A scholarly article is provided for you under your chosen topic, including a link to the article. You will also need to conduct library research on the topic and find a popular article on your chosen topic (e.g., from a magazine, newspaper, blogs, etc.). Refer to the library tutorial, which explains the difference between scholarly vs. popular articles and how to conduct library research on a topic. Critique and compare the scholarly article provided for you and the popular article that you find on your chosen topic. The critique of the two articles will be completed based on a predefined framework included in the ‘Assignment 1B – Worksheet’. This framework is taken from the online library tutorial that you completed in part 1A. Complete the information requested and answer the questions outlined in the left-hand column of the table in the Worksheet (i.e., 5 W’s). Following the critique, you will provide a summary of findings by answering the following questions specified for your specific topic as listed below. [unique_solution]Use the information provided in your scholarly article and via the PEN: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition (PEN) Be sure to provide your references in proper APA format and using in-text citations. Write clearly and concisely, with correct spelling and grammar. Challenging assumptions in obesity research Elizabeth, S., Melanie, J., Denise, C.-S., & Chris, van W. (2017). Challenging assumptions in obesity research. BMJ, j5303. Question 1 What is the proof against assumptions regarding weight loss? Question 2 How does the focus on weight loss cause harm? Question 3 How can one focus on improving health without pursuing weight loss