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Third-Party Lab Testing: Why You Need It

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Third-Party Lab Testing: Why You Need It

Today, the cannabis industry is highly unregulated. With reports of unethical manufacturers lying about the CBD content in their products, you can no longer just trust what is written on the packaging. But there is one thing you can do to ascertain the content of the CBD products: subjecting them to third party laboratory testing.

What is Third Party Lab Testing for CBD?

Third-party lab testing an evaluation done on a CBB product to determine its content. It is done by an independent laboratory that does not have any interest in the cannabis supply chain. In most cases, the testing is done on one or several samples of CBD product suppliers to ascertain if the content written on the label is correct. Furthermore, the tests can also check the presence of harmful content in CBD products.

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Why is 3rd Part Lab Testing for CBD Important

When the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 were passed into law, the most notable thing was the requirement that all cannabis products should not contain over 0.3% THC. But you will be surprised to realize that a significant number of brands in the market do not meet this criterion. Using third-party lab testing allows you to take a second look at the content of the product and confirm it is within the legally permitted threshold. Here are other reasons why you need third party lab testing:

  • 3rd party lab testing allows you to ascertain the actual components in a CBD product

When people visit your website or store looking for CBD products, they are driven by specific needs. Therefore, third party lab testing allows you to establish the CBD profile so that clients can select the products with the right cannabidiol content.

In addition to establishing the right quantities of cannabinoids in CBD products, third party lab testing can also ascertain if they have harmful components. For example, does the CBD product contain heavy metals, pesticides, and organic components that can harm the user? If these harmful components are noted, do not stock that type of product.

  • You can check easily identify the genuine manufacturers

A significant number of manufacturers in the market dealing with CBD products are not genuine. For them, the goal is to optimize profits from the fast growing industry. But with 3rd lab tests, you can know which companies are giving the right information about their products. These are the brands or suppliers to work with. Indeed, you can use this as the start of exploring the mission of the brand. Is the business customer-oriented?

  • It gives you the assurance that you are only stocking high-quality products

Ever gone to a shop and ordered a product only to find that it is wrong?  It feels so bad, and one feels cheated, right? Now, this is the feeling that you do not want your clients to get. By subjecting your CBD products to third party lab testing, you ensure that they get the best products. This means the following:

  1. The CBD product is derived from high-quality cannabis.
  2. The product does not have harmful components.
  3. Information provided on the packaging is correct.

If you are a CBD trader, it is important to appreciate that the market is really wild, with some manufacturers using every trick to make money from unsuspecting buyers. So, do not fall into the same trap. Instead, you should subject all your CBD products to third party testing 



Risks & Mistakes You Need to Know and Avoid for Success

When you decide to join the cannabis industry, like other industries, it is full of risks and challenges that you must avoid to be successful. Here, the goal is to be smart by learning what has prevented other businesses from growth and avoid them. Here are some of the risks and hos to avoid them.

Hiring the Wrong People

A business is as good as the staff working in it. This is because the people you employ are responsible for implementing the enterprise’s operational policies. If the employees you hire are not passionate, they will always be looking forward to moving to other companies. To pick the right staff for your CBD enterprise, you should carefully interrogate their understanding of the hemp niche and commitment to help people discover the therapeutic effects of CBD.

Failing to Do Market Survey

One of the mistakes that could easily cost your business is failing to study the latest trends and use them in making your own decisions. The danger of this mistake is that you could end up targeting the wrong niche and incurring very low sales or none at all. For example, you should study the demand for CBD products in the market and target the right areas that are likely to drive higher sales and revenue.

Working with the Wrong Suppliers

In the hemp products business, the supplier occupies a very important part of the supply chain. But after the passing of the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 that opened the doors for more dealers, some of the suppliers and manufacturers cannot be trusted. They have resorted to using false information on their cannabis products to trick their clients into buying them.

