezekiel when he speaks about the demolition of the temple and Jerusalem renovation of the Kingdom of Israel. However, he also highlights the fact that He was born from a woman and shares the qualities of a human (Bock 2012).


References to the use of the term Son of Man can be placed in three categories: Jesus’s earthly activity (Mark 2:10, 28); Jesus’s passion (Mark 8:31; 9:9, 12, 31;) and His second coming (Mark 8:38; 13:26, 34; 14:62).  Jesus professed that the Son of man has the power on earth to pardon sins (Mark 2:5) and has power over the Sabbath for the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). Because he was challenged quite often by the scribes, I believe that Jesus used these Sons of man sayings at the start of his ministry deliberately to evoke His authority.


Jesus understanding of the Titles


Horsley (2001) states that in Mark, of the fourteen sayings of the Son of man, eight of them made reference to Jesus’s suffering , death and resurrection (Mark 8:31; 9:9, 12, 31; 10:33, 45;, 41) as a mean of self-reference. As a man, Jesus will die and He will return to sit at the right hand of God. This infers that God reveals Himself through Jesus establishing the heart of Christian apocalyticism (McKnight 2010). Because Jesus knew that His life, death and acquittal were for the good of all mankind, He submitted to it. He uses the term Son of man to make sense of it all and trusting God, His father (Allison 2009). The term Son of man was also used in reference to the second coming and the end of time (Mark 13:24). In Mark 8:38 Jesus warns that those who are ashamed of him and his words will find that the Son of man is ashamed of them when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.


By becoming man, Jesus did not stop being God; instead, His incarnation added his humanity. Jesus proclaimed to be God on many occurrences (Matthew 16:16, 17; John 8:58; 10:30). Equally, He was also human (Philippians 2:6-8). Therefore, Jesus understood Himself having two natures (divine and human) adjoined in one person. In addition, when questioned by the high priest if He was the ‘Son of God (Matthew 26:63), Jesus answered confidently that He was the ‘Son of Man’ who would come in power and great glory (Matthew 26:64). This showed that Jesus understood the term ‘Son of Man’ to stipulate His divinity as the Son of God.


Conclusion (Did Jesus see Himself as both?)

Based on the evidence provided, Jesus believed that He is the Son of God (a human person) who has been used by God and given the authority to rule God’s Kingdom- Earth. His authority is demonstrated by His power and miracles performed.  The Son of man is a divine person who is given the power to defeat evil and to create peace throughout the Earth. Jesus represents God’s kingdom on Earth, so He has extraordinary powers and capabilities to prove what God’s kingdom is like. Jesus revealed mighty performances of miracles and healings. For example, on the raging Sea of Galilee, Jesus calm the winds and His disciples fall down to worship Him and say, ‘Of a truth thou art the Son of God’(Matthew14:33).


When Jesus was preaching to His disciples about his uniqueness, He asks: ‘Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?’ (Matthew 16:13). In His conclusion, Jesus says, ‘For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom (Matthew 16:27-29). Peter declared emphatically   Instantaneously, Jesus explains His heavenly characteristics that are represented by the title Son of man. Jesus speaks of Himself in His imminent, adored, endowed, Second Coming state.


In my opinion, Jesus understood Himself to be the Son of man ( a heavenly figure) who comes to earth to bring peace by ridding the world of wickedness. However, the Son of man is not simply a violent, conquering hero. He is also the humble Son of God who can heal. Jesus used one title when speaking about himself but acknowledged the other title. Therefore, with the evidence provided, I truly believe that Jesus saw Himself as both Son of God and Son of Man.









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