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Gospel of John

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Gospel of John

  1. Jesus says that he who goes into the sheepfold through other means rather than the entrance is a robber. He attributes good shepherdess to those who enter through the entrance. The parable clearly shows that the man cured of blindness was one of the good shepherd’s flocks. His truthiness represented the whole of the flock. Jesus represents the good shepherd. It is in Jesus that the blind man finds safety having been expelled from the flock by religious leaders.

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  2. God condemns the shepherds of Israel. He rebukes and warns those who were concerned about feeding themselves and not the flocks. This meant that good shepherds should aim at serving others at the expense of themselves. The shepherds eating the fats and clothing bodies from the sheep’s wool represent Israelites leaders who exploited other believers, obtaining benefits from them and afterwards neglecting them. The sheep have thus scattered and turned to be beasts of the world. This has resulted from a lack of leadership principles among the unfaithful servants.
  3. Jewish administer care to animals and express concern for emotional pain the animal may be subjected to. For instance, the Jewish customs forbid slaughtering of young animals in the presence of the mother animal relating the pain to that of humankind. In this case, suppose the young one went on its own, all was on its own. In recent times in the scripture, bulls with irritable behaviour would be punished to death.
  4. Jesus had to explain the parable as the disciples had not understood it.
  5. Jesus used another metaphor by referring to Himself as the door to the sheepfold.
  6. The robbers and thieves refer to the religious leaders who judged Jesus for administering healing to the blind man. They were hypocrites and only aimed at benefitting themselves.
  7. Jesus goes forth and describes the aims of the robber as to rob, slay and demolish. This refers to the local religious leaders who exposed believers into suffering for their selfish gains.
  8. The parable describes those who apply spiritual deception to ruin others. It also addresses religious leaders who claim certain positions prior to meeting certain requirements.
  9. Bible scriptures use sheep to refer to faithful believers obliged to follow Jesus as their good shepherd. The other sheep are the gentiles and the non-believers of the gospel of Christ.
  10. Jesus portrays His death as voluntarily and out of the will, which would be followed by resurrection. Jesus claims to have power over life and death as he predicts His death and further resurrection.
  11. Part of the crowd understands Jesus’ miracles and signs like the ones of the promised Messiah. The crowd, therefore, claims that demon-possessed man could not heal the sick.
  12. Feast of Dedication was celebrated during winter. It is performed in remembrance of the dedication of Jerusalem’s second temple of worship.
  13. Jews claim that Jesus had left them holding their souls of who He was. They wanted evident proofs from Jesus if indeed He was the Messiah.
  14. Jesus responds that, no matter how He tells them, they remain doubtful. He further talks of the works and miracles He works as a full testimony of who He is.
  15. Jesus identifies His sheep as the ones who accept to believe in Him and come to Christ.
  16. Jesus proclaims as the source of eternal life to His believers. He insists, however, that the believers should have faith and trust in Him least they stumble.
  17. Jesus claimed His equality to God. This could be attributed to the miracles He performed claimed to the power that He had been given by His father, God.
  18. The Jews wanted to stone Jesus due to His claim of the relationship with God. The Jews considered the claim as blasphemous hence the need to murder Him.
  19. Jesus points out that the works He performed were meant for gods. This meant that the works were behind powerful evidence from above. Jesus further questions the Jews if it was necessary to condemn Him doing things as per the scripture.
  20. Jesus points out that claims of blasphemy have to be weighed before implementation. He claims His miraculous works to be the evidence of truth. The claims of co-equity with GodGod further stirs up violence causing Jesus to escape.
  21. John the Baptist’s followers finally realize that John’s teachings about Jesus were true and that His miracles proved that He as God sent.
  22. Lazarus was a man from Bethany. He had Mary and Martha as his sisters.
  23. Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, reported to Jesus that His friend Lazarus was sick.
