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A Wiccan’s Sacred Space

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A Wiccan’s Sacred Space

Wiccan rituals and magical functions are frequently directed around and around.

The circle is sacred space, much the same as a congregation or sanctuary, however, made with energy and visualization. The circle symbolizes numerous things, yet one of the most customarily held thoughts is that it is a space “between” the material and spiritual universes, since

Wiccans walk, work, and love in both. The circle is where the two universes exist, and neither exists. It is a spot outside of reality.

For what reason Do You Need a Circle?

Wiccans regularly raise energy in ritual to do magic, and the circle keeps that energy set up until it is released to accomplish whatever reason it was planned. You wouldn’t have any desire to go to all the issues of raising energy to have it leak out everywhere before you could utilize it.

One thing the circle unquestionably holds is heat—from the assortments of the individuals standing in it, from any candles consumed inside it, from energy, or the entirety of the above mentioned. If you somehow managed to reach out of the circle during a ritual, you’d notice that the air outside the circle is cooler than it is inside.

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The edge of the circle itself has a vivacious feel, as well. I don’t prescribe connecting of the circle, be that as it may! Intersection the limit of a circle before the circle is “brought down” is viewed as awful manners. It ignores the holiness of the space, breaks focus, and it might punch an opening in the circle that lets in (or out) things that the ritual goes didn’t mean.

It can have other wacky impacts, as well. When my coven was doing a guided visualization (a pathworking) in a circle, and one of the individuals, loosening up on the floor to unwind, coincidentally put his feet outside the circle. In his pathworking, his feet were cold while the remainder of his body was hot, and he couldn’t move since they were “trapped” to the ground. He didn’t make sense of why he couldn’t move until we finished the pathworking, and he understood where his feet were.

This had no terrible long-haul consequences for him aside from that we prodded him about it a great deal.

Denoting the Circle

A Wiccan circle can be set apart on the floor inside with chalk, paint, or around floor covering. It very well may be carved into the ground and/or plot with regular things like cornmeal or stones on the off chance that it is outside.

A few circles are exceedingly glorious, with magical images drawn around or inside them. Many circles, in any case, have no physical diagram. They are primarily drawn with energy.

Some Wiccan traditions have customs about how enormous a circle ought to be. Yet, numerous Wiccans draw their circles huge enough to hold everybody is taking an interest in the ritual or little enough to fit in the family room or any place the ritual will be held.

When Do You Need a Circle?

You should draw a circle at whatever point you will do a Wiccan ritual that includes the love of the divine beings. Once more, this is because the circle is hallowed space. You don’t need to utilize a circle in magical working, even though it will assist you with centering your fixation and energy and keep out interruptions.

You, moreover, try not to need to utilize a circle during reflection or pathworking; however, numerous individuals feel more secure doing daze work with that magical limit around them. The decision is yours.

Setting up Space

It is a genuinely regular practice among Wiccans to “wash down” the territory where they are going to hold their ritual both physically and mystically before drawing the circle.

Purging the space has a few advantages. As a matter of first importance, it’s increasingly conscious to direct religious or magical work in a physically perfect space. It’s less diverting to draw a circle and spotlight on a ritual in a space that is mystically perfect and without whatever undesirable energy has accumulated for the day from contentions, your mother-in-law’s visit, and so on.

Purging the space beforehand also helps center your psyche around the forthcoming ritual. For specific individuals, purging the space turns into a trigger that gets their cerebrums into “ritual mode” before the circle is even cast.

Start by cleaning the physical space. If your ceremony is outside, clear anything that may stand out, similar to branches, children’s toys, or garden devices; rake up stray leaves and twigs, and check for whatever you may stumble over. In a situation whereby you like to do ritual shoeless, check for sticker plants as well! On the off chance that your ritual will be inside, move furniture if necessary and vacuum or clean the floor. Vacuuming and clearing clean the floor; however, they assist break with increasing and scatter energy.

Utilizing an extraordinary ritual cleaner produced using clean water and uniquely chose herbs is a fresh thought, as well. Stirring up the cleaner is a magical demonstration in itself. Simply don’t put basic oils in it as they can take the polish off hardwood floors.

Next, rinse the space clairvoyantly. There are numerous systems for doing this, be that as it may, here are a portion of the simpler and increasingly normal ones. Pick the one that generally appears proper for you and your space.

  • Sweep out anything vigorous that you don’t need in the space with an uncommon ritual sweeper. You don’t need to contact the floor with sweeper, so it can work in a stay with cover or even outside. As you clear, envision the sweeper pushing out any extra or undesirable energy. This strategy is exceptionally standard.
  • Ring a unique ringer in each edge of the room, or toward every path in case you’re outside. The sound of a decent chime is extraordinary for dispersing energy. Clatters too function admirably.
  • “Smear,” or filter, the zone with an incense burner loaded with seething dried herbs. In the United States, we regularly partner smirching with the Local American custom of utilizing the smoke of consuming desert sage to scrub a space or an individual’s emanation.

In any case, numerous cultures use smoke or incense to clear ritual territories. Indeed, even the Catholic Church—alluded to by a few of my Catholic companions as the “ringers and scents” church — utilizes ritual filtration incense. You can use any herb of your decision, yet make a point to look into all herbs before consuming them.

Some of them are dangerous, and you don’t need to breathe in their smoke. If you are setting up a substantial open-air ritual space and you need a great deal of smoke, give making a censer a shot of an old espresso can. It’s not pretty, yet it works! Punch a few gaps in the sides of the box with a screwdriver or an increasingly suitable apparatus. (When we did this, we were in the Mexican desert, and a screwdriver was all we had.) Punch two openings inverse each other close to the edge of the can and string a bit of wire or wire holder through them to make a handle, similar to a youngster’s sand can.

Ensure the handle is long, so whoever is holding the censer doesn’t scorch their hands since they’re excessively near the stuff you’ll be consuming in the can. Put a couple of hot coals in the base of the box, and include a handful of dried herbs. At the point when the herbs are smoking, stroll around your sacred space, swinging the can tenderly to spread the smoke. Include more herbs as vital.

  • Sprinkle the zone with saltwater. Salt and water are used filtration in cultures over the world. Some Wiccan rituals call for saltwater to be sprinkled inside the circle during the ritual, yet that doesn’t mean you can’t use it beforehand as well.
  • Sweep out space with a paper fan. The development of the fan separates stale energy.

Use visualization to clear the space. Picture the breeze pushing out any undesirable mystic buildup, regardless of whether you’re inside. It’s a visualization, so the laws of nature don’t need to apply. You can join visualization with one of the other purifying procedures as well.

