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Define communication and explain its essential characteristics

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Define communication and explain its essential characteristics

Communication refers to the process of creating meaning through the use of symbolic interaction. Communication has four essential characteristics. For instance, communication is said to be symbolic, which implies that it uses symbols to represent ideas, events, or things in order to create meaning or convey a message. Communication is described as a process, which means that it is a continuous, ongoing process involving the transfer of information from the sender through a selected channel and ends with the sender’s feedback. Communication is irreversible, which implies that once information is conveyed, said, or sent, it cannot be reversed. It is important to think about the message that needs to be communicated before sharing with others. The final characteristic of communication is that it is relational. This means that communication is about the things we do with others but not what we do to them.

Imagine a conversation that people pictured above might be having. Explain how the conversation you imagine illustrates the four key elements of communication described on page 2.

Individuals in the picture are interacting through the use of symbols. They have laptops that perhaps they are using to communicate important ideas and share information. These individuals are expressing themselves through gestures and facial expressions such as smiles and laughs, which indicate that they are having an exciting conversation and that they are understanding each other. Their conversation seems to be continuous and ongoing. Since communication is believed to be relational, the individuals in the picture appear to be doing things together, each of them is being engaged in the conversation. Also, communication is irreversible; the people in the picture are using additional resources to justify information before sharing. This can be seen from the laptops that they are using to share and support their ideas.

1.2 Compare and contrast linear and transactional models of communication.

In the linear model, the sender communicates to the receiver, while the transactional model involves two people communicating with each other simultaneously. Another difference between the linear and transactional models of communication is that the latter includes messages that are not deliberately encoded. Also, a linear model of communication is very basic, while the transactional model of communication builds upon it. The similarity between these two models of communication is that they demonstrate that communication is influenced by the people engaged in it as well as the situations surrounding it.

Based on the linear model, if one person in the picture above is talking, what roles are others playing? How does this differ from a description of their communication based on their transactional model?

If one person is talking, the others are taking turns to receive the message. This differs from the description of the communication based on their transactional model as they need to be talking simultaneously.

  • Distinguish between communications in a variety of contexts.

Intrapersonal communication involves communicating with oneself by listening to an internal voice that comes from the head. Interpersonal communication is a form of communication where two people interact by sharing information. Small group communication occurs when every person is given a chance to participate actively with others through interaction. Organizational communication involves the large, permanent collection of people interacting actively to achieve a common goal through communication. On the other hand, public communication occurs when one or more people are allowed to make remarks to a large gathering. It is usually characterized by an unequal amount of speaking. Finally, mass communication involves the transfer of information to a large, widespread audience through the use of electronic and printed media.

Imagine that you have been offered a great job far away from where you live now. Describe the different ways you might share that news with a close friend, your boss, and your current working group. In what ways would you adapt your message to suit each relationship?

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I will share the great news with my close friend through instant messaging to express my happiness and expectations in the new job. For my boss, I will send an email to him to inform you about the new job that I have been offered. I will organize for a personal meeting with my current working group to share the great news. In order to adapt the message to suit our relationship with my close friend, I will use catchy phrases to make her feel my excitement. For my boss, I will make the message brief, direct, and concise because it is formal. However, for my current working group, I will use a fast quick pace and allow them to ask me questions concerning the new job.

  • Describe factors that make social media unique and tips for communicating well in that environment.

The audience size of social media tends to vary in size vastly. This implies that the message conveyed through social media can be received by a larger audience than expected. The next feature unique about social media is that users generate their own content. Individuals decided what they want to share on their social platforms such as Facebook. Finally, social media is unique because networks are highly diverse. Individuals can use social media to communicate with strangers, and not just those that are close to them. For a person to communicate well in social media, it is important to choose the best medium, think before posting, adapt to the audience, respect other’s need for undivided attention, and keep cool.

You and your significant other have just split up. Would you announce that via social media? Why or why not? If so, how would you craft your social media message(s) to be appropriate for a different audience (your friends, your boss, your family, and so on?

I would not announce the split up via social media. This is because it will involve other people in my love life, which should instead be kept private. If I have to announce the split up, I will use a creative language to express my emotions and feelings. For instance, I will choose to use a past story that involves breakup and build around other characters to hide the truth from the public. My partner will only be the one to understand the entire information.

  • Identify characteristics of effective communication and competent communicators

Effective communications involve several characteristics. For instance, it is believed that competence is situational. This means that individuals should not view effective communication as a trait that an individual possesses or lacks. Competence can be leaned; this is an indication effective communication involves a set of skills that be learned. In effective communication, competence is relational. Also, there is no ideal way to communicate. As for the competent communicators, their features are described as flexible, self-monitor, cognitively complex, empathic, and committed.

Rate yourself from 1 to 10 in terms of how well your communication reflects each of the following: empathy, cognitive complexity, self-monitoring, and commitment. Which of these are you good at? Which might you improve and how?

Empathy = 8

Cognitive complexity =9

Self-monitoring = 8

Commitment = 6

I am good at cognitive complexity, empathy, and self-monitoring. However, I need to improve on a commitment by talking about difficult subjects and sharing personal information with those that are around me.

  • Explain how misconceptions about communication can create problems.

Misconception about communication can lead to biasness, mislead people in their conversations by talking too much without listening to others. It also makes other people feel inferior about their communication skills.

Which misconception about communications (page 12) have caused the greatest problem in your life? How can you approach similar situations more constructively in the future?

Myth 6. Which states that more communication always better has resulted in problems in my life. I hardly allow people to share their views on the things I believe are right to me. I always talk much to convince them and agree with me. However, my friends hate me because of talking a lot. After reading this chapter, I have realized that it is not a mistake to speak much, but sometimes it is good to avoid dominating the talk. I will try my best to allow others to express themselves when in a conversation to avoid talking much.




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