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Substance use syndrome is among the various forms of diseases that trigger the deaths of a substantive number of people in the world, especially the youths. The diagnostic criteria used for the drug use disorder involved the following steps; Impairment Control, Social impairment, Risky use, and Pharmacological indicators. In the case of a substance use disorder, clinicians rule out the following diseases to develop an accurate diagnosis; trauma, autism, dementia, psychoses, and developmental disorders. Section four of the paper explores the various ways that drug use disorder can affect the functioning of the addict with his environment. Also, the drug use disorder tends to affect the performance of the victim in numerous fields in the society. Section five discusses the prevalence rates of substance use disorder based on gender and socioeconomic status. Male are the ones significantly affected by the substance use disorder, socioeconomic status, on the other hand, tend to influence the rate of drug use among the individuals in the society. People from high socioeconomic rank tend to be victims of drug use disorder compared to people from a low socioeconomic class. Section six discusses group therapy as the best method that can be used to discourse the problem of substance use disorder in society. Group therapy tends to offer considerable benefits to the addicts than any other modality. The paper ends in section seven; it presents a detailed discussion of the community resources used to help people anguish from addiction in the society (Therapeutic Community and outpatient treatment program).





Section 1; What is the diagnosis that you chose to explore, and why?

I chose to study the Substance use Disorder. Medications allude to the compound that harms the mind and body of a person. Various drugs affect the body of an individual, a portion of the impacts brought about by sedate maltreatment cause lasting harm in the body of an individual; the consequences will, in general, worsen after one has quit utilizing the drugs. Individuals use varying methods to ingest drugs into their bodies; some of such ways include; imbuement, inhaling, and ingestion. For instance, the implantation of drugs directly to the scattering system has a concise effect, while ingestion has a surrendered influence (Penzestadler et al., 2018). Drug usage leads to dopamine, a synapse that regulates our feelings, stimulus, and assessments of happiness, to fill the mind and produce a “high” feeling. Ultimately, solutions can alter how the cerebrum limits and to interfere with a person’s ability to pick choices, inciting remarkable wants and vigorous drug use. After a certain period, this can change into the usage of drugs. Today, over seven million persons feel the shrewd impacts of an unlawful solution problem.

Drug use disorder hurts the life of most of the youths and a large population in the community. Drug use disorder also causes deaths of a large portion of the people in the world; Hence I choose to discuss drug use disorder to explore the various effects caused by the drug use.

Section 2; What are the diagnostic criteria for the selected diagnosis, and what diagnostic criteria must be met to assign the disorder/diagnosis?

Despite a particular substance, diagnosis of drug use illness is founded on a pathological combination of behaviors linked to the usage of such substances. The responses are based on the following categories:

  1. Impairment Control
  2. Social impairment
  • Risky use
  1. Pharmacological indicators (withdrawal and tolerance)


Impairment control

Impairment control

Impairment control can be exhibited in various ways; for instance, using more dosage than what is prescribed and a more extended period than what is expected (Voon, 2017). The second way is the inability to quit using a particular drug. The third way is using more time using the drug. Having excessive cravings for a certain type of drug.

Social Impairment

Addiction refers to the repeated participation with substance usage, despite the considerable damage caused by the drug. Social impairment is among the significant damages caused by substance usage. People tend to continue to use drugs despite alteration of the school, work, and social obligations caused by the drugs. For instance, continuous absence in work, reduction of school performance, failure to take care of the family, and neglect of the children (Voon, 2017). Addiction might also be exhibited once someone proceeds to take drugs regardless of experiencing interpersonal issues due to drug usage, for instance, poor relationships with friends and family members. Substance use might also lead to a reduction of recreational and social activities; an individual tends to spend lesser time with their family members and stop engaging in social activities.

