Evaluating an EFL Textbook: To What Extent Does The 2013 Curriculum-Based
Abstract: According to Permendikbud number 71 year 2013 article 1, the government provides guide books for learning process, so pilot project schools for the 2013 curriculum must use the textbooks developed by the government. The 2013 curriculum-based English textbook for grade X is entitled “Bahasa Inggris” (BI hereafter). Since the use textbook is so significant and no textbook is completely accurate, this present study aims to verify: (1) how the 2013-based curriculum textbook “Bahasa Inggris” (BI hereafter) for grade X of senior high school accomplishes pedagogical aspects; (2) the students‟ responses toward BI textbook for grade X. It is classified as a qualitative study. BI textbook for grade X is the object of the study while SMA 1 Ponorogo and SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo are the setting of the study. Document analysis, personal interview, and focus group discussions are the data collection techniques and the instruments are a constructed criteria rubric to analyze the textbook and two lists of interview. After analysis of data, it is found that BI textbook has strengths in aspects of methodology, presentation, design, and learner‟s factors and weaknesses in aspects of content coverage and material completeness. [unique_solution]Moreover, BI textbook is sufficiently beneficial and challenging for the students. Keywords: textbook evaluation, the 2013 curriculum-based textbook 1 INTRODUCTION Permendikbud number 71 year 2013 states that the 2013 curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian citizens to have competencies in any aspects: being religious, productive, creative, innovative, affective, and having contribution to the environment, social life, and the global development. This curriculum has different characteristics than previous one. The affective domain of education, the desired attitudes and characters expected of the learners are emphasized in the 2013 curriculum. Particular requirements and regulations must be followed by pilot project schools to achieve the goals of the 2013 curriculum included the form of syllabus, lesson plans, textbook materials, and teaching strategies in the classroom. One of regulations made by government is Permendikbud number 71 year 2013 article 1. It is stated that the government provides textbooks for both teacher and students during a course. Based on this policy, all the pilot project schools must use the 2013 curriculum- based textbooks developed by the government. These textbooks can be easily downloaded in kemendikbud website. The use of textbook is important since it influences much on the learning process in the classroom. A textbook is teaching material for the teacher and a learning material for the learner (Awasthi, 2006: 1). Tomlinson (2011: 296) argues that a textbook supplies core materials for a language-learning course and aims to serve what learner and teacher need during a course. Textbooks are best seen as resources in achieving aims and objectives that have already been set in terms of learner needs. Furthermore, textbooks provide a readily available source of ELT materials for teachers to focus on doing the real work of teaching, and not having their energy dispersed by preparation of teaching materials (Edge & Wharton, 1998). The textbook also can be an aid to motivate and stimulate language learning (Allwright, 1981; Lee, 1997; Skierso, 1991). Textbooks can also potentially save learners from teacher‟s incompetency and deficiencies (Litz, 2005). McDonough and Shaw (2003: 60) propose that textbook analysis and evaluation is a practical and useful process because it gives teachers conception into the organizational principles of the materials and helps them to maintain the improvement in the field. Since the importance of using textbooks is so significant, choosing the best textbooks which are suitable for students‟ needs is necessary. Regarding of this urgency, analyzing textbook is important. As stated by Tomlinson & Masuhara (2004: 31), textbook analysis involves measuring the potential value of textbooks by making judgements about the effect of the materials on the people using them. In addition, there is still a huge discussion among educational stakeholders, teachers, parents, and students about the existence of the 2013 curriculum. Therefore, it is important to analyze the 2013 curriculum-based textbooks for the sake of education quality and development. This study aims to verify: (1) to what extent the 2013 curriculum-based textbook accomplishes pedagogical aspects, (2) the students‟ responses toward BI textbook for grade X. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Nature and the Role of Textbooks A textbook can be defined as written information about a particular subject for those who are studying about that subject. According to Ur (1999: 79), a textbook gives a clear framework of learning process and tasks. Byrd (as cited in Murcia, 2001: 415) states that content, teaching, and learning activities which influence much of every learning process in the classroom are supported in the textbooks. Another research by Awasthi (2006: 1) shows that textbooks are such teaching materials for teacher and learning materials for students. Tomlinson (2011: 296) argues that textbooks provide core materials for a language-learning course and aim to serve what student and teacher need during a learning process. Cunningsworth (1995: 1) believes that textbooks can make learning process easier and more enjoyable. In addition, Hutchinson and Torres (as cited in Harmer, 2007: 181) mention that textbooks support an encouragement for methodological development. Overall, it can be concluded that textbooks can be specified as teaching aids which help learning process especially in EFL context. However, textbooks also have disadvantages. They reduce teacher‟s role and limit teacher‟s creativity. The materials are often inauthentic and are culturally inappropriate in choosing topics. Textbooks are often developed for the sake of global market so they may not meet students‟ needs and they have their own approach and often follow unrelenting format in developing units and lessons (Harmer, 2007; Richards, 2001; Ur, 1999) 2.2 Why Is Textbook Evaluation Important? No textbook will be absolutely ideal for a particular class or student (Ur, 1999). Since there are textbooks developed for global markets, they may not supply students‟ needs. According to Cunningsworth and Green (as cited in Lawrence, 2011: 9), the number of textbooks on the market is the reason why selecting the right choices in textbooks difficult. Frequently, a textbook selection is not based on its intrinsic pedagogical value, but of the perceived prestige of the author and or the publisher (Green 1926, Mc Grath 2002). However, finding the best possible fit and supplementing parts of materials where it is unsuitable are the responsibility for educational stakeholders. Furthermore, Mc Grath (2002: 15) stated that textbook selection will give a significant impact on pedagogical area as teachers will make references to the textbook. Analysing textbooks is important to find the most possible one which can be used to achieve the goals of teaching and learning process. According to Azizifar and Baghelani (2014: 23), there are three significant reasons for evaluating textbooks: the need to adapt new textbooks; by evaluating textbooks, parties who involved in education program will recognize specific strengths and weaknesses in textbooks; the results of analysing textbook can be so beneficial for education improvement and professional growth. Tomlinson & Masuhara (2004: 31), textbook evaluation involves measuring the potential value of textbooks by making judgements about the effect of the materials on the people using them. Furthermore, Hutchinson (1987: 96) states that evaluating material aids the teachers in selection of the teaching materials and the development of their awareness of language and learning.