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Final Project: Policy Analysis Paper

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Final Project: Policy Analysis Paper


Gun control has become a public policy problem and this project identified it as a major issue of concern and it turned out imperative that the issue be analyzed. This analysis paper is addressed to Congressman Van Taylor who is a U.S Representative representing Texas 3rd congressional district. Gun control is a public policy issue requiring immediate attention at all levels of governance including local, state, federal and even international levels. This is accentuated to the recent increase in gun-related violence Dallas-fort worth (DFW) area and other areas in the U.S. The goal of this public policy project paper is to analyze the situation and identify public policy gaps pertinent to gun control requiring amendment or review as well as identifying all contributing factors to the increasing gun-related violence. With the implementation of the project findings some expected outcomes would include effective regulation of gun ownership, reduction in gun –related; deaths and homicides, physical injuries, mental tortures and even robberies.

The primary solution to gun-related violence is examining, enacting and adopting alternatives to gun control laws by policy-makers and the public in general. Appropriate control of guns including their chain of production from manufacturers to the end users can eradicate or reduce the increasing rate of gun violence. This by extension means that enacting strict policies would foster a rigorous process in firearm procurement thus bringing an end to this menace. Moreover, the policy would help in ensuring that all gun buyers have their guns registered and their renewal carried out annually or even biannually. Some of the risks associated with gun control and gun control policy changes will be addressed using a top-down approach requiring the policies to be reviewed at all levels of governance and/or administration.


  2. Introduction

The process of firearm acquisition, registration and renewal of licenses is one of the major public policy issues requiring effective control in the U.S. This is because the rate of gun-related violence is increasing various parts of the United States (Owens, 2019). Most citizens owning guns do not possess the appropriate skills pertinent to the handling and use of firearms and this may be cited as one of the drivers of illegal possession of guns, inappropriate handling of guns and or even ineffective renewal and registration of guns (Garcia, 2019). This project explores gun control as one of the emerging public policy issues that needs to be reviewed. It also examines the current gun control laws and policies in an effort to unearth some lurking gaps in the present firearm control laws and policies (Frazee, 2019). The project paper also seeks to identify both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may be equally contributing to the increasing gun-related violence and then provide evidence-based policy changes that can effectively be enacted to eradicate the problem.

  1. Problem Definition

Policy-makers cannot let gun-related violence escalate to chronic levels without taking action as this translates to the loss of more lives, increased insecurity, psychological tortures and even health-related problems from gun injuries (Owens, 2019). Security is one of the primary drivers of the economy in any given country and/or state and thus policy-makers have to prioritize gun management if at all economic stability and growth is to be realized (Garcia, 2019). Individuals in government organizations, learning institutions and even corporate settings and industries have been widely exposed to gun-related assaults from day to day and this can greatly hamper their productivity (Frazee, 2019). Similarly, the increasing cases of shootings in public settings especially schools and other learning institutions can greatly instill fear among school-going children thus reduce academic performance in these institutions or among them (Owens, 2019). Psychological torture among people who have previous experience(s) of gun-related violence is common and this translates to mental disorders, reduced productivity in workplaces and schools as well as increased mental care costs.

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The treatment and management of mental disorders caused by gun violence translates into increased burden of disease not only in the U.S but also internationally. Similarly, illegal possession of firearms coupled with gun-violence in hotels, and public travels brings about travel bans from one area or country to another as well as sanctions thus reducing the income generated by the travel and hospitality industries (The Texas Tribune, 2019). This subsequently cripples the economy as it orchestrates reduced job opportunities and retrenchments of some workers in these industries settings. The increasing cases of school violence have been explained as a reflection of educational, mental health, social and political issues.

