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how theories in cognitive psychology can be applied to make our lives better

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how theories in cognitive psychology can be applied to make our lives better


The aim of the Individual Assignment 1 is to allow you to understand how theories in cognitive psychology can be applied to make our lives better. You will need to conduct a literature research on how theories in cognitive psychology can be applied. The chosen application could be one that is implemented in a work place setting, in public space or even in our daily lives, as long as it has a direct positive effect on our lives.


You can write on topics that were covered in class prior to deadline of the assignment 1, on topics covered in the later part of the semester 2 or other topics in cognitive psychology not covered in this subject3. However, you will need to consult your tutor before 16th November 2018 to ascertain whether your choice of topic is relevant.


The minimum word count for your paper is 1500 words (not including cover page, references, tables and figures). There is no maximum word limit, but do note that I do not grade with a the-longer-the-paper-is-the-higher-the-marks heuristic. In fact, sometimes when your paper is too long, it means too much irrelevant and superfluous information were included. This will result in a lower quality assignment, and also a lower grade.[unique_solution]


It is necessary for you to include the following as part of the content of the paper:


  • A description of the theory and related research findings supporting the theory – it is recommended that you read from approximately four to five journal articles related to the theory so that you can provide a comprehensive description of the theory (approximately 800 – 900 words)


  • A description of at least one application of the theory, which must be supported by published materials (e.g., journal articles, book chapters) – it is recommended that for each application you describe, you can provide at least two cited sources for the application so that there is sufficient content. Note that you can provide more than one application of the theory and will be awarded extra marks if the additional application(s) are relevant (approximately 400 – 500 words per application)
  • A discussion of the implication of the above theory in your life or in any other domains of work or life that is not mentioned in the original articles. Note that you will have to provide a detailed description (approximately 300 – 400 words)


  • References & Cover Page


You may also wish to include any figures or tables if you feel that it might help you illustrate your points. However, please note that titles and captions of figures and tables will not be included in the above-mentioned word limits. Do note that the proposed word count for each part of the paper listed above is a suggested word count and not a rule. Depending on how your paper is written, the word count may exceed the suggested word count and that is fine.



  • Perception, Attention, Short-Term Memory/Working Memory, Long-Term Memory, Visual Imagery

2 Memory, Language, Problem Solving or Decision Making.

3 Learning, Metacognition, Numerical Cognition, Developmental Cognition, Social Cognition, etc.


You are recommended to find examples NOT covered in either lectures or tutorials. If you wish to use examples that were presented in class, please note that you have to go above and beyond the scope presented in class4.


This paper is worth 15% of the total assessment for this subject. You are required to write the paper in the APA format5 and the deadline for the assignment is Sunday, 16th December 2018, 23:59. However, you may hand in your assignment earlier, and I encourage you to do that.


It may seem daunting to write a paper, but the subject team will help you in several ways:


  • Time will be set aside during the tutorial on the week of 29th October (i.e., Week 3, before flex week) to allow you to consult with your tutor on the topic(s) that you are interested to explore for this assignment.


  • Your tutor can look through the proposed outline of your paper from the week of 12th November to the week of 26th November (i.e., Weeks 5 – 7) to provide feedbacks. However, you will have to be proactive in approaching your tutors for the consultation. Also, to ensure fairness, we will only allow one consultation per student with regards to this assignment. Hence, we highly recommend you come to the


consultation prepared (i.e., have done some research, read some articles, drafted out the outline for the paper, etc), so as to gain more from the consultation.

(iii) Two resources have been included to help you with your assignment. The first is an excerpt from Keith Stanovich’s book “How To Think Straight About Psychology” which discusses how psychological theories can be applied in the real world, especially in a work or industrial context. The second is a guide for good writing practices that you should adopt when writing this assignment.


The deadline is non-negotiable. Failure to meet the deadline would cost a drastic penalty of your assignment marks (25% deduction for the first minute, and a subsequent 10% deduction every day that your assignment is late).


 Procedures for Assignment Submission .


The final assignment is to be submitted via SafeAssign on the LMS system by Sunday, 16th

December 2018, 23:59.  The  course  assignment  cover sheet should  also  be  included  (see


Appendix B). Marks will be deducted for assignments with no cover sheet.


Your assignment must be typed using the following format:


  • Font type: Times New Roman,


  • Font size: 12


  • Line spacing: Single


If you have any questions regarding the assignment, do not hesitate to ask. Please refer to Appendix A for the grading rubrics and Appendix B for the sample cover page.



  • In other words, if you take the example from class without doing any additional research and elaboration on these applications, expect a big fat zero for your grade.


5 Refer to APA Manual 6th Edition or “Pocket Guide to APA Style” by Robert Perrin.

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