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. Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward

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. Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward

Singh, J., Millard, C., Reed, C., Cobbe, J., & Crowcroft, J. (2018). Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward. Computer, 51(7), 54-65.


The ARTICLE points out the main reason behind the massive lack of privacy in the IoT system is the lack of user control. This promotes the direct consequences of centralized cloud computing. The other key point that comes out very clear is that there is a connection between cloud computing and the Internet of things. The article proposes a framework and solution that will necessitate the module users and the domain.  The solution presented necessitates the logical point of every organization using the Internet of things concepts.


The other portion of the paper puts forth the view that there is more concern over data privacy that comes from centralized IoT systems. This data promotes a critical obstacle to the growth of such an organization. There is a profound reluctance of the exposed row material to the IoT entities. The Internet of things typically in the silos within the organization or the better market.



This source is a significant source for my literature review because it promotes a high-level understanding of the Internet of things. It gives an overview of what should be done to achieve the concept of the Internet of things. The framework presented in the paper can also be used to inform my framework. Finally, the article provides clear and precise results and explanations that can help my readers understand what needs to be done to achieve effective privacy. The validity and relevancy of this article is guaranteed, and therefore it’s appropriate for my research

Bahirat, P., He, Y., Menon, A., & Knijnenburg, B. (2018, March). A data-driven approach to developing IoT privacy-setting interfaces. In 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 165-176).

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According to the sources, the use of user testing in the system helps in understanding and the development of the interface. In the case where the user interface needs to be developed by the system that do not exist, then a valuable inputs can be used to inform every decision.  The second point that is very clear from the source is that through the application of the machine learning techniques, users can be informed about the IoT scenarios. Secondly, the resulting interface will ask users to select the process which captures the preferences with an accuracy of 82% and 14% improvement.  Privacy is a very inherent tradeoff in the IoT world and devices.  This is because the devices cannot provide their services without data and where data is involved, there must be privacy.


The source is very important to my research because it not only presents the work done by it’s authors but also provides the work that has been done by other external authors which is a very important recipe for doing any successful literature review.  Secondly, the source has used different approaches to evaluate the results and this means that results found in the article are credible and useful for any literature review. This article is relevant and its validity confirmed as far as my research problem is concerned.

Singh, J., Millard, C., Reed, C., Cobbe, J., & Crowcroft, J. (2018). Accountability in the IoT: Systems, law, and ways forward. Computer, 51(7), 54-65.


In this article, the authors preset IoT emerging trends and nature and, at the same time provides a legal context for addressing the concerns that are highlighted in different directions for improving the level of accountability in the application. It presents how an individual should be accountable of the IoT system and how this system can be used to enhance the working and the entire security of the Internet of things.

It also brings out the legal aspect of the IoT system. This means that an Individual should take responsibility of any problem when they go against the privacy and security of the IoT system. The stating policy to the discussion of IoT transparency and privacy must take place when getting the information about the working technology and data flowing across the system. Finally, it notes that there is a data protection law that concentrates on transparency, obligation, and data regulation, and this works with different information needs.







This study is critical because it provides very significant information about how the issue of privacy and accountability relates to the Internet of things. Any successful literature review must contain a detailed explanation of confidentiality and liability, and this means that using these sources in my literature review will give my review more information about individual information and roles in ensuring data transparency and privacy.  Due to the availability of needed information, this article is one of the most relevant and valid in my research problems.


Caron, X., Bosua, R., Maynard, S. B., & Ahmad, A. (2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on individual privacy: An Australian perspective. Computer Law & Security Review, 32(1), 4-15.

The article provides a clear definition of the Internet of things and the role it plays in society. IoT provides a challenge to individual privacy directly because it comes with terms of how the individual personal data can be protected. The study is based on Australia, and it stresses the extent to which the Australian privacy principle protects its own privacy that is associated with data collection through IoT technologies. There are four major themes used in the systematical literature review presented in the article. The first theme is authorization surveillance; the second is uncontrolled data generation and, the third is the use of inadequate authentication and information security risks. The four themes are critically sued to presents an analysis of the Australian privacy and principles of individual protection and data. According to the findings, it is clear that APPs do not adequately protect the individual privacy of data collection. However, the IoT and the future privacy legislation must have a keen consideration of the implication of the global IoT services as well as ubiquity and security.



