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 Narrated PowerPoint Presentation

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 Narrated PowerPoint Presentation


Weighting: 30% of total unit mark


1. Demonstrate anThrough clear, conciseThrough clear andThrough clearThrough description andDid not demonstrate
understanding ofand accurate descriptionaccurate description anddescription andexplanationsufficient understanding
pharmacological andand explanationexplanationexplanationdemonstrated sufficientof pharmacological and
non-pharmacologicaldemonstrated detaileddemonstrated detaileddemonstrated soundknowledge ofnon-pharmacological
approaches to managingknowledge ofknowledge ofknowledge ofpharmacological andapproaches to managing
changed behaviour inpharmacological andpharmacological andpharmacological andnon-pharmacologicalchanged behaviour in
dementia.non-pharmacologicalnon-pharmacologicalnon-pharmacologicalapproaches to managingdementia.
Weighting 30%approaches to managingapproaches to managingapproaches to managingchanged behaviour in
changed behaviour inchanged behaviour inchanged behaviour indementia.
2. Locate a primaryLocated a highly suitableLocated a highly suitableLocated a suitableLocated a suitableDid not locate a suitable
research article andresearch article.research article.research article.research article.research article.
produce a summary ofProvided a clear andProvided a clearProvided a soundProvided an adequateDid not provide an
its key features and
concise summary of thesummary of the keysummary of most of thesummary of the keyadequate summary of
key features andfeatures and findings offeatures and findings offeatures and findings ofthe research article, or
Weighting 25%findings of the researchthe research article,the research article.the research article.mainly quoted from the
article, synthesised at asynthesised to create aresearch article.
higher level to createnarrative.
your own narrative.


3. Analyse the potentialUsed key supportingUsed key supportingUsed supportingUsed supportingDid not use supporting
effectiveness of areferences that werereferences that werereferences that werereferences that werereferences, or used
pharmacological andcurrent and highlyhighly relevant to therelevant to the specificrelated to the specificreferences that were
non-pharmacologicalrelevant to the specificspecific pharmacologicalpharmacological andpharmacological andnot relevant to the
approach to supportingpharmacological andand non-non-pharmacologicalnon-pharmacologicalspecific pharmacological
quality of life of anon-pharmacologicalpharmacologicalapproaches.approaches.and non-
person with dementia.approaches.approaches.Provided a sound criticalProvided an adequatepharmacological
Weighting 25%Provided a concise andProvided an integratedanalysis of thecritical analysis of the
contextualised criticalcritical analysis of theeffectiveness of theeffectiveness of theDid not adequately
analysis of theeffectiveness of thepharmacological andpharmacological andanalyse the
effectiveness of thepharmacological andnon‐pharmacologicalnon‐pharmacologicaleffectiveness of the
pharmacological andnon‐pharmacologicalapproaches.approaches.pharmacological and
4. Use appropriateAppropriate for a slideAppropriate for a slideAppropriate for a slideAppropriate for a slideAppropriate for a slide
academic presentationpresentation:presentation:presentation:presentation:presentation:
style, correct grammarConsistently adhered toGenerally adhered toMostly followedMore often than notOccasionally used
and spelling, clear and
grammaticalgrammaticalgrammaticalfollowed grammaticalgrammatical
readable presentation,
conventions andconventions andconventions and usedconventions and usedconventions and
and accurate academic
academic style.academic style.academic style.academic style.academic style.
Weighting 20%Logically and succinctlyLogically structured theLogically structured theStructured the contentPartially or poorly
structured the contentcontent to create acontent to create ato create a mostlystructured the content.
to create a cohesive andcohesive and coherentcoherent piece of work.coherent piece of work.Occasionally referenced
coherent piece of work.piece of work.
Mostly followed APAMore often than notand acknowledged a
Accurately andAlmost alwaysreferencingfollowed APAsource of information.
consistently adhered toaccurately adhered toconventions, in both thereferencing
APA referencingAPA referencingtext and the referenceconventions, in both the
conventions, in both theconventions, in both thelist.text and the reference
text and the referencetext and the referencelist.




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