According to the article Common Core Standards by Lillian Mongeau 2014, she discusses the changes brought by the introduction of the new Common Core Standards to elementary math. For example, kindergartners must count to 100 in their first year. The article discusses the challenges teachers face due to the adoption of these standards.
The critical point of the Common Core Standards is, it emphasizes more on the application than memorization. Another crucial point is the multiple strategies it provides for students to aid them in coming up with their answers. The striking thing about these vital points, they make learning maths more fun and more relaxed. The goal is to ensure that my students learn effectively and in an environment that is warm. These key points help me understand the different reasoning of students on a particular math problem.
Though this concept has its benefits, I do not agree with how it is being introduced. Teachers must be given time to adapt to the changes. This article has influenced me to be open to change. Though we have been taught to follow traditions and norms in place, they are not flexible. On the other side, change gives us room for growth and helps us embrace new perspectives. The information I got from this concept will help me understand why individual students take more time to solve mathematical problems than others in my class.
I discovered that various teachers have different methods of teaching, and students require specific tools to solve problems. This information will be crucial for my future as I will be able to distinguish what learning strategies work for individual students. Thus will lessen the amount of time I will use to correct a student. As a teacher, it is paramount to know the learning disabilities that some of my students exhibit. This will help me interact with my students in a more personal way.