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Air pollution, Soil degradation and Species extinction

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Air pollution, Soil degradation and Species extinction

            The environment that we currently reside in and depend on is being vandalized as time elapses. From the progress that is being made, it is clear that environmental issues awareness is and continues to be high. People should try their best to come up with control measures of the environment challenges before this becomes a serious harmful effect. The environmental challenge can be looked at from different points of view which come to play as we look for solutions to the challenges (Eckholm, 6). Some of the problems going on in the world include Air pollution, Soil degradation and Species extinction. Solutions to the challenges must be adopted so that the world can remain a conducive habitat for all species.

  1. Air Pollution

Atmosphere and ocean waters have been overloaded with carbon. CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs infrared-wavelength radiation and later re-emits it. This leads to air, ocean surface waters and soils being warmer which is good as the planet would freeze without this.

Unfortunately, the air now has a lot of carbon. This results from the way people burn fossil fuels repeatedly, industrial activities and deforestation. In the whole world CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has risen from 280 parts out of one million (ppm) some years back, to 400 ppm currently (Hartig, 71). In 2012, the World Health Organization estimated one out of nine deaths was as a result of diseases due to carcinogens in the polluted air.

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Currently in New York, the risk of suffering from diseases resulting from airborne chemicals has increased. American Lung Association has ranked New York among the most polluted cities by particle pollution according to the 2009 annual report. Industries and vehicle emissions have highly contributed towards poor quality of air. Manufacturing decline means that the heavy hitters are the tailpipes. Poor air quality can result to illnesses such as asthma. Therefore, the closer the individual’s residence to the highway or a busy vehicle route, the higher the chances of suffering from asthma (Haraway, 20)


An agreement should be made to use vehicles with lower emissions or drive less. The no-idling policy should be introduced whereby idling vehicles should be reported immediately to the nearby authorities. It also be one’s responsibility no to let their vehicles idle. This will greatly help in bringing down vehicle emissions (McKinney, 247).

Use of green energy so as to lower emissions resulting from fossil fuels burning. Green energy uses sources of energy that are readily available everywhere including the remote areas. These include rain, sunlight, plants and even geothermal heat. These are renewable resources and have less harm to the environment as compared to fossil fuels (Harper, Charles, Harper & Monica).

Adoption of renewable source of energy; even though renewable sources of energy such installation of wind power or solar panels may be costly, people should consider switching to them or find alternative cheaper renewable sources of energy.

Proper industrial methods of production should be adopted. As time passes on, innovation and creativity has become the order of the day. Technology based methods of production which undergo complete combustion of fuels should be used in production. This helps prevent harmful emissions to the air.

Re-afforestation. This refers to planting of trees. Surrounding trees reduces air pollutants. Apart from plants being filters of natural air, they cool down the surrounding temperature.

People should be encouraged to use eco-friendly goods. People should purchase the greenest and cleanest products free from harmful chemicals to avoid pollution.

People should be encouraged to save energy. When energy is saved, air pollution is reduced and also carbon emissions are reduced and thus minimize air pollution.

Recycling and buying recycled products. Energy from recycled products is cheaper and environment friendly as compared to energy being obtained from new products.

People should be encouraged to support sustainable products. Support of companies’ products using efficient and environment friendly manufacturing practices should be encouraged.

  1. Soil Degradation

Soil degradation is the soil quality decline in terms of its biological, physical or chemical components. This can be as a result of erosion, toxic chemicals effects, organic matter loss and soil fertility decline. This is an environmental problem requiring much attention as soils form all the terrestrial life and is important natural resource (McMichael, 1117). Poor industrial and agricultural practices have caused soil degradation which has led increased desertification and flooding. It has been estimated by the World Wildlife Fund that half the top soil of the earth has been carried away for the last 150 years. UN estimates have also revealed that 12 million hectares portion land is seriously degraded a year as erosion, soil compaction, monoculture planting, overgrazing and many other factors (Mohanty, Amar, Manjusri & Drzal, 19).

Currently in New York, a vast number of former industrial sites have remained with contaminants from previous occupants. Chemicals remain in soils for many years and may cause serious effects to those who may later on may work or live near them.


Adoption of soil erosion control measures. Soil erosion can be prevented by retaining water through terrace-building. Roof tops should also be fitted with gutters to prevent splash erosion. This helps to prevent top soil from being carried away.

