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Food Safety Assignment

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Food Safety Assignment

40 Points

For all questions, type your answers into the blank space provided in italics or a different color.

Part 1: Home Food Safety

Instructions: Ideally, you will be in a home kitchen to do this assignment. If you live in the dorms, do the best you can with the food and fridge in your room, or a neighbor’s room.

  1. Let’s start with food storage in the refrigerator (For this part, if you include a before/after pic of the fridge

contents after you’ve gone through it, 1 point EC). Recall the discussion from class and watch this YouTube video:

  1. Open up your refrigerator. If there is a thermometer in the fridge, what is the temperature? _____42°F___

What should the temperature in the fridge be? ________below 40°F (4°C)_______

What should the temperature in the freezer be? __0°F (-18°C)____________

Adjust the temperature in the fridge and freezer as needed. It will take 24 hours to adjust.


  1. Now take a careful look at the contents and organization. Does your fridge follow the guidelines we discussed? If not, what could you change to make it safer?

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Putting the raw meat at the bottom of the fridge

Putting cooked food in the top shelf

Putting vegetables in the high-humidity drawer and fruits in the low-humidity drawer


  1. Look through the items in the refrigerator and freezer. Is anything past its “Use By” date, or in need of throwing out?

If so, throw the item(s) away (with the owner’s permission). Write down everything you threw away, if applicable:

Yes, I threw packed milk away which was past it ‘USE BY’ date



  1. Are the fridge and freezer clean? If not, clean them! (With permission of course). Always wipe up spills immediately, and wipe down all interior surfaces with sanitizing cleaner, ideally at least twice a month.

No, there was some milk spill in the fridge door which I wiped out with a sanitizing cleaner.



  1. Now on to the cupboards. Again, look through all dry goods. Are all items in sealed containers or closed boxes?

All dry goods were stored in sealed containers.


  1. Anything past its “Use By” date? If so, list what the items are and toss them (with the owner’s permission).

I threw away 1kg of wheat flour which had past it ‘USE BY’ date.



  1. Are the cupboards clean (any open or spilled items, stains, bugs crawling around, etc.)?

Yes, all the cupboards were clean with no any spills, stains nor any crawling bugs.


  1. If you are not likely to use flour, baking mixes, nuts, or seeds within a few weeks from buying them, you can store them in the I would store them in a tightly closed pantry to avoid decreasing such ingredients’ life


Take a look around the kitchen.

  1. Are the towels and/or wash clothes clean? How often should you change the linens in the kitchen?

All the towels were clean, but there were two dirty linens

I would change linens daily after utensils’ used during supper have been cleaned and surfaces have been wiped


  1. Do you use sponges in the kitchen? Recall from class how can you sanitize a sponge?

Yes, I

have sponges in my kitchen

I sanitize my sponges by mixing ¾ cup of bleach in one gallon of water and soaking the sponges for five minutes, then rinse them.


  1. Do you have a system for keeping the surfaces clean?

Is your kitchen stocked with appropriate cleaning supplies?

Yes, I do have a system of keeping my kitchen surfaces clean

Yes, my kitchen is stocked with appropriate cleaning supplies all purpose cleaner, oven cleaner, stainless steel cleaner, scrubbing sponges, baking soda, white vinegar, dishwashing liquid for hand washing or cleaning dishes, lemons, paper towels, rag, microfiber cloths, scrub brush for pans, bottle brushes, dish gloves and cleaning bucket.

  1. Do you see any other ways to improve food safety in your kitchen?

Yes, I think I can use these ways to improve food safety in my kitchen;

-Not letting sick workers prepare food

-Using different dishes for cooked and raw foods to avoid cross-contamination

-Training and reinforcing food safety measures to employees and family members





When you cook, what is the best way to know if the meat you are cooking is cooked sufficiently? Through piercing the thickest part of meat with a fork to see if the juice comes out because sufficiently cooked meat should remove juice when pierced

Cutting the meat to check it is piping hot

Making sure there are no pink meat left in the pan



  1. If you were roasting a chicken (poultry) in the oven, what should the final internal temperature be?

165°F (75°C )


  1. How can you prevent cross contamination between raw meats and foods that you will not cook before eating? Name at least two ways.