Although the article is based on Australian, it can be useful to my research since it presents a detailed analysis of what should place take in data privacy and security. The four themes presented can be used to inform my literature review and explain the reason why many governments should create a committee that examines individual privacy and data protection.

The source has also presented a detailed yet simplest way of undertaking the Internet of things. This is very important in explaining the concept in my literature review. In the field of required information concerning IoT and as par my research problem is concerned, this article in current, relevant, and valid.


Kozlov, D., Veijalainen, J., & Ali, Y. (2012, February). Security and privacy threats in IoT architectures. In BODYNETS (pp. 256-262).


This is a source that presents an analysis of the overall architecture of the IoT system it also presents the known and the new threats for security, privacy, and trust at the different levels of the architecture that most attackers would use to access the system. The authors hold a strong view that a global ICT infrastructure is a very important point to ensure that privacy and security is ensured in the future of the Internet of things. Being a label of connection, the Internet of things is divided into millions of management, such as homes and smart cities. The technology evolves bottom-up and top-down, which is very important on the consequences and the rate at which it is working. Another different dimension in this source is the energy consumption that come with the IoT and its relationship with the architecture and SPT.

In simple terms the article discussed the IoT architecture especially form the privacy pit of view. The authors first presented a tentative layer view based on the architecture and different levels that exist in the security layers. Finally, the article reviewed the newest legislation in the privacy and security world.




The article will be very useful in the literature review simply because it presents a lot of information about architecture, which is a backbone of understanding the concept of IoT. The article also presents the management domain of the architecture. Form this domain, I am able to explain who controls what and at what level. The literature review to be developed also may need to state the policies that are used and these articles have presented an analysis for the same which is very important for the analysis.  System security and infrastructure of the information system, this article presents required detailed and therefore preferred and valid as far as my research problem is concerned.


Perera, C., Ranjan, R., Wang, L., Khan, S. U., & Zomaya, A. Y. (2015). Big data privacy in the Internet of things era. IT Professional, 17(3), 32-39.


The article presets a discussion on the impotence of addressing the IoT privacy challenges and presents a survey results which consolidates the public opinion on the IoT solutions as well as their impact on the user privacy. The article also examines the research challenges which must be addressed for the IoT to become a pleasant experience for both the users and the developers and the business.

The privacy issue is a very integral part of the internet age and this has received significant attention from different people. This paper focuses on the effort made by the information technology individual in an attempt to help in growing security issues. Another critical point that is also very important is the business model that have been made to achieve the model and the work that comes with these models. Concerning this, the information technology models will pay more attention to the technologies that come with IoT and the regulatory efforts that have been made.


The paper is more of repetitive of what have been discussed by the other authors and may not be very useful in my literature review. Secondly, there is no proper intent citation that can inform the credibility of the sources used in this paper.


Porambage, P., Ylianttila, M., Schmitt, C., Kumar, P., Gurtov, A., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2016). The quest for privacy in the Internet of things. IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(2), 36-45.


In the Internet of things, the object that people use in order to manage and optimize the operational aspect of the daily activities are no longer responsive devices but smart devices. In explaining this concept, the sources bring the point that all that we use in our daily lives is based on the concept of the Internet of things. This means that the devices are interactive and are connected to the Internet. Everything connected to the Internet must be given the highest level for security and privacy. It is clear that privacy attacks and harmful consequences can occur at any time and when this happens, sensitive information can be tampered with because of the information and data dependency, small leakage of information could severely damage the user privacy due to this, the user will accept IoT dependency only if the infrastructure is very trustworthy.


Apart from the detailed explanation, the article presents a different security framework and characteristics of the existing solutions. Secondly, there are and security challenges that are faced when applying a security framework.  The final point is based on the open issue and design guidelines.




The article is useful in the literature review because it discusses the helpful framework. This will promote the understanding of the information presented in the literature review. With the detailed information on data privacy, this article will help in my research; therefore its validity is confirmed.


Zhou, W., Jia, Y., Peng, A., Zhang, Y., & Liu, P. (2018). The effect of ion new features on security and privacy: New threats, existing solutions, and challenges yet to be solved. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(2), 1606-1616.


