According to Mander, Jerry & Goldsmith (2014)
According to Mander, Jerry & Goldsmith (2014), the political leaders who take part in the passing and amending of laws should ensure that they have in-depth knowledge of the bills they vote for or against. From an excerpt of their book, it states that,
We offered a $10,000 donation to the charity of choice of any congressperson who could do the following: 1) sign an affidavit stating that he or she had read the five-hundred-page agreement, and 2) successfully answer ten simple questions about its contents.” (p. 92) “Finally, Colorado Republican Hank Brown accepted the challenge. […] he could not support the GATT because of its elimination of even the most basic due process guarantees.” (p. 93) it still passed.
What saddens me about lawmakers making haphazard decisions is that these laws have long term consequences on the citizens. Globalization has made those entities that are meant to be protecting the citizens to become docile because the large corporations have undue influence over the legal authorities. And whenever they feel the need to pursue a specific interest, whether it is unsafe or illegal, they will go through with it because they are protected. When organizations work like this, they pose a risk not only to the population but also themselves because no business operates in a vacuum.
In conclusion, when a case is made against global economies, some people may translate it to nations being selfish. Still, I believe localization is the way to if we want to protect the small and medium enterprises in the country. Promoting the local industry improves the economy of the nation by offering jobs and supporting the local trade.