The eradication and/or control of gun violence require a multi-faceted approach that addresses all these issues in the society. It can thus be argued that ineffective gun control translates to negative economic, social and political implications and failure to identify and address public policy gaps that contribute to gun violence can hinder the nation’s growth by all standards (The Texas Tribune, 2019). Most of the violent crimes committed by gun holders are exposed or transmitted through social and broadcast media platforms (Owens, 2019). Aristotle argued that continuous viewing or hearing of tragedy or violence has purgative consequence on the viewers. It is thus imperative for policy-makers to enact and enforce new laws for controlling the possession, registration and renewal of firearm licenses to reduce gun-related violence and subsequently airing of violent incidences (Garcia, 2019). Policy changes and new laws should be enacted by decision-makers to reduce or eradicate airing of violent crimes or films on social and broadcast media which negatively affect the thinking patterns and values of listeners, readers and viewers.


Gun control is especially a public policy issue of concern in Dallas because it is one of the areas that is greatly affected by violent incidences related to guns. For instance, approximately 135 people were killed in gun-related violence in the year 2019 in the area. According to The Texas Tribune (2019), the month of May had the highest number of gun-related homicides in the area which stood at 40 in total. As the source indicates, the trend is still on the rise especially in shops, schools, homes and even private and government owned buildings. Violence alters the normal functioning of the society with most people opting to stay indoors or avoid social places like places of worship, places of recreation and/or learning institutions for fear of their safety. JUSKALIAN (2019) indicated that in the year 2017 alone, approximately 39,773 lives were lost courtesy of gun-related violence. The study also indicated that gunfire has claimed the lives of more than 1.6 million Americans since the year 1968 and the irony is that these figures exceed the collective number of lives lost in all the wars in which the American nation has ever participated since its inception (JUSKALIAN, 2019).

It is intriguing that despite the rising cases of firearm-related; deaths, injuries and care costs, only $63 is spent on researching each death caused gun-related violence while $1,000 is spent in researching each death related or caused by motor vehicle accident(s) (Frazee, 2019). A report by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) indicated that in the year 2017, 60% (23,854) of all firearm-related deaths in America were suicides and 37% (14,542) murders (Frazee, 2019). The report also indicated that the remaining gun-related deaths were accidental, involved law enforcement or were caused by circumstances that were undetermined. According to the report, 75% of all murders in the U.S had a firearm involved and that 51% of all suicides were carried out using firearms (Frazee, 2019). A study carried out by Hummer (2016), indicated that U.S had the highest number of handgun related deaths compared to other countries like Israel, Australia, Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland.

One of the main contributing factors to gun violence in the United States of America than other developed countries has been its reluctance to sign firearm control treaties like the 2006 Geneva Declaration. Gun research in the United States has also been faced with unparalleled restrictions and this has been brought out as one of the contributing factors to gun violence. Similarly, the country has most of its citizens licensed to hold firearms and thus there are more than 300 million guns in the country. Fowler, Dahlberg, Haileyesus, Gutierrez and Bacon (2017), carried out a study on childhood firearm-related injuries in the U.S and established that approximately 1300 children die while 5790 are treated for gunshot injuries annually. They however agreed that unintentional gun-related homicides among children declined between the year 2007 and the year 2014. According to the study, the number of guns in United States is not exactly known because there is no a national database of gun purchases or individuals owning firearms. Moreover, the federal law does not require prospective gun owners to obtain a license or permission.

A study undertaken by Morrall (2018), indicated that most of the people owning guns in the U.S today do not have a proper training in handling of firearms and that most of them do not obtain a simple training on its use. This could be an explanation as to why the number of gun-related suicides was higher than gun-related murders. In his article, Wintemute, (2015), the period between 2003 and 2012 marked the highest number of people dying from firearm-related injuries in the U.S with more than 313,045 people dying from gun-related injuries. The author argues that this number was far greater than that of all the gun-related deaths witnessed in World War II and all combat fatalities in the U.S wars combined. Wintemute (2015), also explains that the total societal costs due to gun-related injuries was as high as 174.1 billion as early as the year 2010. This is a clear replication of the impacts of gun-related research restrictions on the society. If policy makers allowed scientist of various disciplines including health, education and others to carry out research on firearms, it would be easier to control all gun-related deaths, injuries and mental tortures (Hummer, 2016). State and federal laws and policies that restrict research on guns and gun-related violence are considered as potential barriers to the prevention and control of firearm-related suicides, homicides and even robberies (Hummer, 2016).