The paper introduces Internet of things as a technology that enables the physical devices vehicles and human beings to communicate and operate with one another. The technology has been widely used in production and in social application such as homes and health care. While this technology brings a very important advantage, the research notes that it has brought significant level of insecurity and privacy issues.  The research proposes the concept of IoT features, and this includes the threat that exists, it then presents a discussion of the security and challenge of the eighth feature of IoT. These challenges include the course of the challenges and threats and how to solve this problems and finally it gives overview of the future research and where to put our concentration ion.  The paper finally presents an illustration of the trend in IoT security research fixtures and reveals how the future learns affect the security research and investigation in most existing related IoT society form



With such a detailed analysis, it is clear that the paper is useful to my literature rearview. It will help in undertaking the overview of the security and the way in which the security problems can be solved, hence assured validity and relevancy.


Zhou, J., Cao, Z., Dong, X., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). Security and privacy for cloud-based IoT: Challenges. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(1), 26-33.


Based on the article, IoT is increasingly becoming a ubiquitous computing service which requires a huge volume of data storage ad processing. Due to the nature and the unique characteristics, this has caused the organization to have a resource contains and less of data storage. This has led to a short range in communication. The article introduces the new architecture and the very unit security and privacy requirement for the next generation of mobile technology on the cloud-based solution on IoT. It also identifies the appropriateness of the most actual work and addresses the issue of the challenges of secure package forwarding to the efficiency privacy and preserving authentication by proposing new privacy of method of safeguarding data through the encryption key.  The final part of the article is the suggestion of sever problems and offering ideas to triage more research effort in the future.



This paper is beneficial for a literature review, and this is because it it entirely based its argument on privacy and architecture that can be used to ensure the confidentiality and security of the IoT devices. With the proposed solution, one can device mechanist to reduce the level of vulnerability when using the Internet of things. I am very sure of the validity and accuracy of this article. Therefore a priority is confirmed.


Naeini, P. E., Bhagavatula, S., Habib, H., Degeling, M., Bauer, L., Cranor, L. F., & Sadeh, N. (2017). Privacy expectations and preferences in an IoT world. In the Thirteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security ({SOUPS} 2017) (pp. 399-412).


One of the major points that comes out clear in this paper is that to develop the privacy and security tools, and we must get a clear understanding of how people feel about privacy applications of the IoT and the situation in which they prefer to be notified about the data collection. The article presents a report on the more than 1,007 individuals focusing on the privacy and expectation and references as they pertain to 380 IoT collection and use scenarios. All the participants were actually presented with 14 scenarios that varied across eighth categories factors, which included the type of data collected. From the article, privacy preferences are very diverse context-dependent participants were more comfortable with data that was collected public context-dependent of the participants more comfortable being in public.



This article is critical in the literature review because it helps in understanding the personal view of privacy in the Internet of things. Some people do not like their personal information taken. With such information in the literature review, individual reading my paper will understand how they are involved in the research. Consequently, this article is current and supportive in my research.



Hwang, Y. H. (2015, April). IoT security & privacy: threats and challenges. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on IoT privacy, trust, and security (pp. 1-1).


According to the article, IoT has changed the way we live and this means that the way we live our daily life will automatically be influenced by IoT system.  IoT presents us with many variables but also come with an infinite number of challenges, mainly on the side of security and privacy.  Before IoT, most information technologies were just inclined to leakage of information. The IoT security has come with a lot of problems and now many organizations have to worry about their security and privacy.

The other point that is also important in this paper is the component of the IoT. The authors cite that the IoT consists of various aspects and platforms and devices with different capabilities. This device has different characteristics and can perform different functions. It is from these functions that we get to benefit and make things work for the better of our living. The article also presents that user privacy will become a significant point when the environment poses a lot of information that is delivered and shared among the connected things.

For this reason, the article suggests that we should put in place a mechanism that defines how things will operate in the cloud. We can use this mechanism to describe threats and concerns for the security and privacy setting and later introduce unique approaches to help solve security and privacy issues. In short, the article presents various security threat in IoT and give solution through the different platform in which the risks can be solved.



The article is very shallow and does not have in-depth research. Its dos not contain findings of any credible research and hence cannot be used in a literature review. The importance of this article cannot to be questioned since its content is valid and relevant.


