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In recent years, the fitness industry has grown to be massive. For instance, in the year 2013, the sector generated more than $75 billion as revenue(Lembo, 415). Studies have revealed in countries like the United States, and other European countries, about 30% of adults undertake fitness sessions sometimes, while 60 percent perform frequent fitness-related activities (Thompson, 10). The term “fitness” can take a double trajectory. On the one side, it can be recognized as an activity in the world of sport.

On the other hand, fitness may be viewed as a sport that

can be embraced by individuals in pursuit of leisure, or otherwise to enhance

the general wellbeing (Lembo, 415). The Cambridge dictionary defines fitness as

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the state of “physically strong and healthy” (“Meaning in the Cambridge English

Dictionary,” n.p). The terms fitness, exercise, training, and physical activity

are intertwined and often confused or used in place of the other. Over the

years, there have been advancements in economic status and demographics of the

human population, which in turn has provoked the diversification of the meaning

and usage of the terms fitness, physical activity, and sports. Today, the

concept of sport comes with inherent meaning other being for competition; it

takes the aims that bring some satisfaction. In effect, there has been a

decrease in the need for competitive sport, with the surge for personalized

physical activities whose objective to acquire inherent mental equilibrium. The

concept of physical activity thus implies “fitness” or “fitness training’.

However, these terms may be more complicated than just “exercise” or “activity.”

(Paoli et al., 145). This paper associates fitness with a set of tasks that

carried out in the gymnasiums or the homes to attain balanced mental and

physical health for inner satisfaction as well in preparation for competitive

sport. Several activities that can be carried out include resistance training

activities, functional fitness tasks, and group fitness activities.

Fitness is a massive industry with promising benefits for

both global competitive sport and for individual consumption, since it provides

avenues for brings about the sense of wellness, and inner satisfaction and

aesthetic value in individuals for improved health outcomes as well as for



The paper adopted a narrative literature review method. According to Paré and Kitsiou, narrative review focuses on reviewing existing literature and tends to be biassed towards a prop of existing ideas qualitatively. The primary purpose is to synthesize on what has been documented on a given subject but is intending to gather and synthesize existing knowledge to show the value of a given perspective. In effect, the researcher may be carrying out a skewed selection of literature to emphasize a given point of view (Paré and Kitsiou, n.p.). However, this method has received some criticism in that a reviewer may purposely curtail or ignore some research to justify their point of view. Since the technique is somewhat unsystematic, the use of materials is subjective. It may not have clear-cut criteria for inclusion, which offers the possibility of giving biased interpretations and conclusions (Green et al., 112).

Nevertheless, narrative review is essential in piecing up information on a particular topic and synthesizing it. The primary purpose of the review is to come up with an in-depth background for discerning existing literature and to point out the need for new research (Cronin et al., 40). This forms the basis of adopting this method in this paper.

Literature review

Fitness and Bodily Capital

As regards fitness and personal training Hutson, David introduces a concept called “bodily capital,” which provides a basis in comprehending why people are willing to invest their money, time, energy, and other resources into a physical workout and the expected benefit in return. Bodily capital is rather broad and entails muscle power, attractiveness, agility, and similar bodily characteristics. People are willing to invest bodily capital with the expectations that their perceived level in a given domain is elevated (Hutson, 5). Bodily capital is mutually beneficial in that instructors take advantage of it and turn it into economic and social capital. In contrast, consumers exchange their financial capital for bodily capital (Kotzé and Antonopoulos, 4). Individuals possess an inherent need to feel good, a trend that was embraced as from the turn of the century when bourgeois laws were loosened. Individuals now engage in fitness programs not just for spiritual or health reasons but for their improved appearance and a more a high-value identity (Hutson, 6).