Throwing the Circle

Throwing the real circle is much easier than you may accept after these arrangements. Before I get to the directions, however, you should know a smidgen about the athame—a Wiccan’s ritual blade, and the wand. You can draw a circle with no devices at all, yet many Wiccans utilize an athame or wand.

The motivation behind the instruments for this situation is to center the energy you’ll be raising to a point, like a pencil, from which you draw the circle. In any case, I believe it’s essential to figure out how to cast a circle without devices before learning with instruments.

On the off chance that you can do it without apparatuses, you can do it anyplace, and that is handy in a crisis or when you have to do spell or stupor take a shot at the fly. Doing it without devices likewise fortifies the way that the apparatuses are central focuses, and the absolute power originates from the energy you draw and your mind.

To cast a circle:

  1. Pick a spot along what will be the edge of your circle to start. Numerous

Wiccans decide to start in one of the cardinal headings: east, south, west, or then again north. Most Wiccans start in the east, because it’s the place the sun rises, or the north since it’s related to the earth, and the circle is drawn with earth control. There is no explanation, notwithstanding, why you can’t begin anyplace along the edge of your space that you need.

  1. Ground.
  2. Envision your taproot, and then picture drawing energy up from the earth’s center through the taproot.
  3. Expand the file and center fingers of whichever hand you like, and picture the energy streaming into those fingers. Albeit a few Wiccans think you should utilize your dominant hand for this (expecting you have a dominant hand), either side works fine and dandy.
  4. Start to move clockwise around your space and envision the energy streaming through you and shaping the circle. Numerous individuals think that it’s supportive of imagining the surge of energy in a specific shading. Wiccans quite often move clockwise, or sun wise, in a circle since it copies the way of the sun. A few Wiccans accept that moving counterclockwise, or “widdershins,” “fixes” the circle. Move gradually and concentrate. Make sure to breathe profoundly.

Chapter 2 Principles of Magic in Wicca

What is Magick?

Magick is the course and utilization of vitality utilizing mystic powers to make a change for a particular, wanted result. Magick is additionally an arrangement of images, which are modified in your psyche, that help you accomplish your magickal objective. In that capacity, it is a type of mental preparation in which you can change a circumstance by utilizing your will. Magick can likewise appear as change and development inside yourself. In this regard, you change what you look like at things or how you feel about a given circumstance. Magick can be a brilliant expansion to your life. Or on the other hand, you can control magickal vitality to negative, damaging closures. It’s your decision.

Magick doesn’t have a place with anyone profound or religious way. To be sure, there are various customs of enchantment, from the recuperating work of curanderos in Latin America to the hoodoo charms of the Appalachians to the Egyptian otherworldly routine with regards to Heka. These and different customs from around the globe have been ignored during the time are still particularly by and by today. In the domain of Wicca, mystical conventions will, in general, be established in the hundreds of years old practices of the people healers of Europe just as the old-fashioned Hermetic ways of thinking rediscovered during the Renaissance. Yet, while there are time tested spells and strategies that have been ignored down the ages, enchantment in Wicca is in no way, shape, or form a static craft. New spells and new ways to deal with mysterious signs constantly emerge, as the individuals who are eager to practice and test better approaches for outfitting the regular energies that make up all of creation.

Magick, Magic, and Prayer

Magick with a “k” is the thing that witches do. Witches utilize the components—Earth, Air, Water, and Fire—and different powers of Nature, alongside their will and their well-meaning goals, to make a change. This sort of magick can be delayed in occurring, however now and then, you can see the outcomes in a day or two. It truly works. Individuals have utilized it for quite a long time. Enchantment without a “k” is the thing that entertainers do in front of an audience. An enchantment demonstration is a showy generation of hallucinations where stage entertainers make you see something that doesn’t generally exist. The stunt you with their stunts. Since this kind of enchantment doesn’t make a genuine change and is just a dream, its belongings are prompt.

If you request something in prayer, it isn’t equivalent to doing magick. Supplication is a type of correspondence with divinity. In some cases, it is decent just to have a little visit! This is the ideal opportunity for you to draw nearer to god, to feel the adoration God brings to the table, and to interface in your soul. In supplication, you can request something, yet that isn’t magick because you are approaching divinity to accomplish something for you (however, we realize that all prayers are not simply demanded favors!). In magick, you set forth exertion by utilizing your vitality to get what you need. This way, you work alongside god rather than simply asking from them.

How Magick Works

Just as there are laws of physics, there are laws in magick. There are four magickal laws:

  1. The Universe abounds with energy/vitality. As you may recall from your secondary school material science class, everything is vitality. Items that seem, by all accounts, to be strong are empty space. They comprise of little subatomic particles bound by unadulterated vitality. As per the splendid hypothetical physicist Albert Einstein, even the particles themselves can be viewed as vitality rather than as strong issues. A stone is a vitality. Water is vitality. Wood is vitality. The different tissues of your body are vitality. Since we are a piece of the enormous vitality field of the universe, in some cases, it is difficult to see. However, there is vitality surrounding every one of us the time. You can utilize this vitality whenever you need it.
  2. Everything is associated with everything else. Keep in mind the allegory of tossing a stone into a lake and watching the swells move away from the spot where the stone had sprinkled down? The swells move out in concentric rings, similarly, as the repercussions of your activities do. If you really hurl a stone into a pool of water, you see these swells structure since all the water atoms in the pool are associated. If you move one, or for this situation a couple of, you move them all. In obscure lessons, you’re educated to consider the To be as a system of fine strings called “Indra’s Web.” The web associates every one of us to each other and interfaces every person to all things. Other than interfacing us to physical, material things, the web likewise associates us to the higher domain, to the soul. As the witches state, “As above, so beneath.” as such, a development in the sky will cause a relating development down here on Earth.
  3. There are boundless numbers of potential outcomes. Have you at any point taken a gander at the stars on a starry evening and seen them continue endlessly and on? All things considered, they do. (If you haven’t done this as of late, attempt it!) Just as there is an infinite number of stars, there are a limitless number of occasions that may happen. Your potential outcomes truly are boundless.
  4. The way is inside you. To do magick, you need to take advantage of your subliminal personality. Your ordinary waking personality is utilized for assembling every one of the things you requirement for the magick you will do. Indeed, you utilize your conscious personality to choose what it is you will do. Be that as it may, when you have started the real demonstration of magick, itself, you are conveying your motivation to your intuitive. Your subliminal, at that point, expand the vitality that you raise all the while, sends it to your higher self, your superconscious, and soul. By then, the vitality is prepared to make the ideal outcome.

