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Argumentative Essay- Fourth of July as an Inspiration to Fight against Slavery among African- Americans

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Argumentative Essay- Fourth of July as an Inspiration to Fight against Slavery among African- Americans

 The United States of America gained its independence from British in1776. Consequently, July 4 was set apart to celebrate America’s acquisition of freedom and independence. This implied that they were free of colonial oppression. The day does not only meant to celebrate independence but also acknowledge the struggles of great men who made this happen.  On the 76th celebration of independence, Fredrick Douglass delivered his speech, what to slaves is the Fourth of July?  The speech is mainly concerned with how African Americans perceive America’s Independence Day. In the speech, he outlines that only Americans ought to celebrate, as they were the only ones who had independence.  Fourth of July was African- American’s insight to fight against Americans slavery. In this paper, we shall address how the speech ignites the need for racial equality between Americans and African Americans in the light of independence and the abolition of the slave trade.

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Independence Day was a celebration of freedom fighter’s victory in the fight against colonial oppression. In the speech, Douglass states that freedom fighters are great men for their ideals in fighting for freedom (Douglass). Colonial oppression was nothing near America’s slavery oppression. By celebrating this day, Douglass was targeting America’s hypocrisy in that they celebrate freedom from colonialists, yet they were the leading proponents of abuse (Benjamin). The colonial power recognized that every person should be free of oppression, despite having control over America. This ought to have taught the Americans that they should let go the slavery. Besides, this was an inspiration to the African American population in America that there was hope if they kept on pushing.  Fourth of July to slaves meant that continued fight against slavery. It was the best time to challenge their oppressors to fight against their ideologies. In other words, if Americans believed that all men should free of oppression, then they should live their ideologies. Just like slaves, Americans understood the pains of being oppressed. On the first independence day, they tasted their freedom, implying that they had a first-hand understanding of both situations, but they were reluctant to grant slaves their freedom. Douglass points out that Independence Day was not African Americans’ day to celebrate.  He wonders why he is involved in the celebration, yet the freedom and liberty only applied to American and did not extend to African Americans. This would challenge the Americans if their holiday was appealing to all residents of America. It also tests their ideologies, where they practice slavery but fight against oppression. Therefore, the Fourth of July to the slaves was a revelation that the fight against slavery was still on, except that it got the ideological phase.

The Independence Day reflects that all men are equal; hence, slave ought to be treated fairly. The Englishmen for long ruled over Americans, which deprived the latter their worth as humans (Benjamin). That is, the Englishmen acted superior to Americans, which is they ruled over them.  American’s attaining independence implies that Englishmen understood that it was not right to deprive other people of their dignity. Therefore, freedom retained their dignity. However, the Americans, despite the fight for their equal right with their colonialists, denied African Americans their dignity. He points out that African Americans were flogged and made to work for no pay. They were also starved to obedience and traded at night like unwanted commodities.  However, he points out that the blacks had families, besides performing other duties and having a social life, which marks them as human.  Despite the prohibition of slavery in 1827, slavery was still practiced in America. Douglass points out that the local newspaper pointed out that the slave trade was lucrative, and those who practiced it amassed a lot of wealth.  This was devastating to African Americans, in that it killed their hope of ever being free. July 4, however, implied a different turn out of events. Reinstating American dignity would motivate them to do the same to African Americans. Besides, independence laid a basis on to which African Americans could fight against slavery. The speech was just a revelation that slavery was still conducted besides its abolition attracting the attention of policymakers to promote equality. He referred to the removal of partisan as acceptance of what is right and just. This would challenge free Americans, who advocated for liberty and freedom to reconsider fighting slavery, by promoting equality just as Englishmen did.

