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  1. International space station- the ISS is a project sponsored by the United States, Russia, and other nations. It’s a space shuttle that will cover an area the size of a football field and house a crew of six.
  2. Internet- is a voluntary linkage of computer networks across the globe that began in the 1960s that linked the scientists in their research work.
  3. Genetic engineering- helped scientists introduce new genes into an organism to give new traits to that organism.
  4. Cloning- involves the creation of identical copies of DNA, which are the chemical genes that determine hereditary. Cloning also allows scientists to reproduce both plants and animals that are identical to the existing plants and animals.
  5. Green revolution-Is a campaign started by agricultural scientists that aimed at increasing food production in the world. The scientists encouraged the use of pesticides, fertilizers, high yield, and disease-resistant strains to a variety of crops. Green revolution increased yields and averted famine across the world.




  1. Communications- The development of satellites and the internet had enabled the linkage of people, businesses, and organizations across the globe. Internet, more so, has made life simpler for the majority of people.
  2. Health and medicines-as a result increase in global networks and communication, technological progress brought new microscopes, lasers, and ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI techniques that help doctors give a diagnosis and improve the health care of individuals.
  3. Green revolution- agricultural scientists through the green revolution increased food production across the world and reduced famine across the globe.

I think communication has the most significant developments in the world. This is because, via communication networks and technology, we have improved health care and brought the green revolution globally.




  1. ISS has made it possible for people to have an ongoing presence in space, and people have been living and doing their research in space.
  2. Technology has increased production in businesses through improvements in manufacturing and communication networks. With the help of computers, manufacturing has been made easier and efficient, while the internet has enabled stakeholders to communicate efficiently.
  3. Through technological developments, doctors can view three-dimensional images to diagnose injuries, genetic engineering, and cloning that helps in the study of heredity through research on genes.




  1. Developed nations- these are nations with industrialization, transportation, and business facilities for advanced production and manufacturing of goods.
  2. Emerging nation-these are nations that are in the process of becoming industrialized.
  3. Global economy- includes all the d-financial interactions among people, businesses, and organizations that have crossed international borders.
  4. Free trade-this is a significant goal in globalization that aims at eliminating all the trade barriers such as tariffs among nations.
  5. Ozone layer- ozone layer mainly gives protection against the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays.
  6. Sustainable growth- it involves meeting the current economic goals as well as the preservation of the environment and conserving resources for future generations.



Forces like technology, multinational corporations, expansion of free trade, regional trade blocs as well as globalization have greatly helped in shaping the global economy.

I think technology is the greatest contributor to global economies since technology has impacted even the other forces to shape the global economy.




  1. Knowledge workers are essential as they mainly focus on working on information that will help industries grow.
  2. EU brought about economic unification, and many countries around the world joined the union to make trade agreements with each other.
  3. Global economic development has affected the environment as a result of the release of chemicals to the atmosphere, which destroys the ozone layer. When the ozone layer is destroyed, the ultraviolet rays reach the earth causing skin cancers. The rays also affect food production since the plants and animals are affected. Large scale soil erosion is also affected, leading to damage to farming techniques.



  1. Proliferation- it involves the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations.
  2. Universal declaration of human rights- it was issued by the UN to address and set human rights standards for all nations.
  3. Political dissent- this is the act of people having a difference of opinions over political issues.
  4. Gender inequality- is the difference between men and women in terms of wealth and status in society.
  5. AIDS- Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome is the greatest global pandemic that affects the immune system leaving the affected to deadly infections.
  6. Refugee- these are people who leave their own countries to other countries to find safety.


Methods that have contributed to the greatest global security

I think the peacekeeping activities and missions by the UN have contributed the greatest to global security than the military alliances that were formed after WWII and the Cold War. The military alliances such as NATO, SEATO, and the Warsaw Pact have brought peace to an extent, but their influence is still not widely felt. It’s the UN peacekeeping methods that have a cutting edge in maintaining global security. The UN holds public forums; private meetings as well as provides mediators to help nations manage internal conflicts. Additionally, the UN provides peacekeeping forces that monitor cease-fires, carry out peace agreements, and end fights to enable peace negotiations to be conducted.


Steps that nations have taken to control the proliferation of mass destruction weapons   

  • The USA and the Soviet Union signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties in 1980, with both countries agreeing to deactivate their nuclear weapons.
  • Other nations also followed suit and signed treaties, not pledging to develop biological and nuclear weapons.
  • After using nuclear weapons in the 1980s, Iraq agreed to destroy its weapons of mass destruction as part of the cease-fires agreements in the Persian Gulf wars.

