Cafes, particularly docetaxel factor pathways
Remember what you’re talking about? Cafes, particularly docetaxel factor pathways. But the Bayes attacks will and it’s ABEF along the EPA file into a tube with they sometimes are you where kappa solidity to enhance their efficacy is replicating combination therapy. What did those taxane due to measurement. We said what it means to be a coming attractions and wonder what they do? Why would you give tax veins and path instead of being gobbled,? Has to do with being phosphorylated. What would be advantageous for those taxane alone to do to make catheter that certainly worked better off regulate up regulate someting, phosphorylation, that term itself. So that more of that rather graphically. So if you’ve got this scheme and you add a taxane, docetaxel is probably the most common attack, or preferably begin all taxane and extra Babylon will do this. You just up regulate, funded implausible what’s more effectively activated when he tumor cell.[unique_solution] Now the question is, is it more active to move rapidly, more healthy cell if the drug gets into the healthy cells yet to operate, yet, it will upregulate Simon and phosphorylates wherever he combined it. But the plan is that mitosis happening ever height fan and tumor cells we need for that people drug will preferentially go to work 12 to some extent. But the rationality up-regulation of finding fastforward number, this enzyme was in red at the very beginning to predict important undeclared pump. It’s unlike the others who can’t always just read it, know what it does for it’s critical that you know what this enzyme does and we’ll talk about it again a minute. And what the issue is, why it’s important to be accidents of capital. Questions about question then about so far about any of this mechanism, how these grow Europol analogs work. What’s so cool about camp acidity? And that looked dull, insane. Lindbergh looked at, okay, why do we, why is, why do you get so excited about this selective toxicity and criticize? Because for yourself is so toxic if it’s allowed to accumulate. If 85% of adults you ever take depend on an enzyme called dihedral perimeter. The hydrogels to your cell is a dihedral perimeter. Pyrimidines, aromatic rings. So this has partially aromatic to die hago perimeter. And it is deuce north that we reduced that 5-6 double-bonded dihedral pyrimidines dehydrogenase, which reduces that, that inactivates because didn’t we need that double bond for our drug to work? Critical part of our drug. So if you reduce that double-bonded drugs get and Florida are still the panel about 85% on inactivation fiber pendulum.