Use of different cutting boards for raw and cooked foods

Use of separate dishes for raw and cooked foods


  1. What is the benefit of using separate cutting boards? Do you use separate cutting boards for raw meats and produce? If not, could you make a plan to start doing so?

To avoid cross-contamination of food

No, I wasn’t using separate cutting boards but from now, I will start using to prevent the cross-contamination of food.


Healthy Habits



Fill in the Blank: After a meal, you should store perishable foods within _72-96 ___ hours. Do you ever leave food out for longer than that? If so, gross, and why? Yes, I do leave food longer than 96 hours because, at times, I prefer to eat a different dish rather than the stored one.




Part 2: Grocery Food Safety – Rate your store.

  1. Go to the grocery store where you usually shop. Use the worksheet below to rate the store (15 points).

Name of Grocery Store _____FreshChoice grocery store______________

Location: ___________________United State__________


Characteristic Score (Circle for each item)


1.Any unpleasant odor when you walk in? (1 = yes awful, 10 = none at all)

2.Are the floors clean?

(1 = filthy, 10 = pristine)

3.In the produce section, do you see rotten items or fruit flies? (1 = lots of rotten items, 10 = everything super fresh)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


4.Go to the egg section.

Randomly open three different egg cartons. Any broken

eggs? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(1 = 3 or more broken, 5 = 1 broken, 10 = 0 broken)

5.In the dairy area, any smell of old, crusty milk? Look at some of the milk. Is the


oldest milk closest to the customer and the newest milk stocked further back on the shelf?

(1 = stinky/old milk in the back, 10 = fresh as a daisy/old milk in the front)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


6.Walk past the fresh meat counter. How does the meat look, fresh or old? Any

fishy smell? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(1 = old meat/stinky, 10 = all fresh/no stink)

7.Look over the prepackaged raw chicken. Do you see or smell anything that

looks “over the hill”? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(1 = old/stinky, 10 = all fresh/no stink)


8.Does it seem like the staff is careful to keep things clean and fresh? (1 = no, 10 = they are on it!)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


9.Does it seem like staff store refrigerated items promptly, or are palates of

refrigerated or frozen items left out for a long period of time? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(1 = left out for a long time, 10 = stored right away)

  1. Has anything you’ve purchased from the store gone bad before its “Use

by” date (assuming you stored it properly)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(1 = yes/multiple items, 10 = no/never)

  1. Overall, does this seem like a safe place to buy groceries?(1 = no way, 10

= 100% yes) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


FINAL SCORE (Total from above)

Grade (A = 90-99, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F = 0-59)




What could this grocery store improve in terms of food safety?

The owner of the grocery should keep surfaces clean often and wiped after every spill or stain

The owner should check expiry dates of products and discard the expired and broken products

The seller should sell the old produce before selling the new stock

The owner should train and reinforce food safety measures to his/her employees




Based on your rating, will you continue to shop at this grocery store? Why or why not?

I will stop buying my groceries from that store because it is not the first time I have bought something and has spoilt. Two, there is no proper handling of food, and I don’t want to suffer food poisoning.





Part 3: Restaurant Food Safety


Now you have an opportunity to research the food safety practices at a restaurant you like.

  1. Name of the Restaurant: ______Rojas Soft Serve Restaurant___________

Location: ________Los Angeles______________________________


  1. Use one of the following links, or go to the restaurant, to see your restaurant’s food safety report. Underline the method you used to access the report.


Los Angeles County Restaurant Rating: Orange County Restaurant Rating: City of Long Beach – not available on line – go to restaurant to see posted report.

  1. Did your restaurant have any food safety violations? If so, list them.

Demonstration of knowledge

Proper reheating procedures for hot holding

Food obtained from an approved source

Food properly labeled and honestly presented

  1. Do you still plan to eat at this restaurant?

Why or why not?

Yes, I will continue eating in this restaurant because it has high standards of food handling to avoid contamination and spoilage.


  1. When you eat a restaurant, how long does it normally take you to return home and store leftovers (if you have any)?

It takes me at most 2 hours to reach home and store my leftover food in a fridge

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