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Enhancement of personal safety for nurses in hospitals

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Enhancement of personal safety for nurses in hospitals


This paper proposes changes that can be done on the nursing fraternity to ensure that nurses are safe as they honor their duties daily. A thorough analysis of the current condition will be followed by recommendations on how the discussed policy change can be implemented through the application of both bottom-up and top-down approaches. The paper also elaborates on its practicality, relevance as well as the probable financial implications.

Policy Proposal

This policy will enhance the level of safety for nurses in hospital facilities. These parties form an integral part of the success of both the facilities as well as patient experiences. The policy proposal will ensure that the healthcare workers are guaranteed of enhanced safety as they go about their daily operations. Cases of lack of safety at the workplace can be reduced by the respective organizations having elaborate plans on how the lapses can be filled.

A1. Public Policy Issue

The dangers that come with nursing operations is a potential risk to their health in the long term. Some of the effects of the dangers are bodily injuries, disorders, infections, mental health issues, and in the long term, they can suffer from metabolic diseases, among others. Apart from this category of dangers, others are unfavorable working conditions and long shifts. These elements have a direct impact on their productivity. Majorly they lead to them performing poorly and thus should be minimized for optimum performance. According to recent researches, every nursing graduate’s primary concern is if they will be guaranteed their safety once they become practitioners.

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Given the fact that they are an integral part of healthcare efficiency, this policy will ensure that they are helped by getting rid of the factors that jeopardize their safety. In this way, they will have ample environment to focus on their duties.

A1a. Issue Selection

My rationale for choosing this issue is informed by recent studies that have indicated that personal safety is a critical element to many nursing inefficiencies being witnessed in the country today. In my workplace, my colleagues are always complaining that the institution has not implemented the right strategies that can help them feel secure. For instance, they say that in the past six months, they have worked for long shifts, and their complaints about the same have gone unaddressed.

I understand this is a precarious position to be at, given that the state has thousands of nurses that could be going through the same mess. It is even worse when looked at on a national scale. Thus, we can no longer continue turning a blind eye on this menace that threatens the wellbeing of our healthcare sector. I feel that this policy will help in restoring order in the sector.

A1b. Issue Relevance

This issue is very relevant in modern-day practice as it addresses nurses’ concerns on their safety. At the moment, many nurses in the country feel not protected enough by their institutions. The organization has protective frameworks, but it is apparent that the loopholes present have made many healthcare workers continue suffering in silence. There are many risks associated with nurse distress. For instance, if they work for long, their concentration levels deep. As a result, they are not able to execute their duties well.

In my state, there are efforts to ensure that employee safety through the enactment of laws, but the implementation is the problem all the time. Many of these regulations being advocated and implemented by the government, are punitive. However, this policy is pragmatic and radical approaches that can be used to arrest the situation. It will bring together all stakeholders across the fraternity in a bid to ensure that that the problem is solved. The policy will address the dangers that these practitioners experience daily.

A1c. Financial Implications

As expected, there will be a financial implication of coming up with thins policy as well as implementing it. The costs will come in the form of developing policy materials, installation of the safety monitoring apparatus as well as training the employees and administrators on their functionality. The costs will vary depending on the recommendations made that will enhance their effectiveness. It is anticipated that the implementation of this policy will result in more nurses feeling safe about their jobs. This effect is welcome, given the level of rancor that is being witnessed in many healthcare facilities at the moment.

A2. Personal Values

My colleagues have complained of feeling insecure in the workplace. Many of them feel that they are not protected from the dangers that characterize their workplace. Also, by being subjected to long working shifts. They say that these are the factors that discourage them from enjoying the experience of working in these facilities. For instance, many of them say that they are not regularly trained in evading these dangers that come with operating machines. Also, they say that the laid frameworks do not empower them to air their grievances. Thus, I feel that more should be done to give them a voice. These practitioners should be protected more so that they can be productive. I feel that we should prioritize their safety if they are to deliver as expected.