How AIDS has affected the economy of the Sub-Saharan African countries

About 70% of people living with HIV/AIDS live in the Sub-Saharan part of Africa. Most of the people dying from AIDS in the region are aged between 15-49, the years when people are more economically productive. The disease is thus reducing the number of workers, entrepreneurs, leaders, and strategists in the economy. As a result economy in the region is either stagnant or growing at a slower rate.

Positive effects of immigration

Immigrants provide labor in a variety of industries. They also bring experiences and knowledge that can be used to grow the economy. Additionally, immigrants contribute to the sharing, shaping as well as blending a newly enriched economy.




  1. Terrorism- it’s a variety of violent acts used against people or property to force changes in the society or government and strike fear in the hearts of people. Terrorism in the 20th and 21st centuries have caused many deaths and destruction of property.
  2. Cyberterrorism- involves a series of politically motivated attacks on information systems such as computer hacks and spread of computer viruses. The threat of cyberterrorism increases as organizations and governments switch to storing data and running operations in the computers.
  3. Department of Homeland Security- the departments were created in 2002 to coordinate national efforts to fight terrorism, such as the search for terrorists in the USA and passing antiterrorism laws.
  4. USA Patriot Act- the antiterrorism law, adopted on October 26, 2001, allows the US government to investigate acts of terrorism, search for, detain and prosecute terrorists in the USA.


The September 11 attacks were unique due to how they were conducted. The terrorists changed the way we view terrorism, such as a terrorist spraying bullet on some unsuspecting and innocent civilians or a time bomber bombing himself into a crowd. The September 11 attacks were well coordinated by hijacking airliners headed into California and crashing two of them onto the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. Another plane was crashed into the Pentagon building while the other was plunged into an open field in Pennsylvania.

It was, however, similar to other terrorism incidents since it caused deaths and destruction of property just like any other terrorism incident. It also caused trauma and fear a common consequence of all terrorist acts.


How terrorism changed in recent years

Recently, terrorists have started biological and chemical agents in their attacks, which involves a release of harmful bacteria and poisonous gases into the atmosphere. This new development of terrorism is worrisome because biological and chemical agents are easy to develop in science laboratories, and terrorists can take that advantage to develop harmful and deadly chemical agents.

Methods that terrorist use

Terrorists use violent acts to conduct their evil ills. The mostly used weapons by terrorists are bullets and bombs. Terrorists target heavily crowded places and then spray bullets on people or even bomb them. Terrorists also may target religious sites or government buildings to gain attention and to intimidate people. Terrorists are always ready to use any method to kill their “enemies” and even will to die to success in their attacks.

Steps the use took in response to the September 11 terrorist attack

  • The first step was to search for and identify those that were responsible for the attack. It was concluded that Osama Bin Laden was the brains behind the attack, and his search was immediately commenced.
  • The department of Homeland Security was established in 2002 to coordinate national efforts towards fighting terrorism.
  • The USA Patriot Act law was adopted on October 26, 2001, that allowed the US government to investigate acts of terrorism, search for, detain and prosecute terrorists in the USA.
  • The federal government also increased its control of the airline industry. The government ordered that all aircraft instill bars on the cockpit doors to prevent passengers from gaining control of the planes as the terrorist did.




  1. Popular Culture –refers to cultural elements that define a group of common backgrounds and dynamic interests. Popular cultures such as music, art, movies, etc. around the globe incorporates features from many cultures.
  2. Materialism- it’s an act of placing a lot of value in acquiring material possessions. Materialism is part of Western influence on other parts of the world that has caused lots of people to focus on accumulating possessions a much as they can.


Music is an international popular aspect that has the greatest effect on my life. Music is the admiration of my life and my future. Ever since I was a kid, I always admire listening and watching R&B and Hip hop pop music from the likes of Kanye West and Chris Brown. In recent days, I have gone a notch higher by joining the studio to record my songs.


How mass media spreads popular culture across the world

 Mass media spreads popular culture by showing how other people live in other parts of the world and also what they value. Television, which is an example of mass media, has a greater influence on the spread of popular culture, for instance, by broadcasting American programs such as CNN, Cartoon Network, and other programs. These programs are watched across the globe reaching about 200 million households in over 200 countries. Another way in which the TV helps in spreading popular culture is through the broadcast of sports such as soccer, which attracts the biggest audience across the world.



The reason why western cultures dominate other cultures

Western cultures tend to dominate other cultures, mainly due to western countries’ dominance in the 19th century, which left a legacy of western ideas and customs. For instance, the western languages are spoken across many cultures in the world due to Europe’s history of colonization in America, Asia, and Africa continents.

Steps the government and people have taken to protect their diversity

  • One of how people protect their diversity is by taking American TV programs and reworking them according to their own cultures and traditions.
  • Second, some governments censor the mass media from broadcasting unwanted ideas.
  • Third, other people opt to return to their traditional ways, such as rites of passage among the Africans.


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