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Air Pollution in Beijing

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Air Pollution in Beijing

            Beijing, being the capital city of China, has been affected by pollution to unimaginable extents. The city has recorded one of the biggest pollution effects that have been witnessed around all the major cities in the world. The pollution has been brought about by several factors and aspects that have been taking a course in the city. Olympic Games that have been in the city in 2008 brought about air pollution (Chen et al 434). Economical advancements in the city, increased number of motor vehicles traversing the city, population growth and the fumes from all the industries, especially manufacturing, have been, just to mention a few, the main causes of the pollution being experienced in Beijing. The pollution has a lot of effects on the residents of the city. Numerous health complications, including cancer, have been related to pollution. Daily lives and operation of humans and their activities have also been hindered a great deal. It is high time the government of China, through urban planning, to come up with perfect solutions that can mitigate the problem.

Pollution in Beijing has several causes that bring it up. First and foremost, we have an Economic Boom. This refers to the situation whereby all the factors that boost the economy of a city have thrived and become a success. Beijing has been experiencing radical improvements in terms of its economic sector. The city has grown in terms of the number of industries being set up. Manufacturers are working around the clock to ensure that the production is being maintained. This high number of industries in the area has contributed to the high levels of pollution (Tilt, Bryan and Qing Xiao 235). There is the destruction of the ozone layer and also the disposal of effluents that are generated from the manufacturing industries. Another form of pollution concerning the economic boom is the congestion of people. The city, being an economical hub, has attracted a high number of people who have come to carry out their different businesses. The high rate of people migrating into the area has brought about the influx, increasing the general number of residents. The congestion has, in turn, brought about the experienced pollution in the city. This is as a result of the waste materials and products that are being generated as a result of the high numbers. The economic boom has attracted many workers into the city who are hoping to find jobs. This has played a major role in encouraging congestion as the multitudes seek employment in the city.

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The second reason or cause for the pollution in Beijing city is the increased number of motor vehicles. The city has a high rate of traffic that is experienced on the roads every time. The traffic, brought about by the motor vehicles, indicates the high number and levels of emissions that are being produced by exhaust pipes. These emissions pollute the air and make it unbearable for normal habitation. The vehicles produce the emissions day and night, increasing this content in the air by a rising percentage. Air pollution, as a result, is increased. The ozone layer is also affected by this. Disruption of the ozone layer brings about the release of ultra-violate rays directly from the sun which affects the citizens. Production of motor vehicles has also increased significantly. This has brought about numerous numbers witnessed. This production involves a lot of processes that are associated with pollution. The vehicles, when worn out, are not properly disposed of. Some of the important parts in the automobiles are taken and resale while others are thrown away. Beijing city has a huge problem when dealing with these disposed of vehicles since they also contribute to the increased pollution. The parts disposed of are not bio-degradable and therefore end up polluting the soil and the environment in general. These spare parts are mostly metallic and rubber in nature. The rusting metals release some of its particles to the soil and bring about soil erosion. The particles affect the soil composition and generally deform the way it is made. The tires which are rubbers, do not decompose as well. They end up polluting the air and the soil as well. The burning of carcinogenic substances and benzene has also brought about pollution (Walters and Reece 317)

