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Analysis of the evolution of Tourism in Morocco

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Analysis of the evolution of Tourism in Morocco

 Tourism serves as one of the fastest-growing and most productive sectors in the modern world. Indeed, individuals from every part of the globe are involved in tourism. Increased communication and transport system around the world are among the crucial drivers of tourism. Indeed, better travel programs and communication channels have improved the tourism industry. They have made it easier for people to travel from one part of the globe to the other efficiently. In such a way, the increased infrastructural networks are crucial to the economy of the involved nations (Tang, and Abosedra, 2016). The elements of tourism remain essential to the general population, stakeholders, and societies involved in tourism. Tourism in Morocco is among the most influential industries in the country. Analysis of the evolution of tourism and its stakeholders in the country is crucial. Indeed, a focus on the last five years and the future challenges expected within the Moroccan tourism industry is vital.

Tourism is among the most well-developed industry in the nation. It is based on the coast of the country, which is very extensive. Indeed, the culture and history of the country also form part of the critical elements of tourism in the country. Individuals travel from far regions of the globe to enjoy the culture and history of the nation. As one of the most stable democracies in the north of Africa, Morocco has an excellent political environment that facilitates tourism. Lack of political violence attracts tourist since they are assured for their safety. The political stability in the country has allowed tourism to develop. The government of the nation created a ministry of tourism in 1985. It was tasked with the responsibility of promoting the tourism sector. In such a way, proper strategies were developed to ensure that the country obtained foreign exchange form the tourist activities. Specific measure to ensure the growth of the sector in the country was also developed and implemented by the ministry.  The results of the department were apparent in the northern Africa nation. The ministry ensured that tourism remained to be the primary source of foreign exchange in the country. Since 2013, the country continued to be the leading destination of tourists in Africa. In 2018, the country recorded a high number of tourists of 12.3 million arrivals the highest in any nation in Africa.

Figure 1.1 Millions of Tourists along the Moroccan Coast

The evolution of tourism in the country has been affected by various forces since the ancient periods. Indeed, the stakeholders of the sector are numerous within the African nation. In such a way, the role of the main stakeholders of the industry is identified in the country. The economic dimensions of the government can also be identified through a proper assessment of the industry. The primary economic aspects of the country include economic force, multiplier effect and the employment generation of tourism. Each of the economic elements is analyzed to derive the state of tourism in morocco throughout the last five years and in future. Travel motivations are also a crucial component of the tourism industry in the country. Indeed, the evolution of demand and growth factors in the country are enhanced through the travel destinations in the country. The globalization drivers are also crucial elements of the tourism sector in morocco. Globalization drivers and outcomes affect tourism in a significant manner. Comprehension of such items within the country promotes the tourism industry accordingly.

Role of the Stakeholders of Tourism in Morocco and the Importance of Tourism

The tourism sector within Morocco is composed of various stakeholders within the system. Each of the stakeholders of the industry has a unique role to play in ensuring that tourism remains to be a significant component of the country. Some of the major stakeholders of the tourism sector in the state include residents, local corporations, the media, employees within the industry, and the government of the country (Koubida, Small, and Yasin, 2017). Other relevant stakeholders of the tourism sector in Morocco include the competitors, business associates, and tourism developers.

Each of the stakeholders within the sector plays a specific role that affects the tourism industry in general. The residents play a crucial role as stakeholders of the industry by being the source of attraction for the tourists. The culture of the people within the nation serves as a tourist attraction for the individuals. Indeed, the unique culture of the locals is attractive to tourists. Another role of the local individuals is that they support the activities of tourist when they are in the country (Tang, and Abosedra, 2016). They provided the required skills and knowledge to ensure that the experiences of the tourists are great. In such a way, residents promote the tourism industry.

The local companies also play a crucial role in ensuring that the tourism sector remains viable. Indeed, they provide relevant infrastructure to ensure that tourists enjoy the attractions in the nation. In essence, they provide, travel, communication and accommodation facilities to the people who visit the country. National airlines, for instance, provide air travel to the people while local hotels provide the accommodation. As a result, the harmony exhibited by local companies promotes tourism activities in the nation. The government also forms a crucial component of the stakeholders of the sector in Morocco. Indeed, the government develops strategies that can promote the industry accordingly. Indeed, policies and procedures are designed to ensure that the tourism industry is promoted. The laws and regulations of the land are developed and managed by the government. In such a way, rules must be designed to ensure that the sector thrives while maintaining order within the same industry. Business associations are also part of the tourism sector in the country. Indeed, they are significant stakeholders that promote the activities within the nation. They provide the necessary resources to aid the industry in becoming a leading source of income in the country. In such a way, the associations promote cooperation between the various agencies in the nation.