However, a body figure that may be considered high-value is subjective as it depends on socio-historic perspectives, which in many social contexts is a figure of a slim and muscularly toned frame

Preference thin body frame was embraced as from the 20th century when healthcare personnel rallied the idea that having excess weight was unhealthy and could attract undesired medical conditions. This attitude was promoted by the emergence of the so-called svelte women and other male bodybuilders who showed lean but toned bodies that came to be accepted as the ideal beauty and athletic figure (Kerry, 96). Consequently, physical activity was embraced as the primary means by which the state of the body can be enhanced and the development of gymnasiums where people could carry out their exercises (Howard, n.p).

fitness level among Population of Varying Demographics

Fitness Levels in Children and Adolescents

For children and adolescents to remain healthy, there has been a recommendation on the quantity of physical activities that they should engage. This category should take a minimum of one hour in physical activities per day. In doing so, the youths benefit their heart performance, thereby enhancing the quality of life in young people (Paoli, ., et al., 604). Studies have suggested that when children are fit, more particularly when engaging aerobic physical activity, they develop resilience and diminish the incapacity that comes about as a result of multitasking. Moreover, children who are considered to be less fit are less likely to suffer from obesity, type II diabetes, and insulin resistance (Khan and Hillman, 142).

On the other hand, rigorous physical exercise is likely

to enhance insulin sensitivity. Change in the level of fitness is associated

with variation in insulin resistance, and this is motivated by changes in

lifestyle and activity level among the affected group. Furthermore, there is a

linear correlation between aerobic activities and adiposity in those children

who undertake increased levels of physical activities that show lower levels of

adiposity (McCormack, Shana E., et al., 281). All these factors reinforce the

significance of fitness in health.

Fitness and health of children

Although children are known to generally active, studies

have indicated that over the past decade, children have less active. This has

created concern among health experts on the effect of the sedentary nature of

children on the health of children. Medical professionals have found out many

benefits that are associated with exercise. Children who engage in increased

physical activity portray better cardiovascular performance can manage weight

and have developed increased bone masses compared to their less active peers.

Furthermore, the effect of childhood exercises has an associated link to the

health of the individual during adulthood. Individuals who engaged in increased

physical activity during adulthood reveal increased health performance during

adulthood. Moreover, physical activity during childhood has a direct link to

the level of physical activity during adulthood (Boreham et al., 922).

Despite the benefits that are associated with exercise,

they are associated with dangers. During play, children are susceptible to

injury, mainly when there is a competitive component. Although any exercise may

cause harm, competitive physical activities pose an increased likelihood of

injury. Although many injuries incurred heal without specialized treatment,

there are associated costs, and time for schooling is lost (Brussoni, n.p).

Sports activities have, in particular, been associated with increased chances

of injury (Boreham, 915).

Fitness and Aging

Aging is linked with the degeneration of mental

capacities such as perception, decision making, and carrying out basic tasks

(Terrando, n.p ). These degenerations reach their peak when dementia sets in, a

situation that disrupts the life of an individual in that one may not be able

to support themselves, thereby becoming dependent on others. Studies have

suggested that engaging in exercise and other physical activities may have a

positive impact in retarding or reversing the mental degeneration capacities

that come with advancements in age (Smiley-Oyen, Ann, et al. n.p.; Martin et

  1. 1360). Earlier research indicated that physical activity has a positive

impact on brain vasculation (Black et al. 5570). There is an indication that

the elevated levels of blood flow in the body trigger brain activities that

hinder or reverse the advancement of aging. Aerobic-related tasks such as

jogging have positive effects in enhancing body fitness and general wellbeing

(Martin et al. 1362). Several activities that can be carried out include

resistance training activities, functional fitness tasks, and group fitness


Categories of fitness training

Fitness training takes different forms that are recognized globally. Some of these forms are discussed below.

Group Training

In this case, the trainers coach and motivate their team

through relatively large groups that have international links. These training

sessions are formulated to be motivational and applicable for individuals of

various categories, whereby the trainer uses training strategies that help

members to achieve given training objectives. These training sessions have been

embraced worldwide and have become popular (Thompson, 12).

Personal training

Personal training is achieved through the help of

professional personal instructors. In the past decade, individuals and

regulators have been keen on education and certification through relevant

bodies. In the United States, legislation has been put in place to ensure that

personal trainers are qualified and correctly licensed. Despite there being

differences in the strategies adopted by different trainers, the instructors

remain essential professional personnel in the field of health and fitness

(Thompson, 13). The personal instructor is also crucial in community-based

initiatives such as wellness programs and healthcare fitness programs (Mungania

et al., 183).

