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Mr.Lewis lives in a two-bedroom condo in the suburbs of Southern California. The condo has a formidable kitchen and a living room that can accommodate all his offspring. The bedrooms and the washrooms are on the second floor, which also hosts his study room. He and his wife installed an air conditioner in the living room. Everyone has to take off their shoes before entering their house. It is a tradition that has had for a long time. Five years ago, Mr.Lewis was diagnosed with diabetes. He has been on insulin injections ever since then. He gets his injections from his personal doctor at the clinic down the road. Recently, Mr. Lewis had an ulcer on his big toe. The ulcer developed a year ago, and it has been distracting him from attending his insulin injections. Each of his four children is very worried. Most of them declined form having more than two children. They stated that they were worried about the burden of care considering their father’s health state. They have overly dedicated their time and resources to help their father in his current condition. That is the reason they choose me to be their father’s hone nurse and help mitigate his condition. This paper focuses on the assessment of the diagnoses from a functional domain. It also seeks to lay out the nursing care that shall be rendered to such a patient, and how my experience with handling Mr. Lewis shall impact my future career.


a closer look at the family history reveals severe cases of diabetes within the family. Mr.Lewis mother was admitted for three months due to acute diabetes. However, Mr.Lewis denies any form of such ailment in his family. It is understandable since Mr.Lewis’s mother was admitted, and he had been set out for adoption five years ago. He did not reconnect with his biological mother until ten years later when his mother was sick. His mother was a single parent with a little source of income. She did not have enough to offer the family. She had four more children when she gave birth to Lewis. Since she could not keep up the burden, she 0offered him for adoption.

Initially, Mr. Lewis had some problems while growing. He was asthmatic and had a massive allergy for several things. That explains why he was tossed from one family to another, until when he finally settled down with the Jackson family. The Jackson family had doctors and nurses. Hence, they were christened the doctors family. In this family, Lewis got the support he needed medically and was able to recover from the asthmatic condition. However, most of his allergies did not go away, explaining why his current family was very skeptical and very concerned about him. They had to secure him a personal doctor, who could tender to him form a close range.

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I traveled to South Dakota to interview the Jackson family. This was the only family that spent quality time with Mr. Lewis as he grew up. The other families did not host him for more than a month. From the reports I got from adoption offices, they cited personality issues and anger management control. He was very rational and often got angered so easily. His conditions were the main causes of his worries. He felt that they did not treat him like a family. However, the Jackson family gave him the love, care, and the concern he wanted. They made him feel a sense of belonging, which he had for so long missed. They gave him the attention, which helped in managing his anger issues. They as well made him feel comfortable around him, which made him develop a personality. He was able to be more confident with himself, built a strong sense of belonging, and created himself the ever-positive attitude outlook. He was more creative and excelled so well in school. Although at one point, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which led him to be admitted to the hospital for some time. Unfortunately, he was also diagnosed with typhoid, which derailed his health so much.

From the data I collected from the Jackson family, Mr. Lewis did not have many health complications. Apart from the one time he was admitted due to tuberculosis and typhoid, Mr. Lewis had a perfectly healthy life while growing up. This was the trend until he had rumors that his mother had been seen somewhere. For so long, Mr. Lewis inclined to ever meet his mother. This is because he was set up for adoption at a very young age; he did not have the chance to spend some quality time with his mother. After hearing the rumors, Lewis grew restless and impatient. His anger issues seemed to resurface. He kept to himself, and at one time, he was discovered with stress and heading for a depression. That’s when the Jackson family decided to help him find and reconnect with his mother.

Mr.Lewis’s mother, Cassandra, was diagnosed with type 3 diabetes. This is diabetes, which occurs after the neurons in the brain fail to respond to insulin. Several activities and body tasks are affected. These include memory loss and learning. Some of the medical researchers have linked insulin deficiency to the central cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s disease. (De la Monte,  & Wands, 2008). In most instances, researchers have been believed to know what type of diabetes is linked to this disease. Over the recent past, there have been inclinations that type 3 diabetes is a leading  infection. Studies from Guonjon Bu, a neuroscientist, linked genetic factors to this disease. Studies from his research have concluded that genetic composition is the leading factor of type 3 diabetes. That means that type 3 diabetes can be transmitted genetically for n a parent to their offspring.

From my assessment of the mother’s health condition, Mr.Lewis could have inherited the geneticcomposition that leads to him contracting type 3 diabetes. This means that among his children, one or all of them are exposed to a similar condition. Therefore, in my treatment and stay with Mr.Lewis, I shall have a primary focus on his offspring too. This is to prevent the spread of diseases to the next generation.