The Gun Violence Archive (2019), indicated that there were 287 mass shootings where 4 or more people lost their lives in the U.S b y September 2019 (Frazee, 2019). Texas has been brought out as the home of gun-related violence especially focusing on the recent cases of mass shootings. For instance, two mass shootings took place in Odessa and El Paso in August 2019 where a total 46 casualties was recorded alongside 30 fatalities. Moreover, other 23 people were shot in Santa Fe, Texas, where 10 lives were lost on May 2018 (Frazee, 2019). Other shootings occurred in November and September 2017 in Sutherland Springs and Plano with a total of 36 lives lost and 21 people sustaining gun injuries (Frazee, 2019). All these cases of gun-related violence are clear indications that policy-makers not only in Texas but also in the entire country need to pay attention to these issue and come up with the necessary policy changes that would foster effective gun control in the U.S.

As Hummer (2016), explains, media coverage of the Columbine High School shootings in Jefferson County where 13 people lost their lives after two students came to school with short guns led to increased cases of mass shootings. After the incidence that left many people shocked and failing to decipher why a student would decide to kill his/her peers, similar incidences started to recur (Hummer, 2016). The paradox is that media coverage of these shootings or gun-related violent crimes does not help in their prevention or reduction but rather seems to fuel the incidences (Elson & Ferguson, 2013). It can thus be argued that policy-makers in different political and administrative positions do not seem to understand the implications of media coverage of firearm-related violence and thus the laws and policies governing the coverage of such incidences are hollow.

  2. Adequate Examination, enactment and Adoption of Gun Control Laws

Mishandling of weapons and gun-related deaths, physical injuries and mental health disorders can be addressed amicably if alternatives to the current gun control laws and policies are adopted. One of the alternatives would be adequate examination, enactment and adoption of gun laws by the public and policy makers. According to Lee (2018), appropriate control of guns in their entire production chain to the end user can effectively bring an end to the problem. Moreover, a more rigorous process in the procurement of firearms should be introduced in gun policies so as to ensure that all gun buyers register and renew their firearm registration status once or twice a year. The policy should also ensure that all people wishing to possess firearms obtain licenses which are sub enacted to periodic renewals (Lee, 2018).


  1. Mandatory Gun Safety Training for Prospective Gun Buyers

The policies should also make a requirement for any individual wishing to possess a gun to undergo a mandatory training on the use of handguns before acquisition of gun licenses (Lee, 2018). These trainings can highly augment gun safety and ensure that users avert accidental discharge of their guns. As Gregory and Wilson (2018) explain, only 7 states in the U.S required gun holders to obtain a permit to carry any given type of a gun. It is evident that the requirement serves to reduce gun-related deaths, injuries and mental conditions because it is only after Missouri repealed its permit of buying handgun law that gun-related violence plummeted by about 25% (Gregory & Wilson, 2018).

  • Appropriate Background Checks before Firearm Purchase Permit Acquisition

As Morrall (2018) explains, States that do not currently require background checks investigating all types of mental health histories leading to federal prohibitions on firearm purchase or possession should consider doing so because it has been found to significantly reduce gun violence rates. It is also imperative to maintain and enforce laws requiring proper background checks of prospective gun buyers before they can be given permits to own and use firearms (Morrall, 2018). Background checks in this case means carrying out adequate mental health examinations to ascertain that the person is sane and cannot mishandle or misuse his/her gun if permitted to use it. It would also involve checking the character of the person to confirm that s/he does not have criminal records and thus cannot use his/her firearm to carry out criminal activities.

