Discuss the challenges public assembly venue management faces in maintaining a well trained and motivated part-time event staff
The event manager comes with the unique challenges of maintenance of a client and ensuring that the companies ongoing compliance with the ever-changing restrictive regulation. Part-time jobs attract a full range of workers, thus wants to earn extra cash in their career. A challenge comes on how to maintain them and motivate them.
Technology change affects more than productivity, employment, and income inequality. It also creates an opportunity for changes like work. Most of the event management faces significant challenges as resource allocation that needs more people to manage specific events. Managing multiple events also comes a considerable problem to event managers, thus makes no time for part-time employees. To cope with this challenge, event managers should seek ways to motivate part-time staff.
Having a good relationship, they part-time employees, one they need appreciation. These are through recognizing them to enhance a good time and an excellent job with them. Part-time staff needs a tasty treat as to the way they want. These become a challenge to the management but are a better way to making a long term perspective. Providing new challenges to part-time staff gives them a choice of assignments whenever possible.
The public management should assign mentors.,provide training and job resources, and this is because, as employees, they need the right orientation in doing their jobs and would be more effective. Also, ask them what to deliver through their careers. Communication is again essential as they would talk consistently with the employees to the point of concern. A challenge of making the part-timers part of the team and make them invitations to attend department meetings.
Public assembly management faces a problem that they do not create fun as making work enjoyable.Part-time staffs need fun in the workplace and the working environment as well to feel enjoyed and ensure the firm stays longer.