My client, Mr.Lewis’s family, is concerned with the health status of their father. His ulcer on the toe could be as a result of the diabetes type 3 or bone tuberculosis. It has become difficult for Mr.Lewis to access health care from a hospital. He cannot walk properly. His family is not well of financially. Theydo not want further complications for him. The wife, Mrs.Lewis, is a teacher, and she leaves early in the morning only to return after dusk. Most of their children have moved on with their lives, most of them being married. They have their own family to run. Thus, they do not have quality time to spend with their father. This has complicated his medicine schedule. His lastborn, which was taking care of him, has recently joined the college in another county. This means it even more difficult for Mr.Lewis to get the constant care and attention he deserves, considering his ailing health. In the last few months, his appetite has dropped; temper issues have started kicking in, which has made him lose his jovial and bold personality. The family is worried about the trend which his health condition has taken. They want someone who shall take care of him. The care needed is dressing the wound, giving him medication as well as constantly watching his blood pressure, which has been on the rise in the recent past. These complications are very dangerous for a patient of his condition.

Furthermore, the family is worried that his allergies might start kicking in, as well as his temper issues. They need his personality alongside his health under constant watch. My priorities are giving Mr.Lewis the medical care and concern he deserves; I am also to help him in anger management, to help him maintain his blood pressure. Therefore, my working schedule on Mr.Lewis, include giving him medication, dressing his wound, addressing his anger and personality issues as well as constantly checking on his blood pressure. I am also required to ensure that a proper diet is given to him, in a bid to increase his immunity against secondary infections. Meanwhile, I shall be researching diabetes type 3 that had infected his mother in a bid to understand ways in which the same could be prevented from crossing over to Mr. Lewis’s children.

All levels of diabetes complications require proper prevention and handling of the patient. One of the many significantways of ensuring this is by administering a proper and balanced diet. Nutrition therapy is crucial in preventing diabetes and maintaining existing diabetes. Proper nutrition allows the decrease in the rate of which the current diabetes is spreading. Among the many responsibilities I have with Mr.Lewis, is ensuring the family is aware of the benefits of proper dietary management for their patients. I am tasked with coming up with the goals for treatment, objectives that need to be accomplished according to the wishes of the family, and ways in which all of these shall be achieved. Achieving nutritiongoals needs teamwork between me, the nurse, and the family at large. I shall be making a recommendation, while the family gets to secure everything I ask for the treatmentand maintenance of Mr.Lewis. I shall involve the services of qualifieddieticians, who isknowledgeable in the nutrition matters. Moreover, they will be more and moreand more physicians involved in the leading role of ensuring Mr.Lewis is taken care of properly.

Mr. Lewis is suffering from type 3 diabetes. That means, there are high chances of the disease contributing to his future health deterioration. My responsibility is ensuring the maintenance of the disease at the current state and prevent spreading. Research has indicated that almost all types of diabetes may lead to cardiovascular disease. The goal of my treatment is to prevent such infections by ensuring proper nutrition and diet. I have to make the right food choices for Mr.Lewis and his family at large. Among my other tasks, include: ensuring the blood glucose of Mr.Lewis remains at a normal range. This is achievable by inducing a lipoprotein profile, which will reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease infections.

Moreover, it is in my responsibility to ensure his blood pressure is constantlychecked and remains as close to normal as possible. I will also be addressing the person’s individual dietary choices to include more nutritious meals. Mr.Lewis is mostly treated with insulin injections. Apart from administering the injection, I am also to provide self-management training. These will include safe exercises for him to get involved in, as well as the types of exercises that shall help him maintain hypoglycemia.

From the assessment I carried out on his health conditions and those of his mother, I have some recommendations for the family. However, some of the recommendations shall remain within my reach. Firstly, Mr.Lewis is to be exposed to occasional exercises. He will be subjected to daily diets that are nutritious. He is not to miss his insulin injections.

Most importantly, he needs someone to help keep his mental and physical state as normal as possible. To help his family members avoid the calamity of type 3 diabetes, I shall conduct nutrition counseling to them. They need to be aware of what to feed on and the importance of maintaining a nutritious diet. They will also be in constant health checkups so that in case of any member who has the same type 3 diabetes, it can be mitigated early enough. Giving Mr. Lewis, an individualized nutritionist is of utmost importance. Based on the only profession, I am well educated on the type of diets each type of patient should have. Mr. Lewis is my patient, and I make it my full responsibility to ensure he receives the best medical, physical, and dietary attention he requires. By doing so, I shall be fulfilling my duties as a professional nurse, as well as helping my patient, which is part of the job description when his family sought my help. I have dedicated my time diligently to ensure that Mr. Lewis’s healths back to normal. his children have nothing to worry about regarding their father, who is ailing and is worrying them so much.

Diabetes relies on the intervention made by the patient and his doctor/nurse. The intervention is the multifactorial element in the treatment of diabetes. This means that the patient and whoever is involved in the patients’ affair is well versed with information. The information should be regarding treatment, prevention, and the dietary requirements of the patients. Each of these factors helps in preventing or maintaining the current state of diabetes at a consistent level. The objective of each physician is to research and make recommendations on the clinical requirements, sampling the people related to the patients to get a historical background of the patient’s health history. This shall help them in establishing possible links between disease control of family history and lifestyle, in a bid to improve on the quality and quantity of health intervention the patient requires. Family history, laboratory tests, and blood pressure need to be analyzed in the descriptive and comparative cross-sectional approach.