To identify a good supplier, it is important to take some moment to check the nature of his products and commitment to customer value. You might also want to look at what the supplier’s past clients have to say after stocking his products in their stores. If they were not satisfied, you need to be extra cautious not to get similar disappointments.

Not Subjecting your CBD to Third Party Lab Testing

Perhaps the biggest mistake that you can make when running a cannabis enterprise is failing to subject the products to further testing in a third party laboratory. The hemp industry has become wild such that you can no longer trust what manufacturers advertise on their help products. Studies have established that some CBD sold in the market have cannabinoid profile different from what is advertised. To ensure that you stock the best cannabis product, you should subject it to further testing.

Third-party laboratory testing is done by approved and independent laboratories, which do not have an affiliation to any party in the cannabis supply chain. So, they test the samples you take to them and give the right results. In addition to testing the cannabinoid profile of a sample, they can also check whether the product has other contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides.

When you join the cannabis industry, you need to develop a good operating model that includes identifying the right suppliers and only stocking the best products. Make sure to subject samples of the orders you place for confirmation that the products are the best for your clients.


Hemp Lab Testing: Is it Mandatory?

Today, cannabis products traders have resorted to third party laboratories to test their products for assurance that they are stocking the right products for their clients. The need for additional testing for your help products has been prompted by the large number of poor quality cannabis products in the market. Therefore, testing helps to demonstrate that the products are of the right quality. But one question keeps lingering in the minds of traders in the hemp industry: is third party testing mandatory?

How Do Third Party Laboratories Work?

Hemp testing involves subjecting a cannabis product sample to a third party laboratory for further testing to establish the cannabinoid profile. The goal of testing the samples is to confirm that it contains the right content and the information provided on the packaging is correct. The process works in three main steps:

  • You order a hemp product from a supplier/ manufacturer: This is the first step in the process because you need to have the sample to be tested. The best method is ordering a few cannabis products and subjecting them to further testing before purchasing large consignments to stock in your store.
  • Pick a sample from that batch and take it to a third party laboratory: To now f the hemp products from a specific supplier is okay, you do not need to take the entire batch for testing. Instead, you should only pick one or two samples to serve as a representative of the product.
  • The laboratory tests the sample and gives the results: Third party laboratories pick the samples and use the latest technologies such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to separate the components and establish their quantities. Then, they finally give the cannabinoid profile so that you can know which cannabinoids are present in the product and in what proportions.

What Does the Law Saw about it?

When the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 were passed into law, they did not make third party laboratory testing mandatory. This means it is not mandatory.  What the Farm Bill requires is that all hemp products must not have more than 0.3% of THC, the psychotic cannabinoid in a cannabis plant. But the products are also subject to other legislation such as FDA that requires them to be free from other contaminants. This is why you need to subject samples of your products for further testing.

Why You Should Subject Your Hemp Products to Third Party Testing

Although not mandatory, hemp testing has been demonstrated to come with a lot of benefits to traders. The main advantage is knowing that you are stocking products that will help your clients. Indeed, there is no greater satisfaction than getting a client coming back and saying, “Thank you for selling me the best product.” Other benefits of using third party laboratory testing include:

  • Your business will stand out as clients prefer high-quality products.
  • You are sure of operating on the right of the law by not stocking low-quality products.
  • It becomes easy to identify the best suppliers and manufacturers.

Although hemp testing in third party laboratories is not mandatory, it is very important for success. It allows you to have the assurance that only the best products make it to your store.


Hemp Product Supplier or Trader: Who should Go for Hemp Testing?

Today, the demonstrated therapeutic benefits of cannabis products have increased their demand in the entire globe. This is part of the reason why the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 opened the doors for open trade in cannabis products. Indeed, even other stakeholders, such as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have removed some cannabinoids from the list of prohibited substances.

The effect of the new supportive legal framework is a sudden rush to cater to the surging demand. But the bad news is that some manufacturers are only interested in optimizing profits as opposed to creating high-quality hemp products. To address this, the manufacturers the best solution is subjecting the products to third party testing in independent laboratories.

