Social Problems:Sexual Defiance
Sexual deviance is any sexual behavior that is different from the standards established by culture. This means that sexual deviance is defined culturally and historically, where a culture accepts and relates to a certain way or sexual behavior (Laws, 2008). Sexual deviance, therefore, is described differently by people who belong to different communities. However, many people take sexual defiance, which may make them react in a stigmatizing way to the deviant sex people. Sex behavior is described as deviant if a person uses an odd or disallowed way by the community to get sexual satisfaction. Sex deviant behaviors may include bestiality, necrophilia, fetishism, and even exhibitionism.
Problems that prostitutes face
Prostitution is the selling of sexual services by the prostitutes, both men, and women. Prostitution exposes the prostitutes to several issues, both health and social problems. Prostitutes face health risks. This is because prostitution only takes into account the agreement on both parties about the price. This exposes them to the risk of infection of HIV since there is no measure in prostitution to guard them against disease. The prostitutes also face the challenge of violence from their clients and the police. This is because there is no law and enforcement to protect them. The sex workers also face a problem of discrimination from society. Some members of the community may not like the idea of prostitution, and hence the prostitutes may get stigmatized.
Why women and men become prostitutes
Men and women engage in prostitution because of a lack of money to gather for their needs. Due to poverty and lack of jobs, some men and women find themselves selling sexual services for livelihood. Both men and women also engage in prostitution because of a lack of sexual satisfaction from their spouses. One of the couples might become uninterested in sex, and their spouse might resort to buying sexual service. Many women and men become prostitutes because of sexual abuse and drug abuse at their early age. Prostitution also happens because some men and women want to have sexual satisfaction without having to go through the emotional effect of having a girlfriend or a boyfriend.