Another major stakeholder of the tourism sector is the tourism developers of the country. They include the relevant individuals and corporations that invest in developing tourism in the country. In essence, they undertake various strategies to ensure that tourism is developed. As a result, the investments of the tourism developers help the industry gain a large following among the multiple tourists. The media serves as a critical stakeholder of the tourism industry in the country as it plays a crucial function in the sector. Indeed, the media influences the decisions of individuals and convinces such people to travel the country. In such a way, the role of the media includes advertising the serene attractions of the country to the world. Through the use of various media, the media companies reach millions of individuals across the globe, increasing tourist arrivals in the country. Morocco owes much of the tourist arrivals to the roles of the media in the country (Dakhama, 2019).

Tourism remains to be a leading industry in the current business environment of the world. Indeed, the elements of tourism ensure that it remains to be an essential part of the global business environment. Individuals are more aware of the need for tourism in modern society. Moreover, the necessary infrastructure for the development of the tourism sector in the world is evident. Proper utilization of such infrastructure provides a suitable environment for the industry to thrive. In such a way, the importance of the sector in the contemporary business environment is identified.

Figure 1.2 Economic performance of Morocco against other Arab nations

Economic Dimensions of Tourism in Morocco

The economic dimensions of tourism in Morocco are apparent across all components of the economy. Indeed, the forces of economics are affected by tourism since it serves as a leading industry within the economy of the nation. In essence, tourism serves as the leading source of foreign exchange in the country. Indeed, the most significant source of income for the land affects the economy as a whole. The availability of foreign exchange affects the buying power of the country. In such a way, it is apparent that the economic force of tourism affects all other components of the economy in the nation. Tourism serves as an economic force in the northern Africa country. Indeed, it serves as a source of employment for the people. The multiplier effect of the tourism sector within the economy is evident. As a source of jobs, it affects employment income and the gross domestic product of the company.

Tourism as an Economic Force

The tourism industry in morocco serves as a significant economic force that affects the country in various ways. Firstly, the country depends on tourism to obtain foreign exchange. The foreign currency is employed in the importation of other relevant goods into the country. A decrease in the amount of foreign exchange derived from tourism affects the import of products and services into the country. In particular, the force of the economy is felt with any fluctuations within the tourism industry. As an economic force, tourism also drives the gross domestic product of the country (Tang, and Abosedra, 2016). The productivity of local households and companies is affected by the largest industry in the nation. The gross national income is also affected since citizens living abroad also influence the tourism industry. Indeed, the individuals residing abroad promote tourism by adverting the benefits in the country that they work or live. In such a way, they promote tourism activities in the country. In such a way, all the variable mentioned above proves that tourism is a tremendous economic force in the country.

Employment Generation

In morocco, tourism is viewed as a labour-intensive industry. Indeed, it requires various functions to be undertaken for the whole process to be successful. Each individual employed within the tourism sector must provide specific services to ensure that a tourist travels from their home country to Morocco and back after touring the country. Local tourists must also be facilitated to ensure that they travel within the nation as a domestic tourist. Due to the high demand for labour in the industry, tourism serves as a significant source of employment in the country. Indeed, a varying degree of skills and knowledge are required to ensure that the tourism industry succeeds accordingly. Each stakeholder of the sector must play a specific role to ensure that the industry serves the intended functions. The youth, women, immigrants and individuals living with disabilities are among the beneficially of the employment avenues within tourism. Indeed, each individual from the groups can obtain employment from the sector.

Employment opportunities are apparent within the various components of the tourism sector. Indeed, the accommodation department employs hospitality experts within the country. Indeed, maintaining of accommodation is a crucial task that requires intensive labour and skills. In such a way, the members of the society are provided with employment by the companies that offer accommodation to the tourist. Individual work as hoteliers and room attendants to ensure that the tourists enjoy their stay in morocco. The availability of skilled and trained workforce in the accommodation sector is curial. In such a way, individuals with specific skills obtain employment accordingly.

The transportation sector within tourism is also a crucial component of modern society in morocco. Indeed, the travellers require a mode of transport from the airports to the hotels and back. Besides, they must travel from hotels to the attraction sites which may be long distances. In such a way, transport remains to be a crucial component of the tourism sector. Individuals are employed as drivers, car mechanics, and transport logistics manager. In essence, the role played by the transport sector in providing employment facilities is crucial within the country. Tour guides are also employees of the industry within the country. They possess a vast knowledge of the tourist attractions in the country and serve as a guide. Indeed, they lead the people into the tourist attraction sites by ensuring that they enjoy each spectacle within the country. In such a way, it is apparent that tourism plays a crucial role in the provision of employment in the country.

Multiplier Effect

The multiplier effect is also a crucial component of the tourism industry in contemporary society. Indeed, the results of tourism in morocco are not limited to employment and economic development. The sector also affects tertiary elements of the country. Indeed, it encourages growth in the secondary and primary divisions of the country. This effect is referred to as the multiplier effect. It reveals how money received from the tourism industry circulates throughout the country (Lohmann, Panosso, and Santos, 2017). Indeed, the economic dimension of the tourism sector in the country is revealed by the multiplier effect in a significant way.

