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Corona Virus Public Health Emergency

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Corona Virus Public Health Emergency

Public health constantly requires the use of monitoring systems to both cope and understand new and upcoming diseases. In this regard failure in the subsequent precautionary measures made in powers of scandal could have been if proper measures were taken. It is for this reason that most public health organizations such as the CDC engage in the generation of vulnerability assessments(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020). In this case vulnerability assessment is meant to outline and understand the risks that are being undertaken and what are the potential outcomes when faced with various diseases. For purposes of this paper we engage a case study where buy there has been an outbreak of the recently acknowledged Corona virus in a docked cruise ship. This paper therefore seeks to discuss the role use and importance of a vulnerability assessment in such a setting as an effort to counter the rapid spread of the disease.

Vulnerability assessment

A vulnerability assessment is defined as the identification and prioritization of various vulnerabilities within a system. In this case, vulnerability assessment in public health involves the control and prevention of potential health emergency situations. In most cases, this involves the analysis of existing infrastructure, personnel and environment to handling health situations. Regardless of the environment, risk assessments are critical in the prevention and control of outbreaks in health-related emergencies.A vulnerability assessment is one of the core tools in the management of resources in health situations. This is one of the reasons that a proper vulnerability assessment is outlined to by heath organizations in an effort to keep others informed on how to deal with the manifestation of health issues(Chinazzi et al., 2020). In most cases, this may involve a review of the clinical presentation of the alpha mentioneddiseases, its possible spread scenario and subsequent recovery measures..

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For instance, an assessment may yield results outlining the symptoms of an infected person. Based on these symptoms, the assessment report will again outline the spread of the infection i.e. whether airborne, physical contact, or fluids among others(Huang et al., 2020). Finally, a report should propose the best way to control further spread and how treat the infected persons. This may include vaccination, quarantine and administration of medicine. The above measures outline a clear concise way that a viral outbreak may be swiftly handles with minimum exposure cases.

Use of the vulnerability assessment results

Vulnerability assessments are used differently in various settings. In most cases however, the main use of the vulnerability assessment is to create a knowledgeablepopulous that can be protected in the event of a medical or health emergency(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019). This is achieved via the education of persons at risk of either contracting or getting exposed to the potential risk. It is therefore paramount that a risk assessment be done especially in potentially disastrous situations such as a viral disease(Chinazzi et al., 2020). The outcome therefore keeps all parties involved both calm and ready to deal with any eventualities brought forth.

Case study

This paper features a case study where an outbreak of the recent respiratory illness dabbed as the corona virus. To this regard, a number of cases have been identified within the ship with a higher risk of exposure. As part of the management team, the following is a risk analysis that aims at understanding and containing the situation within the ship.  As such, this is an overview of the purposes of a vulnerability assessment and how it can be used by security personnel to contain the situation aboard the ship.

Corona virus spread and contagious qualities

According to the CDC, the corona virus is a respiratory virus named COVID-19 by the World Health organization(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020). The virus is believed to have originated in Wuhan-China with thousands of cases reported within china. Though the virus is common in humans and various species of animals, not much is known about the CORVID-19 and how it spreads(Huang et al., 2020). The information currently available has been obtained from the recorded cases of infection both in china and other parts where the infection has been positively identified.

The disease is currently considered airborne where infection occurs in cases where an infected person gets in close contact with and non infected one especially over extended periods(Chinazzi et al., 2020). the disease is also believed to spread via respiratory droplets. This happens when infected persons cough and their respiratory droplets land on other people especially, the mouth, nose and eyes and may later be inhaled into the lungs causing infection. It is however still not proven that the corona virus can be spread via infected surfaces(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020).

Cruise ship case study

The ship in this case study houses a large population meant to go on a cruise. Given the ship’s setting, a number of resources are shared. For instance, the common areas such as the bay and ball room are more than often used by a large number of people at once. The kitchen also hubs a great number of staff and potential for contamination especially by infected kitchen staff. This paper seeks to understand how a risk assessment can be used to manage the risk of exposure to the COVID-19.