Population growth is another reason for the increased levels of pollution in Beijing. As a result of the economic advancement of the city, may people are always constantly coming in and filling up the numbers. The first reason why many people visit the city is in search of available job opportunities. The general population is assured of jobs in the city as a result of the high numbers of industries and businesses set up in the city. These businesses and companies are constantly employing a lot of people to help smoothen the operations. Another reason why a lot of people visit the city is because of leisure activities. The city has numerous historical sites and parks that are also a great deal for visitation by the tourists. The last main reason why there is an increased population in the city is as a result of people seeking residence. There have been improvements in the real estate business in Beijing. Many families have seen the need to move in and settle in the city as a result of the homes being availed at affordable prices. This has increased the population in the city. As a result of the increased population in the city, there have been numerous ways in which pollution has been carried out. The first way the increased population has brought about pollution is in the amount of home kitchen waste produced. The high number of people in the city equals the amount, intones, of garbage collected daily in Beijing. This has been a big problem for the planning of the city since it cannot be easily controlled considering the high number of residents. The second form of pollution as a result of the huge population in the city is human waste. There is a lot of human biological waste being produced by the high numbers of citizens in the city thus posing a major threat in terms of pollution. The other way in which there is pollution evidenced is through mechanical waste as a result of the tools used by the people in the city. The wastes produced by the population has brought a huge problem to management when it comes to dealing with it. The city, through its planning branch, has found it almost impossible to dispose of properly all the waste materials being produced by the people of Beijing. There is no enough recycling is done and the pits and septic tanks dug to contain the menace have become almost full. This has affected the entire health of the people and environmental conservation acts. There is soil pollution as a result of the waste materials that have been dumped on the ground uncontrollably. Air pollution is another thing affected by the population increase in the city. There have been numerous complaints from the non-governmental organizations in the city as a result of air pollution. It has affected the smell of some parts and even brought about a state of uncleanliness. Both the air and soil in the city have been badly affected by the increased population, bringing about their pollution.

Industrialization in Beijing has been another major cause of the city’s pollution. Being a city in a first world, Beijing has seen the setting up of many manufacturing industries in the recent past. There have been numerous companies that have been legally established in the region to seek greener pastures in the business world. The industries comprise a high number of both the production form and manufacturing setups. These industries produce a lot of emissions. Improved industrialization has seen the setting up of motor manufacturing, food processing, and even the beverage industries in the city. The chemical emissions are released to the skies and some to nearby water points. The chemicals in the emissions are very harmful to the environment in general. This becomes a major cause of air and water pollution. The emissions are associated with the destruction of the ozone layer, thus affecting the nature of sun rays experienced. Water is also polluted in the process to release the waste into rivers and other major water points. The chemicals released, together with the dumping of plastic materials in water, affect the oxygen supply in water, thus interfering with the normal aquatic life (Xanthos 22). These chemicals kill aquatic life and make the environment inhabitable. The pollution has been affecting ting the lives and normal functioning of all matter components that are constituted in all the areas discussed.

Pollution in Beijing has a variety of effects that have been brought about. The main effects associated with pollution are health effects. Lung cancer is the main problem that is experienced health-wise by the residents of the city as a result of the pollution (Chen et al 311). Most of the chemicals produced from the industries are directed to the air are not properly treated. These are the remains of the chemical reactions that are carried out in the manufacturing companies. The remains are harmful to the lives of human beings around the locality. The chemicals, being released to the air, end up being breathed by unsuspecting ting residents all around the city. The people end up having respiratory complications that are associated with the gas being breathed. This ends up affecting their lungs and making them experience cancerous symptoms. The main form of cancer that will be affected by this form of pollution is lung cancer. The lungs become weak as a result of the continued breathing of the polluted air. This ends up making the people weak and even leading to death. Cancer-associated with the lungs has been reported on numerous occasions by health officials in the city. They constantly blame the manufacturing industries for the release of the deadly gases into the air that brings about the cancerous effects to the residents and the general public in the city.

Another health effect that has been brought about by the pollution in Beijing is asthma (Chen 97). Many people who are inhaling the polluted air do not have a chance to notice the amounts of impurities that are present in it. The air contains a lot of chemicals that are associated with the infections in the human respiratory ducts. The chemicals from the fumes bring about the occurrence of asthma in the patients. This is because the breathing system is sometimes blocked by this chemical particles, in turn limiting the amount of air being breathed in by the affected persons. The disease, in critical conditions or situations, can lead to death. This is a major effect on the population of Beijing. The city, as a result of the pollution, exposes the citizens to such dangers thus making it difficult for the smooth running of normal activities.

