My personal nursing philosophy.
Academic level:Senior in College, Native English speaker Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper Must be a minimum of at least 500 words, no more than 550. INTRODUCTION should connect with philosophy and answer following questions: 1. What is nursing? What purpose do nurses fulfill? What is nursing′s role in society? 2. What are the most important characteristics that a nurse should have? You can add quotes when explaining this point. 3. What does being a great nurse mean? What are important values to uphold?*(USE CARING, COMPASSION, AND RESPECT for values) 4. What do I want to achieve in the nursing career? What are my responsibilities and commitments to patients, families and communities? The points listed below need to be part of your paper. *Personal values of caring, compassion and respect should be mentioned. [unique_solution]Person What is your belief about the person? What makes up the person’s environment? How do the individual and the environment interact? What needs does the person have? Health What is your view of health? Dynamic? Continuum? Holistic? *USE HOLISTIC APPROACH How does illness relate to health? How is health affected by beliefs? Culture? Religion Environment How does the environment promote or interfere with health? How does the nonphysical environment promote or interfere with health? Philosophy or theory that you believe most influences your thoughts on nursing. *Use the philosophy/theory from Jean Watson. What is the central reason for the existence of nursing? What nursing theory/philosophy do you most closely align with? Why? Explain the philosophy or theory in your own words. APA 6th Edition Format. Professionally written, grammatically correct without spelling errors and typos. Recheck APA usage. *USE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES (APA style) helpful link: