E-business and Digital Economy
It important for an e-business model to create value in a way that is differentiated from the way competitors’ models create value. business model ensures an interactive and personalized communication with its customers’ offers a higher ability speed and accuracy track and measure the capacity, 24 hours communication.(Osterwalder et al 2005) e. business adjusts the user experience it gives better information of products and services, this enable users to form communities, that provide positive feedback about the service, the quality of goods. e. business sometimes lower the price as well as reducing execution time.
The customer perspective in e business measure the following factors, time quality performance services and cost. For instance to estimate the time taken to deliver any order to the clients whether it helps the business owner to improve on the time used to deliver goods( Kalakota et al 1999). The quality of the service or product sold to the customers makes advancement and change for the best quality products and services to meet customers ( Pateli, et al 2004).The monetary value of the product or service helps the business to fix prices that are affordable to all customers( Kalakota et al 1999). Internal perspective having quality online technical help customer follow up survey which identifies the client needs and in turn the business offer the technical services ,the time duration taken to answer customer mails is improved. Quick product cycle the measure is the total number of days required to make the product this aids in meeting the customer needs in appropriate time.
Societal perspective is very crucial in any successful business( Pateli, et al 2004).. Taking into consideration the variations in culture of its potential buyers, the business model that eliminated geographic distances and location asymmetries amongst sellers and brings buyers in a common virtual marketplace that took into consideration the differences of its users’.( Kalakota et al 1999) E-business aids in building the society .Both the esteemed customers creates awareness in the society about the e- business by educating and enlightening people on e- business. As a result many people in the society will turn up to e business. This results to change in the society.