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A destination wedding

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A destination wedding

A destination wedding has become more widely spread and are now being practised by several people in the world. It is estimated that over 15% of all marriage ceremony are known destination wedding, a Destination wedding can simply be defined as an event where the bride and groom plan and themarriage ceremony far away from home and invite only their close friends and family members to a designated location and make the event sabbatical. This type of wedding ceremony was mainly practised in countries like Moscow, Hawaii, Mexico and wildly in the Las Vegas. This type of marriage ceremony is viewed as one of the best as it gives the couple a little time to interact and to speed more of their time together as compared to the traditional wedding ceremonies. It is also affordable as there are no much expenses compared to the traditional one as one is able to choose the number of people tom to attend the ceremony and even the venue they can afford.

According to the study and research conducted by the different analyst, it was found that an approximate of 25% of the wedding ceremony are destination wedding. Over 340,0000 destination wedding occurs every year, and the couple does pay for the expenses incurred alone.  Most of these wedding takes place in the month of December with an average of 19%, will others spread across the months, with January having the list attendance.In comparison to the traditional wedding, there are still more individuals preferring the conventional method of marriage compared to the designated weddings. 52% of the total marriages conducted are always traditional with a total of over 600000 per year. These weddings are always conducted in the month of August to December as compared to the Designation wedding which mostly is conducted in the month of December. There is always an increase in traditional weddings in the month of January as compared to that of designated marriage. We find that even when the most couple prefers designated weddings in recent days, there are also those who still value and prefer the traditional system of marriage. As an emerging method of marriage, most of the coupeswho conduct this type of marriage are always innovative, and those who like new ideas.

The designated wedding also experiences some challenges which need to be given close concern and possible solutions that will help solve these problems on their occurrence. As one of the socializes event, Designated wedding face challenge of overdrinking by the attendance. There are always free beer and refreshments in these ceremonies, and we find that people take advantage of this and tend to drink more. Designated weddings also provide a god platform for socialization, and their fore people may want to release themselves free from stress and have a good enjoyment free from home, these led to them taking more beer than expected. Another challenge faced by these types of wedding Is lack of sufficient capital. The weddingis always more expensive as compared to the traditional wedding, and hence couples find its more expensive and unaffordable by many.To hire a wedding venue in some of the prestigious cities like Miami and Las vigas are expensive and less affordable by manycouples who would like to conduct the designated wedding. The food and also the refreshments and beers are expensive in these restaurants, and hence this type of wedding is mainly practised by the financially stable couples while the less rich parties the traditional marriage ceremony.

Some of the possible solutions to these problems faced in designated weddings can be solved by different methods and techniques. Overdrinking and gaudiness of the attendance can be solved by simply reducing the number of beers in the venue to avoid much alcohol consumption. When the number ofbeersis reduced, there will be no overdrinking among the guest. This will help to easily control the audience as they will be sober. You can also hire some trustable guards to take care of the raudy individuals who accidentally over drank. They should be humbly taken outside in a cool and safe place to have access to clean air to have a deep breath to come back on their sense. They should be gently be reminded that they are a bit too rambunctious, telling these people they are drunk and making fun of them by capturing their behavior and asking them irrelevant questions will make them more raudi and can cause more harm. They can also bee helped by avoiding serving them with more Champaignuntil they are a bit sober. Financial challenges can be solved by making these prestigious restaurants more affordable, by either dividing them according to the different social class and also reducing the prices. This will attract more couples who would like to have designated wedding but lack the capital.

The reasons why people move away from their homestead and travel to different places and cities to have their wedding is that. Designated weddings are always private and provide much more time for couples to be together.  A designated wedding provides more time for the couple, and we find that the couples spend most of their good moments in a closed room giving them humble time to discuss and to planabout their future lives and responsibilities as the newlywed couples. They get to know each other better. Another reason why people prefer designated weddings is that always private as it is only attended by a small number of people who are invited. These make the wedding ceremony to be orderly and pleasant. Humans also what’s to be unique and do something different from others, designated weddings are one of the new and less common marriage ceremonies. Innovators prefer these kinds of marriage compared the traditional one as they want to be among the first lot to experience the new idea. Another reason why people nowadays prefer destination weddings as compared to the traditional one is that most of the couple like travelling and nature exploration as their hobbies. These type of wedding ceremonies allow couples to travel to different places in the world, exploring and interacting with people from different ethnic groups. The couples can move from the continent Africa to Las vigas to have their wedding ceremonies, and they will travel across the globe and have a new experience by finding new associates and friends who can advise them on their way.

There is a different type of people who attend the designated weddings ceremonies, and these people are always invited by the couple themselves. Wedding is one of the social ceremonies, and hence people tend to invite their loveones and relatives to experience a good time together. For these reasons, designated ceremonies are always well planned to accommodate different type of visitors to make it more entertaining. Groomsmen, whose main function is to keep the groomcompany and make him feel at home by giving him comfort. It is mainly composed of the groom’srelated friends who might sometimes be his brothers. Usher also attend the designated marriage ceremonies;they are invited to sing hymns and the love songs during the process. These will help to make the activity more entertaining and active. The pride and the groom also attend the ceremonies as they are the one to be celebrated. Parents and family members from both sides also attend the ceremony, and they are always happy to see their child prosper and wish them all the best in their marriage, they are also believed to give blessings to the couples. Best man and Best lady also do attend the wedding ceremonies.

Destination weddings are one of the most prestigious and more attractive ceremonies to take place, couples are always excited and do not know how to plan for the wedding ceremony, place and the venue to conduct the marriage process. These types of wedding are not possible without proper planning and allocation of resources, and proper plans need to be laid down for the achievement of your dream wedding. These are some of the key processes to be followed to achieve a successful destination wedding ceremony. Chose your destination, this is the first step to consider in the process. The destination is always chosen based on several factors such as the accessibility, capital availability and also the interest of your partner. Weather and also the climate condition of the place are also put into consideration. Be familiar with the chosen area, and when planning for designating wedding, you have to hire someone who is familiar with the venue to give you direction and audience. Thirdly you have to set the budget, and you need to keep in mind the capital you would like to spendand also the kind of wedding you want. You need to organize your guest list, send invitation card earlier to avoid any inconveniences, agree with the vendor on some of the term. You also need to book a hotel or restaurant to spend and also organize how your visitors will access the venue on the wedding day.





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