  24. Jesus spoke to give the sisters that their brother, Lazarus would soon recover. It is evident that GodGod works out everything right for His believers.
  25. Jesus delayed due to the distance between the two towns of Bethany and Jerusalem. He also delayed intentionally to perform a miracle in Bethany.
  26. Jesus relates walking in the light to the walking according to God’sGod’s will. The outcome is likely to be useful as light prevents the occurrence of certain dangers as opposed to darkness.
  27. Disciples’ beliefs are proved once Jesus says that He was going to wake Lazarus up.
  28. Jesus claims to have power over resurrection and life and insists that His followers will live even after physical death. It gives hope for an experience that cannot be taken away.
  29. Jesus was there to raise Lazarus, but His compassion for mourners makes Him weep. Jesus further shows His emotions for love He had towards humankind.
  30. Jesus wanted to raise Lazarus to prove His divinity. Jesus also prays to His Father to establish his co-unity with Him.
  31. Jesus’ main aim was to prove His power over death which could glorify the father, GodGod who had sent him. The permanent resurrection could raise concerns from the crowd seeking the resurrection of their beloved ones. This was not part of His plan.
  32. Raising Lazarus formed a strong foundation for Christ’s ministry. He had convinced the crowd and was subject to more followers. This meant that the gospel would reach many people through His disciples.
  33. Caiaphas was the high priest during that time. He further predicts Jesus’ painful death as he thought that Jesus was a threat to his political position.
  34. Jesus’ miracle of raising Lazarus calls for a final verdict amongst the Sanhedrin. The decision is to kill Him in order to terminate the fame He had gain from the crowd.
  35. Mary showed her devotion by worshipping Jesus at His feet. This was an act of humility. She further anoints Jesus with an expensive perfume portraying her love towards Him (Wilmington, 2018).
  36. Nard is a root of an Indian plant which has a distinct fragrance. It served as an indication of anything offered to be the best. It also serves medicinal purposes.
  37. Judas’ claims were aimed at a personal benefit. It would have been a chance to steal the oil.
  38. Judas claims the anointment as wastage of the expensive perfume and that it could have been sold to feed the poor. Jesus responds that they will always have the poor, but He was to be with them for a moment.
  39. The planned killing of Lazarus is based on the Jews’ envy and jealousy. They want the evidence of resurrection done away with hence the plot to kill him.
  40. Palm branches signify victory and success. This proclaimed Him as the accepted promised one and the saviour among the people. The crowd, however, viewed Him as the conqueror.
  41. The disciples realize that Jesus was a king upon his glorification by the crowds during his triumphal entry.
  42. The Greek mentioned was Philip. The disciples’ requests are recorded as they had known Philip from Bethany.
  43. Jesus meant that his time to face death had come.
  44. Bruce describes religion at some point as being clear and concise. The rule was to do God’sGod’s will or face hell. It was, however, superstitious as the priests prayed for salvation as the saints cured the sick. Jesus seemed to keep the rule which sees her gain eternal life even after His death.
  45. Jesus was praying to GodGod to spare Him from what was He was awaiting, death. Jesus, however, needed His father to strengthen Him enough to commence His ministry.
  46. The prince described is Jesus. His outcast was to be through sacrificial death.
  47. The implication of Jesus being lifted up symbolized His crucifixion on the cross.
  48. People have faced adequate evidence for God’sGod’s existence. The claim created reactions as some people attributed it to ascension while others to His crucifixion. Jesus would break their doubts following His death and resurrection.
  49. Jesus spoke to mean that His earthly ministry was approaching. He also indicated that opportunities for engaging with them were diminishing.
  50. Isaiah had prophesied that people would turn out being doubtful. God would have blinded them and hardened their hearts. This would bar their understanding of their hearts (Lett, 2016).
  51. Jesus said that every word He had taught them would be the evidence when judgment comes. This would mark an eternal loss for non-believers.












Lett, J. (2016). The Divine Identity of Jesus as the Reason for Israel’s Unbelief in John 12:36-43. Journal of Biblical Literature, 135(1), 159-173.

Willmington, H. (2018). Gifts Mentioned in the Bible.



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