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Tegrity Presentation Rubric

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Tegrity Presentation Rubric


Requirements of submission: Submit a URL that links to a Tegrity video presentation. For more information about using Tegrity, see these Tegrity resources. There should be an audio recording that goes along with the PowerPoint presentation in the same format and fashion as the one provided by the instructor as a video overview in Module One. Use Tegrity to create a voice recording along with PowerPoint slides (There is no requirement to show video during the presentation, but audio is required).


Presentation No. 1 should be 3–5 minutes in length. The presentation should include 3–5 PowerPoint slides documenting the idea, its value and uniqueness, and what problem it solves or need it meets.


Presentation No. 2 should be 3–5 minutes in length. It should include PowerPoint slides or other material to properly “pitch” the idea to potential investors. There are no specifications on how many PowerPoint slides to use, and you may also choose to show various websites or other resources using the Tegrity video screen capture tool to maximize the value and impact of the pitch.

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When applicable, discipline-appropriate citations must be used.


Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.


CriticalExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)Value
ContentIncludes all of the mainIncludes most of the mainIncludes some of the mainDoes not include any of the25
elements and requirements;elements and requirements;elements and requirements;main elements and
explores multiple issuesexplores some issues throughexplores minimal issuesrequirements; does not
through extensive collectioncollection and in-depththrough collection andexplore issues through
and in-depth analysis ofanalysis of evidence to makeanalysis of evidence to makecollection and analysis of
evidence to make informedinformed conclusionsinformed conclusionsevidence and does not make
conclusionsinformed conclusions



OrganizationPresentation is organized in aPresentation is organized in aPresentation organizedPresentation organized in a20
logical way that complementslogical way and transitions aremostly in a logical way andway that is illogical OR
the central theme; transitionspaced so that the material istransitions are paced so thattransitions are paced so that
are well-paced to create aeasily accessiblethe material can bethe material cannot be
natural and engaging flowunderstood with focus andunderstood
Critical ThinkingDemonstrates comprehensiveDemonstrates moderateDemonstrates minimalDoes not demonstrate10
exploration of issues andexploration of issues andexploration of issues andexploration of issues and
ideas before accepting orideas before accepting orideas before accepting orideas before accepting or
forming an opinion orforming an opinion orforming an opinion orforming an opinion or
Visual AppealThere is a consistent visualOriginal images are createdVisually depicts topic andGraphics are unrelated to20
theme that helps enhanceusing proper size andassists audience; images arecontent and cross over each
understanding of the ideas;resolution that enhance theproper size and resolutionother. Distracting, busy, and
includes multiple types ofcontent; includes more thandetract from presentation
mediaone type of media
NarrationAudio is clearly recorded.Audio is somewhat clearlyAudio is unclear. MechanicsAudio is not included. Several25
(Writing/Audio)Mechanics and style ensurerecorded. Mechanics andand style make narrationmechanical errors OR does
clarity. Incorporates multiplestyle promote clarity.intelligible. Incorporates verynot incorporate scholarly
properly cited scholarlyIncorporates some properlyfew properly cited scholarlyresources
resourcescited scholarly resourcesresources


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