  1. Lifting Current Restrictions in Appropriations Legislation Limiting Research Funding and Access to Firearm-related Data

The congress should also foster understanding of the real effects of gun policies by lifting the current restrictions in appropriations legislation that limit research funding and access to data pertinent to firearms (Morrall, 2018). Moreover, the administration should consider investing in firearms research portfolios at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the National Institutes of Health at all levels just as it invests in other threats to public safety and health (Morrall, 2018). These would subsequently ensure that gun-related violence is reduced or completely eradicated. It is also ultimately important to enact a gun policy that provides a limit on the number of firearms a given individual or family can purchase and/or possess.

  1. Giving health care Professionals opportunity to Participate in the Reduction of Gun Violence

Another alternative to the current gun laws is enacting a policy requiring health care officials to screen and educate all the patients about gun safety (Owens, 2019). This policy is especially useful for families that have children because children are susceptible to gun-related deaths and injuries compared to their adult counterparts (Fowler et al., 2017). Children are also more likely to make accidental shots causing loss of lives or even injuries to other people. According to Owens (2019), public health officials are tasked with creating awareness and educating the public on gun safety so as to reduce gun-related accidents and deaths.

  1. The Use of Smart Gun Technology

Mitigation of gun violence can also be enhanced through the use of Smart gun technology as an alternative to the current gun laws and policies. According to Gregory and Wilson (2018), advancements in the modern technology have made the advent of smart devices possible. A policy should that be enacted requiring the inclusion of smart technology by gun manufacturers in a way that guns utilize registered fingerprints of their specific users so as to activate or deactivate individual firearms. Adoption of such technology can play an instrumental role in preventing the use of stolen or misplaced guns for criminal purposes. The technology can also prevent accidental or intentional access and/or use of adults’ firearms by children (Driscoll, 2018). In a recent report by CDC, the number of deaths caused by accidental discharge of guns exceeds 500 annually and so it is important to prevent guns from landing in the wrong hands. A recent study undertaken by John Hopkins University indicated that more than 60% of all Americans were willing to purchase smart guns in preference to traditional guns and thus the idea of smart gun technology has gained public support (Flynn, 2019). The enactment of this policy will not only reduce gun violence in the U.S but also bring about unparalleled economic benefits.

  • Elimination of Current Restrictions on the Use of Gun-Trace Data

Another policy change that would be instrumental in bringing an end to this paradox would be the elimination of the current restrictions imposed on the use of gun trace data for the purpose of research by the congress (Morrall, 2018). This policy would immensely promote a gun policy research program that is more vigorous. A more robust gun policy research program would help in ensuring that most members of the populace understand about guns, gun management and the prevention of gun violence (Morrall, 2018). Removal of all the present barriers in the gun policy research would also help in identifying gaps that lurk in the current firearm policy and address them amicably (Morrall, 2018). Although most people both at the state and federal levels view such a research program as a threat to national security, it is one of the measures that would promote national security and thus the congress should not hesitate in eliminating these barriers.

  • Adoption of Uniform Gun Control Federal and State Laws across all States in the U.S

The regulation of firearms in the United States of America is faced with difficulties and disharmony between state and federal laws. This is especially considering that some state and federal gun laws are supported or rejected by pro-gun and pro-control advocates in equal measures (Hummer, 2016). The federal government together with the state governments should enact a universal federal gun control policy so as to avert confusion. It is this crossfire between federal gun laws and state laws that saw Missouri repeal some of their gun control laws bringing about an increase in gun violence by more than 25%. A uniform policy regarding the control of guns in the U.S should thus be adopted both at the state and federal levels thus ensuring that Americans in one state do not suffer gun-related challenges in the acquisition, possession and use of guns (Hummer, 2016).