Proper disposal of household chemicals should be encouraged. People should be advised on proper means of disposing chemicals and other wastes from their households. They should consult the Department of Sanitation for the proper disposal means (Greenburg et al, 7).

Before growing food in neighborhood vacant lots, it is recommended that one gets the soil tested first. Consulting the necessary authority to get updates on neighborhood sites is also encouraged.

Adoption of crop rotation in agriculture; farmers should be encouraged to grow different types of crops in the same place for different seasons. This helps in reduce soil erosion and improve soil fertility. This improves the crop yields on the other hand.

No-till agriculture method of farming should be adopted. Farmers should be encouraged to undertake their farming activities without disturbing the soil through tillage. They seek advice from the necessary authorities to know much about this method so as to avoid improper soil use (Cleveland et al, 179).

Farmers should be encouraged to use non-toxic green pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. This helps to prevent harmful chemicals from polluting the soil and hence helps improve soil fertility.

Farmers should avoid overgrazing. Overgrazing occurs when plants are subjected to excessive feeding by livestock or wildlife for a longer time period. The residual matter of the plant declines due to this as there is no time for recovery. This has negative numerous consequences to the animals and land. Overgrazing therefore should be avoided since it reduces usefulness, productivity and land biodiversity using these measures: (Goldstein &Leon, 47)

  1. Grazing should not be done too early; the stock can be let accumulate during the rainy season. This ensures that enough grass is available on the land during the dry season.
  2. Rotational grazing should be used. This is possible by use of grazing charts.
  3. Proper management of pasture decision should be made during dry seasons by learning much about proper pasture practices.
  4. Species Extinction

Species extinction is a situation whereby an organism is terminated from existing. This may be as a result of death of the last individual in the species. Wild animals on land are being hinted for medicinal products, meat and also ivory. This has led to gradual extinction of these wild animals. At the sea, increased industrial fishing has led to extinction of fish population. Destruction of animal habitat has also led to their extinction. Increased destruction of animal’s habitat has led to biodiversity rapid loss (Cleveland et al, 179). This threatens world stability and food security. World Wildlife Fund has estimated the decline in biodiversity by 27% for the past 35 years. The extinction of these animals leads to loss of important products necessary for human survival. This also leads to imbalance in ecology.

Currently in New York, degradation of aquatic habitats quality has increased in favor of waterways efficiency. One of the biggest challenges is the combined sewer system and the flow of sewage into the local waterways. This causes water pollution which slowly leads to death of aquatic animals leading to their extinction.


Proper sewage disposal should be adopted. Dirty sewage water or generally any waste should not be disposed directly to sea water. Sewage water should first undergo the necessary proper treatment before being discharged to prevent water pollution which is hazardous to aquatic animals. This helps protect the aquatic life.

Limiting the sea fishing activities; a certain level should be set beyond which no fishing activity should exceed. This is because the excessive fishing in the sea is at high rate leading to extinction of the aquatic life.

People should combine efforts to prevent further biodiversity loss. This includes restoring and protecting habitats to provide a conducive environment for animals to live in, reproduce and even attract animals from other places.

Wildlife trade and poaching should be shun. Animals should be protected against killing by greedy huntsmen who engage themselves in the wildlife trade for selfish gains. This should be done as a community affair whereby responsibility and civilization is encouraged (McMichael, 1117). Any suspected poachers should be reported immediately and action taken as soon as possible. This will help provide a supportive environment for the wild animals.

The local authorities should partner with the locals to drain wetlands. Projects of green infrastructure can be started to make use of the storm-water before contributing to overburdened sewers. This helps in facilitating species diversity and restoring some original harbors ecology.

The community should combine efforts and plant more trees. Trees or plantation as a whole helps in holding the top soil. This ensures that the habitat for more species is available. The top soil also provides habitat for terrestrial life especially more decomposers. With this method, more species will not be extinct as they are supported by the conducive environment.

Work cited

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Greenburg, Leonard, et al. “Report of an air pollution incident in New York City, November        1953.” Public Health Reports77.1 (2012): 7.

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McKinney, Michael L. “Urbanization as a major cause of biotic homogenization.” Biological         conservation 127.3 (2006): 247-260.







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