With independence, the constitution was subject to interpretation. The colonial constitution was drafted to facilitate colonialist’s interest. Celebrating independence was the first step towards establishing an independent government. The new government needs policies, which would accommodate the interests of the newly formed state. Douglass points out that the constitution does not mention slavery. That is, there is no wording in the constitution that advocated or insinuated that a citizen should be a master of another citizen, giving them the right to mistreat them as animals. Corruption and criminal injustices were the mothers of slavery besides its abolition (Van Cleve). The wealthy slave smugglers had a justice system in their pocket, which guaranteed them protection from the law. However, such evils were hard to harbor during the colonial era. Although Americans had control over salves, the colonial government was above Americans, and any attempt to interpreted law or fought against corruption was complicated for Americans who believed injustice. The colonial rule was only protected its interests, which were favored by slavery. In other words, slavery provided cheap labor for Americans, which translated to the transfer of burden from the colonial government to the Americans and finally to salves.  Regardless of the constitution, intervening in slavery matter would imply the colonial rule would encounter more resistance from the Americans. Independence Day translated into the departure of one superior faction of oppression in America. The implication is that the justice system was more independent than before; thus, law interpretation stood a chance. Besides, Douglas’s speech was a revelation to slaves that the constitution was an essential weapon towards their freedom. Therefore, although slaves were mourning on the Fourth of July, the day empowered the fight towards their celebrations too.

July 4 meant war against slavery. As noted by Douglass, “it is not light that was needed” to end the injustices of slavery; instead, “it is fire.” American independence was not achieved by merely convincing the colonialists to grant the country its liberty and freedom; instead, it was taken by force through a war.  In 1827, the ideological war led to the abolition of slavery (Mason). This was a milestone towards send of slavery. However, to Americans, this was not the end. American slave smugglers would illegally trade humans as swine. For fifty-one years, slaves were ridiculed every Fourth of July before slavery was abolished. They were made to celebrate independence, yet they were denied citizenship, let alone freedom. They had nothing to celebrate; instead, they were mourning their oppression and hard life. Each year gave slaves a reason to refrain from this oppression.  Continued slavery after 1827 could only be solved in one way.  The civil war was the price that slaves paid to be free. The war was inspired by continued slavery despite its abolition. Besides, the government’s inactivity towards slaveholders left the slave no other option. Fourth of July was not only set aside to celebrate indolence, but also to celebrate those who fought for independence. Out of these two themes of Independence Day, slaves understood that regardless of whether they lost the war against slavery, fighting would guarantee them dignity, which slavery deprived them. Therefore, to slaves,4th July implied a fight against oppression as well as the restoration of their dignity.

Christianity restore believes hope and enthusiasm, especially the afflicted ones. Although it is not from an African setting, religion promotes values like unity and equality. Consequently, it ought to stand against slavery and any other form of oppression.  However, this was not the case in the United States during the slavery era.  Christian leaders supported slave owners instead of denouncing such evil acts (Kuypers). Slaves were perceived as an inhuman being who deserved to suffer in the hands of “superior human” the whites.  This implies that slaves had no refuge. According to Douglass, Christianity promoted what is not humane and justified it as Godly. He rebukes it, claiming that which is against human dignity does not qualify as divine. Failure of religion to recognize slaves as children of God is termed as blasphemy. That is, religion classifies white Americans as better people above African Americans. This furthers slave agony, which pushes them further to one way of ending slavery, fighting for freedom. July 4 celebrations, coupled up with the failure of such institutions, promoted the urge to break the bondage.  The principles of Christianity and the conduct of its leader was a slave’s primary weapon against slavery. Americans believed in its principle but hypocritically upheld the principle against Christianity. Therefore, July 4 was an inspiration to fight against slavery, which would bring equality among all Humans regardless of their race or origin, as stipulated in Christian teaching. Besides, according to the Bible, freedom was earned by blood.

In conclusion, while July 4 marked independence day to the white Americans, it was an inspiration to the African Americans that freedom was on its way, and the price was a revolution against it.  Douglas’s speech in 1852 presents slaves’ agony, which was heightened by the ridiculous celebration of independence.   This day also proofed to African Americans that slavery was not based on ideologies; rather, it was based on hate and racism.




Benjamin, Mollie. “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Ivyland, 8 Dec. 2019, Accessed February 27. 2020

Douglass, Frederick. What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? 1852.

Kuypers, Jim. Rhetorical criticism: Perspectives in Action. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009. Print

Mason, Matthew. Slavery and Politics in the Early American Republic. Baskerville: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Print.

Van Cleve, George William. A Slaveholders’ Union: Slavery, Politics, and the Constitution in the Early American Republic. Illinois: The University of Chicago Press Ltd, 2010. Print.




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