Body weight training

Body weight training is a concept that has been going for

many years, starting from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians and currently being

practiced for the same purpose. This concept refers to a physical activity that

is carried out by using the body as a mechanism for resistance to doing work

against gravity (Harrison, 51). The human anatomy portrays several bones and

muscles, all of which co-ordinate during inactivity. Body weight training

allows individuals to use the muscles and bones to work in a multidimensional

setting to counter the force of gravity. Examples of body weight training

include various kinds of calisthenics, such as squatting, sit-ups, and jumps to

enhance thrust power (Kraemer et al., 166). It also includes yoga, which can be

vied as a body weight training that at it brings about a link between the body

and the mind (Harrison, 52).

Body weight training is essential in that many activities

are closed-chain tasks that help in strengthening muscles. Body weight training

employs the use of body weight as a mechanism of resistance unless an external

force is included (Harrison, 53).

High-intensity interval training. (HIT)

HIT mainly entails short thrusts of high-intensity

activities intertwined by short intervals of rest and mostly undertaken in less

than half an hour. HIT is a trend that has been ongoing for some time and is

restively popular among sports enthusiasts. However, when not carefully

performed, HIT can potentially cause injuries (Thompson, 12). Other than

serving the purpose of a competitive sport, HIT may present health benefits and

can be used for non-athletes as well as an alternative activity for individuals

who are not fit enough to endure prolonged high-intensity activities. HIT has

been shown to impact on glucose metabolism, blood pressure, and influence

health outcomes such as body mass index. The training has also been shown to

enhance insulin sensitivity (Kessle et al., 501).

Exercise Is Medicine

Exercise Is Medicine is a worldwide health initiative whose primary goal

is to encourage primary care health workers to integrate workouts into their

treatment programs and recommending patients to fitness professionals. The

programs are founded on the concept that exercise is vital in the prevention

and treatment of health challenges and, therefore, should be viewed as a

primary component of treatment plans (Thompson, 13). Other than highlighting

the benefits of physical activity, the initiative goes further to urge

healthcare workers to incorporate referral programs for patients into

communality programs. Moreover, it encourages health practitioners to

collaborate with their communities to provide a link through which they can

refer their patients (Thompson, 13).

Worksite Health Promotion

Considering that many adults take an average of 8 hours

in the workplace, providing exercise programs at the workplace can be a good

way of improving the levels of physical activity among adults. In the past two

decades, such programs have gained popularity among workers. Many worksite

health promotion programs had their origin in the period after the Second World

War. They were recommended to business leaders who believed that physical

activity was essential for general health and well being (Thompson, 13).

Various principles guide these programs, which have helped them for their

continual practice. The successful program recognizes that good health and

management of illness management are linked, and therefore they have to be

incorporated in the workplace (Sparling, n.p). The programs portray a

discernible commitment to the wellbeing of the workers through the initiative

of the top management. This comes with the understanding that the good health

of the employee is associated with increased performance and reduced medical

expenses. Every employee in any organization has equal opportunities to be

involved in the programs. High-quality programs perform comprehensive health

evaluations and provide objective feedback to allow for appropriate follow-ups(

Després, 489). Moreover, these programs should design their activities in a

manner that satisfies the needs of the employees (Sparling, n.p).

Fitness and Wearable Technology

Wearables are electronic devices that are integrated with the gadgets that can be worn on the body. Today’s world has improved drastically, whereby smart wearables have come up mainly through the improvement of the Internet of Things and high techs mart phones. Smart wearable includes smartwatches, smart gloves, smart wristbands, and smart shoes. In most cases, these smart devices function with the help of smartphones through Bluetooth. (Qui, 303). Different technological innovations are frequently transforming on how people do practice, whereby, over time, there is a change within the fitness and health organization. Currently, individuals who work out monitor their weight, waistline, height (Thierer 57). By every day checking their cardio machine’s screens in calculating calories burnt and time, they need to keep a top on themselves all through the day, even at the time they are not present in the working out or the gym. These individuals are not only athletes, bodybuilders, or gym-goers, but at the same time involve frequent individuals who want to be fit and exercise in maintaining and balancing weight as well as activity lifestyle.

