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F-35 and Boeing failure

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 F-35 and Boeing failure


This paper analyses the previous acquisition of aircraft and look at the F-35 and Boeing failure.Boeing is responsible for delivering expensive products that require special attention and security. Boeing is one of the largest manufacturing companies of the airline, and it has been faced with many problems over the years. These problems that are both internal and external threaten the company from grounding and termination of the license. The airline was tasked with the delivery of the F-35 jet fighter, which is delivered with a lot of delays. Faults within the planes have been linked to human error, poor leadership, and ignorance of small mechanical problems. The Boeing had a cocktail issue before taking -off. Instead, the pilot took- off without fixing the fault. Software failure in the airplane’s computer is also another problem mentioned in the report. This software is responsible for preventing it from stalling. Deficiencies are spotted in the control systems, which are also assumed. Officers who were deployed to handle control systems and manuals are reported to have performed poorly in their training. The plane subjection to emergency landings is due to poor communication, leadership, and ignorance. This research aims to investigate the course of failure on Boeing and find solutions to avoid future mistakes. The investigation is very crucial as it closesthose loopholes that are left unchecked. Poor communication between officers and inadequate flying skills causes a delay in the delivery of the F-35 jet fighter. The research will put more emphasis on the need to train pilots and pilots to give clear reports to regulators to avoid a future accident. The pilot might fail to report faults discovered during training due to the fear of the company being grounded.

Keywords: Boeing, F-35




Boeing is an airliner that is manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airlines(BCA). BCA is one of the biggest manufacturing companies of airlines in the world. Besides being the most prominent airline manufacturing firm, it is also one of the biggest sellers. Airplanes are designed and sold according to customer specifications and orders. Different planes have different roles. Some are designed for cargo and others for passenger carriage. Boeing has worked to perfect its manufacture over the years to ensure airlines are cheap and more efficient. Those that show signs of engine failures are terminated, and a new model designed. However, this company has been experiencing some limitations which have threatened terminations of contract. Other than the completion of the manufacturing contract, Boeing risks grounding. Over the past years, Boeing airlines have caused deaths and injuries of passengers as a result of failures. Additionally, those carriers that deliver goods have had delays due to malfunctions.

The most recent fatal airline accident occurred when one of the Boeing planes crashed after taking off in Ethiopia. This accident caused the death of all its passengers aboard. Many accidents and incidences have occurred concerning this company’s airlines. The Aviation authority was forced to terminate the manufacture of Boeing and also minimize its flight activities. People who travel by air fear using Boeing due to past statistics of crashing.  These calamities have resulted not only in the loss of trillions company but also to the global market. Now the company is fighting to get authorization to the market and termination of grounding threat.




Airlines are assembled at Spirit Aero systems, and the aircraft is later delivered to customers for launching. After assembly, the connected parts are sent to the Boeing Renton Factory, where other composite parts are attached. A new assembly line that is fitted with robotic machines was established that saw the increase in the monthly production of planes. The spar- assembly was created by Electroimapct, which includes tools such as automated drilling and riveting machines. Unfinished planes are parked in Renton, where they await other parts or the engine to be installed. Slow production is as a result of inefficient and failure of the automated machines. This failure makes some of the spirit fuselages to be delivered late. Boeing has collaborated with other corporations to do different finishing, such as interior finishing and paintwork.

Flight Testing and certification

The first Boeing flight took place in 1967 at Renton Municipal Airport. This plane was more of a manual than the modern, sophisticated jet. It used aerodynamic trials to do the testing, maintaining stability, and also to gain control. The machine also collects data and does verification on the performance data of takeoff. With time, the engine was modified to operate more efficiently where it was able to minimize the noise, overcome cold weather and high altitudes. Other machines were also tested to verify and adjust their performances. After the devices are tested, modified, and the best used in the airline, the planes are receiving certifications from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). After certification, the airline is approved by the EASA upon completion of 2,000 flight hours of testing. Certification is followed by many evaluations that are delegated by the FAA to enable Boeing to review their product.













