Larry Page and Serge Brim first founded Google in 1998 in California, USA. It was formed as a research project which has since then grown and developed at a high-speed rate. Google is a search engine used all over the world that has had a tremendous impact in the modern world of digital technology and has since then undergone massive improvements making it easier for users to access information just by the click of a mouse (Awais, M, and Samin,2012).
Opportunities are external strategic factors that support business growths, in the Google technology business these are the most significant opportunities are:
- Non-ad business model. With the new technological advancements, Google should diversify its system design model to create a business model that does not generate and entertain ads (Goldfarb, A. 2014). The company needs to take into consideration other users by only committing itself to business deals with the ability to earn more revenue other than ads.
- Cloud computing. Most businesses in this technical world appreciate the need for cloud services which could be an essential strategy that could work as a marketing enterprise strategy hence with its large amount of storage it can offer cloud solutions and thus crucial in cloud computing (Jackson, S. E., Joshi, A., & Erhardt, N. L. 2013). Google has, however, ventured into the cloud computing business, for instance, the Mobile Iron inc, which encompasses cloud n its services to bring about the privacy of information, analytics abilities, and easy mobile app distribution.
- The Android OS. The most significant effort Google has made is the provision of the Android Operating System. This has greatly improved its sales and has even posed a very tough completion to other brands such as Apple IOS.
- Google glasses and Google play. In this world of nano-computing, the introduction of Google glasses and Google play has promised a significant improvement and diversification in the coming years. This could make the brand grow strategically at a very huge and fast rate.
- Google can make good use of the existing trend by trying to increase the number of people using their mobile devices. These can be done in a variety of ways, such as product promotion, offering subsidies, and even other mobile-friendly products. This is the best way to curb competition aggressively.
Awais, M, and Samin (2012) advanced SWOT Analysis of E-Commerce. International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJCSI)
Jackson, S. E., Joshi, A., & Erhardt, N. L. (2013). Recent research on team and organizational diversity: SWOT analysis and implications. Journal of Management, 29(6), 801-830.
Goldfarb, A. (2014). What is different about online advertising? Review of industrial organization 44(2).