Exercise and weight loss

The value of physical activity in weight loss programs has been well documented. Involvement in regular exercise has been found as a technique to manage weight. (Foright et al., 89). Weight loss can be enhanced by incorporating exercise in a weight loss program to burn calories. Various organizations and individuals provide weight loss programs to clients to control their calories (Thompson, 13). overweight and obesity have affected many individuals across the globe. Affected individuals, therefore, seek to reduce their carbolic intake through appropriate weight reduction programs. Even a small decrease in can have a significant impact on the metabolic processes while reducing the risk of adverse health challenges. Even though an individual can reduce their weight for a short period, maintaining such weight levels is a challenge. Therefore there are high reoccurrence (recidivism) rates for overweight individuals during weight loss. There are two reasons for elevated recidivism rates. First, managing weight loss by regulating nutrition triggers psychological tendencies that induce increased appetite, thereby creating an avenue for weight gain (King, n.p). Secondly, the strategies adopted are not sustainable in that individuals lose track of the way and return to old habits.

Therefore medical professionals should apply appropriate methods that will address the weight problems with sustainable outcomes (Foright et al., 90).

Exercise training should be incorporated into a treatment regime for overweight and obese individuals and has been shown to offer many benefits, including cutting off the burden of obesity. Variations of the weight of an individual are affected by the quantity of energy utilized and the amount of energy taken in (Swift et al., 444). Therefore, for the redaction of weigh and improve health, the amount of energy spent should surpass the among of energy consumed.

Fitness wearables

These are action-trackers used in monitoring fitness-associated metrics, which play a crucial role in one’s fitness history. They include things like covered distance in the run, completed number of steps, calories burnt, heart rate, among others. They offer valuable information concerning developments and progress (Canhoto, Isabel, and Sabrina 32). The devices sync with a person’s smartphone and keep the collected information. These trackers usually are in the armbands or wristbands form and have increased enormous popularity. Presently at the same time, smartwatches possess the fitness wearable characteristics and serve as a fashionable fitment (Canhoto et al., 34). People can make use of fitness bands to trace the information even when they are not working out. Previous, these fitness wearable were costly; however, currently, numerous tech device brands are providing affordable budget and reliable wearable in achieving customer’s requirements.

Mobile Applications

Smartphones have many apps that can be used to do various

functions. Therefore, these applications have taken the functions of

smartphones to the next step and are providing individuals with a knowledge

which they desire (Canhoto, Isabel, and Sabrina 33). From workout to diet trackers

guides to drinking water reminders, an IoT of individuals have been downloading

and utilizing such apps daily. Individuals now desire one-stop fitness and

health apps that give holistic data, assist in tracking fitness metrics,

provide diet and nutrition strategies, through their fitness colleague and, at

the same time, assist them in shopping for fitness-connected goods(Canhoto,

Isabel, and Sabrina 33). A IoT of fitness grounds, sports apparel brands, gyms,

among others, have currently joined the league and launched personal fitness


With the increase of fitness wearable demand, tech

fitment products are producing AL-enabled wearable equipment. Its advanced

features and functionality and end-user knowledge give customers instantaneous

insights and metrics, whereas guiding them towards choosing appropriate fitness

decisions. Currently, this innovation is trending and will be used widely in

the future. AL-assisted CRM software offers and extra benefit to gymnasiums. It

can assist advanced functional effectiveness, increase consumer conversion, as

well as develop personification for the department of sales, and give numerous

various advantages. IoT has transformed the way people workout now, with

endless giving and collecting of information.

Additionally, IoT is utilized in tracking individual

development. Group fitness events are one of the best means the fitness

industry has adopted (Canhoto, Isabel, and Sabrina 34). Such workout groups,

use wireless IoT fitness trackers in showcasing the growth to each person and

assisting design training solutions as per the different necessity through

visualizing and examining them on apparatus comforts or mobile gadgets(Canhoto,

Isabel, and Sabrina 35).


In the contemporary world, nations and individuals have increased awareness regarding the value of living a healthy life. Since fitness must entail the concept of having good health, then these terms may be synonyms and, therefore, interchangeable. A definition for heath that was given by the world health organization (WHO) in 1946 still holds. WHO defined health as a state of “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (Qiu, 303). In this sense, the “physical” part of health is promoted through appropriate lifestyle, correct diet, hygiene and self-care, and physical exercise.