At the end of the day, when doing a demonstration of magick, you utilize the connectedness of everything in addition to a part of the natural occurrence of energy to transform plausibility into reality by following the way inside.

Magickal Ethics

Keep in mind the law of three-fold return? Whatever you do will return to you multiple times. Remember this law when you are mulling over doing magick, and do no damage. If you do, you will get threefold the amount of damage returning to you. Ouch! Be that as it may, there’s additional. If you are considering doing magick for another person, stop and get that individual’s authorization first. Regardless of whether the magick is totally for that individual’s advantage, you should have that individual’s consent before you act. Why? Since your magick will influence change in another person’s life. If you do this without an individual’s consent, you could be impinging on that individual’s through and through freedom. Possibly where it counts your companion, who consistently fuss that she can’t quit smoking, truly likes having this insoluble issue to grumble about! If she requests your assistance, pull out all the stops; yet without her consent, any magick for her advantage is a no-go.

Shouldn’t something be said about affection spells? (We realized you would get some information about that!) Again, any magick that includes someone else must not at all control that individual’s through and through freedom. Along these lines, you can’t make the incredibly charming person (or young lady) you see on the transport each day begin to look all starry eyed at you. Yet, here is the thing that you can do—you can do an affection spell to build your forces of fascination. You can likewise do a spell to pull in the individual who is directly for you without concentrating on a specific person. Who knows? That spell may very well purpose you to draw in consideration of your object of friendship.

Or on the other hand, you may pull in somebody stunningly better! Guardians, in their jobs as overseers, can do spells for their little youngsters. In any case, when the tyke is mature enough to settle on their own choices, the parent ought to inquire as to whether it is alright first. You need to do a spell for your sister’s infant, who is in the clinic? Ask your sister first! If she doesn’t concur for whatever reasons (possibly magick alarms her or is against her religious convictions), don’t do it.

Types of Wicca Magick

There are various sorts of enchantment rehearsed by Wiccans, from divination to elated custom move to vitality clearings to more involved functions like charms and dream cushions. In like manner, materials and fixings utilized in otherworldly work can emerge out of pretty much anyplace, from gem-encrusted wands and cast-iron cauldrons to humble stones and pieces of lace. Every professional has their very own style and inclinations, as enchantment is, at last, individual craftsmanship. In any case, there are a couple of types of Wiccan enchantment that remain very well known among starting and prepared Witches the same:

Ceremonial Magic – High Magic

Ceremonial enchantment is a sort of enchantment that depends intensely on book learning; exact, entangled custom; and mind-boggling sets of correspondences. In the West, the stately enchantment was on the whole established in Judeo-Christian legend until the late nineteenth century. Indeed, even today, numerous formal performers keep on working inside that unique circumstance. Formal enchantment is additionally high enchantment. It is intended to have an otherworldly reason as opposed to a down to earth one, although there could be some cover in those two ideas. It includes improving the spirit, which may incorporate increasing perfect information, refinement, the fascination of appropriate impacts, and grasping one’s predetermination.

Folk Magic – Low Magic

Generally, folk enchantment is the enchantment of regular people. It has all way of functional purposes: recuperating, pulling in karma or love, heading out malice powers, discovering lost things, bringing great harvests, richness. Records of these practices are, to a great extent, non-existent since professionals were commonly unskilled. Customs was basic and most likely advanced after some time. They included regular things: plant material, coins, nails, wood, etc. Society enchantment is here, and they’re called low enchantment due to its handy nature and on account of its relationship with the lower class.


Witchcraft is an exceptionally dangerous term given the various employments of the word today versus its authentic employments. In the West, numerous enchanted professionals are presently calling themselves witches and practice a combination of stylized enchantment and society enchantment. Activities are commonly genuinely basic, utilize normal materials, and rely on feeling and expectation instead of precise custom. They may likewise acquire certain practices, for example, hover throwing from stately enchantment.

Truly, in any case, black magic implied malignant enchantment, and that is the reason it was mistreated. Witches were thought to murder, mangle, cause sterility, curse crops, poison water, and bring general disaster upon their objectives. Witches and society performers were two unique gatherings of individuals. The vast majority distinguished as witches were additionally charged dishonestly, while people entertainers were esteemed individuals from their networks.

Left and Right Hand Magic

Social shows restrict left-hand enchantment. It is regularly constrained to helpful enchantment and accompanies alerts of ramifications for hurtful operations. Right-hand enchantment exists outside of social shows and disregards taboos, frequently notwithstanding picking up power from breaking them. Just individuals who view themselves as of the right-hand way, for the most part, utilize the phrasing. Supernatural Practitioners inside Satanic and Luciferian beliefs think about themselves in a left-hand way. Devotees of Thelema may view themselves as either.

Black and White Magic

Black and White Magic is uncertain terms. Generally, they are utilized to separate enchantment rehearses with a plan that isn’t socially satisfactory versus white magic that is socially acceptable. Today, the partitioning line is frequently between enchantment that is expected to mischief and enchantment that isn’t. There are, be that as it may, a ton of practices that various individuals can’t help contradicting, for example, divination, justified harm, love enchantment, etc. Numerous enchanted laborers evade the terms totally.

Other Types of Magick

Candle Magic

Candle magic is perhaps the least difficult type of spell casting, and all things considered, it doesn’t require a ton of extravagant custom or stylized apparatuses. As it were, anybody with a light can do magic. Recollect when you made a desire before you extinguished the candles on your birthday cake. A similar thought applies to flame enchantment, just rather than simply seeking after your desire to work out as expected, you’re announcing your expectation. Things being what they are, the birthday candle ritual depends on three key supernatural standards:

  • Make up your mind on a goal.
  • Focus on the end result.
  • Concentrate your mind, or will, to manifest that result.

Chapter 3 The Path to Initiation- Preparing Yourself and a Ritual for Self-initiation

Three Levels of Wicca

First Degree

Wiccan paths typically have three degrees, or levels, of learning. These degrees are based on the level of knowledge and skill you have acquired in relation to magical arts. Each degree takes at least a year and a day to complete but can take longer. This is especially true when reaching higher levels of knowledge and magical power. The first degree is where everyone begins. The first degree is where you acquire the basic knowledge of what Wicca is, how to cast spells, and what your path is. This is different from knowing where that path will lead you because that is always changing and is based on the choices and decisions you make.

