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How to write a synthesis essay step by step
Writing a synthesis essay is like creating any other form of thesis. A synthesis essay is a written discussion of ideas. Synthesis essays tend to draw on two or more sources from fiction sources, academic papers, interviews, speeches, lectures, articles, or observations. If you have two ideas from a similar topic, you can isolate the core of what they are trying to say. Synthesis essay writing is one of the most engaging tasks you may encounter. The purpose of a synthesis paper for a university or college student is to demonstrate that you can deal with extensive research, take big concepts apart and show the skeleton of the argument. A perfect synthesis essay takes ideas from different sources, summarizes them, and combines them with other theses, enabling you to write a cohesive synthesis essay format.
In today’s academic landscape, synthesizing information from multiple sources and presenting a coherent and well-supported argument is a crucial skill. This is where the synthesis essay comes into play. Whether you are a student facing an assignment or a professional looking to improve your critical thinking and writing skills, mastering the art of writing a synthesis essay can greatly enhance your academic and professional success. A synthesis essay is more than just a summary or information collection from various sources. It requires analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to create a unique perspective or argument. This essay challenges you to think critically, identify connections between sources, and present an informed and well-supported viewpoint.
This step-by-step guide will walk you through writing a synthesis essay effectively. From understanding the assignment and choosing a topic to conducting thorough research, developing a thesis statement, organizing your essay, and addressing counterarguments, we will cover everything you need to know to write a successful synthesis essay. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will learn how to confidently approach your synthesis essay and produce a well-structured and persuasive piece of writing. So, let’s dive in and discover the key strategies and techniques that will help you become a skilled writer of synthesis essays. If you have wondered how to compose a synthesis essay, Studygroom’s do my homework service will help you craft a synthesis essay outline or provide a simple structure to guide you through the writing process.
Two types of synthesis
Explanatory synthesis essay
This type enables readers to get a better understanding of a topic. Rather than arguing a point, the aim here is to explain a particular topic. Explain the topic with sources and present these sources objectively in the body section. Like any other essay, each claim should be supported by two or more credible sources.
Argument synthesis essay
This type of paper aims to argue and justify a specific topic with evidence. In this case, you will do the same as in a regular argumentative essay. Clarify your stance, make supporting claims, and provide credible evidence to support each claim.
How to choose a topic
A synthesis paper prompt must be debatable. You may have to choose a primary text, depending on your assignment. Pick a book that might have opposing viewpoints.
Step 1
Browse through ideas and topics. Read various sources and check selected topics in-depth to see if they meet your interests.
Step 2
After choosing a topic, gather relevant and useful sources to include in your synthesis paper.
Step 3
Use ideas from the sources in your synthesis essay outline. This will make writing easier and saves you time. It is good for good synthesis essay topics to be debatable, as if they have been in public conversations for years. This makes them charged emotionally for all involved sides, and this will mean that a lot of evidence for them will be widely available. Bad topics would be those in which the debate has long been over and an objective answer has been provided for them scientifically, or topics with yes or answers.
Synthesis essay structure
An outline will be useful in structuring your synthesis paper and planning your work. Have supporting evidence, sub-arguments, and specific points in the appropriate sections. Ensure each aspect proves the claim of your thesis. Extra information will only make your paper worse. If the information goes against your central claim, you should acknowledge it, as this will strengthen your paper. Ensure you check all the sources you have picked carefully. When writing about the causes, analyze them instead of summarizing them. A synthesis essay outline has three major sections: An introduction with a thesis statement, a body section, which contains arguments and counterarguments to the thesis, and a conclusion.
This is a brief description of what the paper will be about. It is an important part consisting of the background, a hook and relevance of your topic, and the thesis statement.
Synthesis writing also includes a thesis, the main argument of the entire paper. It should be the core argument of theses from separate sources.
The first paragraph should present a counterargument to your thesis. This shows your ability to think from an opposing viewpoint. This can be greatly valued in higher education facilities. Ensure you note that the counterargument is not strong enough to discredit the thesis. The other paragraphs should now present arguments in favor of the thesis. Remember to structure all paragraphs in the body using the format below:
Supporting argument
Topic sentence
Analysis of evidence
This should be a summary of the entire paper. Conclude the essay with a final sentence. Restate the main points and address any unanswered questions.
Tips for writing a synthesis essay
Proper analysis of a given prompt or text is key to working on a synthesis paper. To analyze it successfully, you must understand the purpose of the text, the rhetoric, and the argument the author claims. You will be responding to the question, ‘So what?’ You must then build your application and write your work around that.
- Avoid tilting the task as ‘synthesis essay’ preceded or followed by a relevant title.