  1. Ending Legal Immunity for Gun Manufacturers

A policy should be enacted requiring an end to legal immunity for gun manufacturers. Gun manufacturers and the firearms industry has been provided with extra-ordinary protection by the federal law (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which was passed by the congress in the year 2005 protects companies and organizations that make and sell guns against lawsuits brought by gun violence victims (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Critiques of this legislation argue that holding gun manufacturers and retailers liable bad use of their products pressurize them to make firearms, their use and acquisition safer. The policy would also ensure that gun manufacturers make guns using modern technology to ensure that they can easily be tracked, personalized, licensed and registered (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). However, the provision of this immunity to gun manufacturers and traders provides a room for negligence and disregard for public safety in the entire chain of gun production from the manufacturer to the end user. This negligence creates room for loss of guns, careless use of guns and even easy transfer of firearms without experiencing difficulties (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Enacting a policy for the elimination of legal immunity to gun manufacturers would thus play an instrumental role in reducing or eradicating gun related violence in the U.S today and in the future.

  1. Raising the Age of Gun Purchase from 18 to 21 Years

A policy requiring a raise on the age of buying a gun can also be instrumental in bringing to an end the increasing rate of gun-violence in the U.S. Legislators from various political divides have been constantly calling for a raise in the minimum age to buy firearms from the age of 18 years to the age of 21 years (Sarlin, 2018). Currently, the age of handgun purchases through licensed dealers is 18 years. Advocates of this policy legislation argue that individuals at the age of 18 years are still undergoing growth and development and some of the mental health and behavioral changes during this stage may influence their handling and use of firearms (Sarlin, 2018). Some people especially men transcend from childhood to adulthood slowly and some of them are still deviant and irritable at the age of 18 years. Increasing the age for firearms purchase from 18 to 21 will ensure that firearms do not fall in the hands of young adults who may have mood and emotional changes from time to time (Sarlin, 2018). Mental health and behavior psychologists argue that at 18 years, some people are still growing and may not be entrusted with firearms as this is what causes the current increase in the rates of school shootings and other related cases. The congress should thus consider enacting a policy to increase the age of firearm purchase from the age of 18 to 21 years.

  1. Giving the Court Authority to Confiscate Weapons from Individuals Considered As Threats

Another alternative policy that can be adopted would be giving the court more authority to confiscate firearms from individuals who are considered as threats to themselves and other people (Sarlin, 2018). So far, only five states in the U.S have “red flag” laws allowing judges to issue extreme risk protection orders restricting individuals from possessing a firearm in cases where his/her family, household members and/or the police provide a convincing evidence that they are in danger.  According to firearm safety crusaders, it is easy to reduce the rates of suicides and gun violence earlier if an alarm is created in case a gun holder is deemed a threat to self or others. According to Sarlin (2018), the proposal has gained massive support after the Parkland shooting where authorities claimed that the suspected perpetrator had prior complaints of being a potential threat. The policy has been widely considered because it provides individuals and groups with the opportunity to prevent potential deaths or injuries by taking the evidence of a “red flag” to a judge for confiscation of a firearm (Sarlin, 2018). Similarly, advocates of this alternative argue that it not only protects the individual and those in danger against self-harm or harm to others but also protects him/her from involvement with the criminal justice system.

  2. Suitability of Smart-Gun Technology in Gun Control

To curb gun violence and/or gun-related accidents, the most effective approach would be the integration of smart gun technology in the entire chain of gun production from manufacture to their final user (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Smart technology would ensure that all manufactures put a gun-trace device on every gun so that it will be easier for them and security agencies to monitor the movement of the guns and easily identify any illegal guns that might have been smuggled in the wrong places. Moreover, smart gun technology will ensure that guns are personalized from the manufacturer and owners can use the guns by identification through fingerprints and other methods of identification (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). Attaching identification fingerprints would help in the activation and deactivation of the gun before its use. This will subsequently limit the likelihood of using stolen or lost firearms to carry out criminal activities or even to accidentally injure or kill self or other people. It will also make it easier to easily identify gun holders who use their weapons to perpetuate criminal activities like robberies and murders (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). Smart gun technology will also ease the process of gun licensure and/or gun registration thus making it possible for gun control agencies to keep a record of gun holders and identifying the registration status.