Risky Use

The other criterion used by psychologists is the inability of an individual to refrain from substance usage despite the negative impacts caused by the drugs. The impulse may be shown when someone on and on uses substances in hazardous conditions. For instance, using alcohol or various meds while working equipment or driving a vehicle. A few people continue using addictive substances even though they realize it is causing or declining physical and mental issues (Voon, 2017). A model is a person who continues smoking cigarettes despite having a respiratory issue, for instance, asthma or COPD.

Pharmacological indicators: Tolerance and Withdrawal

For certain people, withdrawal and tolerance are the praiseworthy markers of bleeding-edge reliance. These are outstandingly huge thoughts. This measure implies the modification the body makes as it tries to conform to the continued and continuous usage of a particular substance. This alteration is rung keeping homeostatic balance. Resistance happens when people need to manufacture the proportion of a substance to achieve a comparable needed effect. Communicated surprisingly, it is where someone experiences less of an impact using a comparative aggregate (Voon, 2017). The “perfect effect” perhaps the hankering to avoid withdrawal reactions. On the other hand, it may be the hankering to get high. People surprisingly experience obstruction, i.e., people move in their sensitivities to different substances. Withdrawal is the body’s response to the sudden discontinuance of a drug when the body has developed the flexibility to it. The ensuing gathering of (upsetting and sometimes deadly) signs is unequivocal to every drug. We talk about these specific symptoms in each substance class. Although withdrawal is especially upsetting, it doesn’t, generally, need clinical help. In any case, withdrawal from specific meds can be deadly. Right now, with a clinical master before attempting to stop regular use after a period of overpowering and perpetual use. This will ensure that halting is as secured and pleasing as could sensibly be normal.

Whenever an individual is encountering withdrawal signs at the time they are being assessed for treatment, they will be set out to have both substance use and substance withdrawal. An individual needs to meet at least two of these criteria to be made plans to have a substance-use issue. The genuineness of fixation is coordinated by the number of criteria met.

Section 3: If a person is presenting with the selected diagnosis/disorder, what other diagnoses/disorders would need to be ruled out?

The term “ruling out” is employed by the mental health professional to make an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of various mental health issues are similar; hence clinicians are supposed to rule out a number of the other diagnosis before making a precise diagnosis. In the case of a drug use disorder, clinicians need to rule out depression, since it shares some common symptoms with that of the drug use disorder (Cole, 2019). the other disorder that is ruled out in the process of diagnosing the drug use disorder is trauma, autism, dementia, psychoses, and developmental disorders.

Section 4; Identify how the selected diagnosis/disorder might affect a person’s connection/ functioning to his/her environment?

Addiction regularly makes connections become stressed, including those of loved ones. Feelings could run high in these connections, which may make a few people cut ties with the fiend because of their conduct. Substance use disorder tends to hurt the person’s social relationship; for instance, drug usage can result in a person being expelled from the school. Individuals may utilize drugs to upgrade their scholastic or sports execution, just as use while on exceptional occasions (Marino et al.,2019). Substance use disorder can influence a person’s breathing, pulse, detects, and coordination. It is exceptionally risky to toss these arbitrary factors during sports exercises. If somebody gets wind, you will be tossed from the group and could even face legal verdicts.

Also, substance use disorder could lead to the loss of a job; addicts tend to exhibit a poor relationship with their boss. For instance, addicts tend to spend a large portion of their time searching and using drugs, hence end up quitting their jobs or being chased away by their employers. Failure to attend the job for a couple of days could cause termination of the employment by their employers (Marino et al.,2019). Also, substance use disorder delays the rate of performance of an individual due to the influence caused by the drugs. Another effect caused by substance use disorder is the fact that individuals might be tempted to carry drugs to the workplace or use drugs while at the workplace. They are hence leading to the poor performance of such an individual in the workplace.

Substance use disorder tends to affect family relationships. Parents who are drug addicts tend to exhibit violence. Most of the parents who are drug addicts are mostly violent (aggressive, use abusive terms, and cause unnecessary fights); this tends to affect the relationship that exists between the parent and the rest of the family members. The weak relationship between the family members tends to disrupt the peaceful co-existence that is supposed to prevail in the family.

