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Acid Rain in Wisconsin

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Acid Rain in Wisconsin

Over some decades, Wisconsin had suffered severe problems of acid rain. Some research that was initiated by the Wisconsin DNR during the calamity indicated that the rainfall, which occurred in the state, was highly acidic. The studies further suggest that the lakes in northern Wisconsin were continually changing due to the increased level of acidity. A program was initiated by Wisconsin that was focused on acquiring some meaningful reductions of smokestack emissions. In this case, Wisconsin law required major electric and industry utilities to reduce emissions of Sulphur dioxide by 50 percent. The Wisconsin program was implemented for four years before the federal 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, which was purposed on controlling acid deposition. The willingness of Wisconsin to combating acid rain made the state of being acknowledged as a national leader in the implementation of acid rain policy. Conversely, several effects occurred as a result of acid rain in Wisconsin.

Social Effects

            The acid rain in Wisconsin caused a direct effect on the deposition of acidic elements in human health (Lodge 637). This was as a result of exposure to acid aerosols that are inhaled from the surrounding. The acid aerosols involved the combination of various small and large pollutants, which occur as strong acids, weak acids, and vapors. However, some residents, especially elderly and children in Wisconsin, have developed respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, which occurred as a result of a long-term effect of acid aerosols.

Moreover, acid deposition in lakes participated in affecting the health of people in Wisconsin. According to some studies, the acidification of water bodies increases the formation and movement of a toxic form of mercury known as methylmercury (Mason 65).  The mercury concentration in marine animals such as fish had been elevated. This was due to the deposition of acidic waste near or in the lakes. In this case, pregnant women, infants, and children in Wisconsin had been endangered by eating contaminated fish. Some children were linked to brain dysfunction due to the intake of contaminated fish.

Nevertheless, acid rain had an indirect consequence on the surrounding. In this case, toxic metals were dissolved in water and further absorbed by vegetables, fruits, and animal tissues. This affected the food chain since the poisonous metals in animals were of a severe threat to human health. Several people from Wisconsin were linked to having developed kidney problems.  Kidney problems occurred as a result of the accumulation of toxic substances, which were derived from the consumption of affected animals.

Environmental Effects

Research has identified that some trees in Wisconsin forest, are withered as a result of acid rain. Acid rain is related to leaching nutrients from the soils in the forest. Thus, making trees susceptible to other pollutants such as pest attacks and climate extremes. Also, acid rains damaged the necessary nutrients in the soil, which are essential for the growth of farm crops. In Wisconsin, many farm crops withered as a result of acid rain thus led to lower crop production in the farming sector (Hosono et al. 743). The quality of crop yield was also reduced due to the accumulation of excessive toxic elements in the soil.

Also, aquatic resources have been deemed to be vulnerable to the effects of acidic rain. The marine life of Wisconsin, such as fish, had faced massive death. This was due to harmful substances, which are emitted in the acid rain. Besides, acid rain in the state participated in eliminating some fish species and further reduced the population of fish in the water bodies. Acid rain is associated with increasing the pH level of water more, which leads to the death of some aquatic organisms.

Nonetheless, acid rain in Wisconsin has reduced the level of light penetration to the surrounding. According to some research, light transmission is often interfered by some pollutants that are associated with acid rain, which further led to a reduction in visibility. The summer season in Wisconsin recorded the highest number of frequencies of reduced visibility. This was as a result of chemical processes that occurred during summertime, which affected the ozone layer and led to reduced penetration of light in the environment.

Economic Effects

Through some conducted research, acid rain in Wisconsin had caused material damage. The low level of pH in the state had caused damage to some building materials such as metals, mortars, stone, and paint. Also, acid rain caused an increased weathering of specific historical figures.  The economy of Wisconsin has been affected since most historic surfaces, monuments and statutes have worn out. Thus, causing the value and beauty of some historical materials to diminish. Also, the maintenance cost of historic sites has been expensive, thus making the Wisconsin government spend a lot of money. This has further led to a downfall of Wisconsin’s economy over some years.

Additionally, the reduction of aquatic resources had triggered a negative economic impact in Wisconsin. Acid rain led to the suffocation of marine life, which was a source of income for some people in Wisconsin. In this case, fishers that depended on fish as a source of income faced a downfall in their business. However, the quality of the fish was reduced. Hence, lowering the market demand for fish, which further contributed to affecting the economy of Wisconsin. Besides, the wildlife sector was also affected by acid rain causing to death of many animals. This caused a reduction in the rate of income revenue achieved from the tourism sector.

Also, acid rain led to lower production of farm crops, which further lowered the economy of Wisconsin. The lower crop production occurs as a result of the leaching of soil nutrients, which slows down the growth process of crops. Besides, the acid rain also damaged the crop production in the farms. This is because acid rain is involved in reducing the quality of plant produce, thus caused most farmers to lack the market for their products and further lost their business. The agricultural sector in Wisconsin was greatly affected by acid rain, which led to a negative effect on the economy.

Nonetheless, the contamination of air led to adverse respiratory diseases among the residents in Wisconsin. This further incurred some extra costs, which were issued by the government for the protection of its people. In this case, free medical check-ups and medications were granted to the people, thus reduced the economy of the state.

In conclusion, acid rain occurs as a result of the emission of toxic fumes in the air. Wisconsin has been negatively impacted by acid rain. Acid emissions have been the cause of respiratory diseases among the people living in Wisconsin. Eventually, remedies have been put in place by the Wisconsin government to ensure a reduction of toxic substances in the surrounding.


















Work Cited

Hosono, Tatsuo, and Isamu Nouchi. “Effects Of Simulated Acid Rain On The Growth Of Agricultural Crops”. Journal Of Agricultural Meteorology, vol 48, no. 5, 1993, pp. 743-746. Society Of Agricultural Meteorology Of Japan, doi:10.2480/agrmet.48.743.

Lodge, James P. “Health And Environmental Effects Of Acid Rain, An Abstracted Literature Collection 1966–1979”. Atmospheric Environment (1967), vol 15, no. 4, 1981, p. 637. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/0004-6981(81)90207-9.

Mason, John. “Acid Rain: Its Effects On Lakes, Streams And Fish”. Engineering Science And Education Journal, vol 1, no. 2, 1992, p. 65. Institution Of Engineering And Technology (IET), doi:10.1049/esej:19920014.

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