Typically, at least one week is spent on a particular topic, learning about it and exploring it in detail. This generally begins with the history of Wicca through the modern-day. Then exploration is done into what exactly a deity is since each religion has its own concept of this idea, and then the practitioner will spend time working with the Goddess and the God individually to understand the roles of feminine and masculine energy in the world and in magical practice.

After this basic groundwork is laid, time is spent on areas of practice that apply not only to magical study but also to life as a whole. Because there is a lot of information to be learned, stored, and understood when practicing Wicca, time is spent developing skills related to memorization and the retention and recall of knowledge. Following this, organizational skills are explored. These are important since magic is a force that the practitioner guides, but if the practitioner doesn’t know what they want or how to achieve it, then the magical power they are working with will not matter. Once these skills have been developed, time is spent exploring what the particular witch wants to achieve in magical practice and in life. This requires several steps of exploration related to how an idea is defined and what is required to achieve it.

This foundational knowledge then leads to the basics of the craft itself. The witch will learn how to recognize, harness, and direct their own personal energy, which is required for all spells, rituals, and other workings in magic. Then each magical tool is explored and consecrated. It is preferable if the practitioner acquires their own tools during the course of their first-degree training, especially if they are solitary practitioners of the craft. If the witch is part of a coven, then the coven will usually have tools that can be used during this initial stage of learning and training. It is okay to start with whatever you can find, to begin with, and replace the tool later on if you find one that speaks to you. This is also when the practitioner will start learning how to cast a circle and raise energy outside of themselves to use in magical workings.

Then more specifics of the energies influencing and used in magical workings are explored. Time is spent working with the energy of the moon and observing the esbats, which are times of heightened influence of lunar energy. Then each element is worked individually. While a witch may have affinities toward one or more elements, it is important to be familiar with all of them since they all work in harmony in the world and in magic, and different elements are drawn on for different types of magical workings. This is also when the holidays are introduced and celebrated as they come up during the year.

The last stage is learning about the ethics of magic and the mysteries of the Universe and the natural world. There are many different types of magic that can be utilized, and each person generally has one or more that they feel a connection wit and focus on. Various divination methods are also typically introduced during this time. It is during this time that the practitioner will start exploring and making decisions related to their own personal path, what they hope to achieve in their magical practices, and, most importantly, what they hope to achieve in life. These things are all related, so no one of them can be separated from the others. After this point, the witch can choose to perform a dedication or self-initiation ritual. It is also acceptable to continue along the magical path without doing this. Dedication is not something that should be taken lightly, as it means you have chosen to devote yourself to practice. It is also a formal announcement of this dedication, and that is not something all practitioners feel they require for their path.

Second Degree

The second degree of Wicca is less structured and formal than the first degree is. The focus here is more on personal exploration and growth than acquiring specific knowledge since that has already been done. Learning is a lifelong pursuit, but by this point, the witch should have a solid basis in the foundations of their craft. By the second degree, it is also expected that the practitioner has a complete set of their own magical tools and the ability to write their own spells and rituals. This is because, by the second degree, the witch should have built up enough knowledge to start teaching others the basics of the craft and that knowledge that they have spent the past year or more learning themselves.

There is no set schedule or guidelines for training like there is in the first degree because the path is very personal during the second degree. The practitioner is the one who decides what areas they need to work on and how long those explorations are going to take. This usually involves unpacking some deeply personal, and sometimes painful, patterns and parts of their own history. This can be a difficult part of the journey, but it is also a necessary one. Where we are in life and in practice affects the magic, we can work and how that magic manifests. The second degree in Wicca can also take longer to go through than the first degree does because of the nature of these explorations. While the latter usually is done in a year and a day, the former can take several years to complete. The second degree is also where most Wiccans stop in their formal training.

Third Degree

The third degree is the final formally recognized level in Wiccan practices, but not all witches choose to pursue this level. During third degree training, the focus moves from personal growth (though this never stops being a vital part of the Wiccan path) to developing the craft as a whole. Third-degree practitioners not only write their own spells and rituals but also influence the foundations of magic and how it is taught. They should understand the whys and hows of magic in addition to what is needed to make it happen. This is also the level when those who wish to work as part of a group typically lead their own coven and make decisions on the magical training of others in both first and second degree.

It is commonly said that with vast knowledge comes great responsibility, and Wicca is no exception to this. Some witches who have attained this level feel it is their responsibility to teach others and invest in their training since so much has been invested in their own path. Just like with the transition between the first and second level increase in the amount of time it takes to complete that part of the journey, the transition between second and third degree is the same. It typically takes at least three to five years to complete the second degree and then at least seven to ten for someone to complete the third degree. Though also like the other stages, learning and growth never truly cease and are a constant part of the Wiccan path.

Finding Your Path

Dedication vs. Initiation

There is a bit of debate about the difference between dedication and initiation in Wiccan traditions, and each tradition will have its own answer to this question. On the most basic level, dedication refers to the commitment to the path of Wicca, to its ideals, to its practices, and to living in harmony with the world around us. The initiation can be considered a formal declaration of this dedication to the path. In this sense, you can be a Wiccan without having to be initiated into a tradition or set of teachings. Some would argue that the primary difference is whether a witch works on their own or with a coven. Covens tend to have a structured and formal set of teachings that all practitioners must learn during the course of their magical training. These differ from group to group and are called traditions. At the end of the learning period, witches are initiated into the coven and agree to teach others the tradition of their group. Solitary witches tend to be less formal and have a more individualized set of teachings, beliefs, and practices. They may or may not choose to formalize their bond to their path, and when they do, they sometimes call it a dedication ceremony instead of an initiation. No one of these is better than the others. They are all a personal choice and different representations of a commitment to a life of magic.

Types of Wiccan Paths

Not all magic is the same. There are as many different “flavors” of magic as there are people who practice it. All Wiccan magic is based on the natural world and its cycles. However, witches may find they have an affinity for one type of work over another and choose to focus on that a bit more than other types. However, it is a bad idea to take this focus to the extreme of excluding or neglecting other paths. It is the goal to become well rounded, though you may still specialize in one or two areas.

Many witches choose to focus on green magic. Green magic utilizes herbs and plants in spells and rituals. Others may choose to focus on work with crystals, though this tends to be less common than herbal magic. Still, others may choose to invest in divination practices and the use of different methods to scry out the possibilities of the future. Connected with this is the practice of lucid dreaming and harnessing the energy and knowledge of the dream world and the astral realm. This can be a challenging path to pursue and a difficult and finicky one to master.