Section 5; Identify the prevalence rates for the diagnosis/disorder in the following areas:


Based on gender, men are believed to be more prevalent in substance use disorder. Research indicates that men tend to get more involved in drug usage compared to women. The fact that men are more prevalent compared to women can be derived from the overdose cases and deaths that are reported in most hospitals. Hospitals tend to encounter more drug overdose cases compared to substance use disorder cases reported by women (Evans et al., 2017). Men engage in more illicit drug usage such as marijuana as well as misuse of prescription drugs. In most of the age groups, men are reported to exhibit higher rates of dependence on alcohol and drugs than women.

Socioeconomic status

Little research has been conducted regarding the prevalence rates of substance use disorders based on socioeconomic status. However, according to the current research studies, adults from high socioeconomic status tend to the most prone groups of individuals to marijuana and alcohol. Research indicates that alcohol, together with other types of drugs, consumes a high amount of costs. Alcohol users are estimated to use over $ 185 billion per year, while another form of drugs is expected to carry a total of $ 181 billion per year (Evans-Lacko, 2018). Familial socioeconomic status (SES) is linked to substance use disorder; however, there is inadequate research on the relationship that exists between the two variables. The study suggests that there exists a positive relationship between socioeconomic status and substance use disorder. The prevalence rate for substance use disorder is high for individuals from high socioeconomic status compared to individuals from low socioeconomic status.

Section 6; Identify and Explain an effective treatment modality that could be employed to work with someone who has this diagnosis/disorder and identify why this particular method was selected.

Group therapy is the most effective treatment modality that can be used to help with victims of substance use ailment individuals. The method is believed to be the most effective since it does not consume a lot of money. Group therapy is a more cost-effective approach compared to individual therapy; one therapist can be used to address a large number of patients suffering from substance abuse disorder. Also, it allows the group members to establish important life and interpersonal skills. Group therapy help develop a forum for exhibiting adaptive behavior, hence turns out to be a more effective practice (Wendt, 2017). This method of offering therapy to the substance use disorder individuals is also considered effective since it allows the clients to establish new strategies that can help them to uphold abstinence and witness the strategy as their fellow clients apply them. Clients are also able to learn the consequences of maladaptive coping strategies. What’s more, addicts can improve their social aptitudes by watching and taking an interest in sound social collaborations, which may thus permit them to frame better associations with existing companions and relatives.

Ideally, group therapy gives essential human contact to people who may some way or another be socially separated. They may help bunch individuals to adapt to life stressors without going to substances by giving positive friend backing and strain to swear off medication use. This help, consolation, and feeling of responsibility may persist into day by day life as gathering individuals create associations with one another that stretch out past the treatment setting. Gathering pioneers and other gathering individuals can likewise give significant criticism in regards to every customer’s qualities, shortcomings, qualities, capacities, and examples of conduct. Besides, the gathering all in all may have the ability to go up against a person about unsafe practices more adequately than a solitary advisor, because of the intensity of getting input from different individuals who have experienced and battled with chronic drug use. Going up against others may have the additional advantage of helping the individual customer perceive their forswearing.

Watching and taking part in others’ recuperation may ingrain a feeling of expectation and reason in addicts. More up to date bunch individuals can see that recuperation is conceivable, and they can perceive what they have to do to succeed (Wendt, 2017). As group individuals gain positions, they may start to conduct the role of semi specialists and help new individuals to assimilate to the treatment condition culturally. They offer guidance based on experience; pose astute inquiries; go about as thoughtful aides all through the recuperation procedure; habitually coming about in the Gathering Therapy of the gathering chief. At last, group therapy offers a degree of structure and control that is ordinarily ailing in the lives of substance clients, along these lines supplanting mayhem with request and soundness in at any rate one zone of addict’s lives.

Section 7; Identify two community resources that are available to help a person with substance use disorder.