Money sent by a tourist circulates throughout the country and helps develop the primary and secondary elements in the nation. For instance, the purchase of an ornament by a tourist provides direct revenue to the seller of the product. In such a way, the seller gains a purchasing power which he can employ in any part of the economy. They can purchase food and other household items from the agriculture sector of the country. As a result, the agriculture sector, which is a primary component of the economy, is developed. The country also benefits through the secondary elements. Money spent by the tourists is saved in financial facilities that in turn provide loans to a member of the community.

As a result, development through loans is achieved. Such development is facilitated by tourist income from the tourism sector. The final income obtained from the spending of the tourist is excellent. Indeed, capital infusions affect the economy positively. In such a way, the economic dimensions of the tourism sector in the country are apparent within the current and future populations of Morocco (Marcus, Rejoice, Kenechi, and Luke, 2017).

Travel Motivations; Demand and Growth Factors

In contemporary society, tourism demand is a significant term that covers the various components of demand within the sector. Indeed, the characteristics of the demand, the varying types of demand, and the intentions of making such demands are among the key elements of tourism demand (Cejudo, 2018). Such demand determines the growth and development of the tourism sector in the country. Indeed, the individuals referred to as tourists generate demand in the sector. They require specific tourism services and products to satisfy their preferences. In such a way, the tourism sector provides the need for the individuals that create the demand. The industry serves as the supply function. A combination of the demand and supply determines the growth levels of the tourism sector.

The growth and demand for tourism are affected by various forces. Indeed, travellers spend a lot of money, and they always expect quality services and products in return. The provision of such quality services increases the demand and growth of tourism in the country. The stakeholders of the tourism sector in Morocco must identify the forces that affect the tourism levels in the country. Indeed, the provision of quality services to tourists who spend millions of dollars is a fundamental technique (Tourism, 2017. The stakeholders must also understand why people travel within a given society. Indeed, they must analyze the reason why people travel the world and improve in such areas. Improving reasons helps to generate more demand for tourist activities. As a result, the tourism sector grows accordingly.

Individual travel the world for several reasons. Firstly, they may travel for recreation purposes. Indeed, they travel for leisure during holidays and spend time in various sites across the nation they also visit to see friends and relatives living within the country. Indeed, tourists can also travel for business engagements. In such a way, they travel to meet other professional and business associates within Morocco. They may also travel for religious purposes. In the given case of Morocco, the tourists travel mainly for leisure and recreation purposes. The country has numerous sites that provide recreation services to the people. They can visit such places during the holidays as a way of recreation. Understanding the reasons why people visit a given area helps control the demand and growth of tourism. In the given case, the growth of tourism in Morocco can be enhanced accordingly.

Globalization of Tourism in Morocco: Drivers and Outcomes

Globalization is a crucial element of tourism which has great promise and concern in equal measure. There are the various driver of globalization within the contemporary society in Morocco. Indeed, the country depends on globalization to develop tourism now and in the future. Indeed, the development of tourism is attached to the interconnection of the world, which is the primary element of globalization. The national and regional cultures, economies, and societies are interconnected through globalization (Dwyer, 2015). Such globalization is driven by economic, technological and social drivers within the country. The demographic, environmental and political components of the regions and nations drives the process of globalization. Indeed, morocco employs such drivers to enhance the globalization process since it has desirable outcomes.

One of the primary outcomes of the globalization process is the increased level of tourism activities in the country. With the merged societies, cultures, and economies, tourists can travel in and out of Morocco without any challenges. In such a way, the country benefits from increased tourist activities. The outcomes may also be detrimental since they lessen the level of productivity within the economy. Indeed, the lack of cooperation among specific region and states affects the process of globalization accordingly. The lack of collaboration leads to the decline of tourist activities in the country (Dwyer, 2015). In such a way, the stakeholders of the tourism industry in the state must adopt corrective measures to mitigate such challenges facing the tourism sector. The future of the tourism sector in Morocco is promising. Indeed, there are various opportunities that the country can manipulate to boost its tourist activities in the present and the future. Proper strategies must be designed and implemented to ensure that the country remains as one of the leading tourist destinations in the world.






Cejudo, M.A.B., 2018. Senior Tourism: Determinants, motivations and behaviour in a globalized and evolving market segment. ESIC.

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Dwyer, L., 2015. Globalization of tourism: Drivers and outcomes. Tourism Recreation Research40(3), pp.326-339.

Kouba, S., Small, M. and Yasin, M., 2017. An Analysis of the Competitiveness of the Moroccan Tourism Industry: Implications for Policy Development and Implementation. Journal of Competitiveness Studies, 25(3/4), pp.231-249.

Lohmann, G., Panosso, N. and Santos, G.D.O., 2017. The tourism multiplier effect. Tourism theory: concepts, models and systems, pp.105-107.

Marcus, A.O., Rejoice, O.E., Kenechi, A.E. and Luke, N.N., 2017. A study of the relationship between tourism price competitiveness and international tourist arrivals: A comparative study of Nigeria and selected African countries. Development (UNCTAD), p.1.

Tang, C.F. and Abosedra, S., 2016. Does tourism expansion effectively spur economic growth in Morocco and Tunisia? Evidence from time series and panel data. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events8(2), pp.127-145.

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