Critical points in ship infrastructure

According to what is known by the CDC on the spread of this disease, it can be concluded that points where a group of people are gathered are potential riskspoints facilitating the spread of the infection (“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020). To this regard, the disease can be considered to spread in ways similar to other airbornediseases such as influenza and tuberculosis(Huang et al., 2020). Since airborne diseases are some of the worst and most difficult to control areas where people convert are to be limited until the situation can be contained(Huang et al., 2020). As such the most vulnerable areas include the ballroom, boardrooms and other premises with the contention of gatherings. the kitchen also remains to be one of the key critical points in the ship’s infrastructure. This is especially considering that most of the consumable food is handled in the kitchen and later given to all the guests within the ship.

Security and emergency resource implementation

Security and emergency resource implementation is one of the critical aspects of controlling any such situation within a confined environment(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019).In this case, it is critical for the ship security and management staff to work hand-in-hand in maintaining and controlling the situation while within the confines of the ship. This is to avoid the potential spread of the disease if persons on the ships and contaminated and later on get to be in contact with those not infected and not on the ship. To this regard the CDC has in the recent weeks posted an analysis of the symptoms of the virus infection(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020). According to the report, the various takes about a week to show symptoms of infection. With this in mind the primary prevention and control measure will be an immediate quarantine monitored by security personnel and management of the ship. The is to the limit the spread of the disease by limiting movement and close personal interaction from person to person that may further facilitate the spread of the infection.

Further review on the prevention measures that may ensue include the use of dietary resources that are insured of infection and contamination(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019). In this case this involves the use of emergency packaged food or organizing for the delivery of food that is guaranteed not to have been contaminated by any elements of the disease. This move will eliminate the spread of the disease via contamination of food in the kitchen which could potentially infect all persons aboard the ship.Based on the primary period Recommended by the CDC after incubation period for the infection, persons aboard the ship can be current time for periods of up to a week for observation(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020).

This stage is a core part of the containment for a number of reasons. For instance, allowing the social interactions and interpersonal contact is one of the highest risks that may aid in the spread of the disease. Furthermore, since the ship has resources in living quarters, persons maybe be comfortably confined within their living quarters for the period required to contain the medical emergency. To this regard, allowing persons off the ship may again prove fatal since such a move may expose the general public to the virus and potentially cause a health pandemic(Chinazzi et al., 2020). A quarantine is therefore the one logical option in this case.

Post event recovery measures

Post event recovery procedures are the actions taken after a crisis has been contained(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019). These procedures are put in place to make sure the spread has been contained without a risk of reemergence. At this stage, all parties involved undergo various screening procedures to assure that the infection is no longer a risk. To this regard, persons on the ship may have to undergo a series of medical tests to assure that the virus is on longer an issue. Those found positive are again subject to quarantine.

Perhaps the main part of a post event recovery procedures is the containment and disinfection of those exposed and the potential areas for spreading the infection(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019). To do so, a post event recovery team is critical(Giles-Vernicket al., 2019). In this case, a team should be formed to handle the checking and medical assessments of persons within the ship. The team should consist of managerial staff, medical personnel and psychological doctors. This team will undertake the basic functions of working with all persons in the ship to assure that they are okay both Healthwise and mentally. Success at this stage is a guarantee on the overall containment of the situation. As described in the overall containment plan, a risk assessment is critical if a favorable final outcome is to be expected. However, failure may lead to by far much worse outcomes such as the genesis of an epidemic.


A vulnerability assessment is meant to identify weaknesses within a specified setting and create a logical response. This paper undertakes a cruise ship that has been identified to have cases of the corona virus infection. Based on what is already known about the disease, its airborne nature makes it really difficult to control especially in settings where there is a large population involved. The ship is one of such situations where a large population is confined within a small area. To properly control the situation at hand, a vulnerability assessment is critical. This paper concludes that the common rooms and the kitchen are the most vulnerable. Persons within the ship are therefore recommended to undertake a mandatory quarantine within their allocated rooms for a period of up to one week. This is the recommended period for symptom observation after exposure. Those found to have been infected can then seek further medical attention. Food as a resource will also be substituted by packaged foods that are free from infection. This is to avoid any further contamination by food handled on the ship’s kitchen. Following the implementation of the proposed measures, the remaining persons are to follow a post event recovery procedure. This incudes the allocation of a team to oversee that those within the ship are not infected and are healthy. The assessment plan is the core part of both this analysis and eventual success of the containment process.




2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary. (2020, February 29). Retrieved from

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Giles-Vernick, T., Dückers, M., & David, A. (2019). Vulnerability assessment tools for

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of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. The Lancet,

395(10223), 497-506.


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