Therapeutic Community (TC)

The program offers care twenty-four hours every day, it is found in non-hospital locations. The therapeutic community is amongst the most effective type of residential model; it contains prearranged stay lengths of between six and twelve months. TCS concentrates on “resocialization” addicts; it incorporates the staff and residents as part of the treatment groups. The model views substance use disorder from the perspective of an individual’s psychological and social deficits; its treatments aim at establishing personal responsibilities and accountability and enhances socially productive lives. Treatment offered by the TCs model is widely structured and is confrontational during most of the situations (Lyyers et al., 2018). The activities meant helping individuals help the addicts examine self-concepts, damaging beliefs, and destructive patterns. Hence the program helps the individual gain new, more constructive, and harmonious methods of interacting with other peoples in the society.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

The outpatient programs are found in the community; its primary role is to provide help to the addicts. The programs incorporate group counseling to help them eliminate drug disorders in the community.  Some of the outpatient programs are intended to treat with other mental or mental problems apart from addiction from drug disorders.




















Penzenstadler, L., Kolly, S., Rothen, S., Khazaal, Y., & Kramer, U. (2018). Effects of substance use disorder on the treatment process and outcome in a ten-session psychiatric treatment for borderline personality disorder. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy13(1), 10.

The article discusses the effects caused by substance use disorder. The author of the report indicates various mental health issues caused by substance use disorder. Some of the effects discussed in the article include; confusion, and dopamine.

Voon, P. (2017). Diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders.

The report highlights the steps followed while diagnosing the substance use disorder. Some of the diagnostic steps indicated in the article include the following; Impairment Control, Social impairment, Risky use, and Pharmacological indicators.

Cole, J., Sprang, G., & Silman, M. (2019). Interpersonal trauma exposure, trauma symptoms, and severity of substance use disorder among youth entering outpatient substance abuse treatment. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma12(3), 341-349.

The author of the article highlights various symptoms of substance use disorder. The report indicates symptoms of the health complications that are related to a drug use disorder. The signs are used in the diagnostic criteria to determine the accurate diagnosis of the substance use disorder.

Marino, L. A., Campbell, A. N. C., Pavlicova, M., Hu, M., & Nunes, E. V. (2019). Social functioning outcomes among individuals with substance use disorders receiving internet-delivered community reinforcement approach. Substance use & misuse54(7), 1067-1074.

The author of the article highlights various ways through which the substance use disorder affects the functioning of the victim. The article indicates that substance use disorder hurts the performance of an individual in multiple sectors in the society.

Evans, E. A., Grella, C. E., Washington, D. L., & Upchurch, D. M. (2017). Gender and race/ethnic differences in the persistence of alcohol, drug, and poly-substance use disorders. Drug and alcohol dependence174, 128-136.

The author of the article sought to investigate the prevalence rates of the victims of the substance use disorder based on gender. Results derived from the report showed that male is more prone to substance use disorder compared to females.

Evans-Lacko, S., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Al-Hamzawi, A., Alonso, J., Benjet, C., Bruffaerts, R., … & Haro, J. M. (2018). Socioeconomic variations in the mental health treatment gap for people with anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders: results from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. Psychological medicine48(9), 1560.

The article aimed to investigate the relationship between substance use disorder and socioeconomic status. Results derived from the report showed that there exists a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and substance use disorder. Individuals from high socioeconomic status tend to encounter more substance use disorder compared to individuals who are from low socioeconomic status.

Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2017). Group therapy for substance use disorders: a survey of clinician practices. Journal of groups in addiction & recovery12(4), 243-259.

The article highlighted the various benefits of using group therapy to prevent substance use disorder. The author of the report identified group therapy as the most effective method for offering support to victims of substance use disorder.

Lyvers, M., Jones, V., Edwards, M., Wood, K., & Thorberg, F. A. (2018). Traits associated with treatment retention in a therapeutic community for substance dependence. Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities.

The article defined Therapeutic Communities and their role in mitigating substance use disorders. According to the report, therapeutic communities contribute significantly to reducing the impact of substance use disorders.




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