Smart gun technology is expected to dictate adoption of new gun control policies like elimination of immunity for gun manufacturers and traders making them more responsible and holding them to accountability for any guns used in criminal activities (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Moreover, smart gun technology adoption will dictate new policies giving the courts more power to identify and confiscate guns that are in the hands of people considered to be potential threats thus reducing or even eradicating chances of gun-related suicides and homicides (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). Adoption of the smart gun technology will also foster adoption of other gun safety policies like a requirement for mandatory training on gun safety for all prospective gun buyers and users. This is accentuated to the fact that the integration of new technology in guns will dictate gun use and safety training because not many people are familiar with the technology. Enactment of smart gun technology policy will dictate the enactment of a new policy for funding gun violence research programs and elimination of barriers to firearm access data.

Improvement and the introduction of gun research programs will subsequently create room for creativity and innovation leading to more advancement in gun technology and subsequently the reduction of gun-related violence and accidents. Use of smart gun technology will also foster economic growth because it will bring about a reduction in the number of gun-related injuries and psychological tortures which hamper individual productivity in places of work thus derailing organizational and subsequently national growth (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). Adoption of the smart-gun technology will also reduce insecurity in schools and other learning institutions which is caused by the fear of unexpected shootings like the case of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut where six adults and 20 children lost their lives in the year 2012 (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). This will subsequently augment academic performance in schools and other learning institutions.

Gun violence translates to unnecessary health care costs and burden of disease and the use of smart-gun technology will ensure easy and efficient monitoring of guns and their movement thus reducing chances of shootings and gun attacks. This will subsequently offload individuals of these unnecessary health care costs (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). Adoption of this policy will improve security in trade centers and other places thus promoting economic growth. It will also help in monitoring guns authorized in meetings graced by politicians and other dignitaries thus preventing chances of political assassinations and subsequently fostering political stability in the nation.

  1. Opportunities and Challenges
  2. Opportunities

One of the opportunities that if seized can greatly augment the implementation of smart-gun technology policy is the current technological advancements in smart technologies used in mobile phones, vehicle trackers and other devices (GIFFORDS LAW CENTER. 2020). The emergence of spatial technology will also be an opportunity to seize and help in tracing guns within specific areas. A smart-gun survey carried out recently showed that more than 60% of Americans preferred the purchase and possession of smart-guns in preference to traditional guns (Flynn, 2019). This means that public support is one of the opportunities that can be used to lobby for its adoption and implementation.

  1. Challenges

Despite the opportunities presented, there are some challenges that may hinder effective implementation of this proposal. For instance, the technology will be alien to most American citizens which will translate to a requirement for new training on the use of the smart-guns. Some individuals may be too busy to get adequate time for attending the training sessions posing a challenge to its implementation (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Moreover, adoption of this policy will require massive investment in Gun-violence research and additional smart technology research which translates to additional costs (Gregory & Wilson, 2018). Another possible challenge is that before adoption, the implementation team will be tasked with carrying out assessments on the ground which translates into time wastage and travel costs. The time taken to cover all the States in the U.S will derail the policy’s implementation.

  1. Ethical/Social/Political/Economic/Cultural Considerations

In the implementation process, it will be important to understand the different aspects that might impact the process. One of the political issues that will greatly determine the adoption and implementation of the policy alternative would be political standpoints of different stakeholders in the congress. The policy alternative will have to be debated in the congress and it will only be implemented if it is passed by congressmen (Flynn, 2019). One of the ethical considerations in the implementation will be cultural sensitivity in carrying out the primary assessments on the ground regarding their views on the adoption of the policy. If the methods used in communicating with diverse groups of people do not adhere to cultural sensitivity and respect for participants, it is likely that the implementation will be difficult. It will be important to consider potential financiers of the alternative policy as it will require funds to implement (Flynn, 2019). If funds for implementation will not be provided, then by extension its implementation will be halted.






















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