However, some traders have been asking: who should take the samples for testing: the supplier or trader? The answer is that you are responsible for the merchandise in your store, so it is your responsibility. Here are some considerations why you should only stock cannabis products after testing them.

Most Suppliers Work with Manufacturers to Market their Products

Like other niches, the process of manufacturing products is complex and demanding. So, they contract suppliers to market products on their behalf. Although you expect the suppliers to provide the right information, such as the cannabinoid profile of a product, the details are at times altered to make the product look attractive. For example, researchers have found some hemp products with lower quantities of cannabidiol (CBD) than anticipated. Simply put, even if the supplier indicates that the products have been tested, it is still crucial to subject it for further testing.

Clients Coming to Your Store Expect to Get the Best Products

When clients come to your store, you are the face of the cannabis products on sale. Therefore, if they establish that it is of high-quality and reliable, you get all the credit. But if the hemp products are of low-quality and not helpful, clients will walk away and look for other sellers. This implies that you cannot shift blame to suppliers for stocking poor quality products. So, make sure to test your products and always offer your clients the best.

You Can Easily Identify the Trustworthy Suppliers

As the cannabis industry expands, the truth is that suppliers are crucial part of the supply chain. Therefore, even if some of them use the wrong information and risk businesses, you have to look for the good ones carefully. The best way to do this is by subjecting the cannabis products they supply for further testing in third party laboratories.

  • If a supplier provides the right information that corresponds to what is in the packaging, he/she is trustworthy.
  • A good supplier should have products that do not have harmful content, such as heavy metals, bio-contaminants, and pesticides.

Avoiding to Get into Conflict with the Law

The Far Bill pretty clear, especially on the levels of THC that cannabis should have. Therefore, if you stock products without subjecting them to third-party laboratory tests, there is a danger of getting caught with products having more than 0.3% THC. This could attract severe penalties for your business.

In this post, we have demonstrated that subjecting your cannabis products for further tests in a third party laboratory is your responsibility. Remember to also ensure you select the best laboratory for testing.

The Hidden Dangers of Not Using Third Party Laboratory Testing

Although cannabis was known for thousands of years, its use has suddenly spiked following the passing of supportive legislative frameworks. The most notable of these is the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 that allows any trader to join the industry. But this open form of trade has made some manufacturers make products and release them into the market.

The best way to know about the best cannabis products is subjecting them to third party testing. If you do not subject your hemp product to further testing in third party laboratories, you risk stocking poor quality products, which can result in the following hidden dangers.

Losing Your Customers and Incurring Major Losses

The first danger of not subjecting your hemp products to additional testing in a 3rd party laboratory is losing your customers. Today, most people going for cannabis products are informed by the need to enjoy specific therapeutic effects. For example, a person who suffers from regular migraine attacks might be interested in a CBD product with a specific cannabinoid profile.

If you stock cannabis products without testing them, some are likely to have the wrong cannabinoid profile. This means there is a danger of your clients not getting the expected therapeutic effects. Such clients are likely to walk away from your store, resulting in reduced sales and eventually, huge losses.

Getting into Conflict with the Law

The main thing highlighted in the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 is that all cannabis products should not have THC exceeding 0.3%. But some suppliers do not adhere to this rule. This means that if you stock hemp products without testing them, the chances are that you could end up selling products with high levels of THC. This could get you into conflict with the law.

Customers Suffering from Psychotic Effects

For many years, cannabis was stigmatized because of its psychotic effects. This is why all the cannabis products getting into the market are required to have no more than 0.3% THC, the psychotic cannabinoid. But with more traders putting more focus on profits as opposed to quality, there is a danger of selling products with very high THC levels, and risking getting them high. Well, since you do not want to subject your clients to such psychotic effects, the best thing to do is subjecting the products to third party testing.

How do You Identify the Best Third Party Testing Laboratory

Now that you know the importance of third party laboratory testing, the next question is: “How do you identify the best third party laboratory?”