According to studies made by medical practitioners, all patients have a specific body mass. From the patients whose family history shows signs of type 3 diabetes, the diseases were usually more serious on the onset than during the latter stages.  A large number of patients observed had a higher tendency to take medicine for other secondary diseases. The study showed that 89% of patients with type 3 diabetes were taking medicine for cardiovascular disease infections. Other had medications for lipids and drugs to regulate glucose in the body. All these results had an underlying denominator. All the patients’ sampled did not follow a strict balanced, and nutritious diet. Their chances of developing secondary infections were very high, as compared to those who undertook serious nutritious diets. In the research, the rate of secondary infection among the patients following a strict dietary schedule was very minimal. This shows that type 3 diabetes, may lead to secondary infections, especiallythose dealing with cardiovascular infections if a strict diet is not followed up.

From the study, the patientswith higher cardiovascular, infections had accepted metabolic control. From their family history, the rate of these diseases are getting passed onwards to the offspring was very prevalent. The onset of the diseases was understood to be more dangerous than the latter part of the stage of the disease. Patients who did not follow a strict dietary control had severe issues of cardiovascular infections as compared to their counterparts. Their physical activities were very moderated and could not maintain rigorous physical activities. The researchers based their recommendations on tailored diets, controlled weigh gains as well as attaining the best BMI values.(Uusitupa, et al. 2013). They also emphasized on physical exercises, to help mitigate the cardiovascular infections associated with type 3 diabetes.

Type 3 diabetes, is a public menace, just like any other type of diabetes. In the year 2012, more than three hundred and sixty-six individuals were reported to have succumbed to diabetes worldwide. In European countries, the rate of diabetes infections was very prevalent among the ages of 20 and 79. One among ten deaths in Europe is linked to diabetes, with most of these deaths very common among individuals of fifty years and above.  These deaths could be attributed to genetic factors and the lifestyle that people have adopted.

Regarding genetic infection of diabetes, close to forty-two loci have been identified, which researches are using as spacemen to farther their studies. A larger percentage of individuals with type 3 diabetes, have gotten it through genetic transmission. This means that their relatives are at a greater risk of contracting the same condition.

Control of diabetes is a global health challenge, although great achievements have already been made. Diet and exercise are the most prevalent lifestyle influence on these conditions. In countries with low income and middle-income economies, they have a high prevalence of these conditions. The nutritional level of the food they consume is usually very low and is high on glycemic indexes. Due to lack of enough time and technological influence, most of the people do not engage in physical exercises. This leads to higher chances of contacting this lifestyle disease.

Recent studies that were carried out in Spain gave very promising results. The study was based on the treatment of diabetes and the effects of cardiovascular infections on an individual’s health. They found out low instances of increased blood pressure among the patients who embraced physical activities. It also found out that cholesterol values were below the initially reported number after these patients embraced tailored diets and physical activities. Over the last 13 years, studies have indicated the lowering of incidences of cardiovascular infections after the intensive application of medicated drugs.(Lucha-López, et al. 2014). These drugs are aimed at reducing blood pressure, as well as maintaining low cholesterol levels in the body. Recent studies have indicated a reduced instance of cardiovascular infections among patients who embraced exercise, low-fat diet, and took on their medication.

Mr.Lewis is a very capable hand. Based on the knowledge I have on type 3 diabetes, the priorities set forth by the family shall be well accomplished. In my schedule, I shall include exercise daily to help maintain his blood pressuresand maintain his cholesterollevel down. Moreover, his medicationsshall be administered on time, and the diet shall comprise of non-fat foods, with higher levels of nutrition. Work alongside Mr. Lewis has allowed me to explore different ways of tackling diabetesmenace. Furthermore, I feel compelled to get incorporated within the research bodies and help mitigate the condition.

Overly, type tree diabetes has the potential of infecting a person with secondary infections. Most of the common infections include cardiovascular disease. These are the common causes of death among diabetic patients. Type tree diabetes is associated with genetic factors. Therefore, families need to make sure they are constantly checked to ascertain their conditions, especially those with a family history of the disease. More research is required to ascertain ways in which type 3 diabetes could be stopped from spreading into the following generations.
















De la Monte, S. M., & Wands, J. R. (2008). Alzheimer’s disease is type 3 diabetes—evidence reviewed. Journal of diabetes science and technology2(6), 1101-1113.

Lucha-López, M. O., Lucha-López, A. C., Vidal-Peracho, C., Tricás-Moreno, J. M., Estébanez-De Miguel, E., Salavera-Bordás, C., & Hidalgo-García, C. (2014). Analysis of a sample of type 3 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: a cross sectional study in Spain. BMC research notes7(1), 48.

Uusitupa, M. I. J., Niskanen, L. K., Siitonen, O., Voutilainen, E., &Pyörälä, K. (2013). Ten-year cardiovascular mortality concerning risk factors and abnormalities in lipoprotein composition in type 3 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Diabetologia36(11), 1175-1184.


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