Healing is another common focus in Wiccan practices. Healing magic can be difficult to master and varies greatly in terms of what types of tools and spells are needed to accomplish the goal and what is needed for the person being healed. Each person receiving healing requires an individual treatment plan that works in conjunction with any prescribed treatments that are being administered. Understanding how to do this properly and effectively requires a deep knowledge of energy, the various tools that are at a witch’s disposal to aid in magical workings, and what the different responses the person receiving healing may mean for future treatments.

Working with Nature Spirits

Some witches may choose to work with the magic of a specific group of nature spirits or elemental entities. Most commonly, the fairy realm is a focus of Wiccans and their magical workings. Fairy magic can be potent but is also unpredictable to a certain extent. Many fairies are benevolent, but they are also chaotic and have different desires and perspectives of the world than we humans do. However, they are often willing to work with a witch to strengthen their magic. In gratitude, witches who work with fairies will frequently leave offerings for them to feast on the essence of. Common offerings include milk, honey, sugar, or shiny objects. These are not the only entities that exist for magical partnerships, but they are the ones most commonly worked with and the most predictable in their responses and willingness to assist rather than direct the energy being raised for their own means and purposes.

Dragons are another nature spirit that commonly enters into magical partnerships with witches. Dragon magic will add different feelings, energy, and results in your workings than fairy magic will, but it is difficult to specify what those differences are until you experience them for yourself. Dragons can be more challenging to work with than fairies, so it is a good idea to be confident in your own abilities before attempting to form a partnership. They also require more and larger offerings and have a preference for shiny objects or things precious to the witch, though their value may not necessarily be monetary. It is not necessary to work with specific nature spirits regularly, but it can be beneficial. Make sure it is something you are ready for before you attempt it, and do not take it lightly. These spirits and entities have wills of their own and can become a hindrance to you as readily as they can be a help if they feel they are not being treated with proper respect. With that being said, working with these spirits even occasionally can be not only fun but enriching as well.

Finding Your Personal Deities

The Goddess and God are an integral part of Wiccan practices in their forms as the embodiment of feminine and masculine energies within the universe. Most witches will work most closely with one particular goddess and god during the course of their magical practices. Each deity has its own realm of influence and the aspects of magic and personality that they rule over. The deities you work with most closely will be ones that you can relate to on a deep and spiritual level. They will embody aspects of your own personality and self that are strong and define you as a person. Since we change and grow throughout life, the deities you connect with can also change, and this is not a bad thing. Each has something to teach us, and when we have learned the lessons at hand it is time to move on and learn a new set of lessons.

Often the goddess and god that someone works with come from the same pantheon or cultural background, but this is not always the case. It is also okay to work with deities other than the primary ones you feel a connection with. Doing this helps you grow as a person and on your magical journey. Since each deity rules over different traits, they can help us develop these traits in ourselves. Spending time working with a deity who is strong in an area that you may not be will help you develop those traits and skills in yourself. Do not be afraid to do this. It is how we become stronger and better people in life as well as in magic.

Self-dedication Ritual

Before you perform your dedication ceremony, you will need to cleanse and create your sacred space. Start by choosing an area where you can take measures to prevent being disturbed in the middle of your ritual. This could be somewhere outside away from home or it could be in a room with a door that can be shut off from the rest of your living space. Once you have chosen your space, you will need to cleanse it thoroughly. If you are outside, this means removing fallen leaves, branches, or other bits that may be in the area you are planning on casting your circle in. If you are inside, you will want to give the room you are using deep cleaning. This includes vacuuming or scrubbing the floors, dusting, clearing out any clutter, and anything else you can think of. Even if all you have is a small corner of a room, make sure it is the cleanest and most organized corner possible. This will affect the energy you raise and the magic you work.

Once you have taken care of the physical cleaning, you will need to do some metaphysical cleaning as well. Removing unwanted energies is at least as important as removing unwanted objects, and perhaps more so. You will be raising and directing powerful energies as part of the dedication ritual. This leaves you vulnerable to negative influences, or even simply to “cluttering” energy. You want a clean slate to work with and to make your own, so you must rid the space of what is already there. You will need a smudge stick, some purification incense, and some salt to do this. Begin by lighting the smudge stick and taking it around the entire space, moving counterclockwise to banish negative and unwanted energies from the space you will be using. Be sure the smoke reaches everywhere in the space from floor to ceiling. Do this three times before setting the smudge stick down in a fireproof bowl to burn out.

Chapter 4 Applying Wicca to Everyday Life

Now you have learned more about Wiccan Beliefs and morals and joined the community to incorporate the practices in your daily life; you now stand to benefit fully from what this modern religion has to offer.

You are now well placed to develop positive witchcraft and to attain a higher level of living and to achieve greater dreams than you ever imagined before!

Many people of all classes of life are resorting to paganism, and the witchcraft embraced in the Wiccan spiritual practices and finding it a more peace-loving, fulfilling, and meaningful form of worship. Since the release of Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner, thousands of followers have discovered the power behind this mystical religion.

We indeed live in a highly technological and modernized world, but the wisdom imparted through witchcraft remains relevant until this very day. It gets even a more significant following precisely because it is an inclusive, peaceful, and deeply conscious tradition that respects and reveres Earth and its various natural cycles. As a refreshing change to the destruction of the environment and a life dominated by war and hate, witchcraft offers a new peaceful alternative for those who seek to make a positive contribution to this world.

Yet we still will meet people who fear witchcraft for the wrongful misconception that it is associated with the evil arts of Satanism. These myths, we as Wiccan from all walks of life, are diligently seeking to dispel by living skillful lives within the society. Gardner views witchcraft to do more with respecting and honoring the divine feminine and the Earth, as opposed to other misconceived notions.

Whether what you are seeking is a deep and dedicated incorporation of witchcraft into your life or merely to learn more of the mystical tradition, learning the practice into great depth is the way forward. This is so because the field of witchcraft is often a very poorly understood and a much-maligned mystical tradition, given many of the practitioners are highly private and secretive about their beliefs.

Whether you choose to join a community or decide to incorporate the practice of magic into your life on a private level, you can straight away begin weaving powerful spells into your life, thereby transforming your day to day experiences and life. Many novices have managed to practice practical magic with little effort and time investment. You too, can get the powers also!

Daily Meditation or Devotion: Key to your Spiritual Advancement

Visualization and meditation exercises and total devotion of the spirit help enhance concentration for the practice of magic. Make your place for meditation a peaceful speak place that you can enjoy solitude and quietness. It is good that your meditation and visualization exercises are done when there is not too much distraction.