  • Look for the laboratory that has been in the market and made a name for its commitment to quality.
  • Select the laboratory that uses the latest technology to test client samples.
  • Your need to look for the laboratory that can complete the tests as fast as possible.


Today, third party laboratory testing has become an important force helping to define the industry. If you are a trader dealing with cannabis products, you cannot forego hemp testing. Remember that for the best results, you have to identify and work with the best laboratory.



Hemp Testing: Four Things You Probably Did Not Know

Over the last two years, cannabis industry has grown rapidly as more traders join to take advantage of the new market created by the 2018 Farm Bill amendments. But the opening of the cannabis industry has also opened several challenges that traders must address to thrive.

  • Some companies making help companies are more interested in profits than quality.
  • The information on some hemp products is misleading.
  • Some cannabis products contain harmful components.

The above three challenges point to one big problem: identifying a good manufacturer or supplier is a major challenge. But you do not have to grapple with the problem because you can use third party lab testing. This involves subjecting the hemp products to laboratory testing. Here are four things you probably did not know about hemp testing.

Hemp Testing is Done by Independent Laboratories

Hemp testing of cannabis products is done by independent laboratories that are not affiliated to any party in the supply chain. This means two things:

  • You are free to select the laboratory of choice.
  • The laboratories give the results as they are because they are not affiliated with different parties in the supply chain.
  • Laboratories involved in hemp testing use the latest technologies to test both CBD profile, contaminants, and pesticides.

You can Order for Hemp Testing Anytime

The good thing with hemp testing is that you can order for it to be done at any time. The testing laboratories are fully equipped and ready to test your sample when you submit them. So, there is no reason for sticking hemp products that you are not sure about their content. Simply order and the results will be provided promptly to help you make your business decisions.

Lab Testing can Hemp to Identify the Right Traders

The primary goal for testing hemp products is identifying the quality ones to stock. But the testing can also help to identify the right traders. To do this, you check the information provided on the label of a product and subject it to further testing in a third-party laboratory. If the details provided during advertisements or on the label are correct, the respective manufacturer/ supplier is a good one, and you should consider stocking his/her products.

It is the Surest Way to Know the Content of a Hemp Product

When customers come to your store for cannabis products, they simply look at the description provided on the label. But cannot easily tell whether the cannabis product contains the cannabinoid profile given on the label. To be sure of the content of a cannabis product, you need to subject it to additional hemp testing.

The good thing about hemp testing is that it does not stop at the cannabinoid profile. Instead, you can also go a step further to have your product checked for other harmful components such as heavy metals, bio-contaminants, and pesticides.

If you are in the hemp industry, your goal should be identifying and selling the highest quality products to your clients. So, make no mistake: the best way to know that a hemp product is of high quality is subjecting it to third party laboratory testing.





Mistakes to Avoid when Looking for a Third-Party Testing Laboratory

Starting from 2018, when the Farm Bill Amendments were passed, the cannabis industry has grown fast and become very wild. As news of the advantages of cannabis products for general body wellness spread, some manufacturers are making hemp products with little focus on customer satisfaction. To address this, cannabis product dealers have one option: subjecting their products to third party testing. But even the laboratories are equally many, so how do you pick the best? In this post, we are going to tell the mistakes that you should avoid when looking for a laboratory to work with.

Picking a Laboratory that Does not Use the Latest Technology

The process of testing cannabis products sample is a complex one and requires the latest technologies. These are aimed at ensuring the third party laboratory can correctly establish the components of the sample submitted to it. So, ensure that the laboratory uses technologies such as:

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
  • High-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) spectrometry.
  • Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI).

Using laboratories without the best Scientists

For a laboratory to be effective, it must have the best scientists. Therefore, if you pick a 3rd party laboratory without qualified and experienced scientists, there is a danger of getting incorrect results. So, make sure to carefully interrogate the management of the laboratory and ask for proof that it has qualified staff.

