Dependant and independent variables
The independent variable that will be manipulated are the normative goals and positive feedback. The levels of these normative goals are outcome goals, performance avoidance goals, and positive feedback, which are statements that will be told before the exam is taken. Outcome goal comments will be “We need to see who can get the highest score” with 15 minute increments of reminders by making these comments while the participants are taking the test. The next level will be performance avoidance goals, where the researcher will say, “Do not get the lowest score” with reminders using the statement “remember to try not get the lowest score”. Positive feedback will be using the statement “This test does not determine your overall knowledge” with reminders of “remember this test does not determine your true abilities”. A control group of no statements at all will also be conducted. To avoid additional anxiety by a researcher observing them during test taking, in the control group, the researcher will walk away, leaving the participants to turn in their exams at the desk and leave. To elaborate on what normative goals are and the levels we will be manipulating, outcome goals and performance avoidance goals are goals that we set up for ourselves that increase social desirability but mainly what we perceive will make us better people. In this situation, it is our knowledge. Outcome goals relate to comments like, “I have to do better than everyone else” and “I must get a high score”. Performance avoidance goals are statements like, “I cannot fail” and “I cannot get the lowest score”. The dependent variable will be the evaluative threat, which means what it says, a threat from an evaluation or in our case an exam. This will be measured through a video recording that will be hidden and we will observe through social cues, such as scratching head, messing with hair, pencil/pen biting, and leg shaking.
The hypothesis of this study is that there will be an evaluative threat based on the normative goals that will be induced on the participants and less evaluative threat for those who are given positive feedback.