A2b. Ethical Principle

This policy is hinged on the utilitarianism ethical principle that says actions should be justified if they result in benefits for many people. The nurses are a critical cog in healthcare outcomes since they serve thousands of patients. Thus, by increasing their level of comfort at work will make them work better and excellently in a way that will result in patients receiving the best care. Understandably the best care means that they will recover soonest. Hospital facilities should be compelled to implement strategies that guarantee employee safety, thus fulfilling utilitarianism.

The Top-Down Method to Policy Advocacy

The top-down approach dictates that a decision-maker is identified in earnest since they are the ones that will receive the policy brief. The advantage of this approach is that it allows policymakers to get the thoughts of those that will be affected by the policy. It assumes that the goals are clearly defined, the means to examine the performance as well as the necessary tools that will help in the achievement of the goals. Additionally, some laws govern how all activities that form policy advocacy.

B1. The Decision Maker

My decision maker is Vermont Senator Bernard Sanders, who is also the United States Representative for Vermont congressional district between 1991 and 2007. His dedication to bringing about change as emblazoned in his leadership legacy is a critical tool in ensuring that this policy is implemented.

B1a. Explanation

This issue is very relevant to modern-day medical practice, especially for nurses. Every healthcare worker has a right to feel safe while carrying out their daily duties. Many healthcare workers have reservations about the effectiveness of the laid-out safety frameworks. At the moment, there is a need for facilities to audit their operating systems to expose potential areas that could pose security risks for the nurses. For so long, many of them have had to work in uncomfortable circumstances.

Senator Sanders if the perfect leader in championing this policy change given his influence. Previously he has been a standout campaigner for healthcare workers. He has championed for their basic pay to be increased as well as the conditions of their working environment. He has supported the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994, the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act in 2005, he opposed the war in Iraq, among others.

I feel that Senator Sanders is the right candidate to spearhead the advocacy. He has a history of championing bills that protect employees and citizens. Thus, his swerve will bring about the necessary changes that are needed in the healthcare sector. Given the seriousness of the matter, the leader must be visionary and staunch enough to make it sail through.

B2. The Challenges

The new public policy is bound to face many challenges. There are divergent opinions on how given policies can be operationalized. The decision-maker will have to navigate through the hurdles that come in the form of financial constraints. At the same time, the healthcare facilities may feel that the policy highlights them in a bad light and oppose it. Many of them feel that they have done their best to protect their employees, but the feeling is different for the nurses. The same is expected of the public as they may deem the policy unnecessary due to the prioritization.

B3. Options

the next option for the decision-maker is to accommodate modification to the proposed policy as a way of ensuring that it goes through and gets implemented. The interested parties can give their submissions on the same for consideration. If these views are in line with the policy stipulations, they will be accommodated. Alternatively, the decision-maker can shelve the policy proposal if it fails to garner enough support. The likely outcome from this action is that nurses will continue to work with uncertainty over their security concerns. The other option could be to urge the state to come up with a committee that will see to this effect. The objective of this committee will be to ensure that the policy recommendations are implemented to the letter for the welfare of the nurses.

B4. Course of Action

The modus operandi will be using practical, persuasive approaches to woo for support to the public policy proposal. The senator will have to persuade the members of the House to give not the proposals for it to sail through the House. One of the critical ways he can use to prove to the House the urgent need for these changes is empirically proving to them that nurses are working under distress. He will factually demonstrate that 75percent of healthcare employees and working in stressful conditions that inhibit their performance. The state commissions on healthcare have been alerted to the presence of this problem and are continuously looking for a long-term solution. They are taking longer than expected to formulate a workable solution. As a result, they are allowing these factors to continue hurting nurses in the country.

B5. The Success of the Policy Brief

Even though this is a very complicated process, its success will be seen the moment it is passed in the House. It should continue moving forward until the implementation process. Through the application of the top-down method, the senator will be the chief decision-maker in advancing the policy reforms. First of all, he will sponsor the bill and subsequently present it before the legislative committee on healthcare. This step is crucial at it will imply that it is a serious and urgent matter.

Upon hearing, if the committee resorts to passing it, this will mark yet another success milestone to the policy as it will not move to the House of Representatives. After deliberations, it will be handed to the president, who will then sign it into law. This will mean that the policy proposal has come full circle as now it will be a law that protects nurses from an unsafe working environment. Also, it will be a significant revolution in how healthcare practitioners are treated.