Apthorpe, N., Reitman, D., & Feamster, N. (2017). A smart home is no castle: Privacy vulnerabilities of encrypted IoT traffic. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.06805.


The paper is entitled privacy and vulnerability. It presents a discussion of the IoT system and how to protect home applications form external vulnerability.  The paper presents a strategy that can be used by a pervasive network to offer consumer behaviors form the rate of IoT devices even after encrypting the traffic. The strategy is based on the limited purpose nature that is used to map devices. To implement the strategy, the authors set up a home laboratory that has passive network and tap a model that demonstrates how the traffic from the actual home can be affected. Later four commercial home devices are used to evaluate the functionality of this laboratory. This project detect the consumer behaviors on the IoT devices.


The paper is very useful for any research. Since IoT technology has been largely adopted in smart homes, this paper can be used to enhance the understandability of how smart home devices work and function even with encryption.


Das, A., Degeling, M., Smullen, D., & Sadeh, N. (2018). Personalized privacy assistants for the Internet of things: providing users with notice and choice. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 17(3), 35-46.


The article presents a summary of the ongoing research on the development and implementation of the privacy assistance that is designed to empower people to enable them to gain privacy over their Internet of things. The article provides a focus on the infrastructure that have been developed had used to support the privacy assistance for the IoT. It enables the IoT resources which include sensors application.  The article also supports the discovery of users configurable settings for the Ion devices. The also presents a discussion of how the machine learning technology can be used to build refine privacy expectation ad preferences. Though this configuration, the article plans to develop personal privacy assistance capability of selectively their users about data practices and care for helping them configure associated privacy settings.



The resource is a precious resource for any research and development. It presents in greater detail and the various resources and infrastructure used in the IoT world. I will use this resource to explain the importance of resource and how they can be used to enhance personal assistance for Internet of things.


Zheng, S., Apthorpe, N., Chetty, M., & Feamster, N. (2018). User perceptions of smart home IoT privacy. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 1-20.


This is paper presents how users perceive the issue of privacy and security in relation to smart home systems. The paper has five major points. The first point is based on the survey related work where users are asking how privacy affects their daily operation; second part is the method of the interview and how the participants responded, the other part described the limitation of the results and how these results can be enhanced.  Finally, the paper presents the major theme that can be used to describe privacy and security.



The paper may not be very much useful lint the literature review since its finding is not very clear. The survey that was done does not present any definite conclusion on how users’ perception is affected by the privacy and security of the Internet of things. This article remains my preferred one due to its legitimacy and relevancy to



Sicari, S., Rizzardi, A., Grieco, L. A., & Coen-Porisini, A. (2015). Security, privacy and trust in the Internet of Things: The road ahead. Computer networks, 76, 146-164.

This is a survey paper on the issue of privacy, security, and access control. Form this paper, and we are able to get a deeper understanding of the Internet of these privacy and security levels. Some of the critical points present in the paper include security requirement authentification and confidentiality. The second key point is trust in IoT. This presents how trust can be achieved in IoT. The final thing that is considered is Law enforcement in IoT.



Due to the importance of the significant point presented in this article, it can be useful in my literature review. I will borrow a specific point on security to help explain the issue of privacy due to its legitimacy.


Arias, O., Wurm, J., Hoang, K., & Jin, Y. (2015). Privacy and security in the Internet of things and wearable devices. IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, 1(2), 99-109.


This paper follows organization practices to enhance security when using the Internet of things. The paper introduces the related work in privacy and security; the second part is all about a discussion of typical IoT devices and design, the fourth point is the presentation of a case study based on the Nest thermostat and to bypass software protection mechanism through the use of hardware exploits. Vectors and their associated risk are detailed in chapter five. The paper presents another case study in section six, which is followed by the impact of various attacks. The final part is about the consequences of introducing compromised IoT and wearable devices within the network. Finally, the paper presents clear recommended security measures and enhancement that are dedicated to IoT and wearable devices.





From its presentation, it clear that this is a very detailed paper that is very useful for any research. I will use this paper in my literature review to enhance the understandability of the Internet of things and wearable devices. Security issues presented in the paper can because they can be used in enhancing the content of the literature review since it’s very valid and relevant

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