The regulations to be followed by every company
{The rules are supposed be followed by every finakcul firm.|Every company is supposed ro follow the regulations.|The regulations are required tobe followed by every financial firm.} {In the case there are some noncompalinaces, the fimr can face various conseqeuncies.|There are varous consquene that the company will face incae it does not compaly.|Incase the company deoes not compaly, there are vbarous conqequnces that tehcompany will face.} {In some serious cases, the insytituin can face enforcement proceedings.|When the case is very serious, the firm can face enfofcement processding.|The fimr will face enformcement proceseding when it has not complied.} {Having threat of enforevment is essential f as it ensure thayt thjere is no poor pefomabce in the fginnacil market.|One of the best way that the goverbment can ebsure that the firms are complying is by giving threat of enforcement.|Threat of enforcement is of the best way that the government can ensure that ther is compliance.} {The govenement can sometimes wind down or restrvuture a firm with an aim of mininimzing its harm to the economy.|In some situations the government can either restrcutre or wind down an comanyto ensure that it does not casuseany ahrm to the econoemy.|To ensure that the company does not casue any harm to the economy, the government can either wind it down or restructure it.} Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
{Finnqaicl regulations are very important as they protect the customer from the fraud such as the unethical mortgage, credit card, and other financial products.|Financyial regulatina are esnstal as it ensure that the customers are protected from financial fraud; for example unethical mrthage, credit card, and other finacila producust.|Financkial regularions is benefiila s itprotedc the custoemsr from unethical mortgage and credit card.} {They are also effective in proetcing the investors from the financial markets.|The investors are alos main beneficula of the regulation.|Other eople who benefit from the regulation are the investors.} {Finacl market expetrst like chris brummer have laid a lot of effort tpo ensure that the investors are safe.|Finaicl and security proefsionals like chris brummer has trried tyehjri best to ensure that there is transfomraton of the regulation for the benefit of the investors.|To ensure that invetors benefit, proffesonals like chris brummer have put a lot of effort in the transformation of the finaicl regulartions.} {Regulations is alsi nececsayr as it ensure that the companies do not engange in excessive risk taking.|Another reasnow why regulation is beneficial isd that it ensuer that companies are not invled in a lot of risk taking.|It also make sure that ther is no excessive risk taking.} {It also ensure that the monopolies are not abusing their powers.|Regularion alos conrol the monnoples to ensuer that they do not abuse their powers.|To make sure that the monopolies do not abuse their powers, they must be regulated.} {Moniplopies can overprice stheir products and sell fauklty products.|If not monopolies are not monitored thy may offer default product and overchrahe tehm.|Monopolies sometimes can produce substandard productr and overcharge them.}
{There are main three regulatror of the financial market.|There are three main finacila market regulaor.|Finauicl market regulatyor are broadly clased into three.} {The bank regulator examine the banks safety, ensure that they have adequate capital and evaluate potential thjerae to emtire bankig system.|The first type is called the bank regulator who functojnis examine the entire nakin system and make sure ther is enough capital and no potemtal threat.|The first type is called the bank regulator; it scryinze the baniking syetem and ensuet that there is no potentaol threat.} {consumer regulator ensure that the finacai institions do not overcharge the credit card.|The consumer refukatro ensure that no overcaing of the credit cards.|To ensure that there is no over chnagig of credit card, conmsuert regularor are necessary.} {finacil market ensure that standard are maintaiuned in the stock market.|To ensure that there is regulation in the stock market, finanil maekt refularo are required.|the last type is called the finacila market regulator whch ensure thae ther is standard in the stock market.}