Communicating with an Autistic child home and school setting
The proposal of my work will be looking at how a child with autism communicates with people in home and school setting. This research will be based around a few questions such as: how does a child with autism communicate with those in a home environment? How does a child with autism communicate in school setting? How does the communication in these given two environments differ? Does it differ? How do people change their ways of communication whilst communicating with a child with autism? All of these questions will be looked at briefly throughout my research, which will help shape my work. The main aim of my research is to understand the difference in communication with a child suffering with autism, in a home and school setting. My methodology will consist of looking at how communication with an autistic child is different at school and home, and this will be supported by evidence and data.
This should include a brief explanation of what prompted you to investigate your chosen area and a justification of the significance/important of the proposed topic referring to your own experience and academic source.
The reason behind this investigation is due to trying to understand the ways in children with autism communicate. My main focus will be looking at the difference in communication at home and at school, aiming to understand how the communication differs, if so how and why and if it does differ. This is quite a significant area to be researched as it can help understand other aspects of autism, related to communication. It will help me understand how communication between a children with autism is different to children without, what triggers a difference in autism and to what extent does autism affect communication. Although autism does affect many aspects of child’s life, to what extent is communication involved. With the help of academic sources I will be able to look research further into the issue of communication. I will also be relating this to my own experience, and seeing how adults approached me as a child in order to communicate with me and how this is different to a child with autism.
Literature review (approx 1600 words)
All I need is 550word please use books on early childhood studies
Or you could use bbc website or guardian
Trevarthen, C. (1998). Children with Autism: Diagnosis and Interventions to Meet Their Needs. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.