Sociological Research on Employers Doubting College Students Preparedness for Their Future Careers
After you read the article ″Well-Prepared in Their Own Eyes″ in the introduction, and the content of lesson 2, discuss the following questions:
(You must read Chapter 2 and learn about research methods to respond to this assignment!) How did the researchers conduct this research? What form of research method did they use? Do you think that this was the best choice in research methods? Why? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this method? Is the research valid and reliable? Be sure to explain the terms in relation to social science research! Then, discuss your evaluation of the research. Refer to course materials for your definition and application of the terms!
Were you surprised by any of the findings?[unique_solution] Explain? Why do you think it is that students are not well prepared in the areas of written and oral communication, critical thinking skills, and creativity?
Do you think that this class can help you develop or improve any of these skills? Explain. Do you think that the current expectations for communication skills, critical thinking skills, and creativity will change with the increased use of technology and the changes in the