One way to incorporate Wiccan beliefs into your daily life is by a regular reflection on your desirable achievements as a Wiccan and your religious path. Wiccan beliefs help to allow a connection to nature, connection to the physical, creative freedom, the divine feminine, family bonding, and spiritual self-empowerment.

You can easily integrate these Wiccan ideas into your daily life by having a regular time for meditation, increased time with your family, and close engagement with the environment and all of nature.

Many Wiccans do well to start with just a few minutes practice of centering exercises by feeling your weight and feet against the floor, deep breathing, 10-15 minutes meditation, or even the lovely act of thanksgiving for a meal. You may also want to perform a brief ritual to one of your gods thanking them for a blessed life or asking for help and support for a few problems you may be facing in your life. There are still more practices that can take more time. You can take a walk in a natural setting to get closer to nature. You may also create writing or wall arts that reflect your religious beliefs or build a sacred altar to one of your deities

Develop your Book of Shadows

When walking the path of Wicca, it is a good idea to keep a clean track of your journey as a witch practitioner in a journal or diary. As you go deeper into studying and learning more about Wicca, you will soon begin finding preferences and natural inclinations within yourself. Make a note of these observations in writing helps you configure the realizations and the connections about your self. These noted in your journal soon grows into your Book of Shadows, a journal every Wiccan keeps to track progress and use as a reference for a spell, rituals, ceremonies, etc.

The Book of Shadows is inseparable to a Wiccan since it is the complete record of the Wiccan’s practice and progress each Wiccan tailors the Book of Shadows according to different personal experiences. The common themes in the Book of Shadows include a page for the Wiccan Rede, mythology, rituals, ceremonies, spells and incantations, description of the deities the Wiccan follow, and many others.

Here are a Few Spells to Start your Book of Shadows

Here are two spells for you to begin your life as a Wiccan and to start your Book of Shadows:

Protection charm

If you are deeply concerned about your own safety or the safety or someone dearest to you, you both need to carry something blue on your body. By wearing something blue, you easily block any harmful forces targeting you.

Women may sew some blue ribbon in the bra or underwear. What you wear on the outside does not matter as long as you have something blue on your body. Men may carry blue beads in the pocket as a way of performing this charm. Wiccan charms look quite simple but are extraordinarily effective.

The House charm

If you wish to protect your home against evil forces and attract only positivity, love, and friendship, there is a simple Wiccan charm you can perform to attain just that. You may want to perform it when alone to avoid interruption; it can be performed at any time.

First, cleanse your house against any negative emotions or spirits. You then light a candle and carry it moving from room to room, reciting the desirable forces you require to exist in your home. Walk into every room, saying something like: “Creativity,” “Friends,” “Happiness,” “Peace,” “Love,” “Laughter,” etc. Once you are done with every room, obtain sprigs of lavender and place them tied above every external door of your house. Once you place the sprigs, only spirits of positive elements will be able to pass through the protected entrances.

The two charms already illustrate to you how easy it can be to practice the Wiccan magic.

It would help if you now grew your Wiccan community to know more spells and learn more magic.

Expand your Wicca community

As you get deeper into the Wiccan practice and get more comfortable finding how the religion fits into your daily life, you need to become an integral part of the wider Wiccan fraternity. This should, however, never imply that you should make an attempt to recruit anyone to become a Wiccan. The religion does not proselytize or try to convert non-followers. But you can be a Wiccan leader within your local community, offering mentorship and guidance to new members.

Connect with fellow Wiccans

Apart from performing ceremonies and rituals with Wiccans in your local community, you may want to join a large population. Joining online discussion groups and forums can take you a long way.

Those are the places to share beliefs, spells, incantations, and personal chronicles with practicing Wiccans and get more insight into this powerful religion. The conversations will offer you a great chance to understand the finer details of the Wiccan faith and help you find support and wealth of knowledge from veteran Wiccans.

Join a coven

You may also want to join a coven after a year and a day of study. The formal Wiccan gatherings called ‘covens’ require that you have studied the beliefs of the Wiccan religion for a year and a day before you can be considered serious and knowledgeable enough to attain membership. Research if you have one in your local community. You might find closed membership covens that do not accept new members or open covens that welcome new members.

However, it is good to note that joining a coven is not mandatory in order to be a true Wiccan, and to follow this path, you can do your practice as an individual activity or in a group setting. The choice is largely yours. In certain cases, you might not find a community in your locality. This should not stop you from practicing Wiccan beliefs. However, lonely it may seem, it can still be greatly rewarding and liberating.

A circle is a small Wiccan group meeting periodically, but a coven is more formal. Either of them give some kind of support, but again the choice is yours.

Chapter 5 Common Misconceptions about Wicca

Approximately one and a half million pagans are living in the US according to a 2014 study, and about one hundred thousand living in the UK, not to mention pagans living and practicing their faiths in Scandinavia, South America, Canada, Italy, and other countries of the EU. Even though those numbers are impressive, modern paganism (also known as “neo-paganism”) is a collection of faiths that are considered a minority in comparison to Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

What happens most often when you have a majority and a minority? Misconceptions—and what we don’t understand, we often tend to fear, or even spread rumors about.

The Pentacle and Pentagram. A pentagram is a five-pointed star; it can be inverse or right-side up. A pentacle is a five-pointed star set within a circle. While some believe these are the signs of Satanist beliefs, nothing could be further from the truth.

A pentagram with the star’s single point right-side-up symbolizes humanity. If you look at one, you can see a figure standing tall, arms and legs outstretched. The pentagram and pentacle serve as a tool to remind us of the power and potential of humanity. As children of the god and goddess, we are imbued with sacred gifts that help us to connect to ourselves, nature, and the universe beyond should we choose to learn about and use these gifts.

A pentagram is often the starting point for ancient talismans, such as those one would find in the Key of Solomon. In ancient times, these talismans were used for purposes ranging from drawing upon the power of the Moon to calling angels to help with aid, extending the life and strengthening one’s health.

A pentagram with the two bottom-most points’ right-side-up is often mistaken for the sign of the Devil. The Devil is a construct of Christianity’s teachings, and not part of any pagan practice. The so-called “upside-down” pentagram invokes the wild spirit of nature by showing us a horned animal, as well as reminding us of the Horned God—a pagan deity representative of nature, hunting, and the beasts we share the Earth with. Some pagans and Wiccans use the reversed pentagram when they want to get closer to nature.

The ancient symbol of the pentagram is also found and used extensively in tarot, particularly in the iconic Rider-Waite tarot deck, first published in 1909.