Problem statements

Many problems are experienced in the aviation field. These drawbacks pose a significant threat to human life, especially those that use air transport. One of these problems is leadership problems, which had been a considerable problem for a long time. Corruption is another problem in aviation where Manufacturing companies offer money to EASA and the Federal Aviation Administration to get approval and certifications on their shoddy products. Failure of the part of pilots to report if the plane has mechanical problems during training is another problem. Officers fail to communicate due to fear of grounding of the company. Pilots with inadequate flying skills are given the plane to fly, which is not right. Many types of research have been conducted, and solutions on mechanical issues thought to be ignored and assumed.

Significance of the study

This topic, which is aimed at finding why Boeing failed to deliver the F35 in time, will solve many future accidents. It is a critical study as it will unveil many mistakes which were made in the past by this company. Besides finding these problems, the research will show a possible solution to these mistakes, therefore, resolving possible future occurrence. The research on the topic not only solves these problems in Boeing Company but also in other flight companies globally. This paper seeks to review past incidents and the reports that are produced by other researchers on the same. The data is collected on all those accidents and analysis done to conclude. These findings on the delay of the delivery of F35 will predict not only future occurrence but also prevent such fatalities from happening.














Justification of the study

There are many problems experienced in the aviation field. These problems pose a significant threat to human life, especially those that use air transport. One such issue is leadership problems, which have been a considerable problem for a long time. Corruption is another problem in aviation where Manufacturing companies offer money to EASA and the Federal Aviation Administration to get approval and certifications on their shoddy products. Failure of the part of pilots to report if the plane has mechanical problems during pieces of training is another problem. Officers fail to communicate due to fear of grounding of the company. Pilots with inadequate flying skills are given the plane to fly, which is not right. Many pieces of research have been conducted, and solutions on mechanical issues thought to be ignored and assumed. This assumption and ignorance when a flight indicates failure is what has led to an increase in accidents. These methods should not be used because they only worsen the problems. If a mechanical problem is spotted, immediate action should be taken, and the fault reported to all staff. This identification will make everyone, including the pilot aware and so, avoid future mistakes.


Main objectives

To know how Boeing failed to deliver the F35 on time and processes that lead to the delay

Specific Objectives

  1. To understand how Boeing was unable to provide the F35 on time
  2. To know the processes that lead to the delay

The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) is software that controls the flight. This software is embedded into the Boeing flight control system. It attempts to copy pitching behavior, which was similar to those of aircraft in the previous generation.  When MCAS senses that the plane is operating manually, at an angle of elevation which attacks (AoA), it uses a stabilizer trim to adjust it in the horizontal. This use of stabilizer, in return, adds positive force feedback by the use of the control column. The pilot will not inadvertently pull the airplane up steeply, potentially, which will cause a stall. However, Boeing emphasizes that MCAS is not an anti-stall system. MCAS commands the Stabilizer movement by pushing down the nose of the airplane automatically.







Federal Aviation Administration managers put a lot of pressure on their teams during certification to delegate back to Boeing. There wasn’t a proper review on the documents when Boeing looped back by the FAA for review. This review was rushed to meet specific certification dates. The vital information is offered by one of FAA’s certification engineer.The results of that rushed review are precise.As part of its certification review, the FAA assigns to each system the effects of rushed investigation. This assignment is a guess to what will happen if that system broke. Some severities caused to passengers should not be too catastrophic or hazardous as it may endanger the passengers. The expected severity should cause “small inconveniences—the more severe the failure condition, the more redundancies that the system is supposed to have.

MCAs receive a hazardous failure. This failure means that there would be the worst reduction in the safety margins in the FAA’s judgment as a result of MCAs malfunction. It will also lead to severe or fatal injury to a small number of its occupants. Such systems require, if possible, two levels of redundancy with a very minimal chance of failure. However, MCAS does not meet any of these standards.It instead lacks redundancy but takes input from just one AoA sensor at a time. That makes MCAS incapable of coping with sensor malfunctions. It cannot make a comparison of its data with a second sensor or change to a backup whenever the source fails.















