Al Franken story
The Al Franken story, as revealed in this article, was not initially well investigated and researched. Leeann Tweeden brings forward allegations that paint a negative image of Al Franken, sexual harassment, while the case she presents happens to have many shortcomings. For example, the skit she claims had been written specifically for her in 2006, had been performed before by different actresses in the same way (NPR, 2019). Better investigation and research into the allegations would have revealed these gaping holes in the story. Sexual harassment is a sensitive issue, but in cases of accusations such as this, sides mustn’t be taken without factual evidence. Information sources must be verified and tested for credibility before being adopted as conclusive – this is considering the vast information landscape and with a broad collection of information sources.
Technology played an important role. It is especially critical in presenting supporting evidence for the case. For instance, audio recordings from the past help reveal various facts about the situation. Also, there is the use of a photograph that is a critical part of the story. Another aspect of technology, as applied here, is that it facilitates communication between those involved. For example, Jane Mayer uses this to contact critical information sources. In the Al Franken case, Mayer says,” Did they check out her story? And what they told me was – and you can read the piece. They’re on the record – what they told me was no “- which is gross misconduct on their part considering the damaging aspect of these allegations (NPR, 2019).
It is usually a challenge to establish the reliability of information sources. Understanding where information comes from is critical. These include news, facts, and other information. One must understand the differences between information sources – as this helps in establishing their credibility. Information sources range from traditional to newer modern ones – such as search engines on the internet. For an average person, identifying credible scholarly information is critical. One way one can do this is by using peer-reviewed scholarly articles and publications. These have undergone rigorous vetting by experts in the same field with appropriate revisions to enhance the standards of scholarship – hence their reliability.
Libraries play an essential role. With a broad information landscape, a lot of information is not always accessible through easily and commonly available means such as the internet. Libraries fill this critical gap by providing access to great information sources. Also, libraries, through professionals such as librarians, expertly procure quality, and reliable information – which eliminates the challenge of establishing credibility for researchers and other individuals who seek information. Nail Gaiman argues the importance of libraries citing the basis of the correlation of literacy and criminality. The foundation of his example and argument is that libraries facilitate literacy, which he claims to a significant extent, which reduces criminality (Gaiman, 2013). The approach is interesting as it relates to two essential aspects of society in highlighting the importance of libraries.