Wiccans (and Pagans) Are Overly Sexual. This, too, is a common misconception. The difference here is that Wiccans understand sex is not connected with “sin”—in fact, being human by nature is not a sinful thing. We are all capable of malice, to some extent, and we must learn to live responsibly as adults—especially if we are not taught to do so as children. In the pagan faith, sex is a vital part of being human, but only consensually. It is to be respected as a sacred act, even if in a casual moment. Sexuality gives us life, but more importantly, it gives us to touch, intimacy, and human connection. That being said, sex is not a necessary part of any pagan faith, including Wicca—being celibate is respected just as much as being polyamorous—but when sex between two adults occurs, it is done with respect, and always consent.

Wiccans Cast Spells. This misconception is true! Often the image that is conjured (pun intended) is quite different than the actual practice. A Wiccan casts a spell with a very specific purpose in mind and does so after some research, preparation, and a peaceful heart. Most importantly, a Wiccan casts a spell knowing there will be consequences for that magic released into the world, and would never cast a spell that would bring harm to an already chaotic world.

Think of a spell not as “magic” in the Judeo-Christian sense, but as a tool of focus. Just as mantras, prayers, therapy, and manifestation help us achieve greater things in our lives, so does magic for pagans and Wiccans. Humans are tool-using creatures, and magic is just one of those tools.

Wiccans Are Satanists. This is probably the most common myth. Wiccans do not believe in the Devil or Satan as a deity; these are Christian ideas. There is, however, a religion called Satanism, and it’s more concerned with how a person acts and treats other people than anything else, but it is not a pagan faith, nor is it Wicca.

Wiccans Conjure Demons. This edge of the supernatural world can be a little scary, admittedly, but no self-respecting Wiccan is keen on dabbling in conjuring beings that frankly nobody understands particularly well. While many Wiccans and pagans do believe in the supernatural world—ghosts, angels, and other things that might or might not bump in the night—they do not actively try to recruit them to get the housework done or wilt their neighbor’s roses. The Wiccan Rede, the Threefold Law, and just plain, old common sense recommends otherwise!

Wiccans Always Wear Black. This is perhaps a silly myth, but still relatively active thanks to television and movies depicting witches. Wiccans wear whatever they like; some do prefer black, as black is a color of protection and shielding. Some Wiccans become very attuned to what is around them—including the energy of others—and black can help dampen that, somewhat. Other Wiccans prefer wearing white or lighter colors during a ritual, and still, others wear colors to match the current season of the year. Some Wiccans prefer to wear nothing at all, going “skyclad” during rituals—but this is either in the privacy of their home or among consenting members of their group or coven.

The Triple Goddess

In pagan faiths, including Wicca, the Goddess is viewed as the focal point of life. She walks with us through our entire lives, mirroring every step we take. Additionally, the Triple Goddess reflects the world itself—she is the world, as shown in the changing seasons, the phases of the Moon, the ebb and flow of tides, and the life cycle of every living thing.

Throughout human history, we have had examples of Triple Goddesses, such as Hera, the Greek wife of Zeus, who is shown in three forms: a young girl, an adult woman, and an older woman. Another example of the Triple Goddess concept can be found in Ancient Middle Eastern texts, which name three goddesses: Al-Uzza, Al-at, and Manat. Each represents a different point in life; their names can be translated as the star, the woman, the crone.

Curiously, Gardner did not mention the Triple Goddess in his first book, and only briefly in his second book, The Meaning of Witchcraft. After a visit with a friend on the island of Majorca, Gardner wrote an undated essay in which he elaborates greatly on the concept of the Triple Goddess, and finds similarities between the triple aspects and the Christian “Son, Father, and Holy Ghost.” He also sees a comforting, healing aspect to the Crone, or third cycle of the goddess, and prefers to call her “rebirth.”

The Maiden

The Maiden represents the beginnings of life and can be seen in the example when the Moon is in its waxing to full phase. She reminds us of our potential and our promise; she epitomizes hope in all things. She is the seed that waits beneath the cold soil in winter and the nourishing water that comes from a spring thaw. When thunder rumbles in the sky, she reminds us that rain is necessary for all things to grow.

The maiden also represents one’s life force separate from sexuality or sexual connection. The Maiden may or not necessarily be a virgin, but she is at a stage in her life where life is too busy and full of learning for her to begin to put down roots and start a family. The Maiden can aid those who are celibate, single, or simply focused on other paths in their life in their pursuits.

The Maiden represents the adventurer, the lone sailor taking their ship out to a strange horizon, or the hunter entering an unmapped wood for the first time. Pray to the Maiden for guidance when beginning something new. The Maiden herself is not new—in Wicca, life is circular, always ending and always beginning again. The Maiden rises from the ashes of the phoenix-like Crone and carries great wisdom with her.

A list of maiden goddesses:

Artemis. A Greek goddess, Artemis is an expert hunter and a symbol of chosen celibacy. She prefers a simple life, surrounded by nature. She has domain over the waxing moon. Pray to Artemis for courage and peace during times of solitude. She also adamantly defends women who have suffered abuse at the hands of men.

Artemis is a great protector of wildlife, and those who work in this field can also find it useful to pray to her.

In summer, a gift of wildflower honey makes a perfect offering; in winter, red wine or any berry-colored juice poured over a bowl of snow.

The Roman aspect of Artemis is Diana. Oak groves are sacred to her, and like Artemis, her symbol is the bow.

Artemis’ favored colors are red, white, green, and silver.

Blodeuwedd. A Welsh goddess (her name means “flower-faced”), Blodeuwedd was brought into the world by two magicians to keep the seasons going after a curse was placed on a young king. She represents the balance in nature. Pray to her when you need balance in your life, especially in relationships.

Broom, meadowsweet, and oak are sacred to her.

Bodeuwedd’s favored colors are green and white.

Freya. A Norse goddess, Freya has domain over many things, including love, sex, sorcery, and battle. She represents the vitality of the life force and its potential realized. Pray to her when your life is lacking in richness and passion, or when you would like to open yourself to love. She is also very helpful to women in labor.

Freya keeps two gray cats, and as such, gray cats are favored by her. Her sword is carved with runes for power, fertility, and birth.

Freya’s favored colors are green, gold, and red.

Parvati. A Hindu goddess, Parvati symbolizes courage during adversity. She is a gentle goddess (in this aspect), and carries a message with the symbol, or mudra, displayed by her right hand that says, “Do not fear anyone or anything.” She is proof that strength can be quiet, and not brash or showy. Pray to Parvati for courage and the strength to endure, as well as renewed belief in your goodness, and your abilities to succeed.

Parvati’s favored colors are yellow and copper.