Physical activity, which has been colloquially associated with fitness, has been emphasized for improved health outcomes. Though the term fitness relates to the state of health, it may be used in different contexts to bring out different meanings. Fitness can infer the state of being physically sound and able to undertake physical activity while maintaining preventing or managing negative health challenges. On the other side, fitness entails the wellness industry, which mainly encompasses carrying out physical activities for commercial purposes. In this sense, fitness is an enormous industry being undertaken by individuals and professionals globally (Paoli et al., 145). The industry entails carrying out physical activities for completive sports or training for individuals and groups for commercial gain.

Individuals who usually lead a life with limited activity have been found to suffer from many health challenges. In many instances, overweight and obesity have been associated with adverse effects whereby affected individuals lead to low-quality life as well as having poor self-image (Blair and Church, 1232). Moreover, obesity is a risk factor for more serious health challenges such as type ii diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension (Landsberg, 22). Data indicated that currently, overweight and obesity are a significant pandemic. The extent of overweight and obesity has been elevated among young adults and adolescents, the rates being significantly higher in the USA (Ogden et al., 5). Moreover, obesity and overweight promote the progression of metabolic syndrome, whereby hypertension, glucose intolerance, and Hypertriglyceridemiaset in (World Health Organization, n.p).

To prevent adverse health challenges as a result of inactivity, professional experts and regulators have provided recommendations on the quantity of exercise that should be performed in various groups. For instance, it is expected that children and young adults perform a minimum of three hours of practice a factor that has been shown to reduce mortality risk by one third and minimizes the development of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and depression (Hallal et al., 253) Although the benefits of exercises have been well documented, many people do not carry out enough physical activity. Such a harmful lifestyle could stem from a lack of motivation and packed work schedules that provide limited tome for exercises (Kessle et al., 502).

It has been shown that regular excises, including acute and aerobic, have been shown to deter the progression of adverse health challenges. Moreover, fitness is associated with enhanced mental balance, wellbeing, and life expectance. (Hallal et al., 254). Both prolonged exercises and HIT have been found to impact positively on the outcomes of health issues. HIT has been recommenced to a wide range of individuals, including those that are not well endowed physically. The effect of HIT has been shown to have a positive impact in young adults and obese adult men. It has been shown to improve cardiovascular performance, physique, among other benefits (Heydari, 61).

It should be noted that HIT for athletic and sports performance is different from HIT for individuals with underlying health challenges. For each category, an appropriate program should be formulated to suit the needs of the individuals (Boutcher, 6). HIT has been successfully employed in clinical studies involving complex health challenges, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Resistance training has also been found to affect the stiffness of arteries (Kessle et al., 502). However, for any significant benefits to be derived from an activity, the training must be undertaking regularly for several months. Training occurs in different forms involving personal training, group training workplace health promotions, and exercise is medicine and yoga.


The fitness industry is a global sector that attracts both professionals and individuals for both competitive sport and personal purposes. The concept of bodily capital provides a basis for understanding what prompts individuals to invest resources into a physical workout and the expected reciprocal outcomes. Physical activity is associated with many positive results. It may help in retarding or reversing the mental degeneration capacities that come with advancements in age for older individuals. For children and adolescents to remain healthy, they need moderated physical activity distributed evenly thought the week.

Fitness is promoted through various avenues including Group Training, Personal training Body weight training, High-intensity interval training, Excise is medicine and worksite health promotion, and yoga. Whether for personal goals or competitive sports, fitness occurs through improved body performance by engaging in appropriate physical activity. The primary purpose of the physical exercises is to maintain the body in a reasonable tone both physically and metabolically. Therefore, adverse health challenges must be prevented or reduced. Persons who lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to develop many health challenges. In many instances, overweight and obesity have been associated with adverse effects whereby affected individuals lead to low-quality life as well as having a poor self-image. Besides the traditional ways of undertaking physical activity, there has been the proliferation of wearable technology, which has transformed the fitness industry. When smart wearables are incorporated in the training regime, they aid in improved training for optimal outcomes.


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