- Address your readers appropriately.
- Avoid using passive voice. Use a clear sentence structure.
- Use precise vocabulary, and don’t be shy about using a dictionary.
- Ensure your citations are correct.
- Proofread and correct comma errors, spelling, subject + verb agreements, plurals, and possessives. Avoid using the word ‘you.’
- Use sentence and paragraph transitions for coherent flow.
Writing techniques
Make use of summarizing
This is among the simplest methods of organizations. It enables you to summarize the sources with the highest amount of relevance. The problem with this method is that it does not include any of your independent thoughts.
Write segments of sources in your own words. You can also quote sources under this technique. Ensure you cite the source in each case of using examples.
Multiple reasons
An extremely effective method is using multiple reasons
Present an argument against your thesis but ensure the thesis is not strong to overpower the thesis. The benefit of using this method is that it teaches the awareness of the other side of the argument. This presents an introduction and description and is followed by the opposing view and a decisive factor.
This technique illustrates the opposing point of view. It shows that the positives are much stronger than the negatives.
Compare and contrast
This method allows writers to examine two sources at once. Contrasting shows the differences, as comparing shows similarities. It is possible to illustrate an in-depth analysis of your chosen topic.
Synthesis essay format
The format depends on what style is required by your instructor. The most common formats are APA, MLA, and Chicago style. APA is used in science, psychology, and education fields. MLA is used in humanities, while the Chicago style is used in the citation of business, fine arts, and history essays.
MLA format
- 1-in margins
- Times New Roman 12 pt font double-spaced
- Titles are centered
- The top right corner includes the last name and page number on every page
- The last page includes a ‘works cited page
- The header should include your name, your professor’s name, course number and the date
APA format
- 1-in margins
- Times New Roman 12 pt font double-spaced
- A page header on the top of every page
- A page number on the top right
- The synthesis essay should be divided into four parts: title page, abstract, main body, and references
Chicago style
- Times New Roman 12 pt font double-spaced
- 1-in margins
- Write with left-justified text with a rugged edge
- Use 0.5-inch indents for paragraph beginnings
- The bibliography is to be on a separate page
- Use full names of people or organizations
Synthesis essay rubric
High range
- Demonstrates full understanding of the sources or text
- Effectively develops a position on the assigned topic
- The argument of the writer is convincing
- Correctly synthesizes sources and strengthens a position. The author drives the argument and not the sources
- The paper is well-organized, clear, and coherent. Instead of an exam response, it is a stand-alone piece.
- The writer does not make general assertions and cites specific evidence for each point
- Has few grammatical and spelling errors or none
- Develops a position on the assigned topic adequately
- Demonstrates sufficient understanding of the ideas developed in the sources
- Summarizes the sources sufficiently and assumes some control of the argument
- Although less developed, the writer’s argument is sufficient
- The writer synthesizes the sources successfully and cites them
- The paper is clear and well organized
- It contains a few minor errors
- Does not develop a position on the assigned topic adequately
- The writer does not cite the sources correctly, skips a citation, or cites fewer than the required minimum of the sources.
- The author misunderstands and simplifies the ideas developed in the sources
- The writer has weak control of organization and syntax. The paper contains numerous grammatical/spelling errors.
- Over-summarizes the sources, lets the sources drive the argument.
writing a synthesis essay is a complex task that requires careful planning, research, and critical thinking. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog, you can effectively navigate the process and create a compelling synthesis essay. First, it is essential to understand the assignment and choose a topic that allows for multiple perspectives and conflicting viewpoints. This will provide the foundation for your argument and allow you to engage with different sources. Next, conducting thorough research is crucial. By exploring various sources and critically analyzing their content, you can gather information to support your thesis statement and develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
Once you have gathered your sources, the next step is to develop a clear thesis statement. This statement should articulate your main argument and guide the rest of your essay. Organizing your essay is another critical step. By creating an outline and structuring your essay logically, you can effectively and coherently present your ideas and evidence. Addressing counterarguments is also important in a synthesis essay. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and providing a thoughtful response can strengthen your argument and showcase your ability to consider different perspectives.
Finally, revising and editing your essay is crucial to ensure clarity, coherence, and logical flow. This step allows you to refine your ideas, correct any grammatical or spelling errors, and enhance the overall quality of your essay. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can confidently approach the task of writing a synthesis essay. Remember to stay focused, critically analyze your sources, and craft a strong argument supported by evidence. Writing a synthesis essay is a challenging but rewarding task. By mastering this skill, you can become a more effective communicator, thinker, and writer. So, take these steps to heart, practice regularly, and unleash your potential in crafting compelling synthesis essays.