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Effects of AI on humans’ life

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What will the AI do to humans’ life?

Over the past decades, humans have experienced a tremendous breakthrough in the technological area. Artificial Intelligence (AI) an intriguing technical concept that has helped improve humans’ life. This is a concept that involves the use of machines to sense, think, act, and adjust to the real world. The current society is now made of machines that people’s daily activities rely on. According to researchers, the future successful invention of IT in various aspects of life would be an important event in human history. Christakis (103) has emphasized the importance of technology on communication and human safety, citing how robots have been helpful to humans. Turkle (00:34) also supports that AI will ease human life. Other researchers like Anderson et al., (2) think that AI will affect human’s ability to exercise free will. Even though there have been concerns about the negative impacts of AI, technology will improve people’s lives by promoting safety, make life more comfortable, and improve communication.

AI will continue to improve the human experience in communication in the future. With the introduction of the AI, the older forms of communication are becoming outdated. AI technologies, such as the “Hybrid systems,” which makes it possible for humans and robots to interact socially, will help improve communication by promoting connectivity. With the introduction of the right AI, humans’ relationship will be positively affected. This is evident in the online communication platforms. For instance, specific kinds of robots can intervene whenever people sent negative messages to other people online. An example of this is the robot that prevents people from sending racist messages to others by reminding them how the message can hurt others (Christakis 104). By doing this, AI improves relationships in society. The introduction of technologies such as telephones, the internet, and the printing press is also evidence that AI will enhance communication in the future (Christakis 103). This is especially experienced in modern workplaces. Through AI, companies can easily share information with not only their employees but also their targeted customers. The tools and apps that are cross-platform compatible help with the fast and effective sharing of information all departments in an organization. Messenger tools such as the automated responses that reply to emails in organizations have helped in saving time in many organizations. The AI will also have positive economic impacts in future organizations. This is attributed to the fact that the automated messages and interaction on the online platform is easier and cheaper compared to conventional communication strategies. To make the AI improve communication in the future, the interaction between humans and the machines should be viewed as synergistic, but not competitive to effectively develop the “hybrid system”.

Artificial Intelligence will also help improve human safety in the future. AI will help improve road safety in the future. This is especially true with the invention of the driverless cars. According to Christakis (106), driverless vehicles could reduce issues such as fatigue and distractions that affect human drivers, making them cause accidents. This will reduce the number of road accidents. AI is also helpful in disaster relief accomplishments. For instance, in times of disaster, AI can be used in mapping coordination to show places that are too dangerous and safer. An example of such technology is the Google People Finder. Through this technology, people can post about disasters. This helps to notify those who are not affected while reaching those who can help. Techniques such as predictive analytics, help forecast weather patterns. As such, people can be better prepared to handle disasters such as floods and earthquakes. There have been concerns about AI causing safety problems if they are created more intelligent. According to Friend (88), Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is safer and more reliable. The narrow one is safer because if they made more intelligent than humans, they might cause safety issues. Once AI surpasses humans, they may be competing with humans in the future. As such, the AI should be created to help humans and not overtake them. The invention has also been used in healthcare systems to improve patients’ health and safety. For instance, medical experts can use it in diagnosing and treating patients. This helps people to live a healthier life.

AI will help in making life easier in the future. This is true, primarily if technologies such as the AI vehicles will be used. The cars can make a judgment and take driving duties. As such, one can use the vehicles on long distant journeys without getting tires. Additionally, people can save on the cost they incur when hiring drivers since with the AI vehicles, there will be no need for human drivers. Technologies have made life in the business world more comfortable. For instance, marketing activities have been faster and cheaper through AI. Companies that market their goods to their targeted customer on social media. This saves on advertisement costs. According to Turkle (00:34), people can leave a better life if they use want they learn in the virtual world to improve their real lives.

Critics of AI claims that AI may negatively affect humans’ life in the future. According to them, the technology may reduce people’s control over their lives (Anderson et al. 11). This is attributed to the fact that AI may eliminate the need for human’s participation in activities. For instance, robots have replaced humans in doing repetitive work in workplaces. This may cause issues such as unemployment in the future. Moreover, Turkle thinks that technology will negatively affect people’s social lives. Due to the introduction of AI, humans do not value their physical interaction since they can communicate online. This has reduced the need for face to face conversations, which play a significant part in improving social lives. Despite the criticism of AI, the benefits of this technology outweigh its negative sides. Using the “Hybrid System” will provide solutions to its adverse side effects. For instance, instead of replacing humans with AI, humans should work alongside this technology to improve their lives.

Conclusively, AI will make peoples’ life more comfortable by improving communication and safety. Through AI, communication has been made faster, easier, and cheaper compared to the traditional ways of communication. For instance, online communication platforms have made it easier and faster for businesses to reach their clients cheaply. The safety issues will adequately be addressed using AI. This is especially true with the introduction of the AI vehicle that will not require human drives who are sometimes fatigued and can be destructed on the road. Moreover, the use of AI in the diagnosis process will improve patients’ safety and healthcare quality. Despite the criticism against AI in human’s life, the benefits of AI in human’s life is more compared to the negative side.










Works cited

Anderson, Janna, Rainie, Lee & Luchsinger Alex. “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans.” Pew Research Center. 2018. web/imagining/surveys/2018_survey/AI_and_the_Future_of_Humans_12_10_18.pdf

Christakis, Nicholas. “How AI will rewire US”. The Atlantic. 2019. relationships/583204/

Friend, Tad. “How Frightened should we be of AI?” The New Yoker. 2018.

Turkle, Sherry. “Connected, But Alone?” TED. 2012. connected-but-alone/5455574/view




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