Children who are born in the polluted city are the most affected health-wise by pollution. The effect is majorly felt on them since they are weak and fragile, excruciating experience for the parents. The first effect that is noticed in children is being born with low birth weight. The pollution in the city and maternity has adversely affected pregnant women. This is because they end up breathing in the gases that are released in the air and thus affecting their unborn babies. The gases interfere with the normal required weight of the unborn babies in Beijing (Rich et al 885). The low weight brings about other medical complications that are related to it, affecting even more. The other health effect caused by babies by the pollution in Beijing is the occurrence of birth defects.  Most of the children are born having defects that are related to the chemicals released by the industries. These defects may include the loss of eyesight. Most children are born blind as a result of biological complications caused by these fumes. They partially or completely lose the ability to see. Other defects may include missing body parts in the children during birth. Some of the children born in Beijing during the pollution may tend to lack either legs or hands or both. This is because the chemicals produced in the industries may alter the biological processes during pregnancy, thus bringing complications to the unborn babies.

Pollution in Beijing also brings about short term illnesses that have a great health effect on the general public. The first short term illness caused by air pollution in the city is the irritation of the eyes (Lindgren and Torsten, 598). The disease affects the eyes thus, irritating very much. This affects the perfect vision of the residents, thus interfering with how they carry out their daily activities. The pollution in the city also brings about the nose and the entire respiratory system. The chemical particles that are emitted in the open-air affect the breathing system and makes it difficult for the people to have a comfortable breathing routine. Lastly, pollution also brings about headaches, nausea and numerous allergic reactions. These are brought about as a result of noise pollution and air pollution by the manufacturing companies. The headaches are persistent and slow down the normal functioning of the individuals affected.

The government of China, through its representatives and ministry in Beijing, has gone a long way in trying to ensure that the pollution in the city is being reduced and minimized at all costs. There are several ongoing measures and regulations set to try and reduce the pollution of air, soil, and water in the city. However, there is still more room for improvement in terms of the way the government can try and mitigate the crisis. This is needed as there is an increasing level of pollution and its respective effects that are still being experienced in Beijing. The first measure that should be taken is the introduction of guidelines and rules targeting to reduce the increased number of motor vehicles in the city. The government should start by increasing the amount of tax charged on those purchasing these vehicles. This will regulate the increasing trends of purchasing too many vehicles which in turn brings about pollution. There should be an increased tax on parking fees. This will make the motorists prefer to use the trains for movement instead of everyone driving their vehicles. The government should also regulate the number of vehicles being manufactured by industries in the city. Increased levels of manufacturing of new vehicles have brought about the increased number of vehicles on the roads, thus contributing to the pollution being experienced.

The government should also target the companies that are responsible for the release of effluents and fumes that pollute water and air respectively. There should be measures put in place to ensure that the chemicals released are not harmful to the general citizens of Beijing city. The chemicals should be treated and verified several times for safety before being exposed to the general public. This will go a long way in ensuring that the release from the industries does not have any health impact or complications to the public. Another measure under industrialization is to regulate the number of industries that are being set up in the city. There should be a reduced number of them to ensure that the emissions that are released are as minimal as possible. This will go a long way in reducing the chances of risks that are associated with the emissions from the manufacturing industries, thus protecting the general public.

The general population should be controlled in the fight against pollution. The government should have strict measures that restrict the uncontrolled entry of people into the city. This will decongest the city and therefore reduce the pollution that is caused by the general public. Another way the general public can chip in in the effort to reduce pollution is by ensuring that they avoid using the wood stoves since they pose a great threat to air pollution. This will help reduce pollution. Lastly, the government should increase the sensitization of the general public on the effects of pollution and the collective duty of all the people of Beijing in trying to minimize it. The general public should also be enlightened on the measures to be followed and adhered to in the quest to end the pollution.

In conclusion, pollution has been a big menace to the city of Beijing throughout the times. There have been numerous cases of the same ranging from industrialization, increased population and the increased number of motor vehicles. The pollution has paused a major threat to the health of the city residents and therefore radical government and general public measures have to be employed to mitigate the crisis.















Work Cited

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Walters, Reece. “Toxic atmospheres air pollution, trade and the politics of regulation.” Critical Criminology 18.4 (2010): 307-323.


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