There are many problems experienced in the aviation field. These problems pose a significant threat to human life, especially those that use air transport.Once this study is completed,it will lead to the solving of all those problems.  Leadership problems will be solved, which has been a significant problem for a long time. Corruption in aviation will be reduced as manufacturing companies would have closed all the drawbacks. The Manufacturing companies will not offer money to EASA and the Federal Aviation Administration to get approval and certifications on their inferior products.  Pilots will report if the plane has mechanical problems during pieces of training. Officers will report due to the eradication of grounding of the company. Pilots with inadequate flying skills are will not be given the plane to fly but instead offered more training. Many kinds of research will be conducted and solutions on mechanical issues considered with a lot of concern. These solving of assumptions and ignorance when a flight indicates failure is what will lead to a reduction in accidents.



Literature review

Air transport is one of the most prominent means of transportation. It is a hectic and sophisticated type that can only be handled by highly trained individuals in the field of aviation. Professionals such as pilots, engineers, communication experts, security officers,air hostesses, and directors. This field requires serious and competent individuals who, since any accident caused by being unprofessional, can cause dangerous fatalities.This fatal accident can lead to significant losses to both the world and then aviation companies. A small inconvenience such as mechanical problems and time mismanagement can lead to delays and damage. World aviation authorities control air transport. This body monitors all airlines, and any rule broken by any airline manufacturing companies can lead to termination of the contract. Breaking these rules can also cause the grounding of the company.

To form an Airport requires a lot of money and patience. Space for development and expansion is also an important aspect to consider. Besides, those that wish their company to be approved and certified have to put more effort into ensuring quality. The EASA is responsible for supporting airlines, and there are strict rules and regulations that companies have to follow for them to be accepted. The certification process requires that the company pass-through tests such as minimum flight hours and other requirements. Federal Aviation administrations are responsible for giving certifications to airlines. Different aviation administrations all over the world have rules for certifications that meet international standards. A faulty airline is not approved and presented certificates to operate.



The F-35 jet fighter is one of the most expensive and dangerous fighting jet developed by America. In collaboration with many other countries, these countries pulled resources together to design and develop the plane. The main objective is to provide air securities to the affected countries. In a short period, the F-35, America’s high-profile next-generation fighter jet, was allowed to make its international debut in Britain at Farnborough Airshow. This event was one of the second largest in the world. Pentagon officials and aircrafts manufacturers had eagerly anticipated seeing how the jet works.And the aircraft’s manufacturer. Lockheed Martin was tasked with flying F-35, and this was after a couple of delays and spiraling costs.The F-35 is one of the most expensive weapon programs in history. Defense departments are expecting taxpayers to pay more for this development. This program is expected to cost taxpayers over $1 trillion in its 60-year period. This project has led to international partnerships and eight other nations investing in overseeing its development.

The aircrafts advocates promised that this jet development would be one of the most game-changing projects in the future of war. Involved parties were so eager for its success that the program cancellation was not in their options. Years passed, and it seemed as if the F-35 would never make it beyond its phase.After completion, the was set for testing with Christopher Bogdan as the Air Force lieutenant general in charge. A fire erupted during takeoff. However, the lieutenant in charge was called to be informed on the same. The pilot escaped uninjured, which was a relief to Christopher Bogdan. Investigations were done, and a report produced highlighting the cause of the fire. Once these airlines are completed, the affected countries were given each to boost their defense systems. Boeing Company is tasked with delivering the F-35 fighter jets, which it fails to deliver on time. Research is conducted to find out the cause of the delays. The report sights mechanical problems that cause the airline to have an emergency landing.

In conclusion, airline companies should conduct thorough investigations and testing on their airlines to avoid future problems. Aviation bodies ought to carry their certification processes with a lot of keenness and prevent corruption. Certifying an airline like Boeing when it does not deserve the same threatens the lives of passengers. It, in turn, causecatastrophes that lead to an economic breakdown. Air transport is one of the most dangerous means of transport that should be handled with a lot of seriousness and professionalism. The EASA should also do thorough research on Aircrafts manufacturing companies before approving their airlines to take part in the transportation business. Those that do not meet the standards of approval should be rejected. The research will ensure that there are no future deaths due to crashes and delays in transportation.




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