Persephone (also known as Kore). Persephone is a goddess who shifts through all of the phases of the Triple Goddess as the Wheel of the Year turns. In her Maiden aspect, she represents those who are wise beyond their years and those who are called “old souls”. She can be seen in the young person quietly at work or play, disturbing no one, lost in thought and contemplation. She also represents widows, widowers, and anyone who grieves for a loved one. Pray to Persephone in times of reflection, loss, or when you just need a supportive, listening ear. Remember that Persephone rises from the Underworld to bring spring to our world, every year. She is a champion of hope.

Persephone’s favored colors are black, white, purple (think of crocuses), and pale green.

Oshun. A Nigerian goddess brought to the United States by slaves and worshipped there as an Orisha (La Caridad del Cobre is her “saint name”), Oshun represents the vivacity of youth and the life of the party. She rules over wealth, sex, love, and fun. She protects dancers and artists. She laughs when she is sad or angry and cries tears of joy when she’s delighted. She can heal the most brokenhearted and lift the most downtrodden. Pray to Oshun when you need an outpouring of love from the cosmos, and she will give you what you asked for, manifold.

It stands to reason that you should always be respectful when praying to the gods, but still be respectful to Oshun. One of her favorite offerings is honey—but you must taste it yourself before giving it to her, as someone tried to poison her honey once. She also loves pumpkin, champagne, and yellow flowers.

Oshun’s favored colors are yellow and gold.

The Mother

The Mother goddess represents the apex of life and the full moon. Many of us automatically think of the Mother aspect when we think of the word “goddess”; throughout human history, the vision of mothering, nurturing, and the fertile figure is iconic and everlasting because the Earth itself embodies her. The soil and water nourish us as a mother nurses her newborn child; the skies bring rain that helps everything around us grow, and every spring, the world seems reborn.

The Mother goddess exemplifies the pinnacle of our journey when we realize our potential and enjoy the fruits of our labor—metaphorically and literally.

The goddess in this aspect resonates through us all, regardless of gender, fertility issues, or disabilities. Each of us has the potential to be realized; each one of us was born with a seed growing within our hearts and souls. The Mother goddess is there to help us see it awaken and bear fruit because that is the purpose of our life’s path.

A list of mother goddesses:

Arianrhod. A Celtic goddess, Arianrhod’s domains are fertility, rebirth, and the lessons and tapestry of fate. She symbolizes the ever-turning Wheel of the Year, and as such, a silver wheel is both the translation of her name and her token. She not only presides over the birth of new souls into the world but leads the departed to their eternal rest in the Summerlands.

Those who work with fabric, divination, or as guides can benefit from praying to Arianrhod. She also represents the power of will in the face of arrogance and will help her followers be strong in times of duress. Ivy and birch trees are sacred to her.

Arianrhod’s favored colors are white and silver.

Bast (or Pasht). Bast might at first seem an unlikely mother goddess, but in fact, Ancient Egyptian women would pray to her for children while wearing amulets inscribed with kittens equal to the number of babies they wanted to birth. Bast is a feline goddess, and cats are sacred to her. She also protects the household, keeping evil from it as a cat chases pest away.

In addition to helping would-be parents and households, Bast protects firefighters. This belief stems from the Egyptian belief that a cat could put out the flames of a home by running through it and drawing the fire out into the street, thus saving the house.

Bast’s alternate name, Pasht, is the etymological root for the word pleasure. She presides over the joys of life and everything that makes life worth living. Pray to Bast when you are seeking joy, or to thank her for something joyful that has come into your life. You can plant catnip, or any herb associated with the Sun, in your garden to welcome Bast into your home.

Bast’s favored colors are red, yellow, gold, and white.

Brigid. Brigid’s domains are many and include the fires of both the hearth and the forge, the cauldron of inspiration, birth, fertility, and creativity. Anyone who creates—with their words, ideas, hammer, brush, or hands can turn to Brigid when the wells of inspiration run dry, and she will relight the fires of your forge.

Brigid is most celebrated on Imbolc, a Sabbath in February. She shares this day with Oya, a Nigerian goddess whose domain is fire, rainbows, lightning, and cemeteries.

Demeter. This Greek goddess presides over agriculture, grain, fertility, the harvest, and sacred law. She is believed to have taught humanity the art of growing corn and with this shares a syncretization with the Native American Corn Goddess, as well as the Aztec goddess Chicomecoatl and the Zulu goddess Inkosazana. Wreaths made of corn, as well as snakes and pigs, are all sacred to her. Pray to Demeter for a good harvest—be it from your land and garden, or from a project you have worked hard at. Share your yields at her altar in thanks. Wheat, acorns, and honey are sacred to her.

Demeter’s favored colors are green, gold, dark brown, and blue.

Frigg. This Norse goddess was called upon to bring children into a union. Her domain is divination, and she masterfully practiced the art of “seidr” or determining a person’s fate. Pray to Frigg when you need help with listening to your intuition, and she will guide you. Ravens, hawks, and falcons are sacred to her, as well as the plant, mistletoe.

Frigg’s favored colors are black, green, and red.

Isis. This Egyptian goddess has so much love to give to the world. Her domains include marriage, music, and magic, as well as protection of the natural world. She represents empathy and understanding and is said to open her heart to the downtrodden, regardless of circumstance. Pray to Isis when you are feeling hopeless or lost; pray to her to share your happiness when it returns to your life. Cinnamon, sandalwood, and oranges are sacred to her. Isis is also a protector of children and our beloved dead.


Thank you for making it to the end of Wicca for Beginners. Let’s hope it was informative and able to provide you with all of the tools you need to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.

The next step is to continue on your path. Take all that you’ve learned and formed a suitable practice for yourself as you walk the Wiccan path. Not everyone will have the same experiences as you; this path is entirely individual to you and your work, so be proud of your growth and listen intuitively as you continue.

We have seen the journey that Wicca has taken, being formed from Neo-paganism and the Victorian ceremonial magical practices. As the Wiccan religion continues to grow and make its journey all around the world, we must also take our journey with Wicca as our guide.

These paths do not have endings but wind through complicated forests, barren deserts, and salty seaside winds. These practices are the universal languages, the communications between worlds that allow humans to commune with the true nature of reality. Take what you have learned to grow, help others, and be a shining example of what a Wiccan can be.

It was once crucial to keep our magical practices secretive form the public, but in our modern world, it is essential to share our experiences, in one way or another. Seek out those who are also practicing Wicca, find community celebrations, or share your practice online. Who knows, maybe you will find a supportive group to further your practice within.

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