The Bottom-Up Method in Policy Advocacy

C1. Identified Company

This approach used has goals that conflict with the existing policies. However, it is likely to take more time for effective implementation. The Vermont Nurses Association is the best organization to advance this policy. In conjunction with the National Nurses Union, the association will aim to have the policy sail through. These are a legal organization whose proposals are held highly by the government. They will help in having the policy sail through with ease. They have helped to bring the policy to Congress.

C1a. Summary of Expressed Interest

The Vermont Nurses Association serves to protect the interest of the nurses in the county. In association with the NNU, they will launch a campaign to have the policy adopted. These two have been at the forefront of fighting for the rights of nurses. They advance their interests and ensure that they work in a conducive environment at all times. The inclusion of the NNU will add more weight to the seriousness of the matter.

C2. CBPR Principles

The three CBPR rules identified that will be used in collaboration with VNA are first of all recognition of the community as the unit of identity, operating based on the strengths and resources provided by the community. Thirdly giving out results to all stakeholders. The importance of these rules is that they help stakeholders to trust the operations of the organizations.

C2a. Approach and Collaboration

The Vermont Nurses Association supports the initiative to enhance workplace safety for all nurses. I will, first of all, see the support of its top leadership. My address to the will be that I am a nurse, just like the members the association represents, and I would like our daily working conditions to improve. I will express my dismay at how their security is compromised at the moment. In this way, they will accept to join hands in pushing for the policy to be implemented. Also, with the collaboration with NNU, we will reach out to more nurses in other states, and our voice will be more reliable.

C2b. Goal Alignment

The Vermont Nurses association always campaigns for the improvement of the nurse’s working conditions, of which safety is critical. They share my thoughts on the issue. It is part of the more significant objective by the association to give nurses a voice that can help them to work in a pleasant environment.

C2c. Action Steps

the first step will be to woo the support of the stakeholders successfully. Public rally venues will be used to send the word across. Using properly constructed committees, necessary research will be conducted to back up claims by the campaigns. Lastly, the policy will be handed to the decision-maker who will push it through the House.

C2d. Roles and responsibilities

The VNA leader will be the chief facilitator of the constituted committees and will liaise with the stakeholders for meeting venues. He will also address the media when necessary. The VNA will assume the role of solving problems by establishing safety games as well as proposing evidence-based proposals as solutions to the problem.

C2e. Critical Elements in the Evaluation Plan

The community as the basic unit of identity was the first CBPR rule that was recommended. It was fulfilled when the nurses’ community was recognized as the ideal voice. Thus, we intend to use this voice to realize the desired change. The aim here will be to use the nurses’ association to reach out to its members. It will help our messages to attract the attention of nurses in both the local and national scale. They will support the initiative leading to the success of the policy proposal.

C2f. Community or Organization Plan

The plan is to monitor the gradual reaction of the stakeholders to the meeting. An increase in the audience will mean that many are for the police to be implemented. Also, seeking the individual support of the nurses will reflect success. The eventual adoption will mean the overall process is a success.

Gauging the Effectiveness of the two Methods

D1. Strengths of every method

The top-down method allows for decisions to be easily implemented. Also, policy implementation takes care of all stakeholders in an organization. The bottom-up method accommodates stakeholder input, meaning that they will not complain of the outcome.

D2. Shortcomings of these methods

In the top-down approach, the leader makes critical decisions regarding the welfare of the stakeholders. Thus, the leader can be authoritarian. The bottom-up approach also takes a long time for the implementation to be complete. Another one is that it may conflict with many laws.

D3. The Most Effective Approach

The bottom-up approach seems the fittest form me since it involves all stakeholder opinions, and it is likely to lead to realistic results. The VNA will come up with neat proposals that will be handed to the legislature. Also, with an influential decision-maker, it will be easier to adopt this policy resulting in radical changes on how this issue of nurses’ safety is addressed. The members of the House will listen to the decision-makers of the policy helps bring about change.



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