Failing to Carry Due Diligence on the Laboratory

As more cannabis testing laboratories open their doors, failing to carry due diligence can be a big mistake when looking for a lab to work with. The goal of due diligence is identifying a laboratory that is well placed and committed to helping you get the targeted results. So, here are the things to look for in a good laboratory for hemp testing.

  • Commitment to customer value.
  • Ability to deliver results fast.
  • No affiliation with any party in the cannabis industry.

Simply Selecting the Cheapest

Another major mistake that some hemp traders make is simply selecting the cheapest laboratory for testing their samples. While laboratory testing should not be overly expensive, you should be careful about those that are overly cheap. In such situations, the laboratories are likely to be using low standard technologies, which risk giving the wrong results.

The best way to deal with the issue of price is to put it at the bottom of the list you want to check in a good third party laboratory. For example, you should check the price after evaluating the technology used by a laboratory and its scientists.

Selecting a Lab that is Not Licensed to Offer Testing Services in Your State

If a laboratory is not legal, you should not risk working with it. Because most states have their own laws of licensing businesses that operate in their jurisdictions, you should look for the laboratory that is allowed by law to offer the services you need in your state. So, go ahead and ask the management to show you their operating license and only contract its services if it is legit.

When it comes to picking a third party laboratory for help testing, you must ensure to only select and work with the best. By avoiding the above mistakes that most traders make, you can be sure of one thing: identifying and stocking the best cannabis products.

Answers to Common Questions on Hemp Testing

Whether you are new or have been in the hemp industry for some time, one of the crucial factors for success is using third party laboratory testing. This involves subjecting your hemp products to additional testing to establish their components. The need for third party testing is necessitated by the entry of manufacturers who are not committed to quality. For example, it is not uncommon to see a cannabis product with the wrong cannabis profile. In this post, we are going to answer the common questions you might have about hemp testing.

What is Third Party Laboratory Testing?

Third party lab testing is the process of evaluating a cannabis product to determine its content. The main goal is to establish the actual contents of a cannabis product so that your clients can get the therapeutic effects they anticipate from various cannabinoids.

3rd party lab testing done on cannabis products does not just test the cannabinoid profile. In addition, it also helps to check the presence of other components, including the following:

  • Heavy metals: These components are mainly absorbed by a cannabis plant when growing in the field.
  • Insecticides: Insecticides are the chemicals that are used to control insects that damage cannabis plants. But they can enter the tissues of the plant and find their way into the final cannabis product.
  • Bio-contaminants: These are living pathogens that can cause diseases in the human body. The contaminants can get into the cannabis plant when growing in the field or during processing in the factory.

Who Offers Third Party Laboratory Testing?

Hemp testing is offered by independent laboratories that are not affiliated to any party in the cannabis production chain. This implies that if the laboratory tests a sample and establishes that it contains very high levels of THC or establishes that the cannabinoid profile does not match what is on the label, the results will be related as they are. Based on this information, you can make the decision on the supplier to work with.

Is Hemp Testing Mandatory?

No, hemp testing is not mandatory. The Farm Bill of 2018 did not include mandatory third party lab testing for cannabis product, but it requires that they should have no more than 0.3% THC. But because some manufacturers are more focused on optimizing profits, it is prudent to test their products to ensure that the level of THC does not surpass the recommended maximum level of 0.3%.

What are the Risks of Not Using Hemp Testing?

If you fail to subject your products to hemp testing, there are many dangers associated with it. Here are some of them:

  • Risk of being found with cannabis products with very high TCH levels. This could get you into conflict with the law.
  • The danger of losing your customers as they run to businesses that subject their products to hemp testing.
  • It is difficult to know the suppliers and manufacturers who are committed to quality.

Can I succeed in the Hemp Industry Without using Hemp Testing?

The truth is that the chances of success are likely to be very low because your competitors are already testing their products for quality assurance. So do not just get into the hemp industry and expect to grow; third party lab testing will offer you the needed force to grow sales, revenue, and a happy customer base.

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