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A literature review on Divorce and Separation

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A literature review on Divorce and Separation


This literature review will examine divorce and separation as a family issue and how it affects a family unit. In addition to that it has explored conflict theory as one of the family theories its strengths and weaknesses well as its relevance in nursing and also the major problems it tackles that contribute to divorce and separation between couples. It also gives suggestion to restoring broken marriages and other areas that need more research regarding this problem.

In the text, Divorce and Separation will be discussed as the major topic and how it will affect a family setup and also the members of family at large.

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Conflict theory as well will be explored in the review as the chosen family theory, its strength and weakness and how it applies in the family unit.

Divorce and Separation.

A family is a group of people who are closely related to one another either by blood or by marriage. It has some living things characteristics therefore it can develop, grow, and also change over time. This is due to some reasons such as marriage, siring of offspring’s and also change as a result of losing a family member.

            Divorce and separation are a major issue in many families and it is really happening. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage. Sometimes divorce can occur between a husband and a wife but relationships that had existed in the extended family may still continue since it’s the relationships were not build through marriage. Separation on the other hand is the act of married individuals or a couple living in separate homes but still remain legally marriage. Some reasons for divorce and separation includes lack of communication, constant arguing, lack of intimacy and equality, infidelity which is one of the major causes and also bankruptcy. These two issues affect the family a lot unit and structure a lot as explained below (Amato, et., al. 2014)

Impact of divorce and separation on a family

(Amato, et., al. 2014) states that children in most cases are affected by a divorce or a separation. The parenting unit breakup can cause changes which are rather physical such as moving to different localities and residential places as well as emotional changes such as being confused, frustrated and misunderstanding of what’s going on. This will lead to unprotested results such as poor academic performance, withdrawal symptoms either from friends and family. They may also develop denial and emotions such as fear, anger, others enter into depression.

Secondly, divorce and separation affect the extended family. The conflict on taking sides especially for the kids. If the grandparents show prejudice towards one parent then kids end up in confusion and end up damaging relationship between the kid and the parent. In some cases, the children can also decide not to take side with any parent and they will live with their grandparents or any other member of the extended family and this can also lead to family struggles (Cohen, et., al. 2016).

How to manage divorce and separation

For couples in separation, they should try as much as possible to be communicating regularly with their loved ones sorer the children and also the extended family at large. You can also explain to them some of the plans you have to taking your family a step ahead (Dommaraju, 2016).

It is also important to talk about how you feel while in separation especially to your children and any other loved one. It brings a sense of responsibility and also forgiveness as well clearing confusions and frustrations on the kids. Its good also to make it clear that no one should take sides so that your kids won’t feel compelled to take sides. It is also skillful to have this discussion while your partner is there with you and the kids so that they can understand that both parents are still together (Markham, 2017).

If parents divorced its could to know that its their marriage that failed and not the family and so they should come together to grow their kids by providing basic needs and parental love to them as responsible parents.

Conflict theory

(Morgan, 2014) describes conflict theory as ways how family members struggle for different life aspects such as power and resources. This theory was first pioneered by H. Spenser. As they grow, they will scramble for wealth as well as prestige. Hence lead to creation of a conflict. For instance, in a family, one of the either parents can be struggling to get resources and assets for better running of the family and really work hard for it but the other partner in turn is lazy and never provides, this creates a conflict which could to a divorce or a separation.

The theory addresses issues such as prestige, wealth, resources and power in a family. This factor is necessary for the continuation of social interaction and maintained and also reinforcing the status quo of a family. This can happen through inheritance. if any member deviates from this it breeds conflict from within because every member wants to keep their privileged position (Morgan, 2014).


Strengths of this theory

  1. Competition is real in the world and it is the only thing that leads to development therefore for any family unit to grow, there should be struggle for resources and wealth. Through this an individual will acquire for themselves property for future use hence assures success of a certain generation (Hirshleifer, 2001).
  2. Conflict opened a way for the society’s to be viewed from a different angle and also open ways for criticizing some situations. Through this they had solutions to issues.


  1. This theory encourages existence of two groups in a family and society at large therefore creates marginalization in the society. Creating more and more conflicts.
  2. It also encourages divisions in a since a member might view themselves as self-independent and lead to development of selfish members of a society and lack of sharing in both the family and extended unit.

Application of the theory and its relevance to nursing

A family acts a major role of ensuring health of a person and taking care of illness and therefore in nursing this theory has a critical importance. The major objective of the nursing care is reviving the interactive and organizational patterns between family members. Examination of the family’s functional or the dysfunctional state is important for utilizing either theory or therapy (Alligood, 2017). For instance, if a wife is admitted in a hospital, organizational or the aspects that are dynamic will determine the recovery of the patient and will lead the nurse to accessing problems and administration of care. In instances where they have failed it may be the nurse’s responsibility to restore the functional as well as the interactive patterns of the family.

This theory is relevant to nursing care since they interact with patient most times and they really are required to how the patient is fairing. The patients need to open up for some causes of diseases for them to be helped. A good example is a case where patient is infected with sexually transmitted infections while the other partner lacks it. It is the role of the nurse to restore the interactive processes between the husband and wife.




Divorce and separation generally are harmful to a family unit and in turn will lead to raising of a generation that has not experienced true love from parents, depressed generation and therefore little development will be achieved. Nurses also play a major role in serving the humanity apart from taking of the sick but also restoring failed families.

Another area of research to be done regarding this problem is what really happens to children who are left with one parent after a divorce or a separation. Do fathers get intimate with daughters for instance? And what aspect of marriage do these kids have? And also, how it affects their adulthood life as well as its contribution to existence of weak families in future.






Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing theorists and their work-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Amato, P. R., & Anthony, C. J. (2014). Estimating the effects of parental divorce and death with fixed effects models. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(2), 370-386.

Cohen, G. J., Weitzman, C. C., & Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2016). Helping children and families deal with divorce and separation. Pediatrics, 138(6), e20163020.

Dommaraju, P. (2016). Divorce and separation in India. Population and Development Review, 195-223.

Hirshleifer, J. (2001). The dark side of the force: Economic foundations of conflict theory. Cambridge University Press.

Markham, M. S., Hartenstein, J. L., Mitchell, Y. T., & Aljayyousi-Khalil, G. (2017). Communication among parents who share physical custody after divorce or separation. Journal of Family Issues, 38(10), 1414-1442.

Morgan, D. H. J. (2014). Social